#controversial opinions






this fandom is so boring now lol. can we start drama for fun? gimme controversial opinions again

1. Sunkissed is actually a great book if you look at it as a study in the aftermath of grief instead of a fluffy romance.

2. I really liked having a daily book and I hope they do it again (and I liked the MTFL MC)

3. Single LI books are fine and allow PB to tell stories that don’t work well with multiple LI books and in the past, when they have tried those stories with multiple LIs it has always ended up with a favored LI and other LIs getting crumbs. There are several old books that would have worked great as single LI books.

4. Save the Date is also underrated. It is actually really funny and cute and the MC shows real growth and development and the Justin romance is excellent.

Controversial opinions: Choices fandom edition

1. That side character you got attached to was never meant to be an LI. It’s okay to yearn, but PB is not depriving you of a romance you invented yourself

2. A lot of converted Poppy antis talk about her classism but conveniently ignore that they were perfectly okay with overlooking it and simping after her anyway up until she did more fucked up stuff later on when they diss her now

3. Many of the loudest Distant Shores 2 campaigners (who kept spamming PB with demands for the sequel and refusing to take no for an answer) spent most of the book’s runtime talking about how boring it was week after week and only changed their minds when it was too late

4. If an LI is from a goc book, your gay/straight “headcanons” are erasure, even when PB contributes to the erasure in the books

Bonus: I have to say it, I have to say it…… the goth chains outfit from ILitW is one of the tackiest motherfucking looks in this app (both for m and f MC, but particularly f!MC’s)

Controversial Opinions: My Asks Are Open

1. Dr Ethan J. Ramsey is in NO WAY a dom in bdsm. People always think the gruff boss man would be a dom in bed- NO!! He exerts so much control in his job, bossing people around and having to use his brain all the time. That’s tiring!! Most people in that position would rather have a break from that, especially when sex is a way for them to relax. Sub!Ethan !!!!!

(Bonus: Dom/Sub is not the same as Top/Bottom)

2. Book 2 and 3 should’ve been about Bryce’s and Jackie’s family situations respectively, instead of continuing retconning Ethan’s parent story arc. We’ve already established Ethan’s father figure is Naveen! Ok!!! Now let’s focus on anything BUT Ethan’s family. Not to put down Ethan’s family situation, but Bryce & Jackie’s >>> Ethan’s as plots to follow, especially once bk1 was done.

3. Kyra shouldve been the one to die, not Danny. HEAR ME OUT. Kyra’s story arc in bk1 was her coming to terms with her mortality, and making the best of her life and living it to the fullest. If she had passed in bk2, it would be a satisfying closure to her story arc. She is already prepared for death, she knows her time is limited, cancer or not. Danny’s death is random and out of the blue, and I know its supposed to be realistic and death doesnt discriminate, but this is a fictional story, and deaths should have a purpose other than just being shocking.

Controversial Opinions

1. Mason Jennings is an outstanding character. Noah stans who hate on Mason are for the most part super hypocritical. A lot of the complaints I see about Mason’s actions, Noah does too if you take Mason’s route. All of the things Noah gets praised for as a love interest Mason also does if you take his route instead. Mason helped MC when her mom died, he was the first to encourage us to follow our dreams as a photographer, he asked the recruiter to give the scholarship to Noah, he forgave Noah even though he broke into his house and drove him to the hospital. He gets so much unnecessary hate for being privileged.

2. “The Nanny Affair” MC is the most badass feminist character ever. She had the workload of a single mom and works in a STEM field almost completely dominated by men. She doesn’t even cheat if you don’t make her, and whether she does or doesn’t, she still chooses to give up the love of her life to give Mason and Mickey a bright future. Even if she did cheat, it was obvious that she and Sam were much happier together; Sam was literally forced into Sofia’s marriage. Like, people can understand why the “Desire and Decorum” MC cheated on the Duke even though she was engaged. Why is Sam any different?

3. Poppy Min-Sinclair is an absolute scumbag. People who want to romance Poppy have implicitly shown that classism and racism in a partner isn’t a deal breaker for them.

4. A majority of the WLW in the choices fandom are biphobic. All the complaints I’ve seen from WLW complaining about lack of representation from PB all ignore the fact that a majority of the male love interest they’re complaining about are actually bisexual. As a trans Pansexual person, I think options for MLM are plentiful, so when you say “there’s not enough gay representation”, you’re wrong. What you mean to say is, “There’s not enough WLW representation”. Which is a completely different issue.
