#fat people


Weight is not an indicator of health.

Digital illustration of a Black fem’s back. They are wearing a lilac bra and underwear. The background is littered with flowers. The text reads, ‘weight is not an indicator of health.’

Important for my plus size followers who may find themselves needing to not get pregnant.


On weightloss

That was never my goal. It currently isn’t my goal. I am a fat woman, and I am working on suppressing own internalized fatphobia, overcoming it, and becoming someone with more of a capacity for self love over all.

The goals of this blog are:

  • work on self love, body love, destroying my own fatphobia and loving myself, as myself, without implementing weight loss as a goal.
  • feel better physically. have more energy and combat my GERD/IBS symptoms at the start as opposed to finding solutions to work through them once they’ve already started.
  • Eat better = Feel better.
  • share food pics, put more work into my meals, and be proud of the progress I’ve made.
  • become the girl Pete Steele sang songs about.

Men keep telling me I “look good” because I’ve lost weight. I keep telling men I don’t feel good, but that isn’t as important to society as looking slimmer.

The only woman to pay me this compliment was my grandmother, who is in her late 80’s and still has extremely disordered eating (60+ years of anorexia and conditioning from my grandfather will do that to someone) - so hearing that from her, I know she meant well, but it still bothers me that telling someone they’ve lost weight is seemingly the highest compliment someone can recieve.

What are your opinions on self love? body love? fat acceptance?




You people realize the body positivity movement is literally a political movement right. Like it’s a movement that was started to improve the rights of fat people and stop discrimination against fat people. You realize that. It’s not a tea party where everyone just compliments everyone else on their looks.

One time I was teaching undergrads and we were talking about how you can even define what is “fair” in employment. And I was explaining how there have been court cases about employers forcing their employees to wear makeup or do their hair/nails, etc, so of course we end up talking about flight attendants. And my students, predictably, are like, “Well ok but in the case of flight attendants, being good looking is literally just part of the job description.” So I point out how applying this principle universally would basically make it so that any employer could refuse to hire someone who was fat or ugly. And That One Kid was like, “Well if it affects the business’s ability to make money, I mean, that’s just smart.” And so I say, “Yes, that is certainly what a capitalist would say. But don’t you think that allowing that capitalist interest to take precedence would lead to a world in which it’s legally permissible to refuse to hire someone just because they’re fat or ugly? Basically legalizing discrimination and blocking access to work and livelihood?” And this motherfucker is like, “Well, yeah. ”

When I tell you I almost had to leave…I was full-body shaking and afterward, my queer students came up and were like, “omg are you okay?”

So yeah, it’s fucking political. What you think is about personal aesthetic preference is actually oppressing huge groups of people, so.

This is a fascinating example because I actually am a flight attendant, and no the fuck it isn’t a part of my job description to “be good looking.” It hasn’t been since the 60s. We’re literally first responders. Should your ER nurse have to wear makeup in order to save your life?

fat people
fat peoplefat peoplefat peoplefat people
#fat people    #horsemeat    
fat people
#fast food    #fat people    