#zelda x link

Link/Zelda in their new BotW 2 designs for a kofi ♥(ID: Drawing of Zelda and Link holding hands, smi

Link/Zelda in their new BotW 2 designs for a kofi ♥

(ID: Drawing of Zelda and Link holding hands, smiling and sharing a soft kiss.)

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I’m officially on YouTube now!

I plan to share speedpaints, process videos and tutorials. My first video features a Procreate speedpaint of Zelda from Breath of the Wild 2 with her new, fierce haircut! ‍♀️✨ If you do head over, be sure to leave a like, comment, subscribe!

Thank you for your support!

original - without adjustmentsALT
with adjustmentsALT
also with adjustmentsALT

just wanted to draw something sleepy idk

CALL ME CRAZY BUT link could’ve literally just had his hand behind zelda to get her away from the guardian but NOOOO instead he looks for zelda’s hand and grabs it like !???!?!?!?!!?

i am never letting this cutscene go they’re so cute…

Zelink pet name headcanons

Because 1.) I’m a sucker for pet names, as we’ve previously established and 2.) I’m still freaking out over the latest trailer :D

warnings: trauma hinted at


  • Zelda was the first to use a pet name, because it’s something she’s always seen cute couples do, and she wanted to do it as well
  • She had to work up the nerve to do it, and even then, it came out quick, quiet, and with a small stutter. She had tried to do it naturally as she handed Link something, simply saying “Yes, of course, here you go… dear”
  • Link’s brain went error, error and he was like I love you Zelda but it’s too early for you to be being this cute
  • Link froze for a fraction of a second, before carrying on normally, albeit with a small blush. Then, just as bashful as Zelda, he replied, “Thank you, dear”
  • In public, they rarely use pet names. Link is well… Link. He hardly says anything in front of others, let alone something so endearing. Zelda is bashful and feels that, as the Princess and Champion of Hyrule, a certain amount of professionalism is required
  • Zelda tends to call Link things like my knight in shining armor, dear,love, darling, and simply my Link
  • Link loves all of them, though all he may do is nod and blush
  • When Link is upset, Zelda calls him sweetheart and he absolutely melts
  • Using pet names really isn’t Link’s suite. He prefers to show affection by spending time together, taking care of her, doing/making things for her, and little bits of physical affection
  • But, he does his best because he’s realized that part of the reason Zelda likes pet names is simply because of how… normal they are. Something to make them forget they’re Triforce holders
  • Link tends to call her dear, my little bird (courtesy of Urbosa), love, and my Zelda
  • When he calls her my beautyorflower, she always blushes and quiet mischief dances through his eyes and smirk
  • He actually tends to avoid calling her princess once they’re courting, because Zelda really doesn’t need more reminders of her position and duties :’)

Hey hey, Link calling Zelda sleepyhead in botw2 bc she sleeps more than he does and always nods off if she doesn’t have something to fidget with.

that brief part in the last smash direct where link attacked ken for zelda is what i live for

that brief part in the last smash direct where link attacked ken for zelda is what i live for

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NEW SONG ALERT!!!!!!  A song wayyyyy overdue, a sappy Zelink song wayyyyy overdue!!!

Seriously I have started and rewritten a song for this damn beautiful game and my once angsty angry song turned into a love song about a love story where Zelda has to see past her own shortcomings and see that Link is there for a reason. To stand by her side while she figures shit out. 

Anyways if you haven’t played the game by now then I’m sorry this video contains gameplay spoilers. If you have already played, I commend you, for I am stiill working my way through this gorgeous game and am taking my time. 

Enjoy my lovelies. I’ve got a few requests to work on but needed to get this canon couple off my chest first. And as always, thank you for listening <3 

If you like what you hear, consider becoming a Patron where not only do you get early access to all songs, but exclusive access to song lyrics, behind the scenes of the music and a chance to be apart of mine CMV in future projects! Check out my Instagram: MissMindy24 for a preview of my Zelink CMV!!!

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/missmindyfeels/overview

Instagram: missmindy24

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MissMindySings/

#zelink    #legend of zelda    #zelda botw    #loz botw    #link botw    #breath of the wild    #game music video    #link x zelda    #missmindy    #fansong    #nintendo    #zelda x link    #hylian    #botw gmv    
The familiar fear she had been experiencing those 100 years as she fought in wait for Link’s return

The familiar fear she had been experiencing those 100 years as she fought in wait for Link’s return reared their ugly head yet again.

The evil encapsulating and the darkness surrounding…but instead of darkness, she was met with her light. Embodied in this beautiful young man before her and his calm blue eyes. There was still a fear since her powers had left her…but Link hadn’t. It may have taken over a century to get him back after almost losing him forever on that dreaded Guardian-littered battlefield – but here he was – and he wasn’t leaving…

“I’m here,” his words were unexpected and gentle; calming her heart slightly even if it still felt as if it may escape from the tattered confines of her chest.

Zelda almost collapsed into him; her hand stopped to rest in the crook of his elbow and the other pressing against his flank to hold herself up.

Unmoved by her stumble, Link stood steady.

Warm calloused fingers holding onto her elbow and the other brushing tenderly over her cheek to cup her face in a movement that made her want to cry. This infernal nightmare still had yet to end! Not even able to taste the freedom both so richly deserved after 100 years of misery…There had been such little time between Calamity Ganon falling and the smoke escaping from under Hyrule Castle – such littleprecious time they couldn’t even enjoy their once hard-fought freedom that still wasn’t in their grasp just yet.

