#minishawmd imagine


Requested?: Yes, Thank You
Warnings?: None
Pairing: Simon and Reader

So I combined to requests here, because I thought that they would fit Will together. I hope the two of you don’t mind.


Today’s the day.

I finally get to meet my boyfriend of a year in person.

Only thing I’m worried about is he won’t like me anymore where he sees me in person.

Like maybe I’ll be to short, or not as pretty as I am through videos and pictures. Maybe it will be opposite and he won’t be as attractive as I thought he was.

Either way, I’m about two seconds away from passing out and I’ve only just gotten off of the plane.

I’m now standing here, looking like an idiot while I try and find him in this crowd. It shouldn’t be that hard, I mean for god sakes the boy is a giant, or so I’ve been told.

Just as I’m about to give up, I receive a message on my phone.

From Simon
I see you. Shouldn’t be hard to spot me though. I’m the tall guy wearing a lime green hoodie.

I smile reading it, before looking up. It was then I spot him, making eye contact. I can see the joy on his face, which I can only assume mine matches.

I all but run in his direction, happy to finally see him. Well not through a computer screen.

I drop my bags right in front of him, as he picks me up, spinning me around.

“Oh my god.” He mumbles “You’re here.”

“I’m here.” I say, wrapping my arms tighter around him.

“You are a lot smaller than I thought you would be.”

I bring my head up to look at him

“Really? That’s the first thing you say to me?”

He chuckles and shrugs, setting me down “Sorry, just thought I would get it out of the way, before I do this.”

“Do what?”

Next thing I know he is leaning down and connecting our lips in a short but sweet kiss.

I’ve thought many times about what our first kiss would be like. From how soft his lips were to the place.

The softness was everything I expected. The place, however, wasn’t how I pictured it, but still was just as great.

When he pulls away, he smiles folly down at me, and. I smile back at him.

“C'mon, there is a few other people that are just dying to meet you.”

He then takes me suitcase handle in one hand, in his other, he takes mine.

Pulling up to the house, I didn’t expect it to be this big. I mean sure I’ve been shown around the place virtually, but it doesn’t even compare to seeing it in person.

“You coming?” I hear Simon ask

I guess I was so far in my day dream that I didn’t realize that he had already gotten out of the car, and also got my luggage.

“Yeah, sorry.” I say getting out “I was in my own little world.”

“I can tell,” He says opening the front door “Now you may not be able to meet Vik yet, because he may be…”

Simon gets cut off, by a small man running down the stairs and engulfing me in a hug. I laugh and wrap my arms around him. Vik was the first sidemen that I met. Coincidentally we met over Fortnite, where we quickly became streaming buddies.

“Hi Vik.” I say, pulling away from the hug

“Hi Y/N,” He says taking a step back “Sorry for the sudden hug, I was just excited to finally meet you.”

“Yeah, nice to finally meet the guy who gets carried by me all the time in Fortnite.”

“You do not carry me. I’ll prove it too. Lets go play a game.”

“Hey Vik,” Simon buts into our conversation, making him turn his head “My girlfriend, I want to spend time with her, so please don’t steal her from me with that game.”

“We’ll play later Vik.” I say as Simon takes me hand, leading me up the stairs.

“So JJ is out at the moment, training and all. While I think Josh is recording. So unfortunately you will have to meet them later.”

“Later is fine with me. I just really want a shower and to just sleep. I haven’t slept a wink since about two nights ago. I’ve just been to excited about this whole trip.”

“Okay, how about this,” Simon starts a we enter his room “You go and jump in the shower. While you are in there I will get a movie set up.”

I nod “That sounds like a good plan to me.”

He then smiles before giving me a quick kiss, before ushering me to the bathroom.

After probably an hour long shower, I finally exit his room. Only to be met with the cutest set up.

He’s thrown almost put together a fort like set up. He’s put pillows everywhere and blankets too. Yet he is no where to be seen.

Almost like he was trying to time it perfectly, he walks in the room carrying a bowl of popcorn.

“Oh good, you’re out.”

“What is this?” I say motioning towards the bed

“Just a little set up, hopefully to help convince you to watch Friends with me.”

“Simon, I don’t know.”

“Come on. Just give it a chance.”

“Fine,” I sigh “But next time we binge watch something I’m choosing.”

“I will gladly watch anything with you.”

We are now almost four episodes into the show, and I hate to admit it, but it’s growing on me. I’m still not officially into it, but I think I could be eventually.

I glance up at Simon, only to be met with his eyes.

“What?” I ask, poking away “Why are you staring at me?”

“Oh I can’t look at my girlfriend? I’m sorry.”

“Of course you can, but you were like staring at me.”

