#college problems


Okay but why does people ever think that it’s okay to just chat and hang out in the library?? In the middle of exams seasons?? And it’s a tiny asf library like girl can you just hang somewhere else that’s not here? The worst part is that they’re from a year below me and they aren’t even supposed to be in my section of the library so conclusion why are some people so inconsiderate god help me 


me on winter break: *rubs hands together* time to destroy my sleeping schedule


Do you ever spend an entire minute trying to figure out what a sentence means or are you normal 


And you can save money on textbooks with Boundless.

Boundless is better and cheaper than your assigned textbook.

Before reading the syllabus

After reading the syllabus

You’re a college student. You’re not rolling in cash, though you wish you were.


So when you’re assigned $100, $200, and sometimes even $400 textbooks, there’s no way you can pay that much.


Try these options instead.

1. Price comparison sites

Websites like SlugbooksandBigWords will allow you to compare used and rental textbook prices from a variety of websites, allowing you to find the cheapest way to get those books.

2. “Rent” from the library

Don’t want to spend any money at all? It’s a stretch, but check with your school library. They might have the textbook you need on reserve, and then you can just visit it when you need it!

3. Get an alternative with built-in study tools

The website Boundless offers a $19.99 digital alternative that is aligned to your assigned textbook and also includes flashcards, quizzes, and study reminders. With these textbook alternatives you can study on-the-go!

4. Share with a friend

If you have a friend in your class with you, split the cost of the textbook and share it. This way, you’ll also have a study buddy! (Make sure you trust your friend if you choose this option!)

Hope this helps – you should have no problem saving money on textbooks now.


Now go rock the semester and enjoy the sound of the extra change in your pocket.

Pro Tip: The point of ramen in college is to save money.

Boiling eggs and other fixins for it kinda defeats the purpose.

Also, maybe learn how to boil an egg before going to college.
