

Recognize the game: saying they want to ban all birth control might make completely banning abortion seem a tad bit less extreme, but the truth is both things are extreme, and make no mistake—conservatives DO want both things; they want forced birth and they want those born into poverty to be ignorant, desperate and compliant.

No affordable, nationalized healthcare.

Protests banned.

Militarized, widely unaccountable police forces.

Book bans.

Erasure of LGBTQ people in schools.

Revisionist history of racism and slavery in schools.

Abortion bans.

Contraception bans.

Forced births.

This is the Republican Party.

And never forget: they did not get here without some help along the way.

Look, I’m not here for all of that Red vs. Blue bullshit, okay? Imma people over party kinda brutha. The Republican Party is irredeemably, thoroughly and completely evil. Anyone with an iota of common sense and a hint of morality knows that, and if they don’t, you aren’t going to convince them to be good people with a sternly worded social media post. So that’s not my priority.

But conservative Democrats are not without blame. Idgaf if you naively believe they’ve “changed” or had an epiphany or something. All I know is, things would not be as bad as they are if leadership in the Democratic Party actually didn’t fucking help Republicans along the way.

Anyway, if voting is your bag, then vote in the primaries and vote for the most progressive, leftist candidate out there. And don’t fall for the neoliberal okie doke of “Vote Blue No Matter Who.” That’s how we end up with conservative Democrats doing everything in their power to get Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court (looking directly at you, Joe Biden).



When you can’t use hormonal methods of birth control…

what do you use???

I currently have two friends who can’t mix hormones & contraception due to side effects, and I don’t have any real insight to offer them (Googling only gets you so far!).

Would anyone be willing to share their personal experiences (good, bad & ugly) and guidance on this?

Caya diaphragm! 

It’s one-size-fits-most so you don’t need a fitting, but you do need a prescription from your provider. I found it pretty easy to get used to, it’s easy to clean, and I like that you use it only when you need it. No hormones constantly affecting your body.

I would definitely recommend it.

I love the idea of a diaphragm—but is it annoying to reapply the gel if you have sex more than once? How do you deal with spontaneous sex?

When you can’t use hormonal methods of birth control…

what do you use???

I currently have two friends who can’t mix hormones & contraception due to side effects, and I don’t have any real insight to offer them (Googling only gets you so far!).

Would anyone be willing to share their personal experiences (good, bad & ugly) and guidance on this?

~Don’t horde. Maybe keep 2-3 on hand to give to someone who may need it. It has a long shelf life, but it does expire so don’t stock pile.

~Plan B is a contraceptive, not an abortive. But may give you some control over your situation.

~Be aware there are weight restrictions for plan B as it won’t work on larger bodies and doubling doses doesn’t help.

~Support planned parenthood and vote.

We’re taught that withdrawal won’t work, that it’s a sketchy contraceptive method, if one at all, and that its failure rate is high. 

That said, 60% of sexually experienced women rely on withdrawal at some point in life! And on our fertility app Glow, we’ve also seen that a disproportionate portion of our population — 18% of our birth control users — list withdrawal as their primary birth control method.


These stats imply that withdrawal isn’t going anywhere. And if that’s the case, we need better education about withdrawal, good information about how to make the method as smart and safe as possible, and how technology can help. 

We’re on it. Glow authored our first Medium article about this very topic. Check it out! This is data you certainly won’t want to pull out on ;)

Just gonna take a stab in the dark and ask the females out there if they know any contraceptive pills that don’t make your boobs massive because I am not into this right now.

I don’t want the damn injection but I am more than looking forward to stopping this pill.

Addressing contraceptive needs of adolescent women in developing regionsSome 38 million adolescent w

Addressing contraceptive needs of adolescent women in developing regions

Some 38 million adolescent women aged 15-19 in developing regions are sexually active and want to avoid pregnancy; of those, 23 million have an unmet need for modern contraception. This means that even though these young women don’t want to have a child soon, they are not practicing contraception at all or they are using traditional methods, which are less effective than modern contraceptives.

All sexually active adolescent women should have access to safe and effective methods of contraception. However, many young women who want to avoid pregnancy are not receiving the services they need to protect their health and delay childbearing. This is especially true in the poorest countries and in the poorest communities within countries.

Safe, effective, and affordable contraception must be available to those who want it.

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When There’s No Olympic Opt-Out: Reproductive Rights In The Time Of Zika“While those with the

When There’s No Olympic Opt-Out: Reproductive Rights In The Time Of Zika

“While those with the most resources can protect themselves against the virus, those with the fewest are the most vulnerable.”

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