#containment breach au



@aterfish you have given me brainrot and my therapist knows your url

Anyway I drew a teen-shaped void that is no longer safely stored in a hazmat suit where he belongs. I couldn’t decide whether he was more firey or goopy in nature so I had him be both, which in practice should probably make him more steamy than either?

Also the temptation to give him visible floating bones was there but that’s a curse I’m not putting on other fanartists so we just have a firegoopy sad void with big glowy baby eyes


DP and JL crossover where Danny gets offered to join the Justice League… except it’s Containment Breach au so everyone in JL thinks Danny is like a battle hardened adult ghost bc his Hazmat suit covers up basically any of his features defining him as a teenager.

Superman tries to use his X-ray vision at one point to see what Danny looks like. He just sees a nebulous void of something swirling green and full of stars and he decides that he isnt about to go down the ‘curiosity killed the cat’ route and leaves it alone.

Bats is very suspicious of Danny but he is a good enough asset to the team where the pros outway the cons. Also bc Danny’s voice is super muffled through the suit he has to have Superman reiterate anything he says since his super hearing is the only thing letting him actually hear him (tho the echoy-ness of Danny’s voice makes it so he still isnt revealed as a teenager)

When Danny’s suit finally falls apart Batman is frantically trying to reconstruct his contingency plans around this new development.

Danny and Billy bonding over being kids who people mistake for adults.

I’m sure there’s more funny scenarios with this concept but I can’t think of any at the moment.

everfun: Drew fanart of @aterfish‘s hazmat danny au. IT”S SOOO COOOOL I just had to draw some fanart


Drew fanart of @aterfish‘s hazmat danny au. IT”S SOOO COOOOL I just had to draw some fanart of it right away after I saw it. I’m not experienced or great at drawing but I  had a blast drawing this.

also I never want to draw shattered glass again that took 10 years off of my lifespan trying to figure out the geometry. will probably draw more of this if I’m allowed but when I actually have time to do so and not procrastinating studying or going to class.

Post link


That’s what you get for following the safety guidelines

(Inspired by @aterfish’s containment breach au)

ao3 link

It started, as most things in the Fenton household tended to, with an accident. More specifically, a lab accident. Even more specifically, a living room accident.

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Some people were wondering how he looks under the hazmat suit, and I was about to say the same as in canon, but who cares about the canon, let’s have some fun design instead.

So right after losing the suit he is in a form that has a lot of energy and also space themed bc why not

and as those energy levels stabilize, he starts to look more like a halfa

@lexiepiper YOU! You get it.

@aterfish ooooooooh do you subscribe to the headcanon that a ghost’s appearance is psychological? Imagine if he only gradually appears more human when people treat him like a person and make him feel less like a freak. Sam and Tucker (and Jazz if she knows) try to spend time with him in his ghost form when they realise what’s happening, reassuring him that he’s still him, that he’s not a monster etc, and the acid green flames slowly start to die down… then his parents shoot at him and undo all that hard work yet again.

That’s amazing concept. And this could be tied with overflow of energy that at first it makes it harder for him to control his appearance even unconsciously, so it has to be a slow, gradual thing.

I mean I headcanon that ghosts are fully made out of ectoplasm and that means at least somepart of ghost’s appearance is psychological, clothes for example. (Other is unchangeable for them and strongly depends on a core that forms at their death)

When I was making the first form’s design I thought about how those are not physical objects, but something that manifests and then later turn into something tangible.


Some people were wondering how he looks under the hazmat suit, and I was about to say the same as in canon, but who cares about the canon, let’s have some fun design instead.

So right after losing the suit he is in a form that has a lot of energy and also space themed bc why not

and as those energy levels stabilize, he starts to look more like a halfa

@lexiepiper YOU! You get it.


@aterfish I’m back with firegoop hazmat Danny

I’ve decided that the highest point of ectoplasmic pressure would be in front of his eyes, which canonically glow with too much ectoplasm to physically contain when he’s angry. So, spooky eye glow Danny; because safely containing angry radioactive lava is hard

There might also be high pressure around his mouth, but that plastic seems a lot sturdier. Also I might be wrong but I don’t think I gave firegoop Danny a mouth so definitely more likely to shatter from the eye pressure

Oh yeah, glass would be the first part to break, mostly because it is already damaged, but i like your pressure idea! Ohhh when he’s angry and his eyes glow there should be hissing sound like realising steam…
