

fwiw if anyone’s curious/desperate about the pill, i don’t have any health insurance and my rx for the pill only costs me $25 for a three month supply. i only need to get my obgyn checkup once a year and the script lasts for a year after that.

and if you’re nervous about the checkup, don’t be afraid ask about accommodation! my doctor prescribes me one (1) valium to take before my annual exam and it goes so much smoother, even with all my weird sensory hangups.

i’m on the pill for my PCOS and it’s done wonders for my mood and skin, in addition to giving me predictable, painless periods (the only “negative” side effect is that it’s killed my libido, but whether that’s actually a drawback is subjective). i really recommend you look into it if you’re curious… it IS doable without insurance!

Important for my plus size followers who may find themselves needing to not get pregnant.

