#pete white



dying over these relatable Pete screenshots


Top venture Bros post of all time


No but really it is very timeless. You can drop in anywhere in the show and it seems like it’s modern day. I think it’s because the Ventures were very sheltered in the way that the very wealthy celebrity are? They lived on their compound, travelled around the world frequently but never really talked with others or got close with them? They were isolated in their own bubble.


PREORDERS FOR THE ZINE CLOSE NOVEMBER 29TH! it’s a great project with a bunch of super talented lgbt fans of venture bros! any profits will go toward the Trevor Project! more info and other previews of pieces can be found at @venturebrospridezine️‍

new vbros ep filled the constant ‘pete and billy clownery’ hole in my heart

new vbros ep filled the constant ‘pete and billy clownery’ hole in my heart

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I didn’t post it during 2017 but my last real drawing of the year was this

he wouldn’t even need contacts

There was a moment in my life where I talked like Pete White for a year whenever I got fustrated with someone, it wasn’t even just me doing the voice, I incorporated his vocabulary into my daily vocabulary. I never called anyone ‘Pally’ in my life till I watched Venture Bros. I used to mimic him, Saint Cloud and Colonel Gentleman a lot, especially when I was mad, you’d just hear me say shit like

“Ah geeze, thanks a fuckin’ lot pally.”

“That’s what you get, fuckbuouy.”

“Jesus fockin chrischt it’s hot as bawls.”

It’s just a thing that happens whenever I watch a show, I end up speaking like a certain character or characters until I watch a new show. I don’t know why I do it or why it happens. Sometimes I don’t even know I’m doing it unless someone points it out that I’m talking weird or when I feel like I said something in a weird way but don’t know how.

I also do it with Metalocalypse characters too, mostly Pickles, Murderface, Toki, Skwisgaar, Nathan, Charles and Dr Rockso.

i ride or die with the ‘confesses their undying love on accident and at the same time after being bai ride or die with the ‘confesses their undying love on accident and at the same time after being bai ride or die with the ‘confesses their undying love on accident and at the same time after being ba

i ride or die with the ‘confesses their undying love on accident and at the same time after being basically married for years otp trope

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