“I was just thinking about how I got so lucky to have you. Like I know we live thousands of miles apart, but we somehow make it work.”

“Of course we do. I will always want this to work out because I love you.”

My eyes widen at what I just said, I never thought I’d be the first to say it.

Simon just smiles at me before saying “I love you too.” Before giving a soft, but sweet kiss.

The rest of the night is filled with a million more kisses, ‘I love yous’ and many more Friends episodes.

I genuinely couldn’t have asked for a better night.

Requested: Yes, thank you <3
Warnings: Just he ready for tears
Pairing: Chris and reader.

These kind of imagines are probably my favorite thing to write. I just love the emotion behind them.


Chris POV

I should have never went out with them. I knew that something like this could happen.

It’s my mistake and now I have to live with it. I just hope that she can understand and forgive me since I was drunk.

I know that I have to justhave to tell her, but it’s gonna break her heart.

I knew better than to make a bet with Cal, Simon and Will. Especially one that could put my relationship with Y/N on the line.

I’m so fucking stupid.

Okay, she’s coming home in two hours.

I have two hours to think of how I’m going to tell her.

‘Y/N, I cheated on you last night.’

No god that’s to straight forward

Maybe ‘So, uh last night when you were out at your friends I went out with the guys, and I ended up kinda cheating on you.’

No that sounds even worse.

Okay, I’m gonna go and buy her all her favorite things.

And hour later I’m finally back at the flat with everything.

I’ve got two bouquets of daisies, dark chocolate with caramel, fuzzy socks, her favorite movie and even some kettle corn.

I’m hoping that me getting together a lot of her favorite things will help, at least a little. I already know that she is gonna know something is up when she walks in and see all of this. I’m just hoping that she doesn’t completely blow up on me. That she will understand I was drunk and that didn’t know what I was doing.

Alright lie, I knew what I was doing. But I let my lower head take over my upper one. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I still did it.

She’s gonna think that I don’t love her, or that she’s not good enough for me.

None of that is true though. I love her more than words can describe. Y/N is my everything. I wouldn’t be who I am today without her. I couldn’t imagine a life without her.

Just as soon as I get everything set up and in place, I hear the front door open and close.

As she turns the corner she almost jumps out of her skin when she sees me.

I smile softly and motion her over.

“What is all this about Chris?” She asks sitting down on the couch beside me

“What a guy can’t spoil his girlfriend every now and then?”

“I mean yeah you can, but why tonight? You normally do it on weekends.”

“Felt like doing something a little different, so you wouldn’t expect it.”

She just shrugs and goes along with it. Pulling her feet up on the couch and leaning into me.

I want to savor these last moments with her, where she’s not completely pissed off at me.

So I grab the bowl of popcorn and press play on the movie.

About halfway though the movie I pause it.

“Chris, why did you pause it? It was just getting to the good part.”

“Because I can’t sit here and act like nothing is wrong.”

“What are you talking about?”

I take in a deep breath, alright he we go.

“Y/N, last night when you were at your parents house, I went of with some of the guys.”

“Chris, please don’t tell me this is going where I think it is.”

“We made a bet to see who could get this girls number first and I won. But that’s not what I want to tell you.”

She nods, as of telling me to continue

“I ended up calling her later on and I cheated on you. Woke up in her bed this morning.”

She sits up and moves slightly away from me.

“I swear to god I was drunk though. That I didn’t know what I was doing. You know I would never intentionally do something like that to you.”

“I know,” she shrugs “which is why I’m gonna forgive you.”

“You forgive me?”

“Like you said you were drunk and you probably weren’t thinking straight.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Relieved that she forgave me.

“So how about you go out and get some pizza, and everything to make sundaes. I will stay here and make us a blanket fort and we can stay in there all night and just watch movies.”

“Sounds like a plan love.” I say kissing her cheek.

I then grab my keys and wallet heading out the door.

I still couldn’t believe that she forgave me that quickly. I wanted to question it, but I’m scared she will take it back. So I just left it.

Finally after finding everything that was needed to make sundaes, I quickly run in and pick up a pizza. One that I know she will like.

A Hawaiian one. Pineapple and all. (A/N: fight me on it.)

Upon coming back home I realize that her car is no longer in it’s usual spot. Maybe she just forgot where to park again. Wouldn’t be the first time.

When I enter the flat, it seems oddly quiet.

Maybe she just fell asleep. I mean she did have quite the drive back from her parents today.

When I set my keys down on the table, I notice hers are gone.

That sends me into a panic.

She’s left.

She didn’t forgive me at all.

She just wanted to get me out of the house so she could leave without telling me.

I run into our bedroom room and open the closet.

