#obey me lucifer x reader



you beside me (4)

1/2/3 / 4

You awoke to the fragrance of Lucifer’s shampoo around you, but only remnants of it. The demon himself was nowhere to be seen, his side of the bed vacant and cold to touch. You’d planned to give him your thanks first thing in the morning, but it appeared that he wasn’t giving you the opportunity.

It took you a few more minutes of tossing and rolling to sit up and turn off the alarm, like a stubborn child who wouldn’t let go of their favorite toy.

You rubbed the sleep away from your eyes, slowly coming to your senses. You’d slept in the same bed as Lucifer, though you recalled almost none of it but for the vague memory of him calling out for you in the dark. You’d brushed it off as a hallucination.

You looked around his vast room and locked eyes with something familiar on the nightstand. Rolling over, you realized that it was Lucifer’s half of your matching bracelets. He must’ve forgotten to put it back on after waking up, you told yourself.

Something else caught your eye. A memo with Lucifer’s cursive handwriting on it stared back at you. An instinct deep within your stomach told you to stay away, but your hand was already reaching out for it.

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you beside me (3)

1/2 / 3 / 4

Despite it being the afternoon already, you were still curled up in bed. Had it not been for Lucifer’s booming voice from outside, you would’ve stayed under the blanket for a few more hours.


The very moment you opened your door, a familiar ball of white hair flashed before your eyes. Mammon made a U-turn and halted outside your room, “Help me, MC!”

“What did you do?” You asked. Before he had the time to answer, he looked to the right and yelped, already breaking into a sprint down the halls.

You stuck your head out and found Lucifer storming down with a dangerous glint in his eyes, though the drawings that were still stuck on his face made him look a lot less threatening. You put two pieces together and figured out what was going on.

“Morning, Lucifer.” You called out. He turned to you, and slowly let the scowl fade away.

“Morning. Pardon me for greeting you in this state,” he gestured vaguely at his face.

“It’s fine. I’ve already seen it.”

You bit down on your lip as you watched his reaction. “You’ve already… Did you do this?”

“Of course not! Who do you take me for?” You rolled your eyes, nudging your door open. “But I can tell you it’s not Mammon. Care to come in? I’ll get it off for you.”

Keep reading


Pairing: Lucifer x Gender Neutral Main Character

Content Warning: Lucifer has an emotional breakdown.

Word Count:1.0k+

Summary:Lucifer’s spent thousands of years convincing everyone, including himself, that his pride is unwavering. Tonight, in your presense, it comes crashing down.

Anyways, thanks for reading, y’all! I hope you enjoy!

© 2021, takeaslicex. All Rights Reserved.

It was moments like this that reminded you how humanthe Avatar of Pride could be. Human, but never weak. Like tempered glass, Lucifer was strong, but had the capacity to break if too much pressure was applied. Not that he would ever show anyone, of course - how would that affect his pride, his pride that he had spent the better millenia solidifying as unwavering?  He couldn’t show anybody how quickly pride can be broken when met with the mortifying ordeal of shame and embarrassment. How could he?

Well, it’s a good thing that your bond with Lucifer is unlike any other bond in existence. 

You could feel it. Physically, emotionally, and mentally - it is all consuming, and it is heavy. That’s what it’s like to have a pact with Lucifer - it’s not justa pact, it’s an oath. Every fibre of your being was tied to his, and every fibre of his was tied to yours - mind, body, and spirit. If you were so happy that your grin reached your ears, then he could feel it. If his pride was so overwhelming that it consumed the air in the room, then you could feel it inside of you as well. And now, as you could feel the emotions he’s tried so hard to keep buried spill out onto the floor for all to see, you could feel it even in your slumber.

You woke up with a jolt, your exhaustion almost immediately dismissed. You wiped the remnants of sleep from your eyes and pushed your hair out of your eyes to see Lucifer sitting on the edge of his bed, his bare back to yours hunched over as he laid his head in his palms. You glanced over at the clock on his wall - 3:39am. He must’ve just come in from another late night, you assumed, because he wasn’t with you when you went to bed all those hours ago.

“Luci?” you whispered, almost carefully. Lucifer remained still, even at the sound of your voice. He was grateful to hear it, of course. Like everything about you, your voice always made even the worst of situations better. But this, Lucifer knew, was different. He knew that you could feel what he was feeling, and the idea of that made him sick to his stomach. How could he hide from you? How could he hide from you that his pride had been shattered, and that he feels like he had just lost his grip on the lightest thread that kept him holding on in the first place?

He couldn’t, and the thought of that terrifiedone of the most terrifying beings in all of the three realms.

But you could feel it. You could feel that the endless late nights couped up in his office, his face buried in stacks of paperwork at the expense of pleasing Lord Diavolo were beginning to wear him down. You could feel the strain on his relationship with his brothers as clear as day, like how dearly he loves each and every one of them, but that he could never show and express it the way he wants to. How could he, when Mammon’s eyes swell with tears in fear of punishment justbecause Mammon dropped a glass plate in his eldest brother’s presence? Or how Satan and Belphie hate him so passionately that the idea of poisoning him or ridding his existence from their life excitesthem? You could feel it, and it made you feel like you were going to puke.

And then there was the all-consuming need to be, in every sense of the word, perfect. His tie couldn’t be wrinkled in the slightest, because his appearance could never be anything short of flawless. His nails had to be perfectly manicured and painted with a crimson red, and if they couldn’t be, then they must be hidden. He had to watch where he walked and howhe walked, because the idea of tripping or falling was mortifying to death. Everything about him - his image, his grades, his power, his influence, his love, his existence - had to be flawless. You knew this because you felt it with every ounce of your being.

Without a second thought, you pushed your blankets off of yourself and stood, rounding your way around Lucifer’s enormous bed and making your way around to your lover. He didn’t so much as waver even at your presence in front of him, until it was your own hands that grabbed him and forced him not to keep his face hidden. As you did so, you knelt to the ground and positioned yourself in front of him, both of his hands clasped with one of yours, as you used the other hand to press his forehead to yours.

There, you remained like that. Forehead to forehead, his hands intertwined with yours. Neither of your lips had connected, but you could feel each other’s breath against each other’s lips. Whether or not he wanted more would be his decision only, and you would be with him every step of the way.

“If you’re hurt, just know that you always have me,” you spoke, barely audible over the pregnant silence of the room. Your words were for him and him alone. “You don’t need to be the strong one all of the time. Let me carry you, Lucifer. ”

At your words, Lucifer wept. 

Keeping his forehead pressed against yours, Lucifer silently wept. And it didn’t take long for you to cry either - after all, you could physically feelhis pain. But in that moment, there was another thing you could feel within Lucifer’s emotions - comfort. Comfort to be in your presence. Comfort the second he felt your satin skin on his. Comfort to let the dam break and lay every ounce of his heartbreak and pain on you. Comfort to know that despite everything, that you love him, and that he loves you, and how irreversible that fact was. 

As Lucifer continued to cry, he effortlessly brought you from your knees to his lap in a desperate attempt to keep you as close as possible. You stayed with him like this for a countless amount of time - neither one of you knew when you both eventually succumbed to slumber, wrapped in each other’s arms, heart to heart as you laid on his chest for the remainder of the night and well into the morning.


( Haha i’m back out of Hiatus what a surprise. I’m still not that well but i felt guilty for not posting anything so here you go)

Lucifer x MC Oneshot

Warnings: Usage of painkillers

It was a surprisingly cold night in the Devildom when you opened your eyes a sigh leaving your mouth. After 2 hours of desperately trying to fall asleep you were done with just laying in your bed because no matter how you lay it is uncomfortable anyway. You reached out your hand to grab your D.D.D. from the bedside table unplugging it from the charger. A little shriek left your mouth when when the light of your screen blinded you so much that for a second you were convinced you’re blind. When your eyes finally adjusted to the light you were able to see that it was 2:34 at night.

A lot of homework lead to you staying up way to late. You don’t even know how you survived until now with all the stuff you have to do for RAD but somehow you’re still alive.

Knowing that it would just be useless to keep staying in bed trying to sleep you slowly sat up and stretched which lead to your back making  an oddly loud crack which surprised you a little. Mentally preparing yourself you put down your feet on the ground immediately getting hit by the cold floor which lead to you quickly putting your feet on the bed again.

After a few seconds of thinking which was really hard when you’re this tired an idea came to your mind. You locked eyes with the socks that you put on your chair after you finished your homework and changed into your sleepwear. Gripping your desk for balance you stretched out your arm to reach for your socks. After nearly falling of your bed you now had the socks in your hand immediately putting them on because your feet slowly were becoming cold.

When you finished mentally preparing yourself the second time you slowly put your feet on the ground. Now that you had socks on it felt way better and wasn’t that cold anymore. Slowly you stood up and immediately a wave of dizziness overcame you. Thinking back to the evening when you were doing stuff for school you remembered that you didn’t drink enough water which lead to you now feeling dizzy and having a splitting headache. Asmo would definitely scold you for that and would tell you how not keeping hydrated is bad for you skin. The thought of it made a chuckle leave your mouth.

A groan left your mouth when a stronger wave of pain overcame you.

‘Okay how’re we gonna do this. Either i drink some water or I’m gonna take some painkillers. Wait a minute i can just combine the two.’

Grabbing the glass standing on your desk you looked around your room searching for where you put your painkillers after you used them the last time. Your eyes lit up when your gaze fell on a white little box. Trying your best not to stumble over all the stuff laying on the ground you grabbed the little box and walked over to your bathroom and opened the door.

Strolling over to the sink you looked up into the mirror and disgust made its way onto your face. Your hair looked like a complete mess and the makeup from the last day was still onto your face because you were to lazy to take it off. You glanced back down onto the glass and began filling it with water. When the glass was full put it down and grabbed the painkillers out of your pocket and opened them.

After a few seconds of struggling to get one out you put the pill into your mouth and grabbed the glass full of water. With a few gulps you felt the pill going down your throat.

'Now what the heck am i supposed to do. The brothers are definitely already asleep.’

Walking back into your room nearly falling over a hoodie laying on the ground you looked outside of the window. Deciding that a little bit of fresh air wouldn’t hurt you strolled over and opened it. Immediately a wave of coldness hit you making you shiver run down your spine. The air was freezing today but it was oddly comforting.

When you looked out the window your eyes widened in awe. Thousands of stars littered the sky the full moon was shining bright and no clouds could be seen. The sight was breathtaking and a little smile came onto your face happy because of seeing something so truly amazing.

You only realized how long you were standing there when you noticed how your complete body was shivering but you didn’t want to stop looking at this wonderful view. At first you thought of just putting on warmer clothes but then you had an idea.

On the roof you definitely had a better chance of seeing the lovely night sky and the many stars. You grabbed your hoodie and put it on thinking that it would be enough to keep you warm. Slowly opening the door to go outside into the hall while trying to be as quiet as possible you looked around praying that Lucifer wasn’t walking through the halls at the moment. When you were sure that it’s safe you fully opened the door and closed it as quietly as possible.

An unbearable silence made you really paranoid and made you constantly look behind you to make sure no one was standing there. Regret came over you that you only decided to put on a hoodie but you were too lazy to turn around and walk all the way back to your room. With your hands in the pockets of your hoodie you walked up the stairs to the roof. When you reached the top of the stairs a smile came onto your face because you managed to walk up the stairs without slipping.

‘Not that that happened before no definitely not.’

Pushing down the door handle you pushed open the door and again a wave of freezing cold air hit you which made another shiver go down your spine.

The sky was still as stunning as it was when you looked out the window of your room. The roof was fairly big which surprised you when you discovered this great spot for the first time. It was another night in which you just weren’t able to fall asleep so you decided to walk around and see what you’re able to find and you were glad because now you have a safe place where you can relax and not have to interact with anyone

Deciding to lie down even if the ground was hard and cold just so you could watch the beautiful stars better. You started thinking more about it. About how the constant interaction with one of the demon brothers slowly became very exhausting. Yeah you don’t mind hanging out with them but sometimes they can be a bit much. For example when Asmo made you come shopping with him so you could tell him how amazing he looked in all those new clothes or the time Satan made you come and help study with him and Mammon. You spent 30 minutes trying to explain the new stuff for math to him but in the end just gave up. You also thought back to the time where you got scolded by Lucifer because you didn’t finish your homework in time leading to your teacher telling it him. To be fair you were sick but were too stubborn to tell anyone and just kept on going like you usually would. Regret still overcomes you whenever you think about it because that didn’t really help your situation. You became really sick and had to stay at home for 7 days because you were so weak you couldn’t even walk 6 steps properly without falling over. Lucifer still uses it as an argument and you get annoyed whenever he brings it up.

“What are you doing?”

Jumping up into a sitting position you quickly turned around in panic and your eyes fell upon the First Born which didn’t really help your panicked state. You were sure you’re going to get another hour long lecture from him because you could get sick again and that you don’t know what could happen but the only thing that you saw on his face was a warm comforting smile.

“Don’t worry I’m not going to scold you. The sky is truly beautiful tonight. I also came up here to look at the stars,”

A look of surprise made its way onto your face when you registered the words of the oldest brother but a soft smile made it’s way onto your face.

“Yeah the sky really is beautiful tonight.”

You watched him as he moved over to the wall taking of his jacket and sat down leaning against the wall.

“Don’t just keep sitting over there and come here my dear. I promise i don’t bite that hard.”

As soon as the words left his mouth a blush made it’s way onto your face but nonetheless you stood up and made your way over to him and sitting down next to him while still keeping some space between the two of you even if you wanted lay your head on his shoulder.

Just now you noticed how cold you were. Your complete body was shivering so you wrapped your arms around your body to keep you somewhat warm.

A sigh left Lucifer when he looked at you and saw you completely shaking.

“Here take my jacket and put it on. I know that your cold don’t even try to deny it you’re going to put it on or you’ll be sick again.”

With that he grabbed his jacket and because his words didn’t leave any room for arguing you grabbed it and put it on. Immediately a warmth spread through your body and you felt how soft his jacket really is for the first time. Subconsciously a smile made it’s way onto your face which made a chuckle come out of Lucifer’s mouth.

Your complete body tensed up when you felt his arm wrap around your shoulder and pulling your body closer to his but quickly relaxed when his hand stroked over your upper arm to comfort you.

After  a while of looking at the amazing night sky you noticed how tired you really were so you didn’t even notice when your head fell onto his shoulder too weak to keep it up and a yawn left your mouth.

“Are you tired my dear? i can bring you to your room if you want to.”

You were to tired to notice the words leaving your mouth next.

“Noo. I don’t want you to leave. Can i sleep in your room tonight please?”

A look of shock made its way onto both of your faces when you two registered the words you just said.

“W-Wait i didn’t mean that I’m sorry-”

Before you could finish your sentence completely flustered his lips turned up into a smirk.

“Oh no don’t worry that’s alright with me. I do have to say i like how you’re so open with your feelings to me. I’m proud of you being so honest with me.”

With that he stood up and picked you up bridal style and held you in your arms. Your brain didn’t even really registered what’s happening because you were so tired and being held in Lucifer’s arms was really comforting. You felt him opening the door with his elbow and close it with his foot.

The walk to his room felt way too short for your opinion but you definitely didn’t complain.

When the two of you arrived at his rooms he laid you down onto his bed and switched his jacket with the blanket so that you don’t get cold. With his bed being way too comfortable you were already half asleep when you heard him taking of his clothes and putting on his sleepwear.

As soon as he laid down next to you being on your side he wrapped one of his arms around you and pulled you closer to him so that he was spooning you. At first it felt a little uncomfortable but after a few seconds it became comfortable and you started to fully fall into the land of dreams.


Prompt: Romantic Cabin Fall Getaway

Pairing: Lucifer x Fem!Reader

Warnings: highly suggestive in parts, but overall sfw

Word Count: 3k

A/N: Hello friends! Here is my collab piece for the @celestialarchiveshq​ fall collab. Special thanks to @kaitycole​ and @lettrespromises for beta reading the piece for me!

Find the other collab works here!

As always my content is 18+ only MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.

A soft rap of knuckles sounded from the other side of the door to your bedroom. It wasn’t unusual to have one of the brothers visit you, in fact it was surprising that you had managed to spend the past two hours alone. You called out and waited several moments for the door to open, but no one answered. Your brows furrowed as you left the book you had been reading on the bed and checked the hallway to see who was visiting.

No one stood on the other side of the door, nor was there anyone in the hallway or kitchen next door. Frowning, you turned to return to your schoolwork. As you went to close the door your attention caught on a deep red envelope tucked against the bottom of the door frame just outside. It was light in weight and had your name written across the front in a beautiful, scrolling print you immediately recognized as belonging to Lucifer.

How curious.

Settling on the edge of your bed you carefully peel back the wax stamped to keep the envelope closed and pull the parchment from within. The room fills with the scent of vetiver and dark rum, prompting you to push the letter to your nose to get more of the alluring fragrance. The dark strength. The power and control. The intrigue. It smells just like Lucifer.


I am not quite sure why I am taking the time to write to you today. I simply could not pull my thoughts away from you. Perhaps this letter will help me to regain my focus. You are very distracting, you know. The sound of your laughter carries through the house, calling to me. It is nice to live in a home so filled with your joy. Especially with how easily that happiness extends to my brothers as well.

It is almost autumn in the human world. I always enjoyed the way their world looked during those chilly months. Did you enjoy the fall season when you still lived in the mortal realm? I cannot help but wonder if you miss being there. I hope not. My brothers like having you here with us.

Perhaps we should visit, enjoy all that the season has to offer. You would drag me to do the most ridiculous things, I can imagine. It would be worth it to see you smile at me the way you do my brothers.

Would you like that? To take a weekend and steal away to the mortal realm with me?

It’s decided then, I will plan everything. Just be ready to leave next Saturday morning. Early, MC. I want to make the most of every moment I can spend with you.

Until then,


Well that was.. Chaotic and unexpected. Lucifer was making time to take you home for a weekend. Lucifer- the demon who can barely make time to take care of himself outside of his duties as Diavolo’s second. Your heart beats a little harder against your chest as a soft smile graces your lips. ‘Almost seems like you actually like me’, you muse as you refold the letter and return it to the envelope.

Tucking the letter into your desk drawer you grabbed your phone from your hoodie pocket. A trip to the surface with the avatar of Pride would require a few additions to your wardrobe, and shopping alone was never any fun.

“Well hello darling, miss me already?” Asmo purred, picking up after the first ring when you called him. His flirting was shameless and confident, and it never failed to bring heat to your cheeks. Just being around him boosts your own confidence. It was difficult to doubt yourself with the avatar of Lust himself constantly reminding you just how enchanting he finds you to be.

“I always miss you, Asmo. Care to rectify my longing with a little shopping?”

“I’m always available to go shopping with you. Meet me in the foyer in half an hour?”

“Sounds perfect, handsome! See you then!” Hanging up the phone, you quickly changed into clothes more suited to a day at the shops with Asmo.

Thirty minutes later you were headed out of the House of Lamentation and into town with your arm intertwined with a flirty, champagne haired demon.

“So are we looking for anything specific or was this just an excuse to get me alone?” Asmo wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, bringing laughter spilling from your lips.

“Can I say both? I need something nice to wear for…” You paused, contemplating whether Lucifer would want you to reveal his plans to his brothers. That always ran the risk of them either conning their way into joining or just crashing the getaway.

“For your trip to the human realm with Lucifer?” Asmo supplied.

“Exactly! Sorry I wasn’t sure if I could share our plans.”

