#clip studio


Terra Branford FF6 - (2021)

My Terra pic (based on a redraw of a super old pic of mine) is now done and i even added a background (the deck of the airship).

I spent waaay too much time on this image, gotta rein myself in before it becomes too much work for so little return.

Might do other ff6 characters soon

A little doodle I played with at the weekend when i started to rewatch the Armitage III anime, based on an early scene in Ross’s car.

This….may need to be inked and coloured for sure, definitely has a pin-up vibe to it

Not sure if this will make it into this issue but i redrew one of my favourite cute scenes in issue 2.

Perspective is difficult

Hoorah! All 26 pages of issue2 are retexted and cleaned up! Almost ready for reprinting but i need to finish the 3 spare pages with some extras.

One of which will have this very happy outtage pic that i had fun doodling

Finally something to share! I’ve spent much of this week updating issue 2 to use ClipStudio and moved all text+bubbles from Gimp to CS instead. This will make future prints and collections much easier to manage.

Well, that and i have no stock left of the first print run of issue 2 so i had to do it anyways haha.

Terra Branford - WIP2 apr21

Some more Terra progress, mainly been cleaning up colour boundaries and finished off the detailing on the dress, adding small pearls and stitching on the embroidery.

Somehow the photo shows higher and nicer contrast than the actual render

One of the things I’m working on is my second Diarycomics compilation issue, which of course requires a cover.

Which means many Tsukis on this cover based on the comics inside

Elle cosplaying as Edna Konrad (from Edna & Harvey)

Another quick doodle (this one taking roughly around 2 hrs total yesterday). Used very quick loose methods for it and I’m happy with the result

Just a wee doodle of Robyn as Paz again (from Metal Gear) because why not been a while since i drew something new so wanted to doodle so as to not forget.

Aurora - Child of Light chibi

Was trying out a new chibi style 2 years ago i wanted to go back to finishing. So, i coloured my pic of the cutie Aurora first ❤️ (and igni)

I’m rusty.

I do not control the hyperfixation

PSA: blanket forts are for people who are in love

I watch stuff, I learn to draw the best people

Donde esta la biblioteca

I still don’t know how to draw animals

And the first drawing of the year is Black Parade Gee, because I don’t draw him nearly enough. Happy 2020!

Boy sure loves his coffee

Sketching something for my next video…

 NESSA ~ Pokemon Sword & Shield ⭐️I just really love Nessa’s design, she is simply divine!

NESSA ~ Pokemon Sword & Shield ⭐️
I just really love Nessa’s design, she is simply divine!

➡️ You can watch the speedpaint HERE!

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I did this for a secret Santa exchange and decided to use it as an excuse to test out the smoothing I did this for a secret Santa exchange and decided to use it as an excuse to test out the smoothing I did this for a secret Santa exchange and decided to use it as an excuse to test out the smoothing I did this for a secret Santa exchange and decided to use it as an excuse to test out the smoothing

I did this for a secret Santa exchange and decided to use it as an excuse to test out the smoothing update in Photoshop and see how that compares to Clip Studio and Lazy Nezumi. I think I still lean towards Clip Studio, but it’s not bad!

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