#clint barton is a dad


Update ch6 irondad fic Hold Me While you wait (I wish That I was Good Enough)

Chapter 6 summary/ excerpt:

“ He passed out, but they’re taking care of him,” Clint nodded.

“Pepper’s trying to get in contact with Cho and Happy. See if they can pull up the kid’s medical records for them.” Rhodey added. “As for Tony… I don’t know. They’re working on him.”

“I am sure he will be taken care of,” T’challa reassured them. “My sister is the best at what she does.”

“Isn’t she like 16?” Sam asked

“Hey the kid is like what? 16? and he was the only one who noticed Tony was still alive,” Scott said.

In other words:

The avengers have a debrief and Pepper Pulls some strings

Update for Irondad fic Hold me While you wait (I wish that I was Good Enough)

Ch 5 summary/ excerpt:

“Mr. Stark!” The kid cried out. “Tony.”

He had a feeling that the kid hardly ever called his mentor by his first name. He looked up to see the boy stumble back towards Tony’s fallen form. He watched him press his ear to his mouth. All he could think about was his own son, Cooper, or even Nathaniel. Instinctively he started toward the kid.

In other words:

Peter tries to explain that he can still hear a heartbeat and Clint’s dad mode is activated
