#colored text



I’ve spend 12hrs in urgent care this week and need help paying for it

Hey guys, I wanted to start off by saying thank you all so much for help on my last donation post I was able to pay rent and afford new glasses and contacts and I couldn’t have done it without y’all.

Sadly I waited too late and after waking up Wednesday in excruciating pain in my right eye I had to go to urgent care for my eye. From wearing my contacts too long I popped 3 blood vessels and have minor cornea abrasions. Wednesday and Thursday I spent in and out of urgent and care and an emergency ophthalmologist visit I needed to have within 24hrs of said urgent care visit I’m now down from the Lyft rides needed to get there. Normally I would’ve been able to use my medical rides but I didn’t have 72hrs in advance to schedule them. That and yesterday my partner collapsed from medication withdrawals and was nearly hospitalized again on our way to the pharmacy. It hasn’t been easy for us as of late.

Thankfully my eye will be okay and I won’t be needing any surgery thank god. But I have been put on contact vacation and I’m gonna be on a bunch of different medicated eye drops and creams for a minute and switching between eyepatches and sunglasses for the photo-sensitivity. My new glasses haven’t come in the mail yet which means I’m gonna be extremely visibly impaired for a minute and won’t be able to do much. I just need to be able to get through till my glasses come and if I could get the money back from the rides that’d really save me. I also need to buy new pants since I’ve lost weight again and I can’t even wear my old ones with a belt. Anything helps

These are the rides we had to take to and back, and the $9.35 ride was back home from the pharmacy after my partner collapsed and I didn’t want them walking home. I’ll probably need like $60 for pants (because fatphobia and $30 will get me one fucking pair of pants for my dumptruck ass )



My cashapp



My Venmo:









reminder kraken dice released 95 exclusive dice sets before fufilling their first kickstarter and the owners of it are right wingers

since theyre trying again LMAO

Just as a psa

Seriously,don’t buy from Kraken.

Their stuff is cheap, they don’t really uphold their obligations for their productions; they’ve cheated numerous people out of their dice pledges and produced foggy, low quality dice — the dice making game has gotten so much better over the years and I have a list ( as a dice maker myself ) that you can support more independent and amazing dice makers!

DISPEL( more bigger and mainstream but they have nice high quality dice with their own store opening late May 2022 )

GAMETEE( they have all sorts of lovely stuff for table top in general, but a lot of beautiful themed, sharp edge and gemstone dice too! )

EVERYTHING DICE( they’re about to have a Kickstarter for dice boxes and they have very beautiful sharp edge dice! )







SLEIGHT OF HANDCRAFT( they have dice commissions )

YANIIR( less frequent updates, and more Patreon exclusive sales, but very beautiful high quality dice, jewelry, and tabletop accessories )






ASTRALNAUT DICE ( my dice work! I take requests in small batches and plan to make sets for sale soon! )

Please support more indie and small business tabletop stores!✨ You can find so much love, quality and care put into these dice makers beyond Kraken’s cheap sets and abhorrent customer care and support.

adding onto the dice list, some dice makers that i’ve personally purchased from and love the work of.

DARK ELF DICE(made my current fav dice which have little koi resin figures inside, theyre adorable)



aromantics who aren’t asexual are important members of the aspec community

aromantics who aren’t asexual are radiant

aromantics who aren’t asexual are moral and good

aromantics who aren’t asexual deserve respect and appreciation

aromantics who aren’t asexual are important members of the queer community

thechekhov: ebonykain:isa-ghost:twitblr:This is one of the most adorable Pride posts I’ve ever





This is one of the most adorable Pride posts I’ve ever seen

Scheduling this to reblog on the day before National Coming Out Day (Oct 11th).

Because if your aren’t ready yet, for any reason, that is your right to not come out yet.

If YOU are out but have a friend who is NOT, it is notyour right to out them. Respect their wishes, respect their safety, respect their health.

Encouraging your friends by promising to stand with them when they come out: Good.

Bullying your friends by saying they owe it to the LGBTQIA+ community to come out: Bad.


As someone who was outed against my will LONG before it was safe for me to be out to my family, I’m gonna say this as loudly as I can:

You don’t HAVE to come out! To anyone! You don’t owe it to anyone. Nothing is more important than your safety. If it’s better for your situation to stay closeted, please do that!

Coming out should be a personal decision. It should be a choice you make because you feel you will be happier for it. It should be something you do when you believe it will enrich your life.

