#colorado gothic


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Cherokee Trail High School Gothic

•you know where your classes are without even looking, when did you pass the bridge doors?

•there’s a social studies teacher that looks young and old at the same time. You never see him outside of his classroom, but sometimes he’s not there either.

•passing periods are another plane of reality. Everyone is different, but when you look closer everyone looks the same.

•the people at security never look up when someone walks in. You wonder if that’s how the school got infested.

•maybe they’re part of it.

•Faust might be an alcoholic. His dog has gotten drunk… twice.

•Grandview is a mirror of CT, you wonder if the people are mirrors too.

•Dictator Rauh left and you haven’t heard of her since. But you still don’t know the name of your current principle.

•You don’t know the name of the freshman class. Class of twenty twenty-who?

•people walk slowly, when you pass they appear to walk with a normal gate.

•you flat tire someone in the hall by accident and look up to apologize. The person is no longer there.

•you swear you hear someone call your name. You shouldn’t have looked behind you.

•the girls who want there to be a Mrs. CT have no sense of humor.

•leadership believes they’re superior to you. You start to believe it too.

•leadership tries to sell you a Wish Week shirt. You’re afraid of what happens if you don’t buy one. They say you’re helping a good cause, but the look in their eyes makes you feel like it’s darker than that. Momma J has to get her power from somewhere. You give them $10 and convince yourself that you’re committing to a cause bigger than yourself.

•not enough “Be Kind” shirts are made. You are treated like you’re an awful person when you don’t receive one. You’re their prey.

•there’s always a crowd at the DECA store. The creepy guys like to flirt with the girls at the counter.
