#please credit


A few little things….

No worries- I definitely have more.

-Back against the wall

-Hands behind his back

-Forced to his knees

-Dragged up by his hair

-Head pulled back by his hair

-Hand around his throat

-Fell on his hands and knees

-Held him down

-Held him back by his arms

-Pinned to the floor

-Curled in on himself

-Arched his back

-With defiance is his eyes

-The crack of a whip

-Gripping his jaw, tightly

-His jaw tensing

-Muscles tensed in his jaw

-Grit his teeth against the pain

-Struggled against his bonds

-Ran a thumb down his lips

-Rubbed the raw skin of his wrists

-Swallowed thickly

-Blinked away tears

-Breath caught in his throat

-Cried out in pain

-Whimpered in fear

-Flinched away

-The rope cut into his wrists

* seriously. Some people are ****