Post link


Farm dog raises a rejected lamb

from my twitter…





Help A black trans girl eat this week️‍️‍⚧️

Hey y’all, I need $75 for groceries this week, can anybody help?



Venmo: @miss-brie-nicole

Hey everyone, just an update: Since making this post yesterday I haven’t recieved anything in donations. I appreciate everyone who boosted this post and nobody is obligated to donate to me but I humbly ask that you continue to keep boosting this post so that someone who can help me will see this. I’m currently at work and all I wanna be able to do when I get out is put groceries in my fridge. Literally any little bit helps. Thanks again, y’all!❤️







street crossiants

Rating:Not Cute

As magical as it is to see a litter of baby croissants, they are obviously disoriented and will not survive on their own. I hope they were taken to a rescue shelter after this photo was taken.

i ate em all. off the ground


Litters of baby croissants love to be eaten. off the ground.




[Plaintext transcription: Queer Native Americans and indigenous people are beautiful and deserving of affection and respect. Queer BIPOC make the LGBTQ+ community better by being in it. \End transcription]

Response to an ask from Ophelia:

(this is the out of context paracosm one!)

Ophelia!! Hello!! I’m so glad you’re feeling a little better. I meant to remind you on the last ask to drink fluids and rest, to take care of yourself in general. But better late than never, I suppose. And of course, you’re not annoying me at all so there’s no need to apologize

And I don’t think it’s an annoying idea either! Actually kudos to you for having a list of things, even if it is incoherent. All my information exists solely in my brain…actually wait I think I drew one iteration of one of the main characters in my own paracosm. Oh! It’s actually still posted on instagram, wow (this one. the character has changed a lot since then and has a bunch of tattoos/scars, but didn’t at the time so they’re not in that drawing)

(and no problem with cutting things out! it’s completely understandable, and I just want you to be comfortable <33 and also I’m putting it under a cut for space!)

that being said…I am so curious about these out of context quotes oh my. once again i’m kinda just spewing out questions in response you don’t actually have to answer them tho!

  • if he’s not a ventriloquist then what could be possibly be!! how did he get mistaken for a ventriloquist. is he lying to people about being a ventriloquist because that’s an impressive thing to fake
  • vampires, you say? my interest has been piqued. I’m totally normal about them (no I’m not). okay but like what iteration of vampires are we talking here. do they crawl around with considerable speed quite like a lizard (dracula)? do they sparkle in the sunlight and angst over their monstrous nature (twilight, but specifically edward)? do they pass for human and go out in the sun but need to mix their diet with human food and blood while being extremely flammable (i’ve forgotten the specifics but that’s what I remember from the simon snow trilogy)? Like I said, I’m very normal about vampires
  • oo there’s employment in this world of yours…is that within or outside The Shell? does The Shell have jobs? What does a person do with their time when inside it? but that poor tired employee..,
  • are they…a fake person? not a real person sounds like a warning label, like the “not meant for human consumption” kind of thing or “not safe for children” so my brain is interpreting this as a warning
  • and they’re right to be scared! staircases will get you. honestly the ones that get people the most are the smallest. in my house theres a slightly raised section of the floor right in front of the door like a platform that requires a single step up and down, and visitors trip over it all. the. time. which isn’t great when the majority of people who visit your house are old
  • rice cakes! I don’t think I’ve actually had a rice cake before now that I think about it. wait maybe I have. okay looked it up I have not eaten the puffed rice cakes, but i have had the other ones. google is just calling them asian rice cakes
  • I think she deserves to fight 100% of the time. I don’t know her but like that number is close enough to 100 that it seems only reasonably to bump it up. what does she want the other 10 percent? is this a situation where she’s loving the other 10 or where it’s not a want to fight but a want to murder and it adds up to 100% violence
  • wait you’re so right frozen grapes are so good. like the variety of different consistencies…so fun. also great when your grapes are no longer taut and are instead slightly squishy, which is unsatisfactory. just freeze them and no more squish!
  • robot-clown-lady. I. who? I am so curious. who is this lady and what is the proportion of each of those three parts. is she more robot than clown? more clown than lady? or is she a lady who happens to be slightly the other two. also for some reason the first mental image I got was of Circus Baby, which is probably not what you intended
  • ah yes, anxious anger, the very shaky and orange (I think?) emotion. feel that one a lot
  • froggy raincoat!! I didn’t have a raincoat, but I used to have a froggy umbrella!! like the ones with the eyes sticking up. let me find a picture. like this!! my sister had a ladybug
  • my immediate response to hearing a thing called useless was defense of said thing. i know nothing about them but my compassion for inanimate things holds no bounds i will love and cherish these useless things he’s made if no one else will
  • shout out to left-handed people, the world truly is against you. i wonder how effectively I could teach myself to learn to use my left hand to write. I mean writing is just a skill. I once saw a youtube channel entirely dedicated to this guy learning to write with his left hand, but I don’t remember what the channel name was
  • and they’re right to do so! I will also freeze any fruit for consumption. fruit is just so *screams* /pos.
  • I respect the froggy raincoat. I love the froggy raincoat. I’d do anything for the froggy raincoat. I have absolutely no need for a raincoat as I live in a desert in the mountains, but if I had a raincoat I’d want it to be a froggy one. or a dragon. both are good I’ll just wear two

