

Et quelle tristesse, lorsque j'évoquerai la maison charmante où je t'ai aimée, où je t'ai rencontrée pour la première fois. Ma si belle, ma si tendre amie, combien de souvenirs, déjà, entre nous !

Lettre de Renée Vivien à Kérimé, 1905.

Depuis que je t'ai quittée, je vis obsédée de ta magique et souveraine image. Ah ! Tes yeux nostalgiques de princesse captive ! – ta mystérieuse chambre nocturne et tes lèvres de tentatrice elle-même tentée !… Ton souvenir chante en moi, rayonne en moi, embaume au fond de mon être. Tu es mon parfum, tu es l'incessante musique amoureuse qui s'élève dans ma solitude.

Lettre de Renée Vivien à Kérimé, 1905.


A small list of things that are suitable for a protection spell.

Herbs for protection-

  • Anise
  • Black pepper
  • Cactus
  • Cloves
  • Cumin
  • Dandelion
  • Garlic
  • Geranium (red)
  • Grass
  • Hawthorn
  • Ivy
  • Marjoram
  • Onion
  • Pine
  • Rosemary
  • Sage

Incense for protection-

  • Basil
  • Citronella
  • Eucalyptus
  • Frankincense
  • Lavender
  • Lotus

Crystals for protection-

  • Amber
  • Garnet
  • Heliotrope
  • Snowflake Obsidian
  • Turquoise

(Remember that Turquoise fades in water and in contact with salt)

Day of the week-

  • Sunday or Monday

Time of day-

  • Sunset or Night

Moon phase-

  • Waning moon or Full moon


  • Blue and White

Other things-

  • Salt
  • Seaweed
  • Egg shells
  • Sea urchin shell
  • Iron nail
  • Dirt
  • Dark chocolate
  • Bricks
  • Rainwater
  • Locks


These crystals are some of the best crystals I have found to have protective qualities.

  • Black Obsidian - good for general protection, I keep a big chunk on my altar
  • Amethyst - first protective crystal I ever got, given to me by my uncle, protects travelers/people on literal and metaphorical journeys
  • Fire Agate - good for protection from self doubt/hate
  • Smokey Quartz - good for general protection + protection from fear, excellent grounder and stabilizer
  • Fluorite - protects from negative energies and spirits + illness and disorders
  • Jasper - protects from unbalanced energies + confusion
  • Black Tourmaline - protects from negative energies by absorbing them
  • Labradorite - protects the astral/spirit self


I incorporate numbers into my spells very often- from how many pieces of a stone I put in a spell bottle, to how many times I make a certain gesture. Numbers can be very symbolic and important! So, here’s a list I’ve compiled from experience and research. These correspondences can be interpreted for divination and spellwork.


Emptiness, spiritual essence, potential, fluidity.


Unity, positivity, strong will, new beginnings, and pure energy.


Duality, partnerships (romantic or rivalrous), love, balance, and choice.


Magic, intuition, versatility, expression, and creativity.


Solidity, persistence, grounded nature, calmness, and home.


Travel, primitive energy, sudden change, and adventure.


Harmony, balance, sincerity, love, and truth.


Manifestation, scholarly activities, mystery, and the focused search for esoteric meanings.


Business, continuation, success, repetition, wealth, and cycles.


Attainment, satisfaction, accomplishment, intellectual power, inventiveness, and influence over situations and things.

And that’s all! For larger numbers, just add up the digits until it’s a single digit number, then refer to that for the number’s meaning. (e.g. 53 is the same as 8 because 5+3=8) I hope this was helpful!



Anointing: frankincense, jasmine, lavender, rose, vervain, orange
Balance: cypress, jasmine, sandalwood, sweetgrass
Banishing/Releasing: clove, cypress, mugwort, sage, lemon/lime
Binding: cypress, dragon’s blood, rowan, vertivert
Blessing: copal, frankincense, rosemary, sweetgrass
Changes: bayberry, dragon’s blood, lilac, patchouli, woodruff
Cleansing: cedar, frankincense, pine, sage, sandal
Courage: cinnamon, dragon’s blood, patchouli, rosemary
Creativity: dragon’s blood, lavender, orange, rosemary, savory, tangerine
Cursing: bayberry, close, dragon’s blood, myrrh
Divination: bay, copal, lilac, mugwort, myrrh, sage
Goals: acacia, bay, cedar, cinnamon, dragon’s blood, orange, sandalwood
Happiness/Peace: jasmine, lavender, orange, rose, vervain, sandalwood
Inspiration/Wisdom: acacia, copal, frankincense, oak moss, pine, sage
Love: cinquefoil, jasmine, lavender, mugwort, orange, rose
Luck: bay, bayberry, jasmine, patchouli, sandalwood, violet
Meditation: acacia, copal, cypress, cedar, frankincense, jasmine, sage
Power/Strength: dragon’s blood, frankincense, patchouli, verbena
Protection/Defense: bayberry, dragon’s blood, rosemary, woodruff
Visions: basil, bay, copal, frankincense, mugwort, sage
Willpower: bay, cedar, patchouli, rosemary, sage, woodruff

(source: Grimoire for the Green Witch - Ann Moura, 2003)


my personal correspondences by weekday, complied form my grimoire. i’ve interpreted the below poem “children” as anything that will be produced by your efforts

Monday - “Monday’s child is fair of face” - glamours, beauty and confidence spells. weather work. healing spells. 

Tuesday - “Tuesday’s child is full of grace” - communication and love spells, friendship spells. any delicate magic. plant and herb-based magic

Wednesday - “Wednesday’s child is full of woe” - cursing, hexes, bindings and banishments. space and cosmic witchcraft.

