#commander shepard


I can finally share a snippet of my piece from the @normandyzine project! I promise you’ll all wanna snag a copy of the finished zine, the art in here is ludicrously good! And all proceeds will go to charity! The store opens February 12, so mark your calendars!

INARA SHEPARDEarthborn Alliance Vanguard Sole Survivor of Akuze1st Human Spectre


Earthborn Alliance Vanguard

Sole Survivor of Akuze

1st Human Spectre

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around 3 hours/one layermy daughter is complete

around 3 hours/one layer

my daughter is complete

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DM: Suddenly, there is a sound in the sky. It goes *plays audio clip on his phone* BWAHHHHHHH
Druid Player: Are you fucking serious
DM: And a huge dragon that looks vaguely like a cuttlefish appears over the alley. Then, a smaller dragon swoops down and shoots a beam of light at the huge dragon, hitting it out of the sky. THAT dragon gives birth to an even smaller dragon, which lands on the ground, opens up, and a really cool woman steps out in black armor holding a huge gun.

Character Master Post(link to all character comics)ME2, right after leaving the Lazarus facilities. Character Master Post(link to all character comics)ME2, right after leaving the Lazarus facilities. Character Master Post(link to all character comics)ME2, right after leaving the Lazarus facilities.
Character Master Post

(link to all character comics)

ME2, right after leaving the Lazarus facilities. “Mini” comic to get back into it.

Headcanon is that the N7 armor wasn’t available at the facilities, but a Cerberus armor instead.

Losing autonomy over your body and not fully recognizing yourself on top of being in an unfamiliar environment is, to say the least, very scary.

I was never a huge fan of the “Shep died” storyline from ME2 (as it didn’t go anywhere but being a very dramatic intro which was like cool but uh tone it down a notch fellas), but I do like parts of the Lazarus project when expanded upon. I just think a traumatic death and being “meat and tubes” like Jacob says, is a bit too gory.

Maybe Shep wasn’t “fully” dead, but more comatose and had external (and internal) trauma that needed to be fixed with cybernetic augmentation. (I know they touch up on this in the official comics, but like, they were still very vague.) Still could’ve taken two years to get those brain waves firing again, right?

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art slump art. I want a stoic Shep but also some emotions

art slump art. I want a stoic Shep but also some emotions

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i posted it last night but had to fix this damn eye; loosely based on a photo by Aris Jerome

i posted it last night but had to fix this damn eye; loosely based on a photo by Aris Jerome

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garrus and shepard commission

garrus and shepard commission

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Something Blue (Mass Effect, Shakarian)

Title: Something Blue
Fandom:Mass Effect
Word Count:1,018
Rating: E (Explicit)
Pairing: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian
Summary: Shepard has a few surprises for Garrus on their wedding night.

Read on AO3.

The reception was finally starting to wind down when Shepard and Garrus made their excuses—greeted with much good-natured teasing by their friends—and retreated to the privacy of the honeymoon suite.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Shepard made a beeline for the enormous, turian-sized bed that dominated the main room. The luxuriously soft mattress sank beneath her weight as she lowered herself onto the end of the bed gratefully and slipped off her heels. Wiggling her cramped toes, she sighed in relief.

Garrus watched as she leaned back and stretched her arms over her head, his eyes filled with tenderness and affection. The slender gold band on his left wrist gleamed in the warm light of the lamps scattered around the room. Shepard touched the matching band on her ring finger, turning it slowly. Warmth spread through her chest and her eyes pricked with tears as she recalled the words etched in neat, cursive script on the inside of both bands. A memory and a promise for the future.

No Shepard Without Vakarian.

“How are you feeling?” Garrus asked.

“Tired,” she exhaled, closing her eyes, before looking up at him with a smile. “But happy.”

“Nottoo tired, I hope,” he said, giving her a meaningful look.

“Oh?” She tilted her head to the side, her voice light and teasing. “Did you have something else planned for tonight?”

With a mock growl of impatience at her attempt to play coy, he tugged her to her feet. Pulling her body flush against his so that her breasts pressed firmly against the hard surface of his carapace, he murmured in her ear.

“What do you think?”

A shiver ran down her spine and her nipples hardened in anticipation at the unspoken promise in his question. She was saved from having to try to formulate a reply by him changing the subject.

“Have I told you how much I love this dress?” he asked, fingers drifting across the bare skin of her back and leaving goosebumps in their wake. One hand slid over the curve of her ass and gripped her buttock, squeezing it firmly through the silk.

“You may have mentioned it once or twice today, yeah,” she replied, a little breathlessly.

“Well, I do,” he said, subvocals rumbling so low it almost sounded like he was purring as he nuzzled the side of her throat and nipped gently at the skin below her ear. “But I think I prefer you out of it…”

He slipped his talons under the thin spaghetti straps of her dress and eased them over her shoulders. Without anything to hold it up, the smooth silk slithered down her body like water and pooled at her feet, leaving her standing before him in nothing but a lacy blue g-string.

His brow plates lifted in surprise at the sight.

“It’s an old human wedding tradition from Earth,” she explained, feeling herself blush under his curious stare. “Kasumi told me about it. Wearing something blue on your wedding day is supposed to bring good luck.”

“Nice,” he said.

“I figured a little extra luck couldn’t hurt. Besides…” she smirked at him, “I’m fond of the colour blue.”

“It suits you,” he told her with a chuckle, running the tip of his talon along the waistband of the garment in question. “You should wear it more often.”

Crouching, he hooked two fingers under the sides of her underwear and pulled it down, inhaling sharply when he revealed her bare cunt. Normally Shepard went for a more natural look, only giving her pubic hair a trim now and then to keep it neat, but since it was a special occasion, she’d decided to shave it all off for something different and surprise him. Judging by the expression on his face, it had worked.

“Another human tradition?” he asked, voice a little unsteady.

“Something like that,” she said, suddenly nervous. “Do you like it?”

“I’m not sure,” he said, “I think I need to test it out first.” And he leaned forward and traced the tip of his pointed tongue lightly between the lips of her pussy, flicking it over her clit.

Shepard hissed and grabbed his shoulder to steady herself when her legs threatened to give out at the feel of his tongue on her hypersensitive skin. With the hair gone, every touch and sensation seemed heightened. She was already dripping wet and Garrus hummed with pleasure when he teased her folds apart gently with his talons so he could taste her properly. He lapped at her cunt, nose bumping against her clit, then dipped the very tip of his tongue into her entrance, making her gasp.

She continued to lean heavily on him, legs trembling, as he pulled his tongue out and then pushed it back inside her, deeper this time. With his hands on her knees, he urged her to spread her legs wider to give him better access. His long, flexible tongue slid in and out of her easily, fucking her with a skill and expertise no human tongue could ever match.

When he added one finger, blunted talon easing into her carefully, that was it. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she came, shuddering. Garrus held her up, letting her ride out her orgasm before he scooped her up, carrying her easily to the bed.

He laid her down on the cool, crisp sheets and quickly shed his suit before stretching out naked on the bed beside her, looking smug. Shepard turned her head to smile at him, her heart rate and breathing gradually returning to normal.

“So,” she said, raising her eyebrows. “What’s the verdict, Mr Shepard-Vakarian?”

“Hmm,” Garrus said thoughtfully, pretending to think it over. “I don’t know, Mrs Shepard-Vakarian.” His mandibles twitched and he shot her a wicked look that sent a fresh jolt of desire through her. He moved down her body, nudging her legs apart so he could lean down between them, and very slowly and deliberately breathed over her wet cunt, making her gasp.

“I should probably do some more research before I decide.”
