#cinnamon roll whump


Top 10 whump things:

(Featuring gifs)

1. Whips

2. Hair whump

3. Blade to the throat

4. Kneeling

5. Being pinned down

6. Heavy breathing/ breath quickening

7. The in their face power play

8. Head thrown back/back arching in pain

9. Arms/hands restrained behind the back

10. The simple, yet effective nervous gulp

A few little things….

No worries- I definitely have more.

-Back against the wall

-Hands behind his back

-Forced to his knees

-Dragged up by his hair

-Head pulled back by his hair

-Hand around his throat

-Fell on his hands and knees

-Held him down

-Held him back by his arms

-Pinned to the floor

-Curled in on himself

-Arched his back

-With defiance is his eyes

-The crack of a whip

-Gripping his jaw, tightly

-His jaw tensing

-Muscles tensed in his jaw

-Grit his teeth against the pain

-Struggled against his bonds

-Ran a thumb down his lips

-Rubbed the raw skin of his wrists

-Swallowed thickly

-Blinked away tears

-Breath caught in his throat

-Cried out in pain

-Whimpered in fear

-Flinched away

-The rope cut into his wrists

Here’s a list of my favorite whumpy verbs(?):


















They almost instantly bring some sort of whumpy imagine to my mind.

(Featuring my favorite gif)

Ummm, loved the whole bit with Killian and Hades, and DEFINITELY needed a LOT more whump.

The hair grab, though… .


Ya know what’s always good? The whumper forcing the whumpee’s mouth open.

They might be trying to force the whumpee to eat or drink something (ie drugs, alcohol, something else)

Or maybe its like when a dog eats something they shouldn’t and the whumper forced the whumpee’s mouth to make them spit it out.

Maybe its more gentle like to show how obedient and broken the whumpee is, that they no longer bite the whumper.

In that same idea a whumpee with sharp teeth that whumper wants to show off to friends or something.

A classic is pinch off their nose so they have to open their mouth to breath, the whumpee obviously didn’t want to open their mouth.

A favorite is to force the whumpee’s mouth open with a gag, whether its a ring gag or a rag or even one that can be manually opened and closed showing that the whumpee no longer has control.

Anyways, whumpers forcing a whumpee’s mouth open is

It’s the pinching the nose to force the mouth open for me. ✌

You ever become obsessed with a character, sometimes random, and everyone’s like, why?

And you can’t tell them it was because they were really great at being whumped that one time?

Me as a kid.