“No worries darling. Though I may be jealous my brother gets to steal you away for a weekend we all know he needs this more than anyone. I can’t remember the last time he took a vacation that wasn’t somehow work related.” Asmo’s amber eyes flashed with sadness before returning to their usual mischievous brightness. “So make sure you help him de-stress. A couple hundred orgasms for you both should-“

“Oh my word, Asmo!” You shouted, playfully batting at his arm as he laughed at you. Your face was hotter than the Sahara at the suggestion in his words. As if Lucifer, the avatar of freaking Pride, would really want to do those things with you. He probably found the thought of kissing you repulsive. Actually he probably has never even thought of kissing you! “You’re going to be the death of me,” you muttered as you pulled him into one of the many clothing shops within the Devildom.

“MC, you know I can always tell when you’re doubting your worth. Lucifer wants you just as much as the rest of us. He just won’t ever admit it.”

You hummed noncommittally before focusing on the task you had set out to do. Fall on the surface would be colder than it is down here in the main part of the Devildom, so you’d need warmer clothes. Not just your usual hoodies and leggings either. If, as Asmo was suggesting, you would be spending the weekend playing pretend with Lucifer you were going all out. That meant dressing the part.

By midday you had everything you could possibly need and maybe a bit more. It was hard not to walk away with an abundance of new clothes when Asmo was constantly pointing out how ravishing you would look in them. “Lunch?” You ask as you step out of the latest shop, arms burdened with bags. You could ask one of the Little D’s to return them to the house for you, but it felt right to carry them yourself. Let the little creatures have a break for once.

“If you’re on the menu I’m always ready to eat.” Before you could slug him for the embarrassing commentary Asmo caught your wrist, dragging you further down the street. “Don’t worry, darling, I’ll feed you but first we have one more stop to make.”

All of the blood coursing through your body turned to magma, bringing enough heat to your face and neck to make you tug at your collar uncomfortably. “Asmo why exactly are you pulling me into a sex shop?” You whisper the last words, eyes darting around wildly. While you may not be a virgin, the topic of sex and acts of a similar nature made you squirm. You just weren’t confident enough in yourself to chat idly about something so private.

“We’re buying you something nice to wear on your trip. Obviously.” His grip on your wrist tightened slightly as you struggled to escape. He pulled you through the front of the store, dragging you to the back where there were racks brimming with every color and style of lingerie you could imagine. Within minutes your arms were overflowing with the various options Asmo was suggesting.

It was honestly overwhelming. Luckily your best friend noticed and tossed them all back in the racks. “Listen MC. I don’t think Lucifer planned this trip with the intention of seducing you, that’s not really his style. But if something were to happen during this romantic getaway wouldn’t you rather be prepared?” He asked as he gently cupped your cheeks, angling your head to meet his eyes. You nodded, shoulders relaxing.

He was right after all. You’d regret not letting him help you pick some things out if anything of that nature were to happen during the trip. “Okay. But something simple.” Twenty minutes of browsing and you had another bag to add to your growing collection. Your excitement for the upcoming mini vacation was uncontainable.


With Satan’s help you had managed to pack everything you would need for the two day trip into your small suitcase. All of the boys, minus Lucifer, had managed to jam into your small bedroom the night before. It was easy to tell they would miss you. But Asmo was right- Lucifer needed this vacation and you were more than happy to be the one enjoying it by his side.

The trip to the surface brought you to what Lucifer had deemed a cabin for your little getaway. It was actually a sprawling mansion buried among the trees in upstate New York. The sleek, dark, modern exterior featured floor to ceiling windows in most rooms. The black and white oak textures blended well with the myriad of colors decorating the surrounding forest. It was very Lucifer in a dreamy, human kind of way.

The inside was just as luxurious as you had pictured it to be. With an abundance of space filled with natural light and a kitchen to die for. You could barely imagine leaving this space for the next two days. Lucifer’s large hand slipped around your own as he guided up the floating staircase to the second story where your bedrooms were located.

“This room will be yours. Mine is right next door in case you were to need anything.” He informed you as he pushed open the door to a large bedroom overlooking the large garden at the back of the house. “I was unsure of what you would like to do while we are here so I prepared a list of places we could visit-“

“Let’s just explore for now,” you squeaked, cutting him off excitedly. “Fresh air will do us both some good, and who knows what hidden gems we could find in this gorgeous forest.”

“If that is what you wish to do. I shall meet you downstairs in ten minutes.”

Hiking with Lucifer was… well, it was boring. The only thing he seemed to be interested in was watching you. The highlight of the fifteen minutes you had been journeying beneath the falling leaves had been spotting a family of deer in the distance. At least he seemed relaxed as he trekked beside you, his suit completely out of place in the wild.

The sounds of trickling water had you perking up. Following the sound led to a small water hole at the edge of a cliff. A stunning waterfall cascaded along the back. It was breathtaking. A huge smile stretched across your cheeks as you took in the sight. Turning back to make a comment to Lucifer you were shocked by the shutter of his camera as he captured your picture.

“You look absolutely magnificent right now, little dove.” He pocketed the device before stepping to your back, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulled you to lean against his chest. Your heart was threatening to beat its way out of your chest at the press of your body against his. It was as if a bolt of lightning had bounced between every nerve ending, leaving your senses heightened and your body craving more.

The sweet yet intense moment was broken by the rumble of your stomach. “Come, let’s get you something to eat,” Lucifer chuckled. Your jaw dropped at the easy sound. He rarely laughed and when he did it was strained as he tried to cover the sound. You immediately set a goal to hear more of that delicious sound during your trip.

After an underwhelming lunch (even you had to admit that food in the human world really couldn’t compare to the flavors of the Devildom) you looked over the list of things to do that Lucifer had brought. Most of them were rather cliche fall to-dos. Hay ride. Pumpkin patch. Corn maze. The list gave the distinct impression that the eldest demon brother had planned this trip with the intention of filling what he imagined to be your need for mundane normalcy. While the thought made your heart warm, you really had no intention of spending your time together doing anything less than spectacular.

Fall for you had always been about the calmer side of the changing weather. Curling up with hot tea and a good book. The crackle of a bonfire beneath the stars. The gooey, melty bliss that was a perfectly toasted s‘more. Drinking wine and dancing in the leaves. Freshly baked cookies.

“Why don’t we head into town and see what calls to us?” you offer as you hop down from the island you had perched yourself on while Lucifer washed your lunch dishes. “And before you comment- yes I specifically chose this plan to pilfer all control from you. This is supposed to be a vacation and I’m here to make sure you relax.”

His black eyes narrowed, completely obscuring their red specks. Full lips pursed ever so slightly as he stared you down. Anyone else may have faltered beneath the weight of the demon’s intimidating aura but you’d spent enough time around him and his brothers to know when to back down, and now was not one of those moments.

Even if your heart was beating faster than a hummingbird’s wings, you held your ground as he moved to stand before you. Tilting your chin up, your hands went to your hips as you met his glare head on. Lucifer’s jaw ticked. A sign you assumed showcased his growing annoyance with you.

The unexpected warmth of his lips upon yours had you freezing in place. Seconds were all it took for you to melt into his bruising kiss, your hands fisting into his button up shirt. One of his large palms weaved into the hair at the back of your head, stinging slightly as he used the grip to maneuver you as he claimed your lips. Your body instinctually gave in to his silent commands, becoming pliant as he forced his tongue between your parted lips to devour you further.

The world was lost as you drowned in the emotions pouring between you in the kiss. An apocalypse of catastrophic nature could have been raging just outside of your little bubble and you’d never know it. All that existed in that moment was Lucifer and all of the feelings fit him you had constantly kept buried.

The embarrassingly needy whimper that escaped your lips as he pulled away brought a raging heat to your chest and face. A knowing smirk decorated his face as he pulled away, his grip on your hair loosening. His fingers dragged along the back of your neck and jaw, stirring the already distracting seeds of arousal pulling between your thighs.

“I think you’ll find I’m quiterelaxed, little dove.” He was trying to kill you. Death by demon smolder.

As quickly as the atmosphere had shifted moments ago, the tension faded. Lucifer straightened his white button up before walking to the table to gather his jacket. “Come along, MC, we haven’t got all day.” Your eyes shot daggers into his back as you hurried after him, your knees still a little weak from the intensity of your shared kiss.

The closest town was nearly an hour’s drive away. It was picturesque with the little houses all decorated for fall. The town square was also decorated for the season. A theme of hay bales, scarecrows, pumpkins, and plaid. It was every real estate magazine’s wet dream.

As much as you were enjoying your time with Lucifer, the trip into town left you missing the boys you had left behind and the place you had come to call home. Home. When had earth stopped feeling like the place your heart belonged? The thought surprised you as you realized it hadn’t felt right to be on this plane of existence since you had gone to R.A.D. the first time.

“You’ve gone quiet. What’s so captivating in your mind to steal you from me?” Lucifer’s deep tone drew you from your thoughts. Ignoring the way your heart swelled at how easily he saw you beneath the layers of armor you had built over the years, you offered him a half smile.

“I’m a little astounded. And maybe a touch homesick.”

His brows furrowed slightly as he glanced over to you from the driver’s seat. “Homesick,” he repeated, the word void of any emotion.

“Mhmm. This trip feels more like a vacation than I thought it would. I guess I’m just shocked to find that being here, surrounded by other humans, doesn’t feel like home anymore.”

Lucifer made a thoughtful noise but was silent for the rest of the ride back to the ‘cabin’. The car’s engine had just died when he spoke again. “Where is home if not here then?”

The vulnerability in his voice had you at a loss for words. He was either genuinely concerned with your answer or he hated that he was even asking.

“I feel like home is wherever you are. All of you.”

Lucifer’s pride was nearly palpable as he reached across the space to grip your chin and pull you in for a brief yet intense kiss. You had chosen not just him but his brothers also.

“Worry not, little dove, I shall take you hometomorrow.” He breathed the words into your parted lips before pulling back. His eyes were somehow even darker as he gazed at you. “But until then you’re mine and mine alone.”


Pairing: Lucifer x gn!reader


Word Count: 1.2k

Summary:Lucifer had no problem keeping himself under control, until he met you.

Warnings:Corruption kink (i think thats it, lmao)

a/n: So the lovely @sevensins-stuff decided it would be haha funny to send me this ask. It influenced me to make this drabble/blurb/scenario???? I don’t know what this is really but I hope you enjoy! It’s my first smut piece so I hope it’s okay <3


There was something in the way you looked at Lucifer when you were on your knees and waiting for his command that made him go feral. 

You had been such a sweet little thing when he met you for the first time. When you arrived he was sure there had been a mistake and you were actually from the Celestial Realm. He hadn’t ever seen a human basically glow with kindness. You walked around all these demons without a care in the world because of your obliviousness. You were always thoughtful and kind to him and his brothers. You were nothing but good through and through.

And it drove him insane.

But not in the way it did with the second eldest, who frequently called you a goody two shoes. To be frank, it really turned him on. 

Keep reading


Final Lesson

warnings: female reader, angst angst angst, no comfort, talks of death/dying, existential fear, Lucifer cries, not edited

minors/blank blogs please dni i am an 18+ account

You knew that last night you’d have a fitful sleep, tossing and turning in your bed like the last few months has so ungraciously given you. Your eyes are more swollen than usual this morning, but you know Asmodeus will be in soon enough to hide the bags under your eyes, even if he doesn’t realize that your strained skin and hair is due to lack of sleep from fear and anguish-not excitement.

As if on cue, your door opens and both Asmo and Mammon walk in, smiling as they sit beside you on your bed. Mammon ruffles your hair with a blush,

“Ya sure about this, mc? Lucifer is….Lucifer.” he chides, although there’s a loving smile on his lips as Asmo swats his brother away and clicks his tongue,

“Stop it Mammon! Her hair is already a mess, taming it is going to be a job today! You’re just so excited you’re practically speechless, aren’t you honey?” he beams, cupping your cheeks and laughing at the gentle smile you give him, nose stinging when you feel the springing of tears to your lashline.

“Ah?! I’m sorry! Didn’t mean to make ya cry! I promise, mc, I’m gonna be the greatest brother in law ya ever saw!” Mammon suddenly cries, thinking his teasing is the reason for your glassy eyes, “I-I’ll go and leave ya to Asmo…who’d better behave himself.” he grumbles, waving as Asmo hums and turns to you with a bright grin,

“Come on darling, time is ticking!”

Keep reading


The Life of Royals - Truth



Summary:When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @/writing-prompt-s

Work was exhausting today—like always—and you wanted nothing but to lay down on your bed. Just letting the tiredness seep out from your body after finding your favourite pillow and inhaling the similar scent of your home was really tempting.

But before you could indulge in the sin called Sloth, you have to finish your hellish reports first.

Half Year-End Closing is just around the corner. You knew you couldn’t sleep well during those times, so best be prepared and finish some small tasks before you pulled all-nighters for that nightmare.

Another heavy sigh escaped your mouth before you sipped your iced Americano with a frown.

The ladies were gossiping about the neighbouring country whose King was currently laying in bed, sick. The country’s affairs had to be managed by the seven princes, especially the eldest.

Yes, the neighbouring country has seven princes.

“Don’t you think it’s time for the princes to find someone? The Crown Prince is twenty-seven now, and he’ll be ascending the throne soon.”

“Yeah, you’re right. But hey, aren’t we more or less the same age as the Crown Prince?” your co-worker giggled while twirling the straw on her drinks, “Don’t you think we might have a chance?”

“Don’t be ridiculous! We’re commoners!” another one said, “Besides, we’re not even their citizens.” She clicked her tongue in annoyance.

‘Yeah, we’re only commoners who had nothing special to brag about…’

Would be nice if you can come home to a wonderful palace and had attendants tending to your every need; enjoy the days with luxurious items and respect from others, and have absolutely no worries about food on your table or monthly rent.

But then again, the responsibilities were nothing easy. Royals are responsible for their subjects’ well-being.

If you’re truly a human being, how could you sit back and relax with the money your subjects worked so hard for; while they are suffering on the streets, probably haven’t eaten anything for days?

You swallowed a heavy lump on your throat. Just thinking about their responsibilities made you sick.

“What about you, MC? Any Princes that caught your eyes?” your co-worker wiggled her eyebrows.

You were too lost in your thoughts to even realise the topic had changed.

“Come on, now! Don’t be shy! As for me, I absolutely love Prince Satan. He’s so responsible. And did you see the latest news? He’s the one who closed down the illegal underground market. They were selling slaves and drugs!”

Keep reading

Heat/Rut with the Brothers

Okay, since I’m a sucker for this kind of headcanon. I might as well pitch in this :D

Note: So first off, this affects MC/Reader as well. Since pheromones/scent does alter others behavior hence (Behavior-altering agent) Plus it serves as aphrodisiac.

That being said this all consensual from both party.

And Their state of heat/rut change depends on if they have a mate or not. And this all with GN!MC

Warning:Talk of sex, heavily implied, mention of being fucked! (But no actual smut), Some prick comments in Belphie’s part.

(Minor DNI)


No Mate

Days lasted: 3 to 4 days

State: Aggressive, Territorial, Pain, and Tired.

Since he is the most dominant in the whole house, Lucifer develops an instinct to keep his rank as head of the household hence his sudden instinct to keep his guard or threaten any of his brothers if they suddenly grow some guts and start fighting him.

One time Mammon did and challenged Lucifer since he heard that demon being in heat/rut makes said demon weaker. Though he shouldn’t listen to Levi about those sorts of things. Because when he surprised Lucifer. Lucifer almost killed him, but managed to destroy the whole living room.

When he’s not on guard, he usually stays in his study or his room and waits it out, without anything to keep his mind busy. Yes, even doing paperwork doesn’t cut it. He endured the pain of his heat/rut losing his control of shifting forcing him to stay in his demon form during the whole, feeling that his whole body is on fire. His groans of pain made it seem like he was dying, which worried Mammon and Satan at times. Though they made sure that no one knows their worry.

The morning after his heat/rut Lucifer went back to his usual self as if the whole ordeal never happened.


Days lasted: 2 to 3 days

State: Affection, Aggressive, Clingy, and Needy 

It all starts when you start clinging to him like a baby Koala. At first he loves it but when he realizes that you are being affected by something. He quickly tried to look for the cause of it. Then he felt it, his whole start to heat up within. He knows this feeling and he is not happy about it.

You cry when he tells you that he needs space from you for the next couple of days. Then you just cry harder and tell him that he doesn’t love you anymore which is further from the truth.

But you stop crying and get up to leave, something within Lucifer snaps. He can’t let you leave.

He quickly grabs your wrist and pulls you into his embrace, he leans his nose on your hair and takes a deep breath taking in your scent. Then he let out a low growl.

Soon enough you start to feel warm, wrapping your arms around his torso. You look into his eyes with lustful eyes.

Let’s just say, Lucifer took that as a sign. He quickly swoops you up and rushes to his room. As he passes some of his brothers by the halls. He sent them a death glare warning them to not get near him or you.

Once in his room, he plops you on his bed and locks the door behind him.

With no warning, he shifts to his demon form and stalks toward you as he strips out of his clothes. Meanwhile you made quick work and stripped down while still laying down on his bed.

You two went at each other, sloppy kissing, biting, clawing each other though he had to be careful on his part not wanting to hurt you too badly.

After a day, his whole demeanor changes, this time he’s the one who’s needy. And pour out his fear of losing you or you might not want to see him after this.

You reassure him that you don’t see him any differently and that you aren’t going anywhere.

For the next couple of days you two switch a couple of times. By the end of his cycle, you two are holding each other. You sniggling your face into his chest and Lucifer snuggling his face to your hair breathing in your scent.

Yeah when the you of two did wake up with an awkward tension in the air, not really remember the whole thing, only bits of memory.

Though you smile and tell him that you remember him telling you about his fear, and that you meant what you said.

He smiles back and leans forward for a passionate kiss. However, he tells you that whatever happens in this room stays in this room. You giggle and hug him, which he returns along with his wings.


No Mate

Days lasted: 5 to 7 days

State: Frustrated, Shy, and Moody

All his self-confidence or his boasting persona all goes out the window. Where he kinda speaks in his defense whenever his brothers pick on him. The first sign of him was going into his heat/rut. He becomes more shy and moody, avoiding his brothers at all times. 

Most of his brothers ignore him, but something with Levi and Asmo makes them want to tease Mammon while he was in his heat/rut.

Lucifer or even Beel had to step in and drag the two brothers away from Mammon.

Poor Mammon had to ask Belphie if he could use the attic during the whole thing. Belphie felt pity on his brother and gave him full access to the attic.

Mammon moved quickly and took all the things that were important to his brother out of the room into the hall outside and immediately locked himself up. There he instantly shifts into his demon and lets out a roar.

All with him in the room is a mattress which after an hour being in the room. He ripped it to sheds and made his nest.

All he can do is lay on his makeshift nest, pace around the room, or just claw the walls of the room. He is irritated in his own skin, like he just wants to rip it off of him.

This was Mammon’s hell week, and prayed that he would survive to his father. Though that sentiment quickly vanishes once his cycle is done. He kicked himself for being a baby with the whole thing.


Days lasted: 3 to 4 days

State: Needy, Possessive, and Confident  

He was in cloud nine, sure he still stole and was a con man, but he never thought to have someone to love and be loved by. He completely forgot that he goes through something that will definitely be a deal breaker for your relationship.

It was not until one day, he came back from a night in the casino when he saw gifts at his doorway. At first he suspects Levi, but when he picks up the gift off the floor, he immediately smells your scent on the gift.

He has a smug grin on his face as he looks at the little present you left for him. 

The next morning however things just became more tense… well for his brothers at least. Because the moment he walks in the dining room. He glared at Asmo for being near you. Though he didn’t have to do anything, all because you move away from his brother and jump on to him. Wrapping your arms around his neck.

He was confused with your sudden action, but that soon faded when he started sniffing you top to bottom which made you giggle.

But he was least happy to find out that Levi, Asmo and Beel’s scent is all over you.

Some say looks can be as powerful as physical action can ever do. Mammon’s displeased face sends shivers down Levi, Asmo and Beel.