(ignore this paragraph break tumblr is telling me I’m talking too much so I have to break it up)

  • very valid of the computer-program-equivalent thing that doesn’t have preferred pronouns. I’m curious whether that’s because all pronouns works or if it doesn’t have any. pronounless…beautiful
  • who what when where why and how can her head turn 360 degrees. what owl sorcery is this and how can I replicate it in my bedroom. makes me think of the bird species whose name I can’t remember (rostrae?) from the Magonia duology by Maria Dahvana Headley. I didn’t actually understand their biology at all based on the descriptions but I’m going to pretend like I did !!
  • oh I love characters like that! immediately like oh no. they just have such a strong presence it overwhelms you. I met someone one who based on the single first thing they said to me I went “oh shit” /pos you’re intense. turns out it was a fluke and they’re actually very goofy like many of the other people in my life (cough, my partner’s family, cough), but before I figured that out they had a presence. but congrats to this character for being a good brother!
  • why don’t the drinks provide hydration wait. what’s going on here. is that because they’re drinking super sugary/fatty things or are there magic drinks in The Shell that don’t actually quench your thirst. has this character heard of water. they should try some
  • AGAS (Assigned gamer at Shell). good for them. I hope they enjoy their gamer days or whatever else is going on (idk what’s happening I don’t have context). but wait what kind of gamer. a video gamer? what kind of games? a board gamer? how does this character feel about puzzles
  • okay wait I love the shooting star comparison, a rapidly moving entity of destruction. is there also something in there about being beautiful from afar but deadly close up? because I think that’d also be cool. shooting stars in general are just cool. and since I mentioned magonia earlier now I’m reminded of this detail in the series where some shooting stars are actually just magonians sending messages to each other by tying them to an arrow and shooting them from ship to ship across the skyv(the ships are in the sky)
  • sometimes your immune system just doesn’t work anymore and that’s just how it is. I could make a joke here about yours failing you and letting you get sick but I don’t know how to word that so I’m moving on.
  • electricity!! congratulations to this world on having electricity, doing better than the world i was reading about yesterday…in which it both did and didn’t because it occupied two different times. main character was an elderly woman who did have access to electricity talking about a part of her life when she was young in which there wasn’t. but mostly my thoughts rn are ooo more details about the world: they have electricity !!

This was positively delightful! not annoying in the slightest, I love learning about this world and about the paracosm as a whole.

I’m doing alright, doing schoolwork in the mornings and chilling the rest of the day (reading, writing, tumblr, things like that). And the car thing is mostly just like “really? I still have to deal with this?” because there is so much where it’s like…I very clearly was not at fault in this situation. The police statement puts the other driver at 100% fault! My insurance puts the other driver at 100% fault! The statements the other driver gave are different; one mentions a motorcycle distracting her and the other she doesn’t mention at all and claims she had a green arrow–which she couldn’t have had, because I had the green. Like she’s contradicting herself!! It’s like my guy. why is this still being dragged out. thank you for the thumbs up tho <333

also yes!! smoothies!! Oh emotionally I am picking fresh fruit from some garden to put in the smoothies. I love fruit it’s so good, and I also love you!! /p I hope you have/had a nice day as well



I’ve set up a separate GoFundMe for my sister’s funeral and cremation expenses. Please donate if you can and are willing, and please reblog this and share it wherever you can!

Please reblog this if you see it!!


you fucks better start using colored text everywhere like you’re a school girl who just got a pack of glitter pens for her 12th birthday

Alright you got my attention lol
