

A sitdown with one of our Reality Show finalists


The road to the next big reality show has many twists, turns and challenges, but we have yet to meet the the people whose stories will drive the show. While the final casting has yet to be announced and/or solidified, we sat down with three smart, talented finalists to find out more about them. Here’s Jade’s story, in her own words:



OM: What would you like people to know about you?

Jade:One thing I’d like people to know about me is how sensitive I am on the inside. I have a really tough outer shell and that fools a lot of people most of the time. But deep down I am very sensitive. I cry at other people’s pain, not only my own, and that’s something that most people would be surprised to know. I’m just a compassionate, empathetic person. I feel a lot on the inside and I’m not afraid of that.

OM: Why do you say that?

Jade: I feel like I’m…in the world that we live in today a lot of people guard themselves and feel like they need to protect themselves from feeling things. I just so happen to not be one of those. I’m a musician, so I feel. A lot of what I feel comes through music, you know? So feeling is something that’s a part of me: just, any type of feeling, any type of emotion.

OM: As a musician, how was it for you to get established, get out there and actively achieve your dreams?

Jade: Well, I would say that I’m still pursuing my dreams in a sense, I’m not where I want to be. Yet with that I’ve been playing the violin since the third grade, so my ear is exceptionally well. Things that most artists have to train for, ear training and all that, is not easy. That’s something that comes naturally to me. My father’s a drummer; has been since he was 7, so that’s something that runs in the family. And my ability to write has always been natural. I have just one song that I’ve recorded. Just one. For the first song that I’ve ever recorded, it got extremely good reviews from the lyrics to the content to the actual sound of the song. I was able to bring that together not knowing anything. I have no formal training with voice: the instrument that I use now. Prior to (this), I knew how to read violin music and all that, but it’s just different, you know? A musician is somebody that’s good in a bunch of different aspects with their music.

OM: What do you try to convey when you make music?

Jade: I try to articulate what other people have a hard time articulating. So I’m very good with expressing what I feel. I’m very in tune with that and when I make music, I go back into the things that’s changed me and try to think of situations that somebody else has probably been in; and most times, everybody’s been through the same shit, excuse me. So you just gotta tap into that. You know people and you know what they’re going to gravitate towards and I feel like my audience is pretty broad. I do R&B/Neo-Soul, but I’m pretty versatile. I listen to Nipsey Hussle, I listen to Corinne Bailey (Rae), I’m all across the board. All over. So, I respect art man. I really fuck with art. I think without art, this world wouldn’t be much.

OM: What attracted you to this opportunity?

Jade: The accusations that go on. I’m from Rhode Island - the smallest state. Word travels very fast and this is just an opportunity to present my truth to the world. It’s coming directly from me. It’s not coming from the person I went to highschool with. It’s not coming from someone that may have seen me in the club. It’s coming directly from me and it’s almost like closure for me because I have one foot in the industry and one foot out. I always had a plan to exit. This literally came at a perfect time and it’s a perfect transition out. It explains all the “whys”, all the questions people have about me. I think it’s just…it’s a great opportunity in that way, just to tell my truth.

I have a big family and all of that and rather than sit them down at the dinner table, (you can) just see it on TV.

OM: What drives you? What motivates you?

Jade: So I have this fantasy. My parents were never together. They were cool, they had kids, but it was never a situation like that. So I didn’t grow up with a mom and dad in the house, with the family, with the extracurricular activities and the structure and I didn’t have any of that. So I’ve always wanted husband, kids, a house; like I want that structure. I want to create my own family. So that’s (what) my drive is. just setting up that future and then I have little ones that depend on me within the family, you know. I have a twin sister who has special needs and I have…she has a 1 & a half year old daughter. Since she’s come into the picture it’s kind of like, “Ok, I really can’t slack off,” because I have these young ones to worry about. Because some people in the family aren’t capable of giving them that and if anyone’s capable, I am. So that’s my drive.

OM: What would you like people to know about you that you haven’t already said or that no one knows?

Jade: I’m still finding myself. I don’t discuss too much, you know, so I’m still finding myself. I don’t feel at 23 it’s ideal to look for me to be a role model. The only thing I try to do is…my heart is always in a good place. I don’t do anything with ill-intentions because I feel like that shit will come back and bite you in the ass. In the world we live in, right now, there’s a lot of dishonesty, not a lot of loyal people and that (honesty) is something that I pride myself in.

Jade: Good one, good one, ready?

OM: Go for it

Jade: I purposefully and a lot of people don’t know this about me, they think that because I’m attractive I give everybody the time of day. Guy, girl, whatever. I purposefully reserve myself for individuals I feel deserve the time of day. So I have a pretty good intuition. When I meet someone, I kinda know what bag they’re jumping out of. I know if there’s a hidden motive there. I go off of feelings so I preserve myself. I feel like to many people share their soul with everybody. I’m a very intellectual, soulful person and that is something that I hold close to myself. I’m not going to let anybody (negative) be close to me or get in my head or any of that. I’m not closed off, I save myself, put it that way, I save myself for the right people.

Jade:Does that make sense?


Jade: Yeah, I don’t feel like I should expose myself to everybody, not everybody deserves that. Like genuinely in my heart, I’m a great person and I’m not giving people the opportunity to fuck me over. If I decide that I want to (associate) with you, then that’s my own decision. And when something happens it’s like, “okay, better do less next time” type shit, you know? Too many people are available. I’m not. There’s nothing special about you if everyone has access to you. That’s it.

OM: Any final words?