Zelda had yet to see his house in Hanato; to meet the descendant of their dear friend Daruk or to meet Prince Sidon again. Such precious little time she was terrified they never would get even as the words of the Master Sword grew quieter to her ears each passing day even with the possibility of them still yet to meet the greater evil buried deep below their feet.

It was so damned unfair when all she wanted to do was get to know Link again – to help him recover the precious memories still lost to him… yet, the only thing on his mind was comforting her.

Zelda did not deserve this… nor him…but here he was.

Tensing and letting out a gasp when she suddenly felt Link gently nudging his forehead against hers. The intoxicating warmth of his skin, the firm and capable muscles underneath her fingers and the small hints of tea and honey on his breath as he brushed his forehead over hers in a gesture of unbelievable consolation.

In that moment of sensing the tremor of his hands, his uneven breath, she knew deep in her soul that he was just as uncertain as she was – but yet he refused to show it. The bearer of courage that steadied her soul; a foundation and rock she needed; especially now.

There was no certainly in any outcome – but if Link was with her – she knew she would make it through…

I’ve been super into Zelink lately; fueled by fanfiction and the upcoming sequel to Breath of the Wild just had me inspired by these two. While I’m not super hopeful Nintendo will let them be officially canon in the sequel, here’s to hoping we’ll at least get more touching moments like we did in the original! T_T Still can’t wait for the next installment regardless!

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 …In the midst of her internal battles that never waned, Princess Zelda took this time to cur

…In the midst of her internal battles that never waned, Princess Zelda took this time to curse the Goddesses in her mind; fully aware of the blasphemous thoughts that stained her lips and her heart but it wasn’t for their deafness to her plight this time – it was for making Link so damned beautiful.

They could have easily made him unattractive or far older than her – giving her little to look at to keep her thoughts purely on her focus to harnessing Hylia’s power…yet they gave her Link.

Link in all his taut musculature and tanned skin, golden brown hair, and enchanting eyes that outmatched the blue hues in the water and sky all around her.

As a Princess, she had seen dozens of attractive men, Princes and Nobels from all foreign nations vying for her father’s attention and her hand, yet none compared to her Faithful Knight. Physical perfection, symmetrical features and long black lashes that fanned perfectly over his strong cheek bones.

Feeling her heart pound excessively in the hallowed of her chest, she turned her face away from him as he sat nearby. Shirtless, the wet blue tunic she sewn for him folded on an outcropping of rocks nearby to dry in the heat of the sun. Zelda’s green orbs languidly traced the muscled curves in his strong shoulders, back and chest as he stretched like a lazy feline in the blinding light of the sun; it’s rays catching on the golden highlights in his hair and the tantalizing line of his sharp hipbone that disappeared into the trousers that rode a bit too far down on his hips.

It was like he was doing it on purpose!

Damn him.

“We should be safe here for now,” Link seemingly ignored her internal torment with his steady voice, “I dispatched all enemy camps nearby so this location is as secure as can be; I’ll be sure you’ll be left alone.” His eyes suddenly met hers and she whipped her head away from him; cheeks on fire for as much as she hated him, she knew him far better than the rituals she performed since she was a child.

Could recall exactly the lines she traced with her hands and mouth over his body.

It was forbidden in how she knew him – knew if anyone found out, Link could possibly be killed for the treasonous act – yet another form of her seemingly unending selfishness. For she fully believed he didn’t want her as much as she wanted him, it was another act of his loyalty to the crown and his own selflessness.

“Good.” was her lackluster reply regardless of her thoughts. Not speaking further as she finished unbraiding her hair and letting the sunny blond tendrils fall down her back; silently adjusting her white dress if only to give her something to do as she waited for the sun to fall farther from the sky and she could begin her long night of prayers.

Zelda gave into temptation so many times before; even if she didn’t know exactly how a man truly knows a woman yet – still maintaining the last part of her virtue if to only appease her own twisted sense of dignity. Yet as Link sat shirtless nearby to polish his sword and prepare for the long night ahead of both of them – Zelda found herself not caring anymore.

Silently, she approached Link and instantly, he glanced up at her upon sensing her movement.

“Something wrong, Zelda?” he asked, her name at ease on his tongue. An ease he should be speaking without her title in front of it but in his voice, it was right.

Zelda glanced at him and she had to fight back a smile at seeing his cheeks take on a reddish glow at her wandering eyes. Those pools of blue she could easily lose herself in forever widening in curiosity as she walked toward him til she stood mere inches away. Before Link could stand to his feet, Zelda sat down in his lap.

Link, by either instinct to make sure she wouldn’t fall or if he simply wanted to, she didn’t care – his hands gently grasped her waist. The intense warmth of his calloused hands seeping through her thin white dress had her breath catching in her throat.

While Link was her height, fairly short for a Hylian man, it was still wonderful to be looking down at him that wasn’t him kneeling waiting for her blessing. His face as beautiful as ever; his bangs sweeping across his forehead in the most wonderful way. Never has their been or ever would be a man as attractive as him – and right now, he was hers – so instead of cursing the Goddesses for this trial, she embraced the blessing Link was.

Steeling herself for what she was about to do, Zelda lifted her hands; pressing one palm to his sternum where she was pleased to note that his heart was indeed beating as fast as her own while the other wrapped tenderly across his thickly muscled shoulder to rest upon his sun warmed back.

Zelda may very well hate herself when she stepped in that cool water to start her prayers later; simultaneously asking the Goddesses for help while cursing them for making herself the way she was – for wanting Link the way she did, for being completely inept at harnessing her birth-given right…yet, right now…she didn’t care.

With that final thought, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his.

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