With one quick, low but deep growl Mammon hoists you up and quickly carries you back to his room.

He kicks the down open and jumps towards his bed, he plops you on it and quickly makes his way back up the stairs to close and lock it. The sound of the lock clicking snapped him out of his out of character state. Then it hit him, this strange feeling he has… his in heat/rut! 

He internally panic and frantically look around, while trying to think a way to explain to you what’s happening and also talk his way out of this fuck session he got himself in.

But he immediately froze when you suddenly appeared behind him and wrapped your arms around him and started kissing his neck even so far as making a quick nibble on it.

You told him that you might be a bit horny, but you are in a sane mind. But the kicker was during your mumbling he heard you say that you are his.

Mammon insteadly shifts into his demon form, turns around, grabs you, tosses you over his shoulder and makes his way back to his bed.

Say goodbye to your clothes, while he had to strip out of his (damn demon clothes being too tough to rip). Once fully naked he pounc on top of you and starts assaulting your poor face, neck, and chest with love kissing and bites along with claw marks.

The flustered Mammon you know him by is nowhere to be seen, the avatar of greed is your partner for the next couple of days. Taking some breaks, but Mammon made sure that you can be heard throughout the house.

In the morning after his cycle, Mammon reverted back to his tsundere but needy state. Snuggling close to your side and mumbling repeatedly that he loves you.

You sigh and just keep stroking his hair and tell him over and over again that you know and that you love him too.


No Mate

Days lasted: 4 to 6 days

State: Petty, In-pain, and Whiny

Levi intentionally made sure that his brothers knew that he was in heat/rut. If he was going through this, you bet your ass that he’ll make his brothers suffer with him.

He cries of pain goes through that house and 

He doesn’t have to worry about locking himself up since he’s already doing it. He is petty and kinda sadistic, because the moment Mammon and Asmo start complaining he quickly acts like he was in so much pain. Well it’s true but hearing Lucifer scolding both Mammon and Asmo for making Levi feel worse is music to his ears. However that small pleasure didn’t stop the pain making his ordeal any less bearable.

He had to move Henry to a fish bowl so he could be in the aquarium. That way he doesn’t have to move his precious collection on one side of his room.

Once Henry is out, Levi immediately jumps on his tank and shifts into his demon form where there he floats in the middle holding himself trying to indor the pain for the next couple of days. With the occasional thrasting to the side of the wall when he can’t bear the pain.

It was Lucifer, Satan or Beel’s job to check on Levi, they know when his cycle is over. Because this whole ordeal leaves Levi to pass out his tank by the end.


Days lasted: 1 to 3 days

State: Aggressive, Territorial, and Horny

It all started with small things for you at least, you start to crave Levi’s touch and want to be as close as possible to your demon boyfriend.

To you Levi did no wrong in your eyes, so you turn away whenever Levi starts to be more aggressive to his brothers, even Lucifer. In fact Lucifer got the worst out of this, everytime Levi sees Lucifer he hiss and growls at Lucifer. When things were about to turn nasty you step in and pull Levi away from Lucifer, though you didn’t see Levi flipping Lucifer off. (Lucifer will remember that…)

You sat in his tub/bed while Levi took his frustration on a game that was meant to rage someone. You know those games.

You start to doze off even with the constant spewing curses from Levi to the screen.

Then you hear something break which wakes you up from your short nap.

You look over and gasps to see Levi in his demon form panting heavily in front of his now destroyed monitors.

You slowly got out of the tub and made your way to Levi. you grab his arm and start rubbing it to sooth him.

He looks at you with a mixture of love, but also sadness. But you and him just stare into each other’s eyes. Both in some sort of trances as the two of you start to feel warm and aroused.

And just like a strike of lightning. You two quickly move and lock lips, you wrapping both arms and legs on Levi as he walks you two to his tank.

He leaps over and jumps into the water, with no disregard to your clothes and your D.D.D in your pocket. Though you didn’t have to worry, Levi moved quickly and ripped your clothes while still locking lips with you.

As you frustratedly strip him down (you curse whoever design his demon clothes)

Once the two of you are completely naked, Levi starts wracking you as you are pinned to the glass wall of the tank, with arms wrapped around his neck and head.

Yes, he does use his tail at some point during the whole experience.

But by the time the whole cycle is over, Levi holds you close to him burying his face in your shoulder, mumbling apology after apology. But you giggle and stork his head and back and say that you loved every minute of it but you told him Henry is the one he should be apologizing to. The poor baby was in the tank the entire time.


No Mate

Days lasted: 3 to 5 days

State: Angry, just anger, if you value your life. Stay the hell away from him.

Lucifer and his brothers ask Diavolo to stay in the castle for the next couple of days. The prince doesn’t need further explanation seeing that Satan is missing from the group.

Meanwhile Satan starts destroying everything in the house, everything that Lucifer didn’t have time to put in some sort of enchantment to protect from Satan’s wrath.

Satan reverts back to his primal instinct and marks everything with his flame and claw marks.

None of the brothers dare to go back to the house, even just setting foot at front yard triggers Satan to go and check who is stupid enough to his territory.

Lucifer had to work to shoo all demons who caught whiff of Satan’s scent and put them under his pheromone of attraction.

After five days the brothers return to a destroyed house with Satan calmly seating in the living as if nothing has happened.


Days lasted: 2 to 4 days

State: Needy, Affectionate, and Possessive.

You could’ve swore that Satan just became a cat. For whatever reason, he was clinging to you at all times one day. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck when no one is looking. He asks for you to stroke and pat his hair at times. 

You can chug it off with maybe he got himself cursed again in an attempt to prank Lucifer again. But all that was thrown out of the window and Belphie and Asmo ask Satan to quickly lock himself up in his room before it was too late. Even though you don’t have the full context, seeing his brothers yelling at him set something off within you. You scold both demons and drag Satan back to your room ignoring Belphie calling you.

You sat on the edge of the bed, while Satan sat on your chair by the desk. After a couple of minutes you managed to get a clear head. You ask Satan why is acting like this?

And he just flat out said that he was in heat/rut. But this was different.

As he talks, you look at him really taking the idea that he was in heat/rut. Your face starts to heat up and you slowly get up and walk towards Satan.

Without any warning, you press your lips into Satan’s. The passion turns aggressive real fast as you drag Satan to your bed. 

You pin him down, straddle on his hips.you reach down and comb his hair with your fingers. He leans further into your touch. Eventually he shifted to his demon and you began to strip him off from his horrible demon clothes internally cheering that you got him off those awful clothes.

There you two went at it, with you assaulting every inch of his body. He tells you that you’re doing a wonderful job as he holds you.

Two days later, Beel knocks on your door asking if you and Satan are okay?

You know how you end up on the bed, or when you and Satan switch. Before you can respond to Beel. Satan who was right above you, growls at the door holding you tight.

Also, you completely forgot that you and Satan are still… Connected.

Soon Satan growls, Beel immediately backs away and runs as far from your room as possible. 

Once Beel is gone, Satan comes back to you with a smirk, before quickly leaning down and starts kissing you aggressively. Still feeling his passion you wholeheartedly wrap your arms around him, drawing your body close to his.

The next thing you remember was after the whole thing. Your back against your headboard and down to your side is Satan snung to your side, sound asleep.

You smile and move back down to lay next to your demon.


No Mate

Days lasted: 5 to 8 days

State: Needy, Whiny and Petty

Oh Asmo, this would’ve been easy for him. But ever since Lucifer ban him from bringing strangers to the house which leads into a full grown orgy. Asmo made it his mission to make his brothers feel his pain.

He moans and groans at night, and he whines in the day. At some point Mammon and Belphie agree to kill Asmo.

Lucifer was one step ahead of them and locked Asmo in his room with a note saying that he’ll let him out if he stops this petty game while he was in heat/rut.

Asmo whines but all it does is tiring him out for the day. At night when everyone else catches up with their sleep. Asmo took this opportunity to call Solomon and tell him to come quickly. He made it sound like he was in trouble.

Solomon immediately appears in Asmo’s room. Asmo is lying on his side wearing only a robe. The second Solomon notices what’s going on. He gave Asmo one close eye smile and quickly teleported out of there, leaving Asmo to cry.

Once Asmo’s cycle was over, he kept annoying his brothers, especially Lucifer for treating him badly.


Days lasted: 4 to 6 days

State: Feral, Territorial, and Horny ‘Of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

One morning you felt like you’re under the weather, all you can think is Asmo and that how badly you need him. You didn’t even use your D.D.D. you just call out to him as you curl up in your bed as tears start to fall from your eyes.

While you are in your room in agony. Out in the hall, All six brothers try their best to subdue a crazed Asmo who all of a sudden shifts to his demon form and starts mauling through his brothers.

After managing to slip through Lucifer and Beel, he rushes to your room.

He makes his way towards you, picks you up and carries you out of the house and in the woods.

He found a cave perfect to keep you safe, he let you lay there as he prepared everything he needed for you and him.

He quickly made a nest and gathered food and water for the two of you.

As soon as he has everything, he carries you to the nest and the fun really begins.

He made quick work of your clothes and his. Then he hovers on top of you and starts kissing and nibbling your whole body. Once he feels you around him that is when he truly is feral.

Three days after Asmo kidnaps you, the brothers never thought that Asmo would bring you to the woods.

Oh they should’ve left you two alone. Poor Beel. he was the first one to find that cave.

He quickly ran towards the cave when he heard you scream. 

The other brothers soon found the cave with Beel standing next to the entryway his face hid behind his knees.

Mammon quickly rushes inside the cave while the other brothers ask Beel what he saw, soon they see Mammon come running out the cave as they hear Asmo roaring.

At that point they decide to come back when Asmo’s cycle is over.

By the time it was over, the brothers went back to the cave where they saw you and Asmo curl up together. Both of your bodies are covered in leaves.

Asmo senses his brother’s presence. He looks up with a smirk on his face and tells them that you two need a minute because under the leaves you and him are still connected.


No Mate

Days lasted: 3 to 4 days

State: In-pain, Irritated and Tired 

Poor baby, Beel has the worst time with his heat/rut.

The moment he feels that he can’t lift his body up is a sign that he’s in heat/rut.

Belphie did whatever it takes to make this whole ordeal somewhat bearable for Beel. Even if he kinda feels his pain. He just wanted to help his twin.

All Belphie can do is pat Beel’s back as he groans in pain into his pillow. As his body starts to heat up. In the middle of his cycle, Belphie had to leave Beel due to his scent being the stage where it wore off other demon males who weren’t looking to mate with him.

Because Beel without even trying is intimidating to others. 

Now Beel all alone moans and groans in pain as his wings send off an annoying buzzing noise that affects his brothers making them want to challenge Beel to show him that they can take him down. But hold off and keep their own instinct at bay.

As soon as his cycle was over, Beel came out of his room with a calm expression as if nothing had happened.


Days lasted: 1 to 3 days

State: Aggressive, Territorial and Affectionate

One afternoon you suddenly have a sudden urge to cook a full course meal. As you cook in the kitchen Beel never got out of bed this morning which worried Belphie.

Belphie left you in that kitchen as he made his way to his and Beel’s room. Suddenly the door burst open surprising Belphie, he saw Beel step out in his demon form half naked!

Satan rushes to the scene once he hears that crush outside his room. He immediately met with a hand to the face, Beel hoist Satan up and tossed him towards Belphie.

The two cower in the corner of the hall as Beel slowly approaches them with such anger on his face. But as soon as you appear in line of sight, he completely forgets and ignores his brothers.

You just want to know what was causing all that noise, before you know it. Beel quickly picks you up and throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes as the two of you make your way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

He kicked the door open steps inside the kitchen before kicking the door behind him. He sets you on the counter as he locks all the doors and windows of the kitchen.

He pulls a chair next to the counter right in front of you. He was in between your legs which were dangling over the edge of the counter. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him, resting his cheek on your lap nuzzling it. Then he looked up to meet your eyes, he spoke with those, like it was telling you to feed him. 

So you did. You reach out for the nearest dish you made and start feeding Beel. you even bent over and gave him a quick peck on his lips.

Feed, kiss or head pat, repeat. Until all the food you cooked up is all gone. You pout at him and tell him it’s all gone. But Beel isn’t satisfied, he kicks that chair away and pushes all the dishes, tray and pots off the counter before pinning you on the counter. 

Then he moves down and starts kissing you all over with a couple of nibbles and scratches on your skin. At this point he ripped your clothes off of you and Beel stripped out of his. And the two go at it.

A day after, none of the brothers manage to unlock the kitchen door. As Mammon bangs on the door while calling out to Beel to let them get something to eat.

The throw opens revealing a piss off naked Beel well naked but he most of his front is covered by you clinging on to him with your whole ass in full display for the brothers.

None of them said anything as he stared blankly at the fact that they see you panting heavily, your arms wrapped around Beel’s neck as your leg around his waist.

With one loud and booming roar at his brothers, Beel quickly shut the door and returned to whatever he was doing to you.

Once his cycle is over, Beel doesn’t care that he is walking out of the kitchen naked. He wants to take you back to his room to take care of you. 

You poor thing pass out. Though you don’t regret anything you and Beel did. You just feel sorry for Beel. Lucifer forces him to replace every two destroyed in the kitchen.


No Mate

Days lasted: 3 to 4 days

State: Whiny, Moody, and Irritated

All the brothers are so happy that the twins’ cycles are not in sync. Otherwise they had to deal with Beel bedredden while Belphie is walking around the house being a bitch to everybody.

Most if not all ticked him off.

Mammon just walking in front of him, he’ll say that he’s better off with witches since his whoring himself off to them for cash.

Levi is just sitting, he’ll tell his brother he means nothing to the company that owns the shows he watches and they’ll just move and change things just to please the normies he hates for an easy buck.

Asmo cooks in the kitchen, he’ll tell him that he will never truly be loved because the moment he does something to displease his fans they’ll move on to the next big demon and forget about him in a second.

Satan reading, he’ll say that half of the animal rescue videos he watches all stage because they know that those videos get the most views.

Lucifer just glanced at him. He yells at his brother at the fact that he just replace his oath with their father with Diavolo and that he will never be truly be free and that Diavolo is more worst since he takes every advance he can get to use his oath with Lucifer while the latter just sit there and take it.

That Last part causes Belphie to be locked up in the attic (this before the event of the main story) and Lucifer tells him that he will get out once his cycle is over.

However, that doesn’t stop Belphie from whining all night. Because he doesn’t have anything to distract his internal pain. All he can feel is that his whole body is on fire.

Lucifer and Beel personally go to him once his cycle is over, there they see Belphie sound asleep on the floor buttass naked.


Days lasted: 1 to 3 days

State: Needy, Horny and Affectionate

Okay, You know Belphie is clingy but this is going a bit too far… but you can’t help but to encourage him. For whatever strange reason you just want to be as close to Belphie as possible as much he does to you.

In fact you listen to him and sleep in and skip class with him for the day. Little do you know Belphie is not planning on you two leaving his room.

Because the moment you woke up to go and use the bathroom. You saw Belphie had moved both his bed and Beel’s in the middle of the room. Push together to make one big bed.

But you ignored it and did your business, and when you came back you saw Belphie lying across the bed in his demon form and naked. His face and neck are all red from the heat he is feeling right now.

He calls out you, telling you that he did all this work and you still haven’t fucked him already. You want to hell you are under his hypnotic scent seeing him like this awaken something within you. The drive to please him.

You slowly walk towards him as you start to strip out of your clothes, climb on to bed and on to Belphie hovering over him as his tail brush against your legs then you start kissing him all over. As your body starts to feel warm inside.

Soon enough the two of you went at it, your moans and groans reaching out to the halls giving away to the others that Belphie is in heat/rut. 

Beel had to bunk in with Mammon since he doesn’t have a place to sleep. However none of the other brothers get much sleep to begin with.

But once the noise from the twins room dies down, all the brothers cheer before passing out from the lack of sleep.

Meanwhile you try to slip out of Belphie’s iron grip as he mutters that you don’t have to leave just yet, you just gave up and crawl back to bed and snuggle against Belphie. 

Lucifer is right, you baby him too much.



Okay at some point writing this, I hesitant to make this full blow smut, however I’m still not confident on my writing skill in smut (Plus I’m just going to post it on Ao3 because I want to keep this as 15 to 16+ aka PG13 XD) I just implied that Sex did happened during all of this.

If there’s grammar or spelling error, please let me know and don’t be shy to leave a comment or rebloging with cute tags. I just love to see you guys thoughts on this :3

The Life of Royals (RoyaltyAU)

Genre:Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Crack


Summary:When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @/writing-prompt-s

  1. Truth
  2. The Long-Awaited Arrival
  3. Mixed Emotions
  4. The Flaws
  5. Mending the Bond
  6. Anything for You
  7. His Side of the Story
  8. Teamwork Makes the Dream Works
  9. My Vows to You
  10. Her Hidden Colours
  11. Your Majesty

The Life of Royals - Your Majesty

Genre:Hurt/Comfort + Fluff


Summary:When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @/writing-prompt-s

TW: Minor character’s death and mild suggestive themes towards the end of the story.

|First Chapter|Previous Chapter|

“His Majesty! His Majesty is…”

You’ve never run in heels before—except for that time the scary manager in your former company demanded the report that was supposed to be handed in a day before—but fortunately, you certainly managed to not slip while doing so right now.

Lucifer was already far in front of you, so he was the one who opened the door to the King’s room. You arrived a few seconds after him, along with Jean following through.

The atmosphere in the room was filled with sorrow and grief.

You witnessed Mammon and Asmo kneeling down beside the King, with Mammon holding his father’s hand.

You witnessed Levi sitting on the bed near the footboard, hanging his head down low.

You witnessed the twins standing not too far behind Levi; with Belphie side hugging Beel.

You witnessed Satan standing behind Asmo, squeezing Asmo’s shoulder to comfort his brother.

And you witnessed Lucifer, standing frozen without any movement upon seeing the scene in front of him.

Your throat constricted as you looked over to the King who was already too weak to sit up. Your eyes started blurring due to tears forming and you gripped your fist tight, hoping you’d find some strength.

“Don’t cry, Mammon, Asmo…” you heard him say, weakly wiping Mammon’s tears.

“You all have been very good children. I hope you continue supporting each other like you do now.”

He then looked over to you and Lucifer, “And help support your eldest brother and sister too.”

“We will,” Satan said, representing all of them. His grip on Asmo’s shoulder tightened as he forced himself not to cry in front of the King.


The attention shifted to the eldest.

Mammon, Asmo and Satan made way for Lucifer.

He approached the King and slowly kneeled down beside his bed, taking Mammon’s spot. His expression was unreadable but only fools wouldn’t notice those trembling hands of his.


“It’s alright, Father. I’m here.” Lucifer grabbed his hand.

“Take good care of this kingdom… I believe in you…”

“Talk no more, Father. You need to rest.”

“I’m not… going to be here… for long…”

“Don’t say that!” Lucifer unexpectedly raised his voice.

Mammon’s cries intensified. Beside him, Asmo hid his crying face with his hand while the twins comforted Levi upon hearing his soft cries. Satan turned his head away, not wanting to see further in fear he’d breakdown in tears; although a drop of tear was already seen falling from his eyes.

You, on the other hand, could only do so much other than cry along.

You felt your heart throbbed in pain.

The King has been nothing but kind to you ever since you stepped into this place. Even though he’s a royal, not once did he ever look down on you or your status. He even welcomed you warmly to his palace, his kingdom, his home.

You did visit the King several times after that. Mostly, it was with Lucifer but there were also times when you visited him alone. And he shared everything with you. His experiences, his life lessons, and even some cute secrets about the Princes when they’re all still young and wild.

Your visits became more frequent on the days you’re missing your home and your family.

And the King never denied your presence as he was too happy to get to know you just as much as you do to him. You really gained a new father figure.