Jade:Yeah! I think that no matter what you do in life you should always strive to make an imprint, no matter what. I meet a lot of people and regardless of what industry you’re in you should try to make an imprint. This opportunity that I have right here is a platform to reach more people. There’s a lot of people that have stories and similar one’s to mind and as a human being. You should always strive to make an imprint.You know how alot of people strive and make that money? You know, money goes; and it comes and it goes and it comes again. But to make an imprint? That’s something that’s going to last. And that literally is my vision for my life. Whether that imprint be with the kids that I have, the husband I get or whatever the case, I want to make a long lasting imprint: A positive one.

A sitdown with one of our Reality Show finalists


The road to the next big reality show has many twists, turns and challenges, but we have yet to meet the the people whose stories will drive the show. While the final casting has yet to be announced and/or solidified, we sat down with three smart, talented finalists to find out more about them. Here’s Julie’s story, in her own words:



OM: Tell me about yourself

Julie:I just turned 30, I’m single, never been married, no kids, I live alone in Dartmouth, Mass. I like to travel. I like going out, I like sports, I like the gym. I mean I don’t really have any baggage, I don’t have any past relationships that are holding me back from anything, so at this point of my life (I’m) trying to figure out where I’m going next. I mean I have a bachelors in marketing, I think of myself as a pretty smart woman. It’s just at this point I’m a little lost because I’m so used to making that fast cash and basically doing what I want, when I want, if I want to get up one week and go on vacation I have no problem doing that. I just put in an hour later at work and I do what I want.

As far as that goes, that’s pretty much my life right now.

OM: What words would you say people use to describe you?

Julie: Sexy, intimidating, funny.

OM: What is your opinion of New England?

Julie: I like New England, I like the sports in New England, I like the summers, I mean there’s a lot of good things but… the weather kind of sucks. The people can be kind of…(trails off). I was living in Florida and the people are so friendly down there and up here people are like, “Eh” or angry. I’ve lived here my whole life so there’s a reason why I’m still here, but I don’t know (what to else to say)..

OM: Any causes you’re passionate about or any extracurricular activities you have? Any interests you have that’s unique to you that people don’t really know about?

Julie: Alright, well if there was a cause that I would definitely support, it would be addiction because I lost my mom to addiction and I have a sister that’s a major addict. I had, you know, friends and boyfriends that have been addicted to drugs as well. That’s a cause that I think really needs to be more recognized and there should be more knowledge about because, again, I lost my mom to alcohol and I watched her first-hand drink herself to death. There’s such a stigma to it where people are just like “Oh, well it was her choice to do that. She made her bed she can lie in it” kinda thing. And it’s kind of not fair because it's…I really do believe it is a disease and its just like cancer or whatever else that may be it. I think it needs to be recognized that its a disease and not (encourage others to) judge people so much for being an addict. It is a huge epidemic and it’s a huge problem. That’s something I’m passionate about.

As far as extracurricular activities, I love basketball. I used to play in high school and I was really good. I like sports, I love to dance and go out, get on the dance floor and just tear it up.

OM: What drives you? What motivates you? How do you like to live your life?

Julie:Obviously I have to make a living, but what definitely drives me is that I’ve always liked nice things and I like to travel. I’ve been in the industry because the money’s good and I never really came from money so that’s what kinda hooked me in the first place. It’s like easy money. Going to work (often means) I’m going to party but I’m getting paid too. What drives me is having nice things: having a nice car, having a nice home, traveling and seeing the world. That’s basically what the whole drive behind my hustle is.

OM: How has your process been, talking to Annmarie about the show and being interviewed and things are moving along; What is this like for you as a finalist?

Julie: it’s interesting and it’s exciting and it’s one of those things that I don’t want to get too excited about it - like if I don’t get casted - then I’ll kinda be bummed. (But) It’s a new experience and I think it would be cool. I’m really interested and I’m excited for what can become of it.

OM: What would you like people to know about you? Or anything you would say if you had a soapbox: about yourself or about life or about anything?

Julie: You can only have one life and it’s what you make of it. My whole life, I’ve been through a lot, I was on my own at a young age, I lost both my parents and I still went back to school and I held my head up high and I still worked and I got shit done and I didn’t let that get the best of me. I just kept moving and you can’t…(pauses). I don’t know why I’m here on Earth, I’m think I’m here for a reason. I’ve been through so much and I think I’m just such a strong person. At this point, I’m just very happy with who I’ve become and how my mom raised me. I still wake up everyday and I come look at myself in the mirror and I’m completely happy with who I am. It took me a long time to get to that point and I’m finally there and now I’m just…you know, I’m living my life and I’m enjoying every minute of it. And at the end of the day I’m a good person: I’m honest, I’m loyal, I’m an awesome friend. I mean I have a lot talents that my mom, thank god, she blessed me with.Yeah…I’m happy.

Take a Glimpse at AMD Candi’s Stunning Princess


With the stage name Diamond Princess, you’d be sure to expect a whopper of a personality and boy does the beautiful woman you see before you deliver. Often described as outgoing, hardworking and determined. Diamond makes a mark on all those she comes across. 


Born in Hollywood, Florida to Guyanese and Puerto Rican parents, the Princess brings a unique flair to our events and in the field at shoots and runways. The cosmetology student from Marinello schools is very talented and focused on achieving her goals to establish herself as an independent woman.


 Yet she isn’t afraid to crack jokes, dance to hip hop and R&B and just let loose and enjoy the moment from time to time. We’re pleased to have such a well-balanced spirit.

This weather got us flexxin’ . The beautiful Emii shot by the talented @DSanchezPhoto. -For bo

This weather got us flexxin’ . 

The beautiful Emiishot by the talented @DSanchezPhoto.-

For bookings contact info@amdent401.com

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How a lady relaxes . #mia #sun #wishyouwerehere #amdcandi #amdent #amdentertainment #sexy #exotic #classy #laid #coolin #winter2015 #burr

For bookings [email protected]

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