#connor detroit become human



Ch. 3 of the obviousseries

You were fucked.

You were so fucked.

That night ended… fairly tame. Connor- bless his little, thirium-pump heart- refrained from pushing it any further than he did, let you finish your meal in relative peace, though the both of you knew that he…

Well, he’s planted a seed.

In your mind, obviously.

Read the rest on AO3!



ch. 2 of the obviousseries

Work drags along after —after the whole coffee fiasco.

You and Nina both were swamped to your throats with new intakes, angry visitors, and whatever else you can name. But—there really must be a higher power, shining its rare, golden fortune all over your miserable ass, because from the crowded front of the house, you couldn’t see Connor or the bullpen. Plus, the workload and the physical distance put you into a deep calm that could only be obtained through good, old-fashioned space and busy.

It keeps your wandering mind off of… the Encounter, and a wandering Connor away from you.

Read on AO3 … here!

 What about you Connor? You look human, you sound human but what are you really?“ Fem Connor c What about you Connor? You look human, you sound human but what are you really?“ Fem Connor c

What about you Connor? You look human, you sound human but what are you really?“ 

Fem Connor costest from Detroit: Become Human 

Based on the artwork by MizLizBarlow (on Twiter)

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Since I’ve been on a Detroit kick again, have this shitty lil thing I drew during break at work.

Hi, my name is Connor, I’m the android sent by cyberlife

(Honestly he was so hard to draw)

-commissions open-

I made a Connor Popster. I’m…. trash for this baby boi.

“Adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features” ⭕️

“Adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features” ⭕️

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