He gave you secrets and tips to woo Lucifer’s heart—totally clueless that the other party was already head over heels for you.

He gave you some insights into his vision for the country.

And he also gave you words of encouragement to keep going.

Not to forget on the days that you passed out from overworking, he even got up from his bed to give you a visit—although the royal physician strictly forbade him from visiting due to his already weak condition.

But of course, if you’re already feeling such sorrow, what would that make the brothers?

Through your lenses of tears, you could vaguely make out his smiling face before it slowly disappeared; accompanied along with the intensified wailing of cries from the others.

Couldn’t take it any longer, your knees buckled and you had to lean back to the wall for support.

You saw Lucifer looking down to his hand as the royal physician announced, “Time of death, 3:48 p.m.”


The whole kingdom went into mourning.

Condolences were expressed by the nobles and commoners alike; making you gain the strength to keep moving.

But of course, that’s only you…

You couldn’t help but worry about Lucifer and his brothers.

Although the Princes were slowly recovering from their bereavement, you could clearly see they needed more time.

But a country can’t go too long without a King to rule them. Although it wasn’t an appropriate time yet, it was the most important thing to be done; both for the kingdom and the people.

So the coronation ceremony was said to be held 3 days from now.

The attendants in the palace were very busy preparing for the ceremony and you couldn’t help but busied yourself along. Mainly due to the increasing workload and also as a coping mechanism.

‘Wait a minute! A coping mechanism?’

Your heart started pounding inside your chest before you stood up from your seat abruptly and went for the door.

You encountered Jean who was already there, looking troubled and restless.

“Your Highness…” Jean’s expression told you everything you need to know.

How could you be so blind?

Your mind flashed back to the scene in the King’s room yesterday.

Lucifer was wearing his unreadable masks.

He was standing tall despite having his hands trembling in fear.

He raised his voice accidentally out of fear.

He never shed tears while his brothers all cried.

He never shed tears.

Lucifer was hiding himself again.

“His Highness never left his study at all yesterday. He didn’t sleep and he hasn’t eaten anything. And he kept me out of his study today too. I’m very worried, Your Highness.”

“Do you have the key to his study?” you said, already walking towards the destination.

“I do, but I’m afraid His Highness is going to be mad if I invade his space again,” Jean said, following you along.

Those words described his effort that failed once.

“It’s alright. I’ll take full responsibility this time,” you said, fastening your pace.



Lucifer clicked his tongue in annoyance. What part of wanting to be alone did his butler not understand?

The grip on his pen tightened and he looked up from the paperwork; only to see someone else walking into the room.

You were close to breaking down in tears again when you saw his condition, “Lucifer, please don’t do this.”

Something in him throbbed at the sight of you but he only felt annoyed. Furious even.

“Do what? Finishing my work like I’m supposed to?” His words were full of thorns.

“No, isolating yourself from everyone else…”

“What do you know?!”

Your breath hitched and your pupils shook with surprise.

“What do you know, huh? You’re not the one in my position! You’re not the one who constantly has to keep watching your steps! You’re not the one who always faced the public’s backlash! You’re not the one who has to keep up with the pressure set by the public! And you’re certainly not the one who just lost a family member!”

“You don’t know anything!” Lucifer lashed out.

The long silence in the room was deafening. You both stood right where you were without making a move.

Only then did he sober up and realised his mistake.

Again. He did again. He hurt you again.

Lucifer felt his throat choking on himself at the sight of your pained expression.

His mind wanted to apologise; to hold you close and tell you he didn’t mean what he said.

But his body remained stuck to his feet, refusing to move.

His mind screamed again and again.

But his heart told him he didn’t deserve you.

All you ever did was to comfort him but he had to go and lashed out at you instead.

Again, his throat threatened to constrict himself but he felt no tears forming in his eyes.

When was the last time he ever cried anyway?

Lucifer was too occupied with his thoughts and blames to even realise his masks were breaking apart for failing to keep his composure. But his focus snapped back into the present when he felt a soft touch on his hand.

Not daring to look up at you, he remained hanging his head low.

“Dear, look at me,” you said before caressing his cheek with gentle care.

You entered his vision by lifting his chin gently using your forefinger. You gave a small smile while stepping closer to him, already holding his hands and squeezing them gently for comfort

Everything you did obviously depicted the tender and loving care you had for him.

“I’m sorry if I invaded your personal space. I just want you to take a break. You didn’t sleep last night, right? And yesterday, you looked exhausted. I’m really worried about you, Dear.”

Lucifer was speechless.

“I know you didn’t mean it, so stop blaming yourself. And stop hiding yourself from me. I know I can’t be of much help to you when it comes to the country’s affairs, but at least, I want to be by your side when you need it; as your wife…”

You slowly closed your distance with him by wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him in for a hug.

“We’re husband and wife, right? We’re supposed to share our problems with each other. We’re supposed to lean on each other when we need it. We’re supposed to be the light to each other’s darkness. After all, that’s our vows. 


“Dear, you should know that anyone can cry if they want to. There’s no saying that men who didn’t cry were stronger than those who did. In fact, you’re even stronger if you admit your emotional thoughts rather than suppress them. Because then, your only escape was to lash out at the ones you care about, causing you more pain.”

Your words made him feel remorse.

“I love you, Lucifer. And I won’t take your words to heart. That’s not you, I know. So please…” your grip on his waist tightened, “Please come back to me; to us. We’re all worried about you.”

Right at that moment, Lucifer felt something wet touch his cheek.

His heart screamed out in pain and ease at the same time, finally realising the last time he ever did the same thing was 17 years ago when he first faced the pressure of the political world.

How he missed this feeling.

The sensation of letting yourself free.

Why did he lock himself away again?

And why did he ever have such ideals in the first place?

And what did he do in his previous life to deserve someone like you?

Lucifer leaned down to hide his face on your shoulder, grips tightening around your back and letting himself go.

You felt his shoulders tremble and small wet spots formed on your shoulder. But no noise ever escaped him; not even a squeak or a choked breath.

But it was alright. This is all you ever wanted anyway. You just want him to stop hiding himself.

So you reached your hand out to the back of his head and massaged it softly, while your other hand drew small circles on his back.

“…’m sorry…”

“It’s alright. I understand,” you said, hands never stopping at making him comfortable.

It took him a while to calm down but you never complained. Even though your feet were starting to hurt from standing up for too long, you didn’t mutter anything.

You just gave him the comfort he needed and let him be okay at his own pace.

When he finally pulled away, you caught those subtle red eyes of his, staring tiredly at you.

You caressed his cheek, his forehead and lastly, through his hair before planting soft kisses on his forehead; both of his eyelids; the tip of his nose; his cheeks; his jaw and lastly, on his lips.

“Let’s eat something and rest for the day, okay?” you coaxed.

Lucifer only nodded slightly.


Considering you sent him off early to bed, you both had dinner separately that night.

You wished for him to recover all those times he didn’t get to sleep well and just rest. That’s the best you could hope for. Because whether you both liked it or not, 2 days from now, you’d have to face the public for your coronation ceremony.

Sighing heavily, you turned to your side and relaxed as you felt the cold side of the pillow touch your cheek.

Thinking too much won’t solve the problem. And you also need to catch some Z’s since you couldn’t sleep well last night.

Pushing these thoughts to the back of your head, you closed your eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep. You only focused on that soft lavender scent of your room, making you feel more relaxed and calm.

Just as your soul felt like it was levitating, you suddenly felt a hand slide under your waist. You drew in a sharp breath and your eyes shot open before you immediately pushed off whoever the hand belonged to from your bed.

You were about to scream when you saw the familiar black and red gradient eyes glaring back at you. His black hair was dishevelled from the fall and he frowned deeply.

“Lucifer?! What the hell!” You gripped your pillow tight.

“Must you kick me that hard? It hurts, you know?”

“You scared the living crap out of me! What are you even doing in my room?! When did you get here?”

“Sorry… But can I sleep beside you for today?” Lucifer ran a hand through his hair, further disheveling it, before sitting on your bed once again.

You didn’t have the heart to reject his offer so you sighed heavily before agreeing.

He looked so much better than he did this evening and you felt yourself easing at his sight.

But you still weren’t satisfied with his answer, “How did you even get here anyway?”

Lucifer raised his eyebrow at that question, “By walking? 

You clicked your tongue and rolled your eyes, “I mean, how did you get here without anyone asking or stopping you?”

You knew full well that knights were stationed to guard your door during the night, so his presence in your room really surprised you.

“Why would they stop me? I’m your husband. I have every right to sleep in your room if I want to.”

Good point, because you didn’t realise that’s a fact until he put it out loud.

To say you’re only flushing from his comment was an understatement, but thank goodness for the lack of light in the room. At least he couldn’t tease you if he saw how red your face had become.

“Forget it. Let’s just sleep.”

You gave some space for him to lay down and turned your back against him, still very much embarrassed with his previous comment.

Lucifer snuggled close behind your back and hid his face on your hair. His arms were back on your waist and his breath tickled your neck. You tried not to squirm from the ticklish sensation.

This is the first time you two shared this kind of intimacy but you tried not to take it the other way. He needed support and that’s what you’d give him.

You shifted and turned to face him again, lightly running your hand through his hair before kissing him on his forehead, “Good night, Lucifer.”

He pulled you closer and replied, “Good night, Love.”


You couldn’t believe the man standing in front of you is the same man who was severely grieving over the death of his father three days ago.

The same man was emitting intense charisma and presence. No doubt it would make others who see him bowed down out of respect and admiration.

His princely presence made you forget the cold feet you had while standing on this stage in front of others.

It wasn’t suffocating like you originally thought it was, but more of a comforting presence.

Maybe because it’s him; it’s Lucifer and not anyone else.

‘So this is the kind of thing he’s capable of? No wonder he preferred to hide his true emotions…’

Looking back at things now, it wasn’t an easy journey.

Imagine growing up in a place where you know nothing about the royal setting. But one day, your whole life started to change. Suddenly, you had a country to rule and citizens to care for.

You might have not made it this far if it wasn’t for the support you have.

And by realising the heavy responsibilities behind this job, you couldn’t bear to think what kind of pressure Lucifer went through since he was young. He chose to hide himself, in fear of others exploiting his weakness and trying to blackmail him to get the upper hand.

But such things could only gnaw at him from the inside. The very least you could do as his wife is to soothe him and give him the comfort he needed.

You then listened attentively to the oath he took, knowing your turn was coming soon. The cold feet was slowly creeping in again and the fluttering of butterflies in your stomach made you feel sick.

It was now your turn to take the oath. You took a deep breath and started your oath-taking.

With every word you said, the heavy meaning behind it haunted you with pressure.

The responsibilities behind this seat were no joke; you knew.

But you promised to do your best.

After all, gaining the public and the nobles’ favour wasn’t an easy task too, but you proved yourself wrong by entitling yourself to this seat with their approval.

You can do this. Yes, you can.

“With this oath, I take this crown and the responsibilities behind it; for the people; for the nation; for the country; for the future.”

You felt the heavyweight of the crown on top of your head but successfully balanced it nonetheless. You then spotted Lucifer giving a small smile in your direction before extending his hand for you to take.

As soon as the royal couple finished their oath-taking, the Head of Knights, Sir Eluard led the chants, “Long live the King!”

“Long live the King!”

“Long live the King!”

“Long live the King!”

“Long live the King!”

“Long live the King!”

The hint of sadness in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you, so you gripped his hand and squeezed it gently for support.

Lucifer looked over to you and nodded slightly, appreciating your action before looking back to the front

The real task starts now.


Despite just recovering from a mourning period, the country had to throw a celebration for the newly crowned couple.

After all, it’s a tradition that symbolises a new era of the ruling, thus should be celebrated by the whole kingdom.

Usually, when there are celebrations going on—be it the new year celebration or the winning of war celebration—the palace will still be an off-ground place for commoners.

But for exceptional celebrations like these, the palace will open its gate to all the nobles and commoners alike.

It is a time for them to have fun and celebrate with each other, after all.

Having attended a celebration party like this for the second time,—the first one was during your wedding celebration four months ago—you didn’t feel quite as nervous as the first one.

It’s times like these where your lessons with Madam Leela mattered the most, as you had to present yourself to everyone; so you have to keep your etiquette and formality in check.

Although Mammon had warned you that nobles can be pretty boring at times with their topic of discussion, you had to keep listening and make alliances with these people.

“I do hope your business runs well, Lady Grace. Maybe we can discuss further on this later? I’ll send you my invites for some tea time with me.”

“Is that so, Your Majesty? Oh! I’m so excited! I’ve been wanting to get closer to you since forever!”

You only smiled sweetly at her replies.

“My Queen,” you both turned towards the source of the call, “Excuse me, Lady Grace, for I shall take the Queen with me.”

“It’s alright, Your Majesty. I’ll take my leave now.” She performed a curtsy before running off excitedly towards the other group of ladies gathering in a corner. Bragging about her new achievement perhaps?

“Everything alright, Lucifer?”

“Yes, I just want to introduce you to–”

“Ah! The Queen! Finally, we’re able to meet each other,” a man with red hair and tan skin smiled proudly towards you.

His aura was a lot different than Lucifer and he presented himself at ease even if his name was well known across the kingdoms and empires.

You know this man all too well…

Lucifer sighed heavily, having his words cut off before he could explain further, “–The Emperor of the Western Empire.”

You couldn’t show your excitement literally so you portrayed it by giving the widest smile you’ve ever given to anyone, “A pleasure to meet you, Your Imperial Majesty.”

“Please, just call me Diavolo. Any friend of Lucifer is a friend of mine. Although, now you are more than friends.” He chuckled.

His words made you giggle along.

“I apologised for not attending your wedding ceremony the other day. I had too much work to take care of but I’m here today to give support to you two. As well as condolences for your loss.”

“It’s alright. I understand,” Lucifer replied curtly.

“I appreciate you coming here today despite your never-ending work. Thank you,” you said.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce you to my right-hand man, Grand Duke Barbatos.” Diavolo gestured to the calm man standing beside him.

“A pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty,” Barbatos bowed; to which you nodded and smiled, “Likewise.”

“Say, you used to be one of my citizens, right? Perhaps you can share some of your past worries with me? I want to gather as much concern from the public as possible.”

Ah… there’s your idol…

“I would love to, Your Imperial Majesty.”

Diavolo chuckled again, “It’s alright, you can be informal with me.”

“I possibly can’t, Your Imperial Majesty. I’m not used to this!” You felt yourself blushed a little.

“Then perhaps we should be friends as well? To ease you from it? I’m not too strict on etiquette, you know?”

You only managed to smile while trying to calm down from the excitement of meeting him.

'He’s so awesome!’

“Diavolo, thank you for coming and I hope you enjoy the party. But please excuse me, I’ll be retiring early for today. Should you be needing anything, don’t hesitate to tell my brothers,” Lucifer said after keeping his quiet for a while.

He then turned his attention to his brothers who were scattered everywhere in the ballroom; with Leviathan and Belphegor on one corner of the hall, waiting for him to leave.

It’s rude for guests to leave before the King and Queen so they’re eyeing Lucifer like an eagle, waiting for the perfect chance to leave once he stepped foot outside the ballroom.

“Of course, I hope you have a good night’s rest. I’ll keep in touch again soon.” Diavolo nodded while Barbatos bowed to you two before making their way somewhere else.

You followed him back, giving chances for Levi and Belphie to escape the party they’d been so dying to get out from.

You walked beside Lucifer and asked, “Is the Grand Duke your friend too, Lucifer?”



Your eyes might be lying but Lucifer seemed…


“Are you alright?”

He didn’t reply.

“Are you exhausted?”


“Then, what’s wrong? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”

“Why don’t you ask the Emperor instead. You seem to click well with him.”


'Don’t tell me…’

You bit your lower lip to stop yourself from laughing, “Are you… jealous? 

“No.” Lucifer walked faster.

“You are , aren’t you?” You kept up with his pace while pushing that giddy feeling behind the back of your mind.

“I said no!” He turned his head away from you, refusing to make eye contact.

“Come to think of it, you were jealous during the first time we met too, right? At that café? Because you heard me praising the Emperor?” You giggled.

The look on his face during that time!

Lucifer didn’t reply. He was still avoiding your eyes but you could make out the slight pout he did when you mentioned the incident.

You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight.

“Really? What part of it was funny to you?” Lucifer glared, “Was it funny to know your wife made these googly-eyes at another man? Her husband’s friend? 

“Hey! I didn’t make googly-eyes at him!”

“You did! You smiled like he’s the man who just stole your heart or something! And you didn’t even glance at me throughout your conversation!”

You should feel guilty, honestly. But, you’re more swooned than guilty at the moment. Seeing him like this made you want to tease him more.

It’s not fair when you were always the one who was teased by him. He’s too good at hiding his weaknesses so you never really had the chance to get back at him even if you want to.

This is a once in a lifetime chance!


“Don’t call me with a pet name!”

“Okay, then Your Majesty?”

Lucifer shot you another glare.

You burst into another laughing fest, “Okay okay I’ll explain. In my commoner world, we call this 'fangirling’. It’s what you do when you meet your idol. I’ve always admired the Emperor, you know? Even long before I came here.”

“See? You admitted yourself that you like him!”

Wow! He’s deeper into that jealousy hole than you thought he was.

“Dear, there’s a whole lot of difference between love and admiration. Admire is what I feel towards Emperor Diavolo. I love to see him at work,” you held his gloved hand gently, “Meanwhile love is what I feel for you. Only for you. 

Maybe he wasn’t convinced enough by your words because he hadn’t stopped frowning, but he didn’t retreat his hand away from your grasp.

“Okay look, you see how I can never get used to calling the Emperor by his name, right? Then, do you see where you stand compared to him? Hmm?” You tilted your head to enter his field of vision and gave him a cute smile.

Those tints of blush on his cheeks gave away his true feelings and you know you’ve hit the jackpot.

“You really mean it?”

“Yes, I mean it.”

He turned to look at you and pulled you close, internally apologising for the misunderstanding. Lucifer then caressed your cheek lovingly before leaning in and kissing you on your lips.

The light blush on your cheeks further proved your words to be true.

“I love you too, MC.”

His words made you grin happily but he wasn’t done with his strategy yet.

Lucifer extended his hand and tugged the loose locks of your hair to the back of your ear. He then leaned closer and whispered, “May I visit your chamber tonight?”

Thank you for following this series until the end <3


The Life of Royals - Her Hidden Colours

Genre:Fluff? I think?


Summary:When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @/writing-prompt-s

TW: Insults and a few sentences of physical attack

Disclaimer: All the discussion about political statements in this chapter is strictly fictional and highly related to my world-building. I don’t mean to offend anybody.

|First Chapter|Previous Chapter|

The first few weeks were quite okay, you could say. Nothing major really happened. Nothing to be noted.

And your work was surprisingly easy too.

“I have to monitor the country’s finances?”

“Yes, it was under the Crown Princess’s jurisdiction. Although you still have other things to monitor, your main one is finance,” Lucifer explained.

You eyed Lucifer warily.


“You sure you didn’t just make that one up? I mean, I’m used to handling financial stuff… And coincidentally , my main area in this seat is also about finance. Are you really sure?”

“MC, did you perhaps forget page 683 of ‘The Royal Law’, in paragraph 4 line 7–”

“You’re insane, Lucifer!” Your eyes widened.

He then broke down into a laugh before continuing, “What I’m trying to say is, I’m not making that one up. Princesses really do monitor the country’s finances. It’s because you’ll be doing the same thing once you become a Queen or Empress.”

Let’s ignore the fact that you forgot about these facts and rejoice because it’s going a lot easier for you. Say thank you to those 4 years of being an accountant!

But just as Lucifer said, there were other things you had to monitor. And thus, made you be more cautious in making decisions since they weren’t something you’re used to.

