#colonel gentleman



Doc and Jackson be like 

“What kind of character should we create?”

“Gay senior citizen?”

“Gay senior citizen.” 

There was a moment in my life where I talked like Pete White for a year whenever I got fustrated with someone, it wasn’t even just me doing the voice, I incorporated his vocabulary into my daily vocabulary. I never called anyone ‘Pally’ in my life till I watched Venture Bros. I used to mimic him, Saint Cloud and Colonel Gentleman a lot, especially when I was mad, you’d just hear me say shit like

“Ah geeze, thanks a fuckin’ lot pally.”

“That’s what you get, fuckbuouy.”

“Jesus fockin chrischt it’s hot as bawls.”

It’s just a thing that happens whenever I watch a show, I end up speaking like a certain character or characters until I watch a new show. I don’t know why I do it or why it happens. Sometimes I don’t even know I’m doing it unless someone points it out that I’m talking weird or when I feel like I said something in a weird way but don’t know how.

I also do it with Metalocalypse characters too, mostly Pickles, Murderface, Toki, Skwisgaar, Nathan, Charles and Dr Rockso.
