#whumpy words


Four Word Prompts To Break a Heart:

1. “No one is coming.”

2. “No one will hear.”

3. “They’re not gonna look.”

4. “Can you hear me?”

5. “Look at me, dammit!”

6. “What’s you name, kid?

7. "Is it just you?”

8. “Stop trying so hard!”

9. “Please pick up…please.”

10. “Are you fucking insane?”

Three Word Prompts To Break A Heart:

1. “I love you.”

2. “I missed you?”

3. “Where were you?”

4. “We looked everywhere.”

5. “Who are you?”

6. “Stop this madness.”

7. “They’re waking up.”

8. “You should go.”

9. “You don’t remember?”

10. “I hate you.”

Two Word Prompts To Break A Heart:

1. “You wouldn’t.”

2. “Find me.”

3. “Fuck you.”

4. “Get away.”

5. “Leave me.”

6. “Come back!”

7. “Help them.”

8. “Do it.”

9. “I’m sorry.”

10. “Good bye.”

Single Word Prompts To Break A Heart:

1. “Please.”

2. “Go.”

3. “Never.”

4. “Stay.”

5. “No.”

6. “Don’t.”

7. “Go.”

8. “Shh…”

9. “Help!”

10. “Stop!”

#prompt    #writing prompt    #whump prompt    #whumpy words    

A few little things….

No worries- I definitely have more.

-Back against the wall

-Hands behind his back

-Forced to his knees

-Dragged up by his hair

-Head pulled back by his hair

-Hand around his throat

-Fell on his hands and knees

-Held him down

-Held him back by his arms

-Pinned to the floor

-Curled in on himself

-Arched his back

-With defiance is his eyes

-The crack of a whip

-Gripping his jaw, tightly

-His jaw tensing

-Muscles tensed in his jaw

-Grit his teeth against the pain

-Struggled against his bonds

-Ran a thumb down his lips

-Rubbed the raw skin of his wrists

-Swallowed thickly

-Blinked away tears

-Breath caught in his throat

-Cried out in pain

-Whimpered in fear

-Flinched away

-The rope cut into his wrists

Here’s a list of my favorite whumpy verbs(?):


















They almost instantly bring some sort of whumpy imagine to my mind.

(Featuring my favorite gif)