Today, you were going to accompany Lucifer to his meeting with the Heads of the Houses. He mentioned that it’d be good practice for you so you agreed to join.

It was known to you that some of the nobles still have a hard time accepting you as the Princess. And you’re pretty sure Lucifer was trying to prove a point or something by asking you to join along.

But it wasn’t just you though, all of the Princes were there too.

“We have a full house today,” Satan joked before you all entered the hall.

You took your seat beside Lucifer and Mammon and listened well to the issues discussed. You could catch up on quite a few things presented and it honestly made you feel proud.

Your lessons were really helpful.

“The issue brought up by one of the commoners in the audience hall yesterday mentioned our country’s healthcare.”

You listened intently.

“I suggest we appoint royal physicians to the commoners to ensure our country’s healthcare will be at its best,” one of the speakers suggested.

‘Hmmm…’ It seemed like a good suggestion.

But the grim look on all of the Princes’ expressions were quite obvious.

“Princess, what do you think?” Lucifer suddenly broke the silence in the meeting hall.

This caused you to startle in your seat.

For about an hour and a half of you being there, he never asked you to speak, so why the sudden change of plan?

“Umm… I do think the idea is good,” you nodded slightly, “However, I don’t think it’s wise to appoint royal physicians to treat the commoners. Because royal physicians deserve to charge their clients and patients with high prices, and commoners will not be able to pay for them. It will only cause more strain in the relationship between nobles and commoners.”

Satan, Beel and Lucifer smiled beside you.

“But what I think we should do instead, is to appoint some royal physicians to help check on our medical schools’ syllabus. Young doctors and nurses alike can learn the same syllabus as the royal physicians and thus, improving their quality of education. This way, royal physicians can keep charging their patients with high prices as they are qualified for, and also for commoners to be able to afford the same quality of healthcare at a lower price.”

A long silence commenced in the meeting hall.

'I gave the wrong answers, didn’t I…?’

You felt uneasy in your seat and started to hang your head low when Lucifer said, “I see the same thing as the Princess.”

“Royal physicians are trained with many life experiences. They are qualified and entitled to be charging their patients a higher price than normal medical doctors. If we appoint them to the commoners, they will think it’s unfair. Both for their qualifications and all their hard work over the years,” Satan explained.

The nobles all nodded and understood the final decision. Thus, agreeing to work together on finding the perfect solution for everybody.


“Was I wrong? I’m so sorry! I feel like I’ve said something wrong…” You bit your lower lip nervously.

You and the Princes were walking back to your respective study when you felt the need to talk about what happened.

“No, what you said made sense actually,” Levi replied.

“Yeah, and I feel like we should start checking our hospitals’ supplies and stuff. The commoners won’t mention this to us if there’s nothing wrong,” Asmo mentioned.

“Beel, can I leave this to you?” Lucifer said.

“Of course. I’ll start checking tomorrow. I hope it’s nothing serious, though.”

Hearing their words made you sigh in relief. Then, you felt Lucifer’s hand lightly grab yours beside you. You turned your head to look over to him and witnessed his gentle smile, “Great job, MC.”

You felt your nerves die down completely after hearing his comment.


You were slowly gaining the favour of the nobles with your smart thinking after that incident. But of course, not all people will like your presence, right?

“Your Highness?” Rose’s call made you look up from the logbook you’ve been studying for the past one hour.

She seemed uneasy, “Umm… I have been told that there’s a bit of trouble happening in the East Wing…”


“Lady Nara from House of Ravenour…”

“Oh? A guest? Then, bring her to my waiting room,” you said, already standing up from your seat and getting ready to meet your guest. But Rose remained standing without budging; her expression a bit remorseful.


“Lady Nara was…” Rose bit her lower lips nervously before continuing her sentence.


Clacks of heels echoed throughout the long hallway as you remained composed after hearing your maid’s statement. Rose and your knights followed you closely, equally worried about your next action.

You smirked slowly while your feet still caught up to the pace you’ve set.

“Lady Nara was apprehended by the palace knights because she was throwing insults to Your Highness… She also trespassed into the palace grounds and demanded to see you…”

You’ve reached your destination within a few minutes.

“Unhand me!” You heard.

“Miss! This is the palace ground, and your actions are considered a felony! You deserved to be put on trial with your actions!”

“I didn’t do anything! I was just telling that woman to stay in her lane!”

Hearing another insult left her mouth, the knights were ready to throw her in the dungeon when–

“Stand down.”

All movements halted.

“Your Highness–”

“It’s alright. Lady Nara is a lady from a prestigious house. Such acts were not necessary to apprehend her,” you approached the scene calmly, “And she is still my guest so please do not harm her.”

You stood before her and saw the knights slowly releasing her at your order. You extended your hand to the lady, “Are you alright, Miss?”

But that didn’t help die down the hatred in her eyes because she started attacking you.

Already guessing her next move, you instinctively moved to your side, failing whatever feeble attempt she tried to do to you.

Quick to their feet, the knights swiftly apprehended and handcuffed her.

Insulting is one thing, but trying to attack a royal family is a serious act of crime.

“It was because of you!” the lady shouted while glaring with bitter hatred, “His Highness is the love of my life! I’ve been dreaming of becoming the Princess since I was little! This is my dream! My life! I’m the one who was supposed to wear that dress! I’m the one who was supposed to be standing at your place! I’m the one who was supposed to be dancing that dance! Not you! Not your lowly commoner self!”

“I bet His Highness didn’t even love you! You’re just here acting as a puppet for His Highness to grab the public’s heart. You’re nothing!” she spat.

You only smiled cunningly.

“Miss,” you said with eyes that could kill, “I know where I belong. I know my place. And I certainly respect all the nobles. But if this is the kind of act a lady from the most prestigious House in the Eastern Kingdom do,” you leaned closer, “Then, it’s no doubt for your seat to be taken by a commoner like me.”

The heavy words slapped her harder than any physical attack would ever do.

The tension in the air was heavy and thick. But the knights present discovered a new fact.

'Their mistress is not someone to be messed with.’

You may look docile and passive, but you certainly were not naïve.

And Lady Nara certainly wasn’t aware of the strong support you have in the royal family. Especially your good relationship with Lucifer.

Speaking of the devil, the knights paled up when they saw you—or more accurately, the person standing behind you.

“How dare you! You don’t have the right to say that to me! I’m a noble! You’re just a commoner! You don’t deserve to be here! Go back to that dirty hole you’ve crept from!”

“Clearly trying to negotiate and settle things peacefully wasn’t an option,” you sighed and shook your head, “Bring her out. And ban her from stepping into this place ever again.”

“No, throw her in the dungeon.”

You snapped your head to look over your back, surprising yourself to see Lucifer. The expression on his face was something you’d never seen before.

Disgust. Resentment. Rage.

“This is a serious act of crime. I might punish you to be executed if you’re not careful.”

No wonder the knights were alarmed in the first place.

“And let’s see who your father will save. You, or your family’s title.”

“No! Wait! Forgive me, Your Highness! I didn’t mean it!”

But it was pointless because Lucifer didn’t bat an eye in her direction any longer. The main objective in his mind was to make sure you’re okay.

“Love…” Lucifer grabbed your hand and squeezed it, observing your reaction for any disappointment on the lady’s hurtful comments. He felt himself heaved a sigh of relief when he noticed you didn’t take whatever madness the lady was spewing into heart.

Turning his head, he witnessed the knights who were pulling the lady to the dungeon while she still screamed for forgiveness.

“Isn’t your punishment too harsh? I mean, she’s just blinded by jealousy…”

“Serves her right. No one berates my wife like that.” Lucifer instinctively pulled you closer by your waist, ignoring the staring eyes of your maid and his knights who were not involved in apprehending Lady Nara.

“I didn’t realise His Highness is sought after by women all across the nation,” you joked, slightly pulling yourself away from his grasp.

“Are you jealous?”

“Jealous? Nah…” you giggled, already walking away to continue your work, “I grew up in a place where people glorify you for every single thing you do. I’m immune to your charm.”

“Hmm… bold words coming from a person who embroidered a royal emblem for me.”

Several sharp gasps were heard from the people around you, including Rose. “Your Highness…!” She covered her mouth with her hand, completely shocked by her mistress’ bold action.

You felt your whole body heated up from his comments and the stares from his knights.

Wanting no longer to be teased by Lucifer, you quickly left for your study, knowing full well he was giving you a smug grin behind your back.


The problem with the House of Ravenour was solved almost immediately the next day.

Lady Nara profusely apologised to you and Lucifer for her behaviour. Even the Head of the House shamefully bowed down to you.

“I apologised for my daughter’s disgraceful actions, Your Highnesses. I beg you, please do not punish my daughter. She is my one and only butterfly. My remaining life after my wife passed away… I beg you, Your Highnesses.”

Lucifer, of course, didn’t show any regret in making his decision but he knew you were the one who had to make the last call. So he didn’t interfere and gave you a chance to handle it.

“At ease, Lord Andreas, Lady Nara.”

Lucifer only eyed you while you continued.

“I accept your apologies. However, should such actions be done against me or anyone else around me again, I will not hesitate to exile the entire House of Ravenour from this country.”

Upon hearing the less harsh punishment but the most shameful of all, they bowed deeply, thanking you and promising to never cross the line again.

“You can leave,” Lucifer ordered coldly.

After finding the audience hall empty again—except for several knights keeping guard and Lucifer’s secretary standing not too far away from him—he turned his attention back to you.

“You’re too kind for your own good.”

You only smiled, “My dad once told me, if you treat people with kindness–”

“–then people will be kind to us too, yes I remember that. But they’ll definitely ridicule you again should you be too soft in your punishment.”

“Lucifer,” you grabbed his gloved hand, “Being kind and letting people step all over you is different. That one is me showing my compassion, the next one is me setting my boundaries. I doubt Lady Nara will do it again.” You pressed your lips together to hide the smirk that threatened to emerge.

“And, at least now I have some good favour among the nobles.” You winked playfully.

No words could describe how proud Lucifer felt right at that moment. Seeing you refusing to back down and succumb to the nobles’ pressure made him fall for you even more.

The pride in him only increased day by day when he watched you in action. What was he so worried about in the first place?

But one thing is for sure.

He didn’t regret going so far to make you his.

Focusing back on the issue at hand, the hearing of problems and concerns from the public continued.

Everything went smooth and with your presence beside him, Lucifer didn’t seem too stressed even though the hearing for the day was longer than usual.

It was the last hearing before Lucifer had another meeting to attend, so he leaned back comfortably and sat through the concern presented by the Head of Psychology Department from one of the biggest universities in the kingdom.

“Our data has shown quite a shocking increase in the number of phone calls for some counselling sessions with our psychiatrists these past few months. I believe it’s going to keep increasing due to the news about our border.”

Her words rendered Lucifer speechless. He then turned his attention to you, who was still sitting calmly in your seat.

The discussion he had with you two days ago flashed back into his mind.


“Lucifer, are we going to war or something?”

He looked up from Levi’s report file and replied, “Not really. But the situation at the border is a bit concerning…”

“No wonder… I saw you allocated more of our money to the national security and defence force.” You nodded your head without looking up from the logbook on your hand.

“But I have to say, we need to pay extra attention to our people. If news regarding our security at the border spreads throughout the country, which I think it already has, they will feel more anxious about their safety. My concern is the villagers near the border. They won’t move even if we ask them to, so more armies should be stationed over there, right?”

“Yes, that is my plan.”

“But the more frequent they see armies patrolling the area, the more stressed they’ll become… I think we need to allocate a bit more of our funds to the National Psychology Unit. And maybe have a team specified to help calm them down so they can go about with their daily life in ease?”



“I have allocated some of our funds to the National Psychology Unit, although it still wasn’t discussed in the Court yet. But I’ll look into this matter more. Rest easy, your concern is valid and we will take action,” Lucifer said.

“Thank you so much, Your Highnesses.” She bowed deeply before leaving the audience hall.

Still a bit amazed by the future Queen’s smart thinking, he extended his hand for you to grab; which you did as he gave you a side hug.



“You never fail to surprise me. Excellent work, Love.” Lucifer cupped your cheek and ran his thumb on your cheek as a form of affection.

If you both weren’t in public, Lucifer would probably kiss you right now because of your cute flustered face.


People said when you are busy yourself, you won’t notice how fast time flies.

And that saying is true because you didn’t even realise you’ve made your public debut for almost four months now, due to the amount of work you had.

Everything was going well.

You started gaining the nobles’ trust one by one, and the public was very fond of your caring traits toward them.

And as for your relationship with Lucifer?

It has gotten even stronger.

If the old Lucifer refused to show his true self to anyone—even to his brothers—now, he’s more at ease with the ones he trusts. He wasn’t afraid of asking for help and guidance should he feel the need for one.

An excellent progress if you ask me…

You smiled to yourself as you fastened your pace to Lucifer’s study. Wanting to see him for a work-related matter, you told your intention to Jean before he went inside the room to inform him of your arrival.

“Let her in.” You heard him say.

“This way, Your Highness.”

“Thank you, Jean.” You gave a smile towards the butler.

Sitting behind his desk, Lucifer was still finishing his paperwork with a grim expression. He looked really tired.

“Can I help you, MC?”

“I just want to discuss the issue with our healthcare services, but…”

Lucifer looked up from his work only to see you smiling softly at him.

He really did look exhausted. Almost as if he’s ready to collapse anytime soon.

“Jean, could you please leave the room for a while?” You ordered.

“As you wish, Your Highness.”

Hearing the door click behind you, you took this chance to approach him and stood by his side.

Instantly, Lucifer linked his arms around your waist and pulled you closer before hiding his face on your body, basking in your comfort and presence.

Smiling a little, you ran your fingers through his hair, “Rough day?”


“You want to take a break?”

Pulling away, he looked up to you and nodded.

You lead him to one of the couches in his study and sit beside him, your hand never leaving his.

Lucifer rested his head on your shoulder and intertwined his fingers to yours. He pulled your hand to observe the shiny wedding ring on your finger, still feeling the intense pride whenever he saw it.

“Was everything okay at the meeting hall earlier?”

“Not really.” Lucifer sighed heavily.

You patted his head gently and told him to rest for as long as he wanted.

“Thank you, Love.”

You gave the crown of his head a soft kiss before offering, “Want to lay down on my lap?”

But Lucifer smirked instead, “I never thought you’re bolder than you already are.”

“I was just trying to make you rest comfortably!”

“Okay, okay. Sorry, I’ll stop teasing you.” He chuckled.

Lucifer let loose completely and rested his head on your lap, feeling rather sleepy when you played with his hair like this, “How was your day, Love?”

“Normal. It was okay, but the issue with the hospitals’ supplies still worries me. Beel reported that only a few of the hospitals are in need of more funds but I feel like I should go there myself. I sent in a request for more funds, thus why I’m here to meet you. I need your signature.”

“Alright, I’ll get back to it,” Lucifer wanted to sit back up but you stopped him, “No, it’s fine. That can wait. I just want you to rest now. You’ve been working so hard lately. Don’t force yourself too much.”

“Happy to know someone’s worried about me,” he sighed contently, “But don’t worry, I’m used to this.”

“Okay, get some rest now Mr Used-To-This…” you giggled.

Nothing beats letting yourself loose after a tiring day of work.

Nothing beats having a nap for a few minutes after several days of not sleeping comfortably.

Nothing beats having the person you love sitting close to you and giving you comfort when you need it the most.

But the peace wasn’t for long before Jean frantically swung open the door without knocking, “Apologies Your Highness!”

He looked really pale as he eyed you two, “His Majesty! His Majesty is…”

This alarmed you both as you two quickly stood up from your seat and made your way to the King’s Palace, followed by a panicky Jean behind you two.


The Life of Royals - My Vows to You



Summary:When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @/writing-prompt-s

|First Chapter|Previous Chapter|

Lucifer straightened his tie and looked over to his reflection in the mirror.

It’s been a long time since he saw himself smile like this.

A genuine smile.

Not the fake, composed smile he kept plastered to his face whenever he presented himself in front of others.

But the inner peace he felt quickly broke when Asmo yet again babbled behind him, “You should’ve seen her, Lucifer! She’s so beautiful!”

Lucifer inhaled deeply before turning his attention to the fifth born who was excitedly talking about your dress.

Asmo took it upon himself to visit you before coming to Lucifer’s room, so he had the chance to witness your beauty in your wedding dress before anyone else. But not too long after, he got kicked out by your maids because he was overly excited.

“Like, I know wedding dresses are supposed to be glorious but this time, it’s like angels themselves sewed the dress and decorated it with sparkles!”

“Asmo, if you don’t shut up for one second! 

Is Lucifer jealous? A little bit.

“Aww, come on! I’m sure you’re excited too, right?” Asmo wiggled his eyebrow teasingly.

But before those two could continue their banter, Jean knocked on Lucifer’s door and peeked into the room, “Your Highness, I’m here to inform you that the special guests arrived safely. They are in Her Highness’s room as we speak.”

Lucifer let himself smile before hearing Jean continue, “Her Highness likes it very much. She told me to relay a thank you to Your Highness.”

He nodded and dismissed Jean to continue with his work.

“Who are the special guests, Lucifer?” Asmo asked.

“Her family.”


You let your tears flow as you hugged those familiar figures tightly. How you’ve missed them so much.

With restricted communication throughout these three months, you barely knew what happened to your family.

“Come on now, don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup.”

“Yeah sis, you’re dressed beautifully only to have your makeup ruined? What a shame…”

“My daughter is so beautiful… You’ve grown up now…”

“You’ll be watching me today, right?” You gave them a smile.

“Of course, we will. Don’t worry, we’re here for you.”

You were thankful.

Thankful for your family’s understanding.

Thankful for their safety.

Thankful for Lucifer’s actions.

About 15 minutes after being left alone for the reunion with your family, Marie came into your room to inform you that they’d have to start reapplying your makeup and put the dress on because the ceremony was about to begin.

You bade your family goodbye as Jean led them to the wedding hall.


Everything was white; pure; free from stain.

Innocence; is how you describe him when you first saw him twenty years ago.

Simplicity; is how you describe the relationship you two shared as a child.

A fresh start; is what you’re hoping to achieve after reuniting with him three months ago.

The new beginning; the new chapter of your life; the new family you’ll have.

It was arranged for you to walk down the aisle with his brothers, starting with Belphie and Beel as the youngest.

You linked both your arms with Beel and Belphie as they assisted you with smiles on their faces.

“Please take care of my brother, MC,” Beel said while still looking upfront.

“And do tell us if he’s hurting you. We’ll throw some punches on his face should he do that.” Belphie chuckled.

You remembered the warm hug Beel gave you in the garden while you were still sobbing.

You remembered the gentle way he persuaded you to take breaks and have some snacks with him.

You remembered the gentle pats on your head as Belphie wiped your tears with his handkerchief.

You remembered the teasing he did while securing your hold on the horse to make sure you don’t fall while horse riding.

“Thank you Beel, Belphie.”

They passed you to Satan and Asmo who’s also giving you a gentle smile. You linked your arms around theirs and continued your journey.

“Sorry for interrupting your first kiss with Lucifer. But you can have one later, right? Just tell that pompous peacock to lay off my back already.” Satan sighed.

“You look absolutely gorgeous, MC. Lucifer is so lucky to have an amazing bride like you. And I’m lucky too~ I get to have a great sister,” Asmo joyfully stated.

You remembered the night Satan showed you the video clip of the royal wedding in the library, along with his advice and words of encouragement.

You remembered the further explanation and tutoring he gave every weekend.

You remembered Asmo’s kind words when you first arrived at this palace, helping you be at ease and making you feel welcome.

You remembered how he helped you practise for your dance by being your dancing partner every day, along with some tips and comments on how to improve.

“Thank you, Satan, Asmo.”

And they finally passed you to the oldest pair of the six, one was very composed while the other was close to breaking down in tears.

