#comfort headcanons


Zelink pet name headcanons

Because 1.) I’m a sucker for pet names, as we’ve previously established and 2.) I’m still freaking out over the latest trailer :D

warnings: trauma hinted at


  • Zelda was the first to use a pet name, because it’s something she’s always seen cute couples do, and she wanted to do it as well
  • She had to work up the nerve to do it, and even then, it came out quick, quiet, and with a small stutter. She had tried to do it naturally as she handed Link something, simply saying “Yes, of course, here you go… dear”
  • Link’s brain went error, error and he was like I love you Zelda but it’s too early for you to be being this cute
  • Link froze for a fraction of a second, before carrying on normally, albeit with a small blush. Then, just as bashful as Zelda, he replied, “Thank you, dear”
  • In public, they rarely use pet names. Link is well… Link. He hardly says anything in front of others, let alone something so endearing. Zelda is bashful and feels that, as the Princess and Champion of Hyrule, a certain amount of professionalism is required
  • Zelda tends to call Link things like my knight in shining armor, dear,love, darling, and simply my Link
  • Link loves all of them, though all he may do is nod and blush
  • When Link is upset, Zelda calls him sweetheart and he absolutely melts
  • Using pet names really isn’t Link’s suite. He prefers to show affection by spending time together, taking care of her, doing/making things for her, and little bits of physical affection
  • But, he does his best because he’s realized that part of the reason Zelda likes pet names is simply because of how… normal they are. Something to make them forget they’re Triforce holders
  • Link tends to call her dear, my little bird (courtesy of Urbosa), love, and my Zelda
  • When he calls her my beautyorflower, she always blushes and quiet mischief dances through his eyes and smirk
  • He actually tends to avoid calling her princess once they’re courting, because Zelda really doesn’t need more reminders of her position and duties :’)

❴ Pecking Duck ❵

❝ could i request a drabble or scenario of peking duck comforting master attendant after a bad nightmare? thank you! ❞

❲ pɑiring ❳ Pecking Duck x Master Attendant

❲ rɑting ❳ sfw / possible tw

❲ type ❳ nightmare comfort drabble

I still see your shadows in my room


You jolted up, body shivering in fear and hands clawing at your face to search for reality in the pain. Your eyes hadn’t adjusted to the darkness once your eyes opened, so the area around you was pitch black and you were still reliving the final moments of your nightmare.

You didnt even realize you were being held until you heard Pecking’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. The moment you felt him hold you to his chest you clung onto his sleeves as if it was the only thing keeping you from falling back into the darkness.

Cant take back the love that I gave you

“I’m here, darling. The children are here as well, they’re sitting in your lap to let you know they’re here for you. Simply focus on my voice, and remember that they aren’t here anymore.” He murmured softly.

“How… Did you…”

“You screamed their name before you woke up.” He responded quietly, brushing some of your hair out of your eyes so he could gaze into them. “Remember that they will not hurt you anymore. I’m the one laying next to you. I’m right beside you. So focus on my voice. Let the bad wash away, for I will never leave you.”

Its to the point why I love and I hate you

You allow him to brush his fingers through your hair, acompanied by the sweet melody of his humming making your body relax and adjust for comfort.

The little ducks that often followed him around snuggled up against your side, providing warmth to your cold figure. You don’t remember what happened after you felt Pecking laid you back down and held you against his chest- but you knew one thing.

You loved Pecking more than you could ever love another. You were safe.

And I cannot change you so I must replace you.
