


━━a mini collaboration: fall edition, brought to you by the Celestial Knights!

━━ date released: november 2021


Running into Leaves by @lovely-josuke

- a Luffy story to celebrate the season

Fall Festivalby@mimi-cee-hq

- a Sakusastory to celebrate the season

Hayride by @kazuqha

- a Childe story to celebrate the season

Corn Maze by @aomineavenue

- a Trafalgar Law story to celebrate the season

Black Friday Shopping by @keijikunn

- a Tsukishimastory to celebrate the season

Baking A Pie by @aquatik

- a Tohma story to celebrate the season

Apple Picking by @kaitycole

- a Daishou story to celebrate the season

Romantic Cabin Getawayby@tendouszeita

- a Lucifer story to celebrate the season

Thanksgiving by@octo-cutie

- a Daichi story to celebrate the season

Pumpkin Patch by @hidden-otaku-stuff

- a Terushima story to celebrate the season

Prompt: Romantic Cabin Fall Getaway

Pairing: Lucifer x Fem!Reader

Warnings: highly suggestive in parts, but overall sfw

Word Count: 3k

A/N: Hello friends! Here is my collab piece for the @celestialarchiveshq​ fall collab. Special thanks to @kaitycole​ and @lettrespromises for beta reading the piece for me!

Find the other collab works here!

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

A soft rap of knuckles sounded from the other side of the door to your bedroom. It wasn’t unusual to have one of the brothers visit you, in fact it was surprising that you had managed to spend the past two hours alone. You called out and waited several moments for the door to open, but no one answered. Your brows furrowed as you left the book you had been reading on the bed and checked the hallway to see who was visiting.

No one stood on the other side of the door, nor was there anyone in the hallway or kitchen next door. Frowning, you turned to return to your schoolwork. As you went to close the door your attention caught on a deep red envelope tucked against the bottom of the door frame just outside. It was light in weight and had your name written across the front in a beautiful, scrolling print you immediately recognized as belonging to Lucifer.

How curious.

Settling on the edge of your bed you carefully peel back the wax stamped to keep the envelope closed and pull the parchment from within. The room fills with the scent of vetiver and dark rum, prompting you to push the letter to your nose to get more of the alluring fragrance. The dark strength. The power and control. The intrigue. It smells just like Lucifer.


I am not quite sure why I am taking the time to write to you today. I simply could not pull my thoughts away from you. Perhaps this letter will help me to regain my focus. You are very distracting, you know. The sound of your laughter carries through the house, calling to me. It is nice to live in a home so filled with your joy. Especially with how easily that happiness extends to my brothers as well.

It is almost autumn in the human world. I always enjoyed the way their world looked during those chilly months. Did you enjoy the fall season when you still lived in the mortal realm? I cannot help but wonder if you miss being there. I hope not. My brothers like having you here with us.

Perhaps we should visit, enjoy all that the season has to offer. You would drag me to do the most ridiculous things, I can imagine. It would be worth it to see you smile at me the way you do my brothers.

Would you like that? To take a weekend and steal away to the mortal realm with me?

It’s decided then, I will plan everything. Just be ready to leave next Saturday morning. Early, MC. I want to make the most of every moment I can spend with you.

Until then,


Well that was.. Chaotic and unexpected. Lucifer was making time to take you home for a weekend. Lucifer- the demon who can barely make time to take care of himself outside of his duties as Diavolo’s second. Your heart beats a little harder against your chest as a soft smile graces your lips. ‘Almost seems like you actually like me’, you muse as you refold the letter and return it to the envelope.

Tucking the letter into your desk drawer you grabbed your phone from your hoodie pocket. A trip to the surface with the avatar of Pride would require a few additions to your wardrobe, and shopping alone was never any fun.

“Well hello darling, miss me already?” Asmo purred, picking up after the first ring when you called him. His flirting was shameless and confident, and it never failed to bring heat to your cheeks. Just being around him boosts your own confidence. It was difficult to doubt yourself with the avatar of Lust himself constantly reminding you just how enchanting he finds you to be.

“I always miss you, Asmo. Care to rectify my longing with a little shopping?”

“I’m always available to go shopping with you. Meet me in the foyer in half an hour?”

“Sounds perfect, handsome! See you then!” Hanging up the phone, you quickly changed into clothes more suited to a day at the shops with Asmo.

Thirty minutes later you were headed out of the House of Lamentation and into town with your arm intertwined with a flirty, champagne haired demon.

“So are we looking for anything specific or was this just an excuse to get me alone?” Asmo wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, bringing laughter spilling from your lips.

“Can I say both? I need something nice to wear for…” You paused, contemplating whether Lucifer would want you to reveal his plans to his brothers. That always ran the risk of them either conning their way into joining or just crashing the getaway.

“For your trip to the human realm with Lucifer?” Asmo supplied.

“Exactly! Sorry I wasn’t sure if I could share our plans.”