Which one is which? We’ll find out in the next paragraphs.

“I… I can’t believe it… My older brother… is… is now married? And… And I have… a sister…?” Mammon sniffled.

“It’s not new, Mammon! Why are you like this?” Levi sighed, “Anyway, congrats on this ceremony. And congrats too for melting that ice-cold heart. We may not be present on your first one, but we’re all here to witness you for today. So don’t be afraid.”

You remembered Mammon’s initiative to take you around the palace for a tour, introducing you to several places and making you feel less anxious about the massive palace ground.

You remembered his detailed explanations and instructions on how to run away from your maids should you feel the need to take a break.

You remembered the slow warm-up you had with Levi, which soon turned out to be the best friendship you’ve ever had.

You remembered when he took one whole day to explain to you about the hidden meanings of every action that nobles could do; to save you from being humiliated should they dare to do such things to you.

“Thank you, Mammon, Levi.” You gave them all a smile.

Turning your attention back to the front, you saw Simeon with the most joyful expression you’ve ever seen on a priest.

And to his left, was Lucifer, who’s standing proudly with eyes as gentle as snow when they fell upon your figure.

You started climbing the stairs carefully, grabbing the hem of your dress to avoid stepping on the glittery fabric and risking the possibility of tripping in front of these crowds.

You took the hand Lucifer extended to you and squeezed it gently, finding support in him. He reciprocated the action and you saw his sincere smile for once.

How beautiful.

This man in front of you is beautiful.

The man you’ve come to learn.

The man you’ve come to trust.

The man you’ve come to love.

A rocky start; that’s the phrase to describe your whole relationship with him. Be it twenty years ago or three months ago, both Lucifer didn’t seem to have good chemistry with you.

Or so you thought.

With great communication and understanding, you’ve come to learn that he was only trying his best.

With great time spent together, you’ve come to trust the so-called Ice Cold Prince of the Eastern Kingdom.

With great evaluation and observation, you’ve come to love Lucifer, both as the Prince and as himself.

Eyeing your family sitting on the front rows of the seat and the King who’s sitting on his throne at the right side of the hall, you turned your attention back to Simeon.

“We’ll read the vows now.”

Vows, huh?


“So, how exactly are we doing this again?” Lucifer asked.

“To be honest, I don’t really know. They just said their promises while holding each others’ hands.” You shrugged.

You took Lucifer’s hands to yours.

“Then, let’s say our promises,” you started, “I promise to meet you here again tomorrow. And after tomorrow. And the day after that and also every other day!”


“I pledge to honour you, love you and cherish you as my husband today and every day.”


“Oh! And I also promise to be your friend for the rest of my life. You’re really funny.” You laughed.


“I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warming comfort in the cold, and a shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bear on your own.”


“I also promise to bring you to that ice cream shop again. Their ice creams are delicious, right?”


“Today, surrounded by all of our loved ones, I choose you to be my husband. I am proud to be your wife and to join my life with yours. I vow to support you, inspire you, and love you always. For as long as we both shall live, I will be by your side—for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer. You are my one and only, today and every day.”


“I also promise to meet you here again tomorrow. And every day after that,” Lucifer started.


“Forever with you will not be enough, but from this day forward, I vow to make the most of every moment we share together.”


“I promise to be your friend too. And I hope to bring you back to my home one day, you’ll love it!”

“Wow! Really? You’d bring me there?” You beamed.

Lucifer smiled and nodded.


“Today I join my life to yours, not simply as your husband, but as your friend, your lover, and your biggest supporter. Let me be the shoulder you lean on and the companion of your life.”


“And I promise to bring more money so we can eat all the ice cream we want!” Lucifer cheered.


“You have taught me that two people joined together with respect, trust, and open communication can be far stronger and happier than each could ever be alone. You are the strength I didn’t know I needed and the joy that I didn’t know I lacked. Today, I choose to spend the rest of my life with you.”

You felt a tear drop down to your cheek as you stared lovingly into his eyes.

Who would’ve thought that greeting the lonely kid by the swings had been one of the biggest turning points of your life?

“As the High Priest, I lend my power to bless this royal wedding. May we witness another great era ruled by compassionate rulers and witness the new young intelligent rulers in the future.” Simeon handed the rings to you two as you exchanged them with each other.

Simeon continued, “You may now kiss the bride.”

Lucifer gently cupped your cheek and slowly leaned in, “We couldn’t finish this the other day. Let’s hope no one interrupts us this time.”

You grinned happily and leaned closer, finally closing the distance between you two.

Cheers filled both the hall and the outside, as people gathered to witness the ceremony on the LED display screens placed outside the palace. Reporters alike started broadcasting the scenes to their respective news channels and tons of confetti were thrown everywhere.

The King then stood up from his seat and walked up the stage towards the couple, signalling the time for the next event; the blessing by the current ruler of the Kingdom.

He stood in front of you two and placed his hands on top of your head and Lucifer’s as you two kneeled down.

“I give my blessing and prayers for the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. May you live your life in joy, alongside each other.”

Another cheer filled the whole room.

“Be happy, my child,” the King said, before turning his attention to you, “And please support my son as you do now. I believe you are the best thing to have happened in his life.”

“I will do, Your Majesty.” You bowed deeply, showing the utmost respect to the King.


Thunderous claps were heard after you finished the last step of your dance; being ever so graceful, just like Madam Leela taught you. And you’re honestly really satisfied with your performance this time around.

After performing a curtsy to the crowd, you found Lucifer standing beside you and giving yet another smile. You wished to treasure today as it is one of the rarest days where you saw Lucifer lay off his princely mask and be himself for once.

He pulled you away from the centre of the hall and back to the stage where you both took your seats on your thrones beside the King and the Princes.

The guests were now preparing for their turns to give their congrats and blessings to the new couple.

“You did a great job,” Lucifer said.

“Thank you,” you intertwined your hand with his, “And thank you for bringing my family here today.” The feeling of the cold metal ring on your ring finger made your heart swell with happiness.

But observing the unfamiliar faces around the hall made it harder to breathe somehow.

Because your job as a Princess starts now.

You must have looked disturbed for a moment because you felt Lucifer’s forefinger pull your chin up and said, “You are the official Crown Princess now.”

You found yourself smiling again to reassure him you’re fine.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be here with you all the time,” Lucifer stated, “Because that is my vow to you.”

I died out of loneliness while writing this chapter :‘3 Where’s my version of Lucifer, HUH??


The Life of Royals - Teamwork Makes the Dream Works



Summary: When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @/writing-prompt-s

|First Chapter|Previous Chapter|

The royal physician had informed your current condition the next morning to Lucifer and it eased him to know you’re doing better. So when Lucifer stopped by your room, you were already back to your usual self; bright and colourful.

Although you seemed to not like it when he visited you.

“Your Highness!”

“Did you perhaps lose your memories?”

“No! I mean! I’m still in my nightwear!”

Lucifer didn’t see the problem, “And…?”

But your only response was to stutter incoherently before kicking him out of the room.

He didn’t understand why you’d be ashamed of what you’re wearing. It was only your usual silk knee-length nightgown.

And he’s your husband. So what’s the problem?

“Your Highness, Her Highness wished for you to visit again after she has finished changing her attire,” Rose relayed your message.

It only made him frown before complying with your request.

If you’re not comfortable with him yet, he won’t force you.


Knowing you’re doing okay, he made his way to the meeting hall with a small smile.

Considering he didn’t entertain any questions from the Heads of the Houses yesterday, Lucifer predicted he’s going to have a very stressful day today.

Sure enough, the nobles could guess by now what the Crown Princess’s identity was since none of their daughters had been chosen to be wed to Lucifer. And there was no news of marriage delegation from any foreign countries either.

“A commoner, Your Highness? Please rethink your decision! Your Highness has a lot of other better options!”

“I doubt the public will take it kindly, Your Highness.”

“Your Highness, this is a crucial matter to be taken! We are speaking about the pure blood of the royal family!”

“Enough!” Lucifer stood up from his seat, “This is my decision and it is final! I don’t know if you haven’t noticed this yet, but commoners are still our people! Our citizens! I don’t know what makes you think you’re all above them when they are the ones who pay for your salary!

Their taxes, their manpower, their ideas, their contribution! All of them are our support! How long should we be blinded by titles and ranks when we can’t even live without them?

It’s time to change. Let their voices be heard and let them know they’re appreciated.

I doubt they’re gonna protest against this decision. With a commoner being a ruler, wouldn’t that make them feel at ease? Knowing they have someone who understands their pain and suffering? Their worries and anxiety for their future?”

Lucifer continued, “Take the Western Empire for an example. They listen to their people and look how far they’ve gone.”

Some of the nobles weren’t really against Lucifer’s decision but after hearing that, they were more than convinced to accept their new ruler.

“What about His Majesty? Did His Majesty approve of the Princess?”

“Yes, His Majesty did.”

And with that statement, the nobles knew they could no longer object to Lucifer’s decision.


“How’s MC’s condition?” Lucifer asked Jean while still going through the paperwork.

“Unfortunately, Her Highness’s condition isn’t as good as this morning. But rest easy, Your Highness. The royal physician had been monitoring Her Highness since then. She is currently resting as we speak.”

Lucifer’s mood went down the drain yet again.

“Jean… do you think I made the right decision?”

It wasn’t every day for Lucifer to be indecisive and pondering about the decision he took. Yet, he somehow felt the need to be reassured right now.

The poor eldest of the seven faced too many obstacles and challenges, even during his early stages of life.

He didn’t know how to confide in his brothers, or his father, or to you.

He was used to keeping it all by himself.

He was used to being the one who hurt the most.

He was used to being misunderstood by others just to prevent them from getting hurt by the cruel truth.

It was this trait of Lucifer’s that made Jean worried. He had been taking care of the Crown Prince since he was a baby.

Lucifer was his Master, his brother and his friend.

“Your Highness, in my humble opinion, I sincerely think your decision is the best. His Majesty had been dreaming of forming a bridge between the nobles and commoners since long ago.”

“But, I’m going to hurt her, right? I’m exposing her to this dirty political world…”

“From what I’ve observed since Her Highness came into this palace, she is very strong. I doubt she’d crumble from the pressure.”

“But she broke down in her first week!”

“Your Highness, have you stopped to think that it’s because it was you?”

Lucifer looked up from his work in confusion.

But Jean only smiled before continuing, “Your Highness is the only person Her Highness truly knows in this foreign place. You two had dinner every day; you were bonded by a valid marriage; you were childhood friends even though it wasn’t for long. Don’t you think Her Highness trusts you the most?”

Lucifer let Jean’s words sink into his mind.

“I may not be an expert when it comes to relationships, but if my partner is disappointed in me, it’d definitely hurt more than having the others be disappointed in me.” Jean smiled again.

“Jean, you don’t think she…”

“As I said, I am not an expert, but in my point of view, Her Highness definitely did.”

‘She trusted you… As her husband.’

Jean’s words made Lucifer hide his lips using the back of his hand while miserably trying to hide his blushing face.


You were recovering slowly and after two days, you had fully recovered. You bid your thanks to the physician for her help and also to your maids. You also apologised for the reckless behaviours that lead you to pass out from overworking in the first place.

“We were very worried when Jean told us about you. It made us feel guilty for leaving you alone in His Highness’s waiting room,” Rose said.

“We hope you listen to our advice after this and take care of your health more. There’s nothing more we want than to see Your Highness in your usual healthy self,” Marie added.

“I’m sorry for causing trouble to you two…”

Hearing their explanations made you more guilty. You didn’t only cause trouble for your maids, but also to Lucifer, Jean and the other attendants.

You were supposed to try on your wedding dress yesterday but because of your fever, you couldn’t and it hindered the progress of the ceremony.

You even received a get well soon gift from the King’s attendants even though he was also sick. Not to mention, the Princes were always asking about your condition time and time again, until Lucifer banned them from stepping into a 2km radius from your bedroom.

‘I need to apologise to all of them’


“Please come in, Your Highness.” Jean led the way before closing the door before you.

It was the second time you stepped inside Lucifer’s study, yet the exquisite environment around it didn’t fail to amaze you. The furniture, the bookshelves, the fireplace. Even his massive mahogany desk emitted its own aura.

This whole place gave off Lucifer’s charismatic presence and you’re not even sure why.

Maybe because this place is the witness of Lucifer’s ups and downs.

The place where Lucifer’s princely side intensified.

And the place where Lucifer’s true side showed itself once in a while.

“Is everything alright, MC? You said you want to talk?” Lucifer finally spoke, snapping you from your thoughts.

“Ah, yes! I actually want to give you something,” You approached him, “I’m not sure if you’ll like it but I spent my free time embroidering this for you. I’m not even sure if you will actually use it but I hope–”

“Wait. What did you say?”

“ I’m not sure if you will use it? 

“No, before that. After this question about me not liking it or something.”

“ I spent my free time embroidering– 

“You what?!” Lucifer stood up from his seat abruptly.

He then walked towards you with rage clearly depicted on his face. You took a step back instinctively, trying to distance yourself from him.

“You spent your free time when you should have been resting, to do what…?”

“I was just trying to give you something…” you meekly said.


Upon hearing his master’s order, he left the room, silently praying for his mistress.

“I… I made this for you…?” you gave the handkerchief.

You could feel Lucifer’s anger slowly dissipate when he saw your gift. So you took this chance to explain, “Madam Leela showed me how to embroider the Houses’ emblem. So I want to give you your family’s emblem as a gift. It’s a thank you gift for all your help and hospitality throughout my stay. And I’m really thankful you gave me the chance to learn embroidery. I love it!”

Seeing Lucifer still admiring your handwork, you continued, “It isn’t too bad, right? Oh! And my favourite part is this shield over here! But this little black lion by the shield was really difficult. I almost–oof!”

You were cut off when you felt him pulling you into a hug. His grips on your back and the back of your head were very tight and you noticed the subtle trembling from him.

'Lucifer? What’s wrong…?’

You were too concerned to even be embarrassed by the fact that it was the first time you two hugged. You didn’t know what to do so put your arms around his back and offer whatever comfort you could give at the moment.



Lucifer pulled back and cupped your cheek gently, “Can I kiss you?”

Your eyes widened with shock and you felt your face become coloured after hearing his statement, but he wasn’t kidding.

The look on his face didn’t display any uncertainty.The stare he gave you was full of passion.And his voice didn’t waver from any hints of doubt when he said it out loud.

He leaned closer, “Can I?”

With your heart pounding loudly inside your chest, you felt yourself leaning closer and slowly closing your eyes, giving him the non-verbal consent.

The only sound you heard was the beating of your heart. Not even the loud crackling fire beside you registered to your mind.

The only thought you had in mind was Lucifer. His cologne, his height, the perfect shape of his lips.

Your lips were brushing against each other when–

“Your Highness! Wait! Don’t go in yet!”

“Nonsense Jean, we’re just trying to give our report.”

“Yeah! We’ll be quick.”

The door to Lucifer’s study creaked open, revealing Belphie and Satan, who were equally shocked at the scene as much as you two.

Belphie then closed the door slowly, “Yeah, maybe Jean was right.”

You really wanted to dig a hole and hide for all eternity now.

“Belphegor! Satan!”

Of course, those two were already running as fast as they could from the scene.

Please expect the next scene to be Jean chastising the three princes for hours on their improper behaviour on the palace grounds after Lucifer spent a whole 10 minutes chasing after the two.


“Stop talking about that! It wasn’t funny!” You were flustered.

“It is, though.” Levi and Asmo laughed. Beel also politely joined.

“I didn’t know why it happened! It just happened! I’m so embarrassed!” You hid your face using your hands while the three princes were still laughing.

“But seriously, what did you give Lucifer? It’s rare for him to break character,” Asmo asked.

“I embroidered the royal emblem on a handkerchief for him…”

This seemed to shock those three as they exchanged quick glances before Beel said, “Do you know what that means?”

“It didn’t have any meaning anymore, right? Madam Leela mentioned the practice behind embroidering was only relevant a long time ago.”

“Yeah, but that’s for the Houses ’ emblem. But not for the Royal emblem,” Levi explained.

“Wait what? Then what’s the meaning behind it?” You began panicking.

“It means 'Be my spouse’.” Asmo giggled.


“It was used by the royal family actually. We gave the ones who we were interested in marrying a handkerchief embroidered with a royal emblem. It’s not an invitation, but more of an order.” Beel smiled.

“So what you did just now was asking Lucifer to be your spouse,” Levi shrugged, “But that wasn’t new information anyway, so I guess you’re fine. It’s just that your action made you seem more assertive in your relationship. No big deal.”

No wonder the reaction from him!

“Hey hey, can’t we have one too? Not with a royal emblem though, just one with our name? Please~” Asmo pouted.

“Asmo, don’t force MC to do things for you,” Beel said.

“It’s fine! I can definitely do that. But I can’t promise it’ll finish anytime soon, so could you wait a little bit?”

“Yeay!” Asmo cheered.

“You’re sure about this? You just recovered from your fever.” Levi frowned.

“It’s fine. It’s the least I can do for your help since I’ve been here. I’m sorry too for causing so much trouble to you all.” You gave them all a sincere smile.

“But don’t force yourself, okay? And take care of your health too.”

“I will. Thank you all!”


How fast time flies.

It is now a day before the ceremony.

Most of the guests for the ceremony were already here in the Eastern Kingdom. And every preparation was going smoothly.

True to Lucifer’s prediction, the public took the news positively. There were some of them who even sent you early wedding gifts.

The reporters and paparazzi all around the world were turning their attention to the mysterious couple. Only your name was known but not your picture.

However, some reporters managed to dig your private social media accounts and got ahold of your pictures. They even started writing articles about you and their guesses on how Lucifer and you met.

Lucifer was quick to think, so he sent many bodyguards to guard your family against those nosy reporters. They were the ones under extreme pressure after your pictures were illegally released.

You were also very worried about your family’s safety but Lucifer assured you that he took care of everything.

Heaven prays for those who illegally spread your pictures… They’re now facing Lucifer’s wrath.

So now, you’re greeting every guest that visited the palace with Lucifer.

“MC, meet the High Priest, Priest Simeon.” Lucifer introduced you to Simeon.

You bowed slightly, giving respect while Simeon only smiled.

He looked very young to be a High Priest…?

But you read about this, about him; the youngest priest to ever be awarded as High Priest.

“I can finally meet the Princess who won our Lucifer’s heart,” Simeon said.


“Simeon is my friend. In fact, he was once a citizen from this country,” Lucifer explained.

“I see.” You smiled and nodded.

“I still remember receiving his letter a year ago. My goodness! It was really shocking. But I understand his situation.”

Simeon’s words made you frown in confusion but you quickly controlled your facial expression and looked over to Lucifer for an explanation.

“Please excuse us, for we need to be somewhere else. Enjoy the stay and let me know if you need anything,” Lucifer quickly interrupted before pulling you closer by the waist and walking away.

You looked back at Simeon who’s still smiling and bowing slightly so you nodded your head in response.

You then turned your attention to Lucifer, “What was that? And why are you in a rush? What does he mean about the letter?”

“Nothing to worry about, MC.”


He stopped walking.

“MC, let’s talk in my waiting room, not here.” He resumed his walking.


“Now will you please tell me about this?” You took a seat in front of him with a slight frown on your face.

“Simeon is the one who validates our marriage.”

“What?” The world came crashing down upon you, “I thought you mentioned it was the Court?”

“No, Simeon’s authority exceeds the Court’s authority.”

You felt betrayed.

“Why didn’t you tell me…?”

“Because it’s not important for you to know.”

You felt deceived.

“So, it was only after a year ago that you decided you want me as your wife?”

Lucifer didn’t reply.

You felt wronged.

“Lucifer… why?”

He hung his head low, never wanting to show you his pathetic self.

The tension in the air was thick and you were close to breaking down in tears.