All of her clothes are gone. Shoes, bags.


When I enter the kitchen, to put away the stuff I bought, I notice a note on the counter.


I love you, so much. I’m guessing you didn’t feel the same way. Otherwise you wouldn’t have done what you did.
So I left. Took everything that was mine.
Don’t try and find me. I don’t want you to. Stay there.
Maybe call that girl again.
Seems like she can get more attention than me.
     Love, Y/N.

I hadn’t even noticed I was crying until a drop fell on the paper in front of me.

Not the first tears on it though. There were dried ones there too.

I hate the picture in my head of Y/N writing this note and crying. Breaks my heart even more.

I’m so stupid for cheating on her. Now I’ve lost the girl I wanted to marry.

Just days before I was going to propose to her.

I’ve lost her forever.

Stubborn (Chrismd)

Requested?: Yes, thank you

Warnings?: None

Pairing: Chris and Reader

I know this sucks. I’m sorry. Hope y'all don’t mind though.



Surgery. Defiantly not something that I was looking forward to having, but I knew it had to be done. If I didn’t do it now, I would probably never get my knee fixed.

Sometimes I regretted being a dancer. It really messed both of my knees up, more my right then my left. It was what I loved doing though, I couldn’t never give it up.

I was being sent home today. The doctors felt that I was ready. Already have taken a few steps, learning how to walk again. It was tough and it hurt like a bitch, but I pushed through it. I had to learn how to walk and get around myself. I didn’t want to rely on anyone through this.

I’m dreading who is coming to pick me up though. Chris, my boyfriend, can be a little over the top sometimes. If I’m even the slightest hurt, even if it’s just a scratch, he immediately goes into overprotective mode.

This includes; not allowing me to get anything for myself, no walking, no anything. He insists on me not doing anything.

It gets a little overwhelming sometimes. Especially when you are as independent as I am. I grew up that way. Always doing things by myself. My parents were hardly around, so I learned how to take care of myself.

It wasn’t until I met Chris, that I learned that I could depend on someone else to take care of me. I wasn’t to fond of it, and he knew that. It didn’t stop him though. Every chance he got, he was always doing something for me.

“You ready to go?” Chris says walking through my door

I nod my head “More than ready. I’m tired of seeing these walls and eating that food. I need real food.”

“Well then, on the way home we still stop at McDonalds and get you some real food.” He says, taking my hands in his and helping my stand up.

“Shouldn’t you be using a wheelchair? I mean you just had knee surgery two days ago.” He says as he helps keep my balance

“I’m fine. Been walking around the hallways. I can walk.” I say taking a few small steps “I just need to grab my bad and then I’ll be good to go.”

“No, you sit in that chair and let me get your bag.”

Before I can protest, Chris is already gathering my bad and the rest of my things. I let out a frustrated sigh.

Instead of doing what he said, I head for the door. Taking small steps in the process, no doubt in pain, but I’m doing it by myself.

“Y/N!” Chris exclaims “What are you doing? I told you to sit down.”

“And I told you that I am fine. I can do this.” I say, now opening the door and walking, limping, out, with the help of my crutches

I heard him let out a frustrated sigh, before following me out. He should know by now that I’m not going to be an easy person to take care of. I’m probably gonna have him getting mad at me a lot, and vice versa, but that is just how our relationship works. I do something he told me not to because I’m hurt, and he gets mad at me. It’s a never ending loop really.

Although I fee like this time he is going to be a lot worse, because this time it it’s time just a small injury, I had a major surgery.

When we arrive at our house, I am instructed to stay in the car. By instructed I mean, Chris has literally locked the doors so I can’t get out until he opens it from the outside. I swear this boy will do anything he can just to make sure he helps me.

Finally after what feels like forever we are inside.

Surprisingly he lets me go up the stairs by myself. Maybe he was finally okay with the fact that I was going to be independent on this. I know him better though.

I can already tell you that he is in the kitchen, preparing different snacks and stuff, that way I won’t have a reason to go down.

At this point I didn’t care, as long as I could get out of these sweat pants and into a pair of shorts. Which turns out to be quite difficult, as I cannot bend my right leg.

I’ve got them about halfway off, when they get stuck. By stuck, I mean I can’t get them any further due to my leg.

I hear a soft chuckle come from the doorway. I turn around and am met with Chris, shaking his head.

“Do you want me to help?”

I nod my head, sighing “ Just with this one thing,” I say slouching down onto the bed “It’s kinda hard to do.”

“You need help with more than just this one thing, but you’re too stubborn to say otherwise.”

He then bends down in front on me and gently helps me get the pants off, then helping me getting the shorts on.