Thursday - “Thursday’s child has far to go” - spells for travel and protection, astral travel and psychic protections. sea witchcraft, hedgecraft

Friday - “Friday’s child is loving and giving” - any spell planned for someone else, love/lust spells. banishing barriers, friendship spells. kitchen witchcraft.

Saturday - “Saturday’s child works hard for its living” - job and money spells, sucess and motivation spells. creativity and truth.

Sunday - “And a child that’s born on the Sabbath day, Is fair and wise and good and gay.” - intuition spells, justice and legality.  



This is a little compilation of correspondences from my grimoire

Sea Water: Cleanse, purification, banishing, protection. Perfect for Mermaid Magic.

River Water: Movement, change, progress, and new opportunities. Good for cleansing items on the current. Good for Fae Magic.

Lake Water: Peace, meditation, strength, reflexion, knowledge, relaxation. Good for Fae Magic.

Rain Water: Cycles, creativity, inspiration, energy, cleanse, growth.

Snow Water: Transformation, cleanse, purification, new beginnings, protection, a little bit of everything.

Cistern Water: Healing, wishes, growth, psychic abilities.

Dew Water: Prosperity, growth, birth, fertility, wishes, beauty.

Stream Water: Purification, cleanse, rebirth, harmony.

Swamp Water: Banishing, hexes, curses, binding, attracts and keeps negativity.

Moon Water: This type of water is special. It’s water made for keeping Moon’s energies, it can be used in all kinds of Moon related magic. Also pretty useful for cleansing, balance and giving your spells an extra boost.

Some tips: 

 Different sources of water can have different elements such as metals dissolved on it, and this gives it more effects. For example, copper for love, sulfur for banishing or salt for protection.

 Check if rain is drinkable in your area, you could make many things with it! as teas or drinkable potions.

 As Moon water, you can also make water with the energies of other celestial bodies as stars, planets and more!

With love, Nao

“Mais ce qui me fâche, c'est qu'en ne faisant rien les jours se passent, & notre pauvre vi

“Mais ce qui me fâche, c'est qu'en ne faisant rien les jours se passent, & notre pauvre vie est composée de ces jours, & l'on vieillit, & l'on meurt. Je trouve cela bien mauvais. Je trouve la vie trop courte.”

Madame de Sévigné, Lettre à Bussy-Rabutin du 6 août 1675

Post link

“Monday 3 p.m. [January 16, 1950]

Your letter at last! How weightless, how light the air is, how I breathe better! Just think: nothing since Friday, nothing since that sad letter… But it’s all over, the sun that floods into my room is leaping up and down all over the place. I love you and I’ll wait, yes I’ll wait for everything to find you at last, alive, happy, desiring… Yesterday I completed my program. That is to say, I wrote sixteen letters. There are still as many left. But I’ve worked out a little form that I’ll send to all the unwelcome and even to the others. It’s like, “Mr. AC, who is ill, apologizes for not being able to… etc.” With this I’ll liquidate everything and I’ll be able to think about my work at leisure.

I’m so ashamed that I’ve done almost nothing in two weeks! On the other hand, my appetite has returned. I look good and I seem to have put on weight. I sleep much better. From time to time an insomnia of two or three hours, but more rare. I am afraid of them, because then the imagination works too much. Last night I went through your whole life, I mean everything I know about it. Then I wait for the morning and the sun that puts the shadows on the run. Last night Kim’s master came to pick him up. He had dinner here and I said goodbye to the beast.

I don’t care if you sum up your days. But do this for me: be clear. Never put: “At 4 o'clock, an appointment.” Say with whom. I know it’s stupid, but it helps me. You understand me, by the way. You did well to advise Serge in the sense that you’re telling me. There’s no reason to deceive the audience. This Chinese system goes well with the Elite Theater! My dear love, my black, my beautiful, my lukewarm, what a desire I have for your presence, your warmth. I think of the little room suspended above Paris, of the falling evening, of the glow of the radiator and of us, linked to each other, in the penumbra… I also dream that I am walking through Paris with you, and that we are listing restaurants…

Darling, there was also sweetness, laughter, sweet complicity, infinite tenderness between us. And this is what I also regret, at my hours, as at others I regret the storm of desire, or the perfect hour near the lake, in the sky of Ermenonville. It is you as a whole that I regret. And if I desire so much to have the strength to sink into my work it is to be able to arrive at spring, free in heart and mind, and melt totally into you. Write every day, if you can. Give me the dates of your shows. And send me your love, Maria darling, I use it every hour. How I kiss you! Until it wears off, precisely, my beautiful face…

Monday 10 p.m. [January 16, 1950]

After writing to you this afternoon, we went for a little walk in a group. The light was beautiful, but I was bored. I love this country in solitude. It was getting cold under the sun. I went home and started working. I redid my preface and wrote about half of it. I thought of you, I was warm at heart. Dinner and then a moment by the fire. No one was talking, so I came alive, I said stupid things, I laughed. Those lonely excesses leave you sad afterwards.

I went back to my room, got into bed, and there you are. The wind picked up outside and blew around the house. But the room is warm. I can imagine you. I love you. I’m caressing you. Close to you, even closer… I love the night, with you, the enclosed spaces, the secluded countryside, the ends of the world, but with you. So I wait, with patience or with rage, I wait for those moments when the world is depopulated, when everything is silent, when there is only us and those black horses, you know. My darling love, wait, my love, come back soon. And until then be strong and patient, armed with all my faithful love. I kiss you endlessly.”

Albert Camus to Maria Casarès, Correspondance, January 16, 1950 [#130]