“What else are you hiding from me?”

Lucifer only gripped his fist tightly, mouth still shut and never speaking. Only when you sniffled did he look up and notice you’ve been crying.

Every mask he’s been wearing shattered into pieces as he scrambled over to your side and cupped your cheeks.

“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” Lucifer wiped your tears using his fingers, soaking his gloves with your tears.

“Talk to me, Lucifer. What else have you been hiding? Explain to me why you’re doing this?”

“I’m afraid of you leaving me.”

You waited for him to explain.

“I’m afraid I can’t have you. I’m afraid of seeing you with someone else.” He then gripped your hands tightly. You didn’t notice he had been trembling the whole time until he held your hand.

“I’m really sorry for dragging you into this world. I really am. But my greed for you is greater. I also want to fulfil my Father’s request.”

“His Majesty’s request?”

“Yes, my father had always wanted us to be more understanding towards commoners. He sent me to the Western Empire when I’m seven just to get used to their lives. That’s where I met you. You were my only friend back then. They all hated me. But you showed me real kindness, the real reason for me to keep fighting for my people, for me to understand that commoners are the support of nobles.”

You let out a small smile, telling him you understood his worries, “So you asked Simeon to validate our marriage?”

“Yes.” Lucifer eyed you for your responses or reactions and he found nothing but happiness.

“Thank you for telling me, Lucifer.”

“You’re not disgusted by my sudden confession?”

You let out a laugh, “After knowing you for almost three months, I can say you’re quite possessive. So it’s not a surprise.”

“So you’re not going to be mad too if you know I hired a private investigator to watch your every move?”

“What?!” Cold shivers ran down your spine, “I expected you to run a background research on me but not hire a private investigator!”

No wonder your personal chamber looked so familiar.

No wonder the flowers planted in the garden were your favourites.

No wonder the chefs had been cooking your favourite food.

No wonder your clothes and furniture were designed in your favourite colour.

No wonder he knew where to find you in the first place…

“MC, that was a long time ago, before you even came to this palace. I didn’t do it again. I won’t do it again, I promise.” Seeing your speechless face made Lucifer feel even guiltier.

“You really promise not to do it again?”

Lucifer nodded, still firmly holding your hands, “I understand if you’re not comfortable around me so please speak your mind.”

'What am I going to do with you…’ You smiled a little.

“Lucifer, it’s alright. I forgive you. Thank you so much for being honest. Truthfully, it’s better to hear you say this now before I got to know from someone else. I wouldn’t have been able to handle it if it was the latter. Thank you, Lucifer.” You leaned closer and wrapped your arms around him, assuring him that you were okay.

He reciprocated the action and basked in your comfort.

He never knew what it felt like to have someone to talk to. And for once, he could feel the pressure seeping off his shoulders.

It’s a lie to say that it wasn’t a pleasant sensation.

Lucifer knew he could trust you.

“Don’t hide from me, okay?” he heard you say, still hugging him tightly.

The five words that changed his view on people.

Further explanation: Royal Marriages are under the High Priest’s jurisdiction. So the nobles/Court/public can’t actually interfere with the marriage once the High Priests give the couple their blessings.


The Life of Royals - His Side of The Story

Genre:Fluff + Hurt/Comfort


Summary:When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @writing-prompt-s 

TW:Mentions of bullying [verbal] and also a bit stalker-ish behaviour. Also, this chapter is super long, so grab a blanket and some cookies and enjoy the story!

|First Chapter|Previous Chapter|

Lucifer didn’t understand why he was here, in this foreign house; in this foreign country; with these foreign people.

Lucifer didn’t understand why he needed to be separated from his parents, his brothers and his attendants.

Lucifer didn’t understand why the other kids didn’t like him, ostracised him, and verbally abused him with harsh words and insults.

‘You need to learn the commoners’ way of living in order to provide a better future for them’

Why? He didn’t understand.

All he wanted now was to hug Mammon; play with Levi; argue with Satan; have a mini picnic by the garden with Asmo and coo over his new twin baby brothers.


Why did Father send me here?

Did he not love me anymore?

Why can’t I see my brothers anymore?

Why am I the only one sent here?

Where is Jean?

Where is my favourite pillow?

Where is my favourite book?

Where are my favourite clothes?’

Lucifer sat down by the swings with tears in his eyes.

Once again, the kids at school threw insults at him. He didn’t understand why. All he did was order them around. He didn’t even punish them for their insolence this time. Should they behave in such ways in his country, he definitely would have their families fired from their jobs and lock them all in the dungeon.

“Hey!” Lucifer saw a figure crouching down to look up at his pathetic face, “Are you okay?”

'Who is this girl?’

“Do you want to play with me?”

Such seven words that he missed hearing after four months of living in this place, “Can I…?”

The girl smiled brightly.

Lucifer didn’t remember the last time someone his own age had smiled at him like this.

The only one who ever smiled at him during this period of four months was the old man who acted as his foster grandparent, and the teachers in the school—though it was obvious to him that such smiles were fake.

“What’s your name? Let’s be friends! My name is MC.”


Lucifer felt his mood going down again after realising she might not want to be his friend after hearing his name. After all, the kids at school stopped acting nice after knowing his name.

'Is my name really that bad?’

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?” She looked at him with worries clearly depicted in her expression.

Such a refreshing expression to see after constantly witnessing many disgusted and loathed expressions from others.

“Aren’t you going to be mad at me?” Lucifer added, “My name is Lucifer.”

'Go, please go before I get my hopes high…’

But much to his surprise, the girl took his hand and beamed, “Well, you have a nice name and you look kind, so I don’t know why I should be mad. Let’s be friends, Lucifer!”


“That’s so disgusting! Get that thing away from me!” Lucifer shuddered.

“Aww, come on! You’ll like it! It’s cute!” She handed him the frog she found.

“I said no!” Lucifer immediately slapped her hand away from him, causing the frog to fall down to the ground and quickly hopped to its safety back in the bushes.

The look on the girl’s face made Lucifer’s blood run cold.

Anger, disappointment, regret.

'I did it again… Now she hates me…’

“Hey! That’s not very nice!” She frowned. “My sister said, you should treat your friends with kindness!”


“Well, maybe I’m at fault too for forcing you…” She tapped her chin in confusion before beaming again, “Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t force things on you again.”

“Am I… not kind enough?”

“Well, if I compare you to all my other friends, no.”

Lucifer felt the similar pain of daggers stabbing into his heart as soon as the words left her mouth.

“But you’re okay. My father said, “if we treat people with kindness, then people will be kind to us too!”

“So… you don’t hate me?”

“No.” She shook her head.

Lucifer looked over to the girl’s figure as she was humming a song he didn’t know and scribbled something on the sand with a twig you both found a minute ago. He couldn’t explain the whirlwinds of emotion he was currently feeling but he was really grateful for the girl’s calming presence.

“Hey, we’ve been here long enough. Let’s go play somewhere else!” She grabbed Lucifer’s hand and took him to a nearby ice cream store.


It was a long day and for the first time ever, Lucifer really had fun.

“Bye! I’ll see you tomorrow!” The girl waved excitedly at him.

“Bye!” Lucifer smiled too. If he had the ability to levitate, he’d most definitely be walking on air right now.

Lucifer skipped happily to his home—or the place he’s been staying at for the past few months—and saw a familiar tall figure standing outside the front door.

He couldn’t believe his eyes as he went running towards the person.


“Your Highness! Finally, you’re home! I’m worried sick!”

Jean lifted Lucifer into his arms and hugged the young prince tightly, “Where have you been, Your Highness?”

“Oh, I was playing with a friend down by the park.”

“A friend? Oh! This is good news! Your Highness made a new friend!”

Lucifer felt delighted to know that Jean was proud of his progress but his next words made Lucifer’s stomach drop.

“Unfortunately, we’re going to leave tonight, Your Highness.”


“Yes, we’re going back to the Eastern Kingdom.”

'B-but! I made a promise to meet her again tomorrow!’

“His Majesty has requested your presence back home. I’m sure His Majesty will love to hear the great news. You’ve grown, Your Highness.” Jean put Lucifer down to his feet before ushering the young prince into the house so he could start packing Lucifer’s things.

“Can you believe Prince Mammon cried every day because he can’t see you every morning? It was really hard to soothe him from his cries. I guess he missed you so much, Your Highness.” Jean chuckled.

Jean took notice of the lack of joy in Lucifer’s expression, so he added, “Your Highness, do you perhaps want to say goodbye to your friend?”

Lucifer’s sorrowful expression was the only reply the butler got.


“You’re funny, Lucifer. I like you a lot!”

“You’re fond of me?”

“See? You used those words again! It sounds so funny.” Her laughter rang throughout the park.

Lucifer only shyly played by the swings while waiting for his new friend to calm down.

“Well, I guess I like you too…” He pushed himself upwards with his toes while tightly gripping the swing chain.

“Hey, wanna marry each other?”

The question made Lucifer frown, “Marry? What’s marry?”

“My sister said, it’s a promise made by two people who like each other. They’ll stay with each other forever! I want to see you tomorrow too, so let’s make a promise!”

The giddy feeling inside his stomach was foreign to Lucifer but he caught himself smiling and nodding to the girl.

“Okay then, let’s marry each other!” she said before running over to Lucifer and grabbing his hand.


“This is the report for this month. Nothing much happened except she got accepted to work in XYW Group as an accountant. And she also successfully rented a house near GoldieCreditCard street. It is a small apartment house with a balcony.”

Lucifer skimmed through the report in his hand while leaning back against his chair. His eyes were speeding through the paragraphs of words until he arrived at a page where the investigator had clipped a photo of the target, walking inside XYW Group’s building.

'I’m glad you’re doing well.’

Lucifer traced the outline of the photo with his forefinger and tried his best to keep a straight face.

“Your Highness?”

“Yes?” He closed the file and laid it down beside the multiple piles of paperwork on his study desk.

“May I inquire with you about something?”

'Brave, aren’t we?’ Lucifer smirked before signalling him to continue with his question.

“I have been following this lady’s activity for a few years now. Is Your Highness suspicious about her behaviour?”

“No.” Lucifer took his favourite fountain pen from the pen stand and began writing details on the cheque.


“This lady is my wife .”

As if he didn’t just drop the most shocking news of the century, Lucifer handed the cheque to the private investigator and signalled Jean to escort him out with a nonchalant expression.

All the attendants in the room, including Lucifer’s secretary, were still in shock from the news.


This startled Jean before he bowed apologetically and escorted the speechless man out from Lucifer’s study.

After shooing everyone from the room for some privacy, Jean approached the prince with teary eyes, “Your Highness…”

“Is it really that shocking to you?”

“Of course, it is, Your Highness! You never showed interest in marrying anyone even though you’ve passed the ideal age for marriage. The nobles are all talking but you keep rejecting your potential partners! I thought you’re not interested in finding someone.” Jean dabbed the corner of his eyes with his handkerchief.

“You’re being overly dramatic, Jean.”

“I only want what’s best for my Master.”

Lucifer couldn’t help but smirk a little while still going through the piles of paperwork. The King was resting in bed for the whole day after being sick yesterday, so Lucifer had to take over the workload.

“Your Highness!’ Jean whispered.

The grip on his fountain pen tightened as he tried to hide his annoyance to this butler of his.

“Why don’t you take her as your princess?”

“That’s impossible. We never really had a valid marriage. It was only a fake marriage, a child’s play.”

“A child’s play… Wait, is this the friend you made when you’re tasked to live in the Western Empire for a few months?”

The lack of answer from Lucifer confirmed Jean’s suspicion.

“No worries, Your Highness! You can just send a letter informing your situation to the High Priest. They can validate your marriage.”

Lucifer stopped his writing abruptly.

The long silence in the study room made Jean realise he had crossed the line and possibly incurred his Master’s anger. He was ready to apologise when Lucifer slapped his own desk, startling Jean from his standing.

“You’re an absolute genius, Jean!” The joy in Lucifer’s face made Jean heave a sigh of relief.

“Pass me a paper. I’ll write the letter now.”

“Right away, Your Highness.”


“Yo, Lucifer! There’s a letter from the High Priest for ya. Got mixed into mine. Man, whatever is my butler doing? Mixing these letters around,” Mammon complained as he entered the room while waving the official letter around.

“May I, Your Highness?” Jean extended his hand to take the letter from Mammon’s hand. To which he complied and gave it to the butler.

“Anyway, why is the High Priest sending letters to ya? You’re getting married or somethin’?” Mammon flopped on Lucifer’s couch and grabbed a nearby cushion before laying down comfortably.

Lucifer didn’t answer his brother’s question. Instead, he was carefully reading the content before putting it down and slowly grinning.

“Jean, get that private investigator here. He’s going to have a lot of work to do.”

The butler could guess the content of the letter through his Master’s expression so he smiled brightly and got on to his feet, exiting the room immediately.

“Huh? What’s goin’ on? Why are ya hiring a private investigator?” Mammon got up and glanced back to the Crown Prince who’s still grinning widely behind his study desk.

“Mammon, you actually have an older sister.”



Did the sky really look this blue?

And has the grass always looked so green?

Did the flowers ever smell this nice?

Lucifer took a deep breath and exhaled contentedly before reading the reports again and again; noting your favourite food, your favourite colour, your favourite place, your favourite perfume fragrance.

With the occasional note he jotted down after his reading, he looked over to some of the photos taken by the investigator and smiled.

“Jean, furnish and decorate the room. This is her favourite colour and all the things she likes. Order the chefs to learn these dishes. Purchase furniture based on her favourite colour. Arranged the furniture based on her current home. Study her favourite flower and have the gardeners start planting those flowers in the flower bed. Make her feel welcome and at home.”

Poor Jean…

“We’ll be having a trip to the Western Empire in six months. Prepare everything before then.”

“As you wish, Your Highness.” Jean bowed before leaving the room.

Lucifer eyed the newly written message he wrote for his best friend, the Imperial Prince of Western Empire—or should he say, the Emperor of the Western Empire now—regarding his future visits to the empire.

Bringing his thumb and forefinger to his mouth, Lucifer whistled, calling for his messenger bird.

Patting the bird’s head gently, he tied the small paper to its leg and let the avian fly out the window to its destination.

Lucifer eyed the blue sky that seemed more vivid in colours again. He smiled to himself, noting the fast pounding inside his chest and deliberately ignoring the sensation.

“You need to learn the commoners’ way of living in order to provide a better future for them.”

'Well then, Father, what are better ways than to have a commoner herself as a ruler?’


Being a Crown Prince means every order issued by Lucifer will be fulfilled, obeyed and followed without any complaints. He didn’t remember the last time someone defied his wants—his needs—and made a fool out of him.

Being a Crown Prince means everyone will swoon over him; finding him attractive, fantasising about him and silently wishing they were at his place. He didn’t remember the last time someone refused to be near him, or just didn’t like him at all.

So why exactly–

“Umm… I guess I admire the Emperor…?”

–is his own wife saying she likes someone else who is not a Mr Perfect like him?

(Emperor Diavolo is perfect too, mind you!)

Oh, the rage in him.

That bitter taste at the back of his mouth; and that heat silently creeping on his back.

Lucifer felt angry, surprised, depressed.


“You-! How dare you! I don’t care who you like! I’m gonna drag you back home with me!”

It’s not a threat, but more of a statement.

Lucifer would do anything to get you back to his side.


And true to his words, you’re now sitting in front of him with a joyful smile on your face as you enjoyed your dinner.

Imagine the pride in him when he successfully has you back. The constant longing had disappeared after years of only learning about your progress and not having the privilege to see you face-to-face like this.

Lucifer was happy, truly.

His first friend.

His first love.

Finally, you’re here, in your rightful place, with the right person.


Lucifer didn’t know what possessed him.

“Don’t you think it’s shameful to have the Queen misspelt your name and title in official letters? Listen to me, Princess!”

'No! What are you doing!’

“You should not slack off! It’s been two weeks and your progress is really slow.”

’ Stop! Stop this! Do not say another word! 

“Do you really think you have what it takes to be the Queen?!”

It was then he knew he should’ve listened to his inner subconscious.

The look of pain and tears on your face tore his heart apart.

Lucifer felt his own throat choke on him, limiting his oxygen supply. His blood ran cold and the extreme guilt washed over him, consuming his every being.

The words you mutter after that only worsen the pain. He was breathless, speechless and powerless as he concluded what he had done.

He hurt the woman he loves.

“If you really want your queen to be perfect, why don’t you just find a noble who’s certainly more suited for this!”

'No… don’t say that… please…’

Maybe he’s viewing himself in the positive light too much to even know that some people might not agree with him.

Maybe he valued himself too much to realise that some people don’t even like him.

Maybe he thought of himself as someone with enough power to rule over people to even comprehend that love cannot be forced.

So when you left the room with tears flowing down your face, you took half his soul away.

You’re so cheerful yet so blue.

So strong yet so fragile.

So free yet so loving.

So close yet so far.


After reconciling his relationship with you, Lucifer moved on to the next agenda he had in mind. Still pretty much on-air after knowing you’re not mad at him anymore, he tried to focus on the new task at hand.

"Jean, we’re having a wedding ceremony in three weeks. Organise everything. And call my secretary over the first thing in the morning tomorrow.”

Lucifer put stacks of paper on the coffee table before continuing, “This is the concept the Princess and I had agreed to. Match everything and make sure every request she wants is fulfilled.

Also, here’s a list of the expected guests, work together with my secretary and send the invitations. But place a hold on the invitations for the nobles in the Eastern Kingdom til the last week.

Arranged the syllabus for the Princess’s class and ensure she has a dance class with Madam Leela every day. Inform this wedding details to her personal maids. Let them know they need to prepare too.”

“Your Highness, if I may speak?”


"Isn’t three weeks too short of a time to prepare for a grand wedding? A royal wedding?”

“You can manage.” Lucifer kept his expression straight, never letting any emotions pass through.

“…Is this my punishment for this morning?”

“Oh? You mean when you deliberately set me up to meet the Princess in my drunken state? Oh, no no. You know I won’t punish you. Right, Jean?” Lucifer slowly smirked behind his cup of coffee.

“Oh, and another thing, starting tomorrow, make this coffee with the exact temperature of 80℃.”

You need a hug, Jean?


The longer he spent time with you, the more he found himself having trouble keeping his hands to himself. Hence, the incident that happened that night.

“Your Highness, I didn’t know…” Jean brought his hand to his mouth and feigned surprise.

“Shut it, Jean! It was a mistake!” Lucifer covered his blushing face with his hands, trying so hard to calm down and forget the incident.

'What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? I’m a Prince! A Crown Prince! A calm and composed Crown Prince! The Ice Cold Prince!’


Hold it in.


'That’s it, Lucifer. Calm and composed.’

After all, it’s okay, right? You’re his wife. He has every right to touch you or hold your hand.

Yes! He’s your husband after all.

(Lucifer, the Avatar of Consent)

Sitting straight again, he ordered, “Update.”

“Yes, Your Highness. Tomorrow will be the last lesson Her Highness has with Madam Leela. The wedding dress will be ready in 2 days after they receive Her Highness’s measurements. They will come by after that to test it on Her Highness and make some alterations should Her Highness feel the need.

The rings are still in the making. The venue is almost ready. Around 95% of the guests have responded and they’ll be here a day before the ceremony. An invitation letter for the High Priest was sent this morning and His Majesty will be making an appearance during the early time of the ceremony.”

“Good. What about my brothers’ tuxedos?”

“They’re all ready.”

“Excellent. That’s all. I won’t be needing you again for tonight. Take a rest.”

“Thank you, Your Highness. And please, sleep early for today. You looked very tired. Should I run you a bath before I go, Your Highness?”

“Yes, that will be very much appreciated. Thank you.”

Lucifer took off his leather gloves before flexing and stretching them. The sight of his bare hand brought him back to the incident during dinner. He felt himself blushing again from the faint sensation.

