#controversial opinion


Whilst I think BrewDog make excellent beers, and whilst I also think Punk IPA still is an excellent beer, I (and many others) feel like it isn’t as good as it was. In this review I give the beer praise but also talk about why the beer has changed (slightly) for the worst. 

The Problem With New Punk IPA - BrewDog Beer Review

I know the internet is having a field day making memes about Armie Hammer being a cannibal… But no one is talking about how his ex girlfriend had to go into a 30 day hospitalization program for PTSD and trauma following their relationship. Let’s discuss that for a second…

I have said it before and I will say it again, just because you have been marginalized or discriminated against, does not mean you are then allowed to marginalize or discriminate against other people.