“Now, I do believe that the doctor said to stay in bed and off of your leg for a few days.” He says, walking back to the door “So put together a basket with all of your favorite snacks, sweets, movies and books.”

Told you thats what he was doing.

“Chris, I’m allowed to get up and walk a little. I was walking at the hospital.”

“Yes, but you also had a pt there. So that means no standing until he is here.”

I sigh and lay back on the bed, groaning.

“Come on, it won’t be that bad. I’ll be here with you. I won’t leave until you absolutely want me to. Plus I don’t need you hurting yourself again. I need you back in goal for videos.”

I roll my eyes “Fine, can you put in one of the movies then?”

He nods, proceeding to enter ‘Beauty and The Beast’ into the player, before joining me on the bed.

Now normally I would be all for this movie, singing along to it, reciting the dialogue, but this time is different. Mainly because I just can’t get comfortable. I keep trying to readjust myself, but nothing is helping.

As if Chris is reading my thoughts, he speaks up, “Can’t get comfortable?”

“No, its kinda hard when one leg has to be straight the entire time.”

“Here, I have an idea.”

He then sits me up ever so slightly, before slotting himself behind me. Letting me rest my back agains his chest.

“If my girl can’t bend one of her legs, then I won’t either. I will lay in the same position she does. Although she will get a slightly more comfortable surface to lean against.”

I smile at his words, leaning back into him.

This may not be the most comfortable, but it is definitely an improvement. Maybe having him take care of me might not be such a bad thing. Who knows what I can get him to do.

Harvard (Group Imagine)

Requested?: Yep, sorry it took so long

Pairing: Josh, Simon, Vik, JJ and reader (friendship)

Warnings?: of course not

Hi! So I go bored the past week or so and tried my hand at writing again. I actually enjoyed writing this and who knows I may be back sooner than thought.

As always feedback is much appreciated. I love you all!!



I should be getting a letter from them any day now. It was supposed to be here two days ago but nothing. It’s made my nerves go through the roof.

Im starting to think that I’m not going to get in. I mean it is pretty hard to get into Harvard when you live in the states. So I can only imagine how hard it is to get in when you live across the pond.

Vik, Simon, Josh and even JJ all helped me study so everything they could to make sure I got a good score on my SAT. Vik helped me study for the ACT a little while back, and I aced that. So shouldn’t, hopefully, have anything to worry about.

I hear the clicking and the sound of something being dropped onto the floor by the front door. This can only mean one thing, mails here. I do everything but run to the front door to pick up the mail, hoping and praying that the envelope is there.

As I approach the door I see it laying there. At the bottom of the stack a large envelope, more the likely containing my acceptance letter.

I ignore the rest of the mail and go straight for the envelope, quickly running into the kitchen, where everyone is at.

“Guys, I think this is it.” I say sitting down and setting the envelope in front of me

“We’ll go on open it.” Vik says

“I can’t,” I say pushing it away from myself “I’m to nervous to open it.”

“Give it to me, I’ll open it.” JJ says pulling it towards him

“No, you’ll make her even more nervous and make her think she didn’t. Let me have it.” Simon says

“If anything I should do it. I think it’s for the best.” Josh says holding his hand out

All four of the boys are now looking at me, waiting to say which one I want to open it. In all honestly JJ would probably try and make my nerves worse. Simon on the other hand would try and make me feel as though I’m not accepted and then laugh about it. So my option is either Josh or Vik.

“Josh, I want you to because you’ve been there since day one for me. Helping me study and keep on track and focused.”

He nods and smiles, taking the envelope in his hands and slowly opening it. I see his eyes scanning over the page. Then I see it. The emotion in his eyes goes from normal to happy, to excited.

“Well?” The other three boys ask in unison

“Well lads, I’m sorry.” Josh starts and I see all their faces drop “But looks like we are gonna have to say goodbye to Y/N for a while because their going to Harvard.”

That’s all it took to have all the boys up out of their chairs and wrap me up in a big hug.

“Our little Y/N is all grown up now.” Simon says while wiping away fake tears

“Oh shut up. I’ll be back to visit you nerds. This is a goodbye forever.” I say backing away from them “Plus it’s not like I’m leaving now. School doesn’t start for another 6 months.”

“Good then I still have my fornite buddy and someone who will play Minecraft with me.” Vik says

“At least I’ll still have someone to help me keep everything I do in order for 6 months.” JJ says

“I’ll have my best friend for another months.” Simon says wrapping his arm around me neck

“And I’ll still at least have my little sibling for a little while longer before they go out into the real world by themselves.” Josh says

I smile and look around the room at all four of these boys. I really am going to miss this when I’m gone, but hey like I said. I’m not going to be home forever. I’ll be back.