Soon, he will be able to hold your hand freely, whether on the palace grounds or in public.


Well, he certainly had his wish granted.

Lucifer can now hold your hand for as much as he ever wanted, while he stared at your flushed complexion.

Your breathing was shallow and your eyes remained shut. The sight of you fighting for your life made him squeeze your hand tighter, trying to find comfort in you; and to know you’re still alive by the warmth of your hand.

The physician unclasped the velcro of the blood pressure monitor before standing straight and giving her reports, “Your Highness, Her Highness is having a fever. Based on the blood test, it wasn’t due to infections or poisonous material.

However, her high blood pressure suggests that she’s a bit stressed and might have been overworking herself. I recommend Her Highness stay in bed until the fever wears off. I will prescribe the appropriate medicine and come by again tomorrow morning to check on her progress.”

“Understood. You may leave.”

The physician bowed before leaving Lucifer alone in the room with you.

You haven’t gained consciousness ever since Lucifer found you, so the anxious feeling inside him didn’t subside even after hearing the report from the physician.

'Overworking? Stress?’

Was it because of the expectations he forced on you earlier during your first week?

“MC, I’m so sorry… This is all my fault.” Lucifer brought your hand to his cheek and leaned to it, praying silently for you to wake up.

He refused to leave your side even after Jean and his brothers told him to rest. Being in the same room with a sick person could increase his own chances of getting infected but Lucifer didn’t care.

He was blaming himself for not noticing your rapid progress these past few days. He should’ve told you to go within your own pace, to not force yourself, and to not listen to his delusional ideal.

As much as his throat constricted at the thoughts of your weak condition, his pride as the Crown Prince refused to let him cry. Lucifer felt the need to stay strong and patiently waited for you to wake up.

It’s alright, he believes in you.

You’ll come back to him.

You have to.

After all those efforts he went through just to have you by his side again.

And now that you’re here, you can’t leave him.


The grip on your bed sheet tightened as Lucifer forced himself to throw those negative thoughts away.

Suddenly, Lucifer felt a hand brush against his gloved hand and shot up to sit straight.

There you were, still weak and in need of rest, “Lucifer…? What are you doing in my room? It’s nighttime…”

Your voice was hoarse.

“MC, are you feeling okay?” Lucifer brought his hand to your forehead to check your temperature.

You grabbed his wrist and weakly lifted his hand from your forehead, “Don’t touch me, Lucifer. I’m sick.”

“It’s fine. I was too worried about you to even think about myself.”

“Don’t say that, please. Take a rest, Lucifer. I’ll have Rose and Marie to take care of me.”

Respecting your decision and also wanting you to rest at ease, he complied with your request, “Alright. Rest well, my Love.”

He grabbed your hand and planted a soft kiss on your palm before tugging you in properly and leaving the room.

Now that he thought about it, he rushed to your side after a very busy day and didn’t leave afterwards. He also hadn’t eaten a single thing today.

No wonder Jean was worried.

Heaving a heavy sigh, Lucifer went back to his own chamber.


The Life of Royals - Anything for You

Genre:Fluff (Second-hand embarrassment incoming!)


Summary:When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at a park. You never saw your childhood ‘spouse’ again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country, where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid. -Prompt by @/writing-prompt-s

|First Chapter|Previous Chapter|

You woke up earlier than usual the next day. You showered and dressed up on your own, feeling a bit better now and more motivated to learn.

By the time Marie and Rose came into your room to wake you up, they were met with a neat, empty room.

The bed was made, the curtains were open and there was no sign of you in the room. They both panicked, fearing that something bad had happened to you.

Only to see you already in your study, working hard.

“Your Highness, please call us should you feel like waking up early again. It’s our job to attend to you,” Marie scolded you after pouring you a cup of tea.

“I’m sorry. I was afraid you’re all still resting. After all, it’s still early.”

“Your Highness, should the others know that our Master wakes up earlier than us, we’ll be punished. Besides, we are already up during that time, so please do not hesitate to call us for help,” Rose added.

You nodded and smiled.

These two had been helping you with adapting to royalty life from the start and you were really grateful for their help. They filled you in on the information that your teachers didn’t tell you. They even gave advice on things that you’re not familiar with.

Now, you’re more familiar with how nobles think and do.

“However, I do need to advise you on your sleeping schedule. We don’t mind if you want to wake up early should you feel the need to study but please go to bed early. You have been staying up late because you want to study and it is not good for your skin, Your Highness.”

“Marie is right, Your Highness. I also heard from His Highness that there will be a wedding ceremony in three weeks? Therefore, we will monitor your diet until then.”

“Yes, Your Highness. And we will also monitor your condition and prepare well for your wedding dress.”

“You also need to take care of your skin and your hair. And also—”

So this is what Satan meant yesterday…

By the time Marie and Rose finished explaining about the things you need to do and monitor, you could only blink blankly.

“I hope you don’t run away from us, Your Highness.” Rose smiled.

Is it just me or did her smile give off some strange vibes just now?


“You look elated today. Something good happened?” Lucifer put down his cutlery and focused solely on you.

Your smiles were radiating throughout the room during the whole dinner time and it cheered Lucifer up from his stressful day. So he couldn’t help but feel curious about your unusual bubbly self.

A Queen should be calm and composed all the time; never wavering or showing any emotions when she’s exposed to new things or feeling discomfort from anything.

Your open book behaviour was probably not what the old Lucifer would want. But he had decided to throw that excessive ideal of his away and savour these moments with you.

After all, you’re his wife first, before you are the future Queen.

And having his wife being the exact opposite of him wasn’t something terrible after all. It’s nice to spend time with you after a full day of never-ending paperwork, field trips and constant issues to be solved in the country.

“I learnt how to do embroidery today. It was fun!”

Lucifer smiled, glad that you seemed to be enjoying the lessons, at least. He heard from Madam Leela—your etiquette teacher—that you made tremendous progress these past few days. You’ve also kept up with the other lessons and are now progressing further into the syllabus.

Maybe pressuring you wasn’t the best choice to take. And Lucifer learnt it the hard way.

“Is that so? I hope you don’t prick your fingers when you practise embroidering.” Lucifer reached out to grab your left hand and rubbed your fingertips softly.

He eyed your ring finger, empty and bare of no jewellery at the moment before letting out a small smile. The images of seeing a shiny ring on it after the ceremony filled him with joy.

Lucifer was too caught up in his imagination to even realise he had intertwined his fingers to yours, causing you to be completely frozen by his action. Even Jean and Marie were trying their best not to let their mouth agape from witnessing a new side of the Crown Prince.

“Your-Your Highness…” You were blushing profusely.

Upon hearing himself being called, he focused back to reality and realised what he had done.

Lucifer let go of your hand, retracted his own hand from the table and cleared his throat before saying, “Apologies for my indecency, Princess.”

Now, he’s blushing.

And now Jean and Marie were also slowly blushing from the second-hand embarrassment.

Oh my God! Someone stop this! Please! This is so embarrassing!


Similar to the narrator, you were still flustered by Lucifer’s actions. Marie had helped you change into your nightwear without mentioning the incident in the dining hall during dinner.

“Sleep well, Your Highness. You have a very busy day tomorrow. The royal designer, as well as the jeweller, is coming to get your measurements. And you also need to polish your dancing skills with Madam Leela tomorrow,” Marie reminded you.

You thanked her for the reminder and lay down on your massive bed, trying to calm your pounding heart. You tossed and turned, trying really hard to fall asleep but failed miserably.

The light touches as he massaged your fingertips.

The way he traced your ring finger.

The way he squeezed his own fingers in between yours.

The warmth from his hand.

You immediately sat up, wanting to scream and throw your pillows at the wall—or more accurately, at the images of Lucifer you see when you look at the wall.

‘I’m crazy! I’m going crazy!’


Sure enough, Rose and Marie nagged you about sleeping late, yet again, the next day, “Your Highness, this is an important time for you! Please ditch your studies for a while and sleep early.”

In truth, you weren’t actually studying last night. You were far too distracted to calm down and sleep so you decided to embroider a handkerchief.

You weren’t sure if Lucifer actually wears a handkerchief but you decided to just go with it anyway.

Yes, you were embroidering a handkerchief with Lucifer in mind.

At first, it was to show off how good you’ve become after hours and hours of practice but after the incident last week, you decided you want to give him something as a gift.

Madam Leela had shown you how to embroider emblems from the Houses in the country. According to her, in the past, women would show their embroidery skills to their potential suitors as one of their many qualities to be married into the family. If the embroidery is neat and lovely, the higher the chances of them being chosen as the partner.

Nowadays, it’s more of a hobby and doesn’t hold any hidden meanings. Though it wasn’t a crucial thing to learn at such times where everything needs to be learned in a short amount of time, you were grateful to Lucifer for giving you the chance to learn this skill.

He could definitely cut it from the syllabus, but he didn’t. And because of that, you’re going to show him your appreciation by embroidering the Royal family’s emblem.

Since you wanted this to be a surprise, you didn’t say anything to your maids, in fear that they might spill the news to Jean and eventually let it travel to Lucifer.


“That’s brilliant, Your Highness. Your movements are sharper now. You’re doing really well.” Madam Leela squeezed your hand with a smile on her face.

“I can’t wait to see you in your wedding dress! The public will surely love you, Your Highness.” Madam Leela clasped her hands together and brought them close to her chest. Her eyes were filled with nothing but adoration towards the Princess.

Who would’ve thought after learning from her for almost a month, you would’ve gained a new mother figure.

Though she was strict, she showed true patience and care when she was teaching. Madam Leela became one of the few people that you confided in and you’re glad she’s proud of your progress.

“This is my last lesson with you. You’ve grown into a true Lady”

“Madam, I couldn’t have done it without you..please don’t cry… I’m tearing up as well…”

“Your Highness, you have every quality to be a ruler. Please don’t forget that. I will support you my whole life and you shall have my loyalty,” she gave you a smile before you wrapped your arms around her, hugging her close.

“Thank you for everything, Madam. I will always remember you. And please feel free to visit me again. You are not just my teacher, but also like my mother. I’d love to keep in touch with you after this.”

Madam Leela gave you one last smile before wishing you all the best for your future endeavours.

Watching her back turned against you made you reminisce about the journey you’ve been through to get through today. You left your family, your home country and your comfort zone to be a princess in the neighbouring country.

It seemed crazy to believe but you’re still here after all the things that happened to you.

But it didn’t change the fact that you have been missing your family so much. You couldn’t really keep in touch with them all the time as it’s still not safe to communicate before the public announcement. You could only call them during the weekends, but it’s also time constricted.

You made a mental note to ask for Lucifer’s permission to visit them after the ceremony later.


The Princes had invited you for a tea time together near your private garden during the evening. Considering you’re almost done with your lessons for the day, you agreed.

You arrived at the scene with all six of them already waiting for you at the table. They were still a rowdy bunch, although they’ve toned it down considering they were in public at the moment.

When they saw you walking towards them, they gave you a smile and all stood up to greet you but you stopped them by putting a hand up.

“It’s alright. No need for formalities.”

With the permission granted from the Crown Princess, no one would dare to disobey, right?

A good choice. Now everyone can have fun without thinking about etiquette!

A butler pulled a seat for you in between Asmo and Levi. Although the fifth born seemed overly excited to have you sitting beside him, the third born didn’t seem so much.

You gave a glance to Levi to make sure he was comfortable but caught him shying away and looking in the other direction.

“I’m sorry. Did I perhaps make you uncomfortable, Leviathan?”

“Don’t mind him, he’s always like that with anyone new,” Asmo said, sipping his tea calmly.

“Is that so? Then, maybe I should change my seat? I wouldn’t want you to–”

“Wait wait! No! That’s not what I-! I mean, no, I’m okay with you sitting there. It’s okay…”

“Why’re ya actin’ all shy anyway? She’s our big sis now. It’s not like she’s a potential candidate for your marriage. Wait! Do you like her?”

“No! What nonsense are you talking about!” Levi glared at Mammon with seething anger.

“And there they go again.” Satan shook his head in disbelief.

You couldn’t help but give a smile when they started arguing with each other. They reminded you of your friends back home.

“Anyway! You don’t need to call me by my full name. It’ll only make me more nervous. Like I just did something wrong that needed a scolding or something,” Levi said.

“Yeah, just call him Levi. You can call me Belphie too. And Beel here will be Beel to you too.”

“Me too! Me too! Just call me Asmo! Cute name, right? Well, I am cute. And pretty! But my name is cute too! Can you believe that–”

“Dammit Asmo! No one wants to hear ya talkin’ about that!”

“Hey! You take that back!”

And now it’s Asmo’s turn to argue with Mammon.

‘Wow! What a cheerful family this is!’

You were laughing quietly when you felt a hand brush up against your cheek and slowly trace your skin. You quickly looked back and saw Lucifer standing behind you with his infamous expressionless face.

Again with that unreadable expression!

“The Prince Charming is finally here. I see,” Satan scoffed.

The argument died down soon after as they all looked over to the eldest. It may look like they were communicating telepathically because it was followed by a long silence after.

You started to shift uncomfortably on your seat so you held his gloved hand that was still on your cheek and tugged it slightly, “Will you be joining us, Your Highness?”

“Yeah, have a seat Lucifer. It’s been a long time since we had tea together,” Beel said.

You instructed the butler to grab another chair for Lucifer without hearing his replies, to which he didn’t say much and just sat between you and Levi.

“Did you just finish your work, Your Highness?”

“Yes.” His reply was curt and short, very typical of Lucifer.

The atmosphere cheered back up as they all conversed with each other with the occasional reply from Lucifer himself.

You were having fun getting to know the Princes, but unbeknownst to you, someone else was just not having it.

“Belphie, could you pass me the scone?”

“Satan, about that book you recommended earlier…”

“I never knew about that. Thank you for telling me, Beel!”

“But Levi said it’s fine, no?”

“That’s beautiful, Asmo!”

“What do you mean, Mammon?”

Lucifer’s frown was getting deeper every time you said something. He couldn’t believe his ears.

“Why the scowl, Lucifer?” Asmo asked.

You quickly turned your direction to face him after Asmo said it. You blinked curiously before asking, “Are you not enjoying yourself, Your Highness?”

Your Highness…


The sudden glare directed at you made you lean back in surprise.

'What’s wrong with him??’

The long silence was broken by Levi’s cheerful laughter, “I think I know what’s going on here.”

Satan and Asmo followed through and soon after, all of them were laughing. The ones who were not were you and Lucifer.

Although by now, Lucifer would’ve ceased his brothers’ laughing fest, he didn’t. He was still giving that glare to you, but you could only sit there and wonder why.

“Your Highness? Did… Did I do something wrong?”

The brothers laughed once again.


You were on edge. You’re not sure why Lucifer seemed furious this evening when he’s sitting right in front of you with a small smile.

Was it because he’s jealous?

If he’s jealous, then why did he give permission for you to join the mini tea party in the first place? Besides, he didn’t seem to mind anytime his brothers came by to your waiting room just to talk.

He even once let you go horse riding with Belphie alone, without any knights supervising you two.

Lucifer seemed more complicated than you thought.

“Your Highness?” you tried speaking.

The slight downfall of his smile didn’t go unnoticed by you, “About this evening–”

Lucifer waved his hand as a signal for Jean and Rose to leave the room. As soon as the door clicked, he turned his full attention to you, eyes slightly glaring at your whole being.

“Did I perhaps… Did I do something wrong …?”



“Try calling me by my name.”


“My name.”


“Good.” He resumed his eating and left you there, still confused for your own good.

“Your Highness, I don’t-”


You finally put two and two together.

This jerk!

“You don’t seem to have a problem with calling my brothers by their names, yet why is it so hard for you to call me by my real name?”

Because I’m trying to respect you, you asshole!

“I thought I’d said this to you before, no?”


“Your Highness this! Your Highness that! I have a name too! 

“Lucifer! Call me Lucifer… Please…"


“You were drunk at that time! I didn’t know you’re being serious!” You couldn’t contain your anger any longer.

“Well, I’m sober now.”

This man is really driving you crazy.


After mentally checking all the preparations, Lucifer leaned back on his throne and listened carefully to the issues presented by the nobles in the meeting hall.

Giving his opinions and solutions once in a while, he was ready to end the meeting. The reason was mainly due to him feeling eager to break the news to the heads of the Houses.

Considering you rarely went out from your study during the day, it was easy for Lucifer to hide your existence in this huge palace. The only House that was aware of your presence was the House of Gillwell, where Madam Leela was from.

They did a great job of concealing the news from spreading out so Lucifer reminded himself to grant them a reward in return.

“Your Highness,” Jean whispered from behind him.

Jean approached Lucifer and leaned closer, “Her Highness is waiting for you in your waiting room. It seems like she wants to talk to you.”

The more reason for Lucifer to end the meeting early.

“Entertain her for a while. I’ll be there shortly.”


Shortly was definitely not two hours.

Lucifer exited the meeting hall with a deep frown.

He didn’t think the last issue was going to take so long to discuss. It’s not fair to cut the meeting short only for his personal matter so Lucifer calmed himself down and sat through all the discussion and gave his appropriate decision. He did, however, say that he’d look further on the matter so as to not stretch out the time.

By the time he was at his wit’s end, he just dropped the news of the royal wedding ceremony in a week’s time before exiting the hall without further explanations.

Whatever the nobles did or said after that, he couldn’t care less.

He had kept you waiting for a long time now and the guilt was gnawing at him.

“Did you give her some refreshments?” Lucifer asked Jean.

“I did. However, Her Highness told me to leave her alone and do my other jobs. I insisted on accompanying her but Her Highness also insisted that I leave and get things done. I don’t know what to do.”

“So you left her alone for two hours?” Lucifer raised his voice while still walking fast to his waiting room.

“No, I did not, Your Highness. I accompanied Her Highness for about an hour before she told me to leave.”

You must have felt bad for keeping Jean from doing his other work around the palace.

Lucifer fastened his pace and within seconds, he was already at the door. He pushed open the door to see you, sleeping soundly on one of his couches.

You were leaning to the end side of the couch and tugging your hands under your head. You did, however, keep your feet to the ground so your sleeping pose wasn’t too inappropriate to be seen by another man in the room—and by another man, it was only Jean.

Lucifer’s heart clenched by the sight so he approached you slowly.

'Sorry for making you wait so long, MC.’

He kneeled down to have a closer look at your peaceful face. A smile was drawn on his lips as he extended his hand to tug your loose locks behind your ear. Lucifer then cupped your cheek softly and said, “MC?”

You didn’t answer. Lucifer’s grin was wider as he discovered a new cute side of you.

But, the longer he touched you, the more his joy started to disappear as fear slowly crept into his whole being.

He bit the tip of his glove and aggressively took it off with his teeth before touching your cheek once again. His heart skipped a beat as he frantically touched your forehead next.

“Jean! Call the royal physician! Now!”


Mc: “I don’t know how you do that.”

Lucifer: “Do what?”

Mc: “Make everything sound like a threat. That man looked like he was about to piss himself, and all you did was ask him to step aside so that we could get past. Even when I actively tryto sound threatening, no one takes me seriously.”

Lucifer: “That’s because you look and sound, like the human personification of a warm hug.”

@mimi-the-lucifer-stan I have read and reread your Obey Me Season series, and I couldn’t help myself,since you described the winged MC look so eloquently yet leaving a lot up to the imagination:

I’m not the best at colouring (also pls don’t mind the absence of feet and mangled hands) but I tried to portray how MC and her new wings looked in my mind. I added skincolor bc that’s just the vibe I got from her whilst drawing, but she can look however anyone wants her to look, I just couldn’t stop myself, I love LoVe LOVE your writing

edit: tumblr butchered the quality, but just zoom in to see the outfit better

MC: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn’t do it

Lucifer: I know, that’s why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out

