#come at me bro

After watching too much fencing during the Olympics(Peter Stackpole. 1955)

After watching too much fencing during the Olympics

(Peter Stackpole. 1955)

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In 2005, the BBC broadcast the first episode of the new Doctor Who series starring Christopher Eccleston, and fuck you if you don’t think he was the best of them all.

This blog supports defunding the police.

This blog believes BlackLivesMatter.

Anyone who disagrees can gtfo. We’re not organ grinders begging for scraps of attention, and honestly our lives can only improve without you racists leeching poison into every facet of society.

Including fandom. Especiallyfandom.

Educate yourself. Learn from your mistakes. Support those who are suffering. Denounce the people and powers that perpetuate it.



when people talk shit about bucky barnes and steve rogers

Today Japan of the day is:

Japan: Come at me, bro!


Or non anons, whatever lifts your skirt

 Humor me, With people lavishing of how rubbish Doug Walker/The Nostalgia Critic’s review of &

Humor me, With people lavishing of how rubbish Doug Walker/The Nostalgia Critic’s review of “Pink Floyd The Wall” was, how can one see the film?
The DVD has long since has been outta print
and Blu-Rays are next to impossible to find
and the only version of it on Tubi is the 2015 Roger Waters concert version
so… [see pic above]

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