“No worries darling. Though I may be jealous my brother gets to steal you away for a weekend we all know he needs this more than anyone. I can’t remember the last time he took a vacation that wasn’t somehow work related.” Asmo’s amber eyes flashed with sadness before returning to their usual mischievous brightness. “So make sure you help him de-stress. A couple hundred orgasms for you both should-“

“Oh my word, Asmo!” You shouted, playfully batting at his arm as he laughed at you. Your face was hotter than the Sahara at the suggestion in his words. As if Lucifer, the avatar of freaking Pride, would really want to do those things with you. He probably found the thought of kissing you repulsive. Actually he probably has never even thought of kissing you! “You’re going to be the death of me,” you muttered as you pulled him into one of the many clothing shops within the Devildom.

“MC, you know I can always tell when you’re doubting your worth. Lucifer wants you just as much as the rest of us. He just won’t ever admit it.”

You hummed noncommittally before focusing on the task you had set out to do. Fall on the surface would be colder than it is down here in the main part of the Devildom, so you’d need warmer clothes. Not just your usual hoodies and leggings either. If, as Asmo was suggesting, you would be spending the weekend playing pretend with Lucifer you were going all out. That meant dressing the part.

By midday you had everything you could possibly need and maybe a bit more. It was hard not to walk away with an abundance of new clothes when Asmo was constantly pointing out how ravishing you would look in them. “Lunch?” You ask as you step out of the latest shop, arms burdened with bags. You could ask one of the Little D’s to return them to the house for you, but it felt right to carry them yourself. Let the little creatures have a break for once.

“If you’re on the menu I’m always ready to eat.” Before you could slug him for the embarrassing commentary Asmo caught your wrist, dragging you further down the street. “Don’t worry, darling, I’ll feed you but first we have one more stop to make.”

All of the blood coursing through your body turned to magma, bringing enough heat to your face and neck to make you tug at your collar uncomfortably. “Asmo why exactly are you pulling me into a sex shop?” You whisper the last words, eyes darting around wildly. While you may not be a virgin, the topic of sex and acts of a similar nature made you squirm. You just weren’t confident enough in yourself to chat idly about something so private.

“We’re buying you something nice to wear on your trip. Obviously.” His grip on your wrist tightened slightly as you struggled to escape. He pulled you through the front of the store, dragging you to the back where there were racks brimming with every color and style of lingerie you could imagine. Within minutes your arms were overflowing with the various options Asmo was suggesting.

It was honestly overwhelming. Luckily your best friend noticed and tossed them all back in the racks. “Listen MC. I don’t think Lucifer planned this trip with the intention of seducing you, that’s not really his style. But if something were to happen during this romantic getaway wouldn’t you rather be prepared?” He asked as he gently cupped your cheeks, angling your head to meet his eyes. You nodded, shoulders relaxing.

He was right after all. You’d regret not letting him help you pick some things out if anything of that nature were to happen during the trip. “Okay. But something simple.” Twenty minutes of browsing and you had another bag to add to your growing collection. Your excitement for the upcoming mini vacation was uncontainable.


With Satan’s help you had managed to pack everything you would need for the two day trip into your small suitcase. All of the boys, minus Lucifer, had managed to jam into your small bedroom the night before. It was easy to tell they would miss you. But Asmo was right- Lucifer needed this vacation and you were more than happy to be the one enjoying it by his side.

The trip to the surface brought you to what Lucifer had deemed a cabin for your little getaway. It was actually a sprawling mansion buried among the trees in upstate New York. The sleek, dark, modern exterior featured floor to ceiling windows in most rooms. The black and white oak textures blended well with the myriad of colors decorating the surrounding forest. It was very Lucifer in a dreamy, human kind of way.

The inside was just as luxurious as you had pictured it to be. With an abundance of space filled with natural light and a kitchen to die for. You could barely imagine leaving this space for the next two days. Lucifer’s large hand slipped around your own as he guided up the floating staircase to the second story where your bedrooms were located.

“This room will be yours. Mine is right next door in case you were to need anything.” He informed you as he pushed open the door to a large bedroom overlooking the large garden at the back of the house. “I was unsure of what you would like to do while we are here so I prepared a list of places we could visit-“

“Let’s just explore for now,” you squeaked, cutting him off excitedly. “Fresh air will do us both some good, and who knows what hidden gems we could find in this gorgeous forest.”

“If that is what you wish to do. I shall meet you downstairs in ten minutes.”

Hiking with Lucifer was… well, it was boring. The only thing he seemed to be interested in was watching you. The highlight of the fifteen minutes you had been journeying beneath the falling leaves had been spotting a family of deer in the distance. At least he seemed relaxed as he trekked beside you, his suit completely out of place in the wild.

The sounds of trickling water had you perking up. Following the sound led to a small water hole at the edge of a cliff. A stunning waterfall cascaded along the back. It was breathtaking. A huge smile stretched across your cheeks as you took in the sight. Turning back to make a comment to Lucifer you were shocked by the shutter of his camera as he captured your picture.

