

I spent about three hours putting together an in-depth training pack for our new starter.  My colleague, who I considered to be one of my closest friends, asked me if I had the links to certain programs that she needed to set up on the new guy’s computer.  The training pack contained those links in one of the slides. So, stupidly, I just sent her the whole pack.  I neverthought she would then send it to him and claim it as her own work.

Three hours of work, down the drain, all because I stupidly sent it to her first. Lesson learned.  People can’t be trusted.

When a librarian notes that people who believe in un-siloing library data only believe it when it’s other people’s projects.

When a librarian is informed that the change coming for ten years just made it to the library job responsibilities flowchart.

When a librarian hasn’t seen an out-of-state colleague in twelve years, wonders how he’s doing, has no idea what his last name was, and five minutes later is trolling through his instagram and twitter feeds.
