#colin raff

#colin raff    #youtube    #video art    #animation    #black and white    #nostalgia    #monochrome    #collage    #photocollage    #grotesque    #surreal    #creepy    #soft grunge    #classics    #golden oldies    #childhood    
#colin raff    #instagram    #animation    #black and white    #monochrome    #collage    #photocollage    #grotesque    #surreal    #creepy    #soft grunge    #classics    #golden oldies    #childhood    

Did I forget to restart the baby? Touch a real slug whenever possible: all slugs have different shapes, but you’ll want to lean how to draw the proportions of the Ideal Slug first before knitting the Ideal Slug Bib. A haven for true mollusc fans, the Hollywood Slug Museum is an ivy-covered building filled with rare slug- and gastropod–related ephemera. 5D chess is what someone who loses at 4D chess is actually playing. It’s 2044 AD: Now there really are some breeds of plum that yield milk, but are dermonambulists satisfied? No, those fuckers are never satisfied. Unfortunately, Raoul’s was the one pair of X-ray specs that actually did work, causing him to erase his family’s flesh by looking at them. You’re still worried about Boston Dynamics when it’s emojis that are secretly developing gills and learning to use rudimentary tools. Whenever I try to upload you a pint of baboon milk it goes straight to voicemail. Being naked is unusual until you unravel wool balls from your cat’s stomach and knit them to make the clothes you want to wear. Though inedible, seal skin pizzas are less likely to result in frozen sweat being trapped between the buttocks during a crisis situation. I want an inconceivable goat from another plane of existence to chew on my socks, scarf and woolen codpiece warmer. SMDH @ people who say they “fucking love hyper-couchilating” but haven’t even read any Emikovark-Camicold besides the Bottomsday trilogy. Stay in care on foot but without disturb! Use gravity.

#colin raff    #instagram    #animation    #collage    #photocollage    #grotesque    #surreal    #creepy    #soft grunge    #tongue    
#colin raff    #instagram    #animation    #black and white    #monochrome    #collage    #photocollage    #grotesque    #surreal    #creepy    #soft grunge    #classics    #golden oldies    #childhood    
#colin raff    #instagram    #animation    #stickers    #collage    #surreal    #torpid slivers    #insects    #soft grunge    

Imagine being so dull and drab that you steal your grandma’s helicopterand fly it into a cave that turns out to be your own esophagus. The will-o’-the-wisp could not lead you astray but called you fat instead. Notice that if I put the word “clown” in quotes, it no longer smells like smoked cheese or hickory. “All options are on the table" when it comes to the agony of a chicken/moth hybrid that did not want to be born flailing on a table. The small toy helicopters patrolling the halo are apparently sensory organs that help the Messiah locate food. I can take vigorously flung garden cress leaves to the head without even flinching. Do you at least have the decency to purchase an ethereal chastity crystal that will prevent you from sodomizing my rhododendrons? TFW your crowdfunded self-mummification failed to reach its goal but you’re still plum out of bodily fluids and reek of lacquer. God damn it! If it doesn’t turn into the ghost of a small carp at the base of your throat, then don’t call it Riesling. See, a merry-go-round turns clockwise, whereas on a carousel, a horse retains the colors of the dead nudibranch that now possesses it. A small flour sack tied to one wing will prevent your Norfolk turkey from reselling automotive parts without a license. #farmingtips If bae’s form grotesquely telescopes and grazes the ceiling, why then, bae’s clothes will increase in size proportionately, for such is bae. Anesthetizing random people and sewing their feet together is wrong but my Cocker Spaniel didn’t know any better.

#colin raff    #instagram    #animation    #stickers    #collage    #surreal    #creepy    #glasses    #goggles    
#colin raff    #instagram    #animation    #torpid slivers    #creature    #literature    #fiction    #black and white    #creepy    #surreal    

What do gerbils hear when they smell your name? Even the most robust ecosystems wither away when confronted with the noxious mist of my convalescent spittle. Zoom in on the hashtag #. Goats and tortoises don’t want to wear pantyhose, but they sure like to talk about it. TFW children dressed as cherubs holding banners and playing trumpets are lowered on ropes just to announce bae’s next shared meme on the internet. How many trout ghost circumcisions does it take to get to the center of that one matador’s pancreas for whom the bell tolls? This Grilled Cheese Marionette Show better end soon because it’s time to close your eyes and taste with your nose with your tongue. This is the liquefaction of light emission from a star. God bless you. Fun fact: whispering a detailed description of your most recent bowel movement makes you look beautiful from 74.4 feet away. I still have that strange feeling of unsevered limbs and a possibly unsliced nose and the distinct suspicion that my genitalia have not been surreptitiously removed. Why are unicorns always french kissing me? Because my saliva reduces their muscle mass temporarily, allowing them to slither thru air ducts. Everyone really is out to get you except not quite everyone, really only me and I don’t have the time to go out and get you. 2041 AD: The elk started excreting Pepto Bismol all over my furniture before I had even finished downloading it. This is what has been happening near the tulips. Now do you understand?

Squirming objects with a refreshing tang of transparency

#colin raff    #instagram    #animation    #stickers    #tongues    #public service    #torpid slivers    #creepy    #squirming    