#spooky shit


I’ve been blessed with some more deer skulls to clean!!! The two with the tags are mummified while the skull was a find a little while ago. I left him sitting outside for some time and nature cleaned him up pretty good!

Tw: dead animal/mummification below








I’m trying out a different method this time and I’ll be putting them next to an ant nest. Hopefully it works well enough to at least get some of the nasty off them. The guy that gave the two to me doesn’t want them back either so I hope to put them in the shop eventually

Think about it…

Ted Bundy not only believed he was innocent, but at the same time, ruined his own trial by being his own council at trial.

this is the second writer. (Also watching the Ted Bundy confession tapes)

Snow Day Gothic

  • Class is cancelled because of snow. Or so they say.
  • You’ve lived this day before.
  • Your peers post the announcement of the cancellation on their social media. On the surface it is a celebration, when deep down you know it is a warning.
  • There’s a knock on the door. No one’s there when you open it, and no footprints in the snow.
  • You don’t drive. The ones who skid off the road are never seen again.
  • The snowmen seem to appear out of nowhere. You haven’t seen anybody outside to build them. They move when you aren’t looking.
  • The neighborhood children sled down the hill. Only some of them come back up.
  • You hear the shoveling of snow, but none of it has been cleared.
  • The fireplace crackles. You don’t remember turning it on.
  • You tell your friends that you love snowdays. “They’re cozy” you say, “I like watching the snow fall while I’m warm in the house”. You’re really just too afraid of what is waiting for you outside.
  • You hear a car slip on the ice on the road behind your house. You know they will be feasted on.
  • This snow is just like every other, so why was class cancelled today?
  • What’s out there? You’re tempted to find out.
  • There’s a snowman in your yard. Who built it? You couldn’t have. You decide to stay inside.
  • The weather is the same the next day, but class is in session. They must have left.

-quick note-

Hello! I’m surprised about how many followers we’ve gotten in the past week or so since we started this blog. There are two of us running this and tbh it’s been real fun so far!

We’re gonna start tagging our stuff so you know who wrote what, and mine’s gonna be cuz I think it’s funny.

I also wrote the Home Alone, Abandoned Churches, Night Driving, and High School gothics.

  • Only do what you’re assigned to do, don’t stray from your assignment
  • Never think you can defeat the system
  • Don’t question where people disappear to, all you need to know is that they upset someone
  • Rebelion won’t save you, you could end up dead for all you know
  • Questions are never to be asked out loud, they listen to everything
  • They will watch your every move
  • Stick to a routine or they will know something is up
  • Your rights don’t matter anymore, there is no more constitution, that was burned in 2035
  • Don’t fall in love, a spouse will be appointed to you when you come of age
  • And you are expected to have children
  • The internet will be restricted
  • Remember to follow the order and never try to escape
  • There is no escape
  • No outside the wall can help, no outside the wall knows where to find you anyway
  • And never ask one question…
  • Is this a simulation?

What next?

Comment or send us ideas on what you want to read about in the next gothic!!

When someone doesn’t support the gothics but you don’t care and are still gonna write them


•Leave all your belonging outside the door

• If you take anything in you won’t ever get it back

• Don’t force open any locked doors, they’re locked for a reason

• Bring string to help you find your way out, or you’ll never be able to leave

• If you see children try to ignore them, they’re not human

• Watch for the janitor and make sure he never sees you, if he sees you he’ll hunt you after you leave

• Stay out of the morgue, you’ll be stuck in a work other than your own

• Never sleep in the building, you may never wake up from your slumber

• If you see residual patients leave them alone, and don’t ever try to help them leave

• Before you leave check all your pockets, they will leave things in there

• Don’t visit the building more than twice a month, and never in the same week

• When you go home keep your lights on the rest of the night, they attack in the dark