“You look absolutely magnificent right now, little dove.” He pocketed the device before stepping to your back, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you to lean against his chest. Your heart was threatening to beat its way out of your chest at the press of your body against his. It was as if a bolt of lightning had bounced between every nerve ending, leaving your senses heightened and your body craving more.

The sweet yet intense moment was broken by the rumble of your stomach. “Come, let’s get you something to eat,” Lucifer chuckled. Your jaw dropped at the easy sound. He rarely laughed and when he did it was strained as he tried to cover the sound. You immediately set a goal to hear more of that delicious sound during your trip.

After an underwhelming lunch (even you had to admit that food in the human world really couldn’t compare to the flavors of the Devildom) you looked over the list of things to do that Lucifer had brought. Most of them were rather cliche fall to-dos. Hay ride. Pumpkin patch. Corn maze. The list gave the distinct impression that the eldest demon brother had planned this trip with the intention of filling what he imagined to be your need for mundane normalcy. While the thought made your heart warm, you really had no intention of spending your time together doing anything less than spectacular.

Fall for you had always been about the calmer side of the changing weather. Curling up with hot tea and a good book. The crackle of a bonfire beneath the stars. The gooey, melty bliss that was a perfectly toasted s‘more. Drinking wine and dancing in the leaves. Freshly baked cookies.

“Why don’t we head into town and see what calls to us?” you offer as you hop down from the island you had perched yourself on while Lucifer washed your lunch dishes. “And before you comment- yes I specifically chose this plan to pilfer all control from you. This is supposed to be a vacation and I’m here to make sure you relax.”

His black eyes narrowed, completely obscuring their red specks. Full lips pursed ever so slightly as he stared you down. Anyone else may have faltered beneath the weight of the demon’s intimidating aura but you’d spent enough time around him and his brothers to know when to back down, and now was not one of those moments.

Even if your heart was beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings, you held your ground as he moved to stand before you. Tilting your chin up, your hands went to your hips as you met his glare head on. Lucifer’s jaw ticked. A sign you assumed showcased his growing annoyance with you.

The unexpected warmth of his lips upon yours had you freezing in place. Seconds were all it took for you to melt into his bruising kiss, your hands fisting into his button up shirt. One of his large palms weaved into the hair at the back of your head, stinging slightly as he used the grip to maneuver you as he claimed your lips. Your body instinctually gave in to his silent commands, becoming pliant as he forced his tongue between your parted lips to devour you further.

The world was lost as you drowned in the emotions pouring between you in the kiss. An apocalypse of catastrophic nature could have been raging just outside of your little bubble and you’d never know it. All that existed in that moment was Lucifer and all of the feelings fit him you had constantly kept buried.

The embarrassingly needy whimper that escaped your lips as he pulled away brought a raging heat to your chest and face. A knowing smirk decorated his face as he pulled away, his grip on your hair loosening. His fingers dragged along the back of your neck and jaw, stirring the already distracting seeds of arousal pulling between your thighs.

“I think you’ll find I’m quiterelaxed, little dove.” He was trying to kill you. Death by demon smolder.

As quickly as the atmosphere had shifted moments ago, the tension faded. Lucifer straightened his white button up before walking to the table to gather his jacket. “Come along, MC, we haven’t got all day.” Your eyes shot daggers into his back as you hurried after him, your knees still a little weak from the intensity of your shared kiss.

The closest town was nearly an hour’s drive away. It was picturesque with the little houses all decorated for fall. The town square was also decorated for the season. A theme of hay bales, scarecrows, pumpkins, and plaid. It was every real estate magazine’s wet dream.

As much as you were enjoying your time with Lucifer, the trip into town left you missing the boys you had left behind and the place you had come to call home. Home. When had earth stopped feeling like the place your heart belonged? The thought surprised you as you realized it hadn’t felt right to be on this plane of existence since you had gone to R.A.D. the first time.

“You’ve gone quiet. What’s so captivating in your mind to steal you from me?” Lucifer’s deep tone drew you from your thoughts. Ignoring the way your heart swelled at how easily he saw you beneath the layers of armor you had built over the years, you offered him a half smile.

“I’m a little astounded. And maybe a touch homesick.”

His brows furrowed slightly as he glanced over to you from the driver’s seat. “Homesick,” he repeated, the word void of any emotion.

“Mhmm. This trip feels more like a vacation than I thought it would. I guess I’m just shocked to find that being here, surrounded by other humans, doesn’t feel like home anymore.”

Lucifer made a thoughtful noise but was silent for the rest of the ride back to the ‘cabin’. The car’s engine had just died when he spoke again. “Where is home if not here then?”

The vulnerability in his voice had you at a loss for words. He was either genuinely concerned with your answer or he hated that he was even asking.

“I feel like home is wherever you are. All of you.”

Lucifer’s pride was nearly palpable as he reached across the space to grip your chin and pull you in for a brief yet intense kiss. You had chosen not just him but his brothers also.

“Worry not, little dove, I shall take you hometomorrow.” He breathed the words into your parted lips before pulling back. His eyes were somehow even darker as he gazed at you. “But until then you’re mine and mine alone.”
