

ToA, a series mostly about platonic love, actually handled the few romances the protagonist did have really well (unlike certain other rrverse series). Yeah, Apollo was single by the end and didn’t have any active romantic relationships throughout the books, but the way his exes were written with him?? The drama, the angst, the intimacy??The way he whispered their names. The way they haunted him all his life. The way he pretended not to care about them, but could always remember their time together and how bad he was to them. The way they forced him to reflect on himself and grow as a person. How he realised it was wrong to treat Daphne like a trophy when she didn’t want him in the first place. How there was always sadness and love in his voice when he remembered Hyacinthus. How he could recall Will, Kayla, and Austin’s parents despite acting like he couldn’t. The Cumean Sibyl’s final talk with him and the way she never forgave him but let go of her hatred of him for her own sake. Don’t even get me started on Commodus’ impact - he and Apollo only had a few pages of flashbacks yet Rick completely sold me on their romance and you could feelall, and I meanall,of their pain.



was this intentional on rick’s part? who knows. but apollo was definitely thinking it.
