

Things To Research As A Green Witch MASTERLIST

A green witch is typically a witch who specializes and focuses on natural materials and energies. They are often skilled herbalists and probably enjoys gardening. Like a lot. You might be a baby green witch or an experienced one. Maybe even an eclectic one, no matter what, all is welcome!

I am most certainly not entitled to knowing everything about green witches but I want to help out some people when stuck on not knowing what to research.

As always, enjoy!

gif by @la-petitefille


edible plants :)

non Edible plants :(

other uses for non edible plants that’s not eating :)

history of herbal witchcraft

herbal brews


drying flowers/herbs

harvesting flowers/herbs

endangered plants (so you don’t accidently pick them)

medicinal plants/herbs




smoke blend recipes

different types of other natural based witches

seasonal magick

when to start sowing

when to reap

wheel of the year

types of plants

types of herbs

what types of animals/insects (bees, butterflies, etc.) do your flowers/herbs attract?

usage for *plant name*’s roots

usage for *plant name*’s stem

usage for *plant name*’s flowers

usage for *plant name*’s leaves

usage for *plant name*’s bark

usage for *plant name*’s seed


what are herb sachets?

pressed flowers <3

smoked herbs

poisonous plants

essential oils



gardening 101 (hehe)

what are some good botanical books?

the fae

candle correspondence to elements



sage (god, I love sage)







aloe vera

tea leaf readings

dear me, I almost forgot to mention plants

feel free to add on, loves!

♡ That naked witch in the woods

Incense and this morning’s soft light.

Incense and this morning’s soft light.

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paganproxy:Another cone graphic, from here. I really dig the green :)


Another cone graphic, from here. I really dig the green :)

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Easter Day: the Offertory.

While the ministers cense the altar, the choir sings Taverner’s Dum transisset Sabbatum (I)

#episcopal    #anglo catholic    #solemn mass    #incense    #tudor music    #early music    #choral music    

A nice shot of our old #Gorham #silver #thurrible from yesterday’s solemn mass #Episcopal #NYC #sacristy #Repost @jtoombsld with @repostapp
Leftover smoke. #smoke #incense #anglican #anglocatholic #episcopalchurch #upperwestside #newyorkcity #lategram (at Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal Church)

#repost    #episcopalchurch    #silver    #newyorkcity    #episcopal    #gorham    #incense    #upperwestside    #lategram    #anglican    #anglocatholic    #sacristy    #thurrible    
If you can’t gather with your coven right now, there are always online seancés & readings *:·゚✧ 

If you can’t gather with your coven right now, there are always online seancés & readings *:·゚✧ 

This was an exclusive gif from last year on patreon ◞*✰

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Incense Meanings

  • Acacia: Burned with sandalwood to stimulate the psychic powers.
  • African Violet: Protection and to promote spirituality within the home.
  • Allspice: Attract both good luck and money.
  • Aloes: Attract good fortune, love, spiritual vibrations, and strength.
  • Althea: Protection and to stimulate the psychic powers.
  • Amber: Love, comfort, happiness and healing
  • Ambergris: Burn for dreams and aphrodisiac
  • Angelica: Protection, harmony, integration, insight and understanding, stability and meditation
  • Anise seeds: Meditation and emotional balance incense.
  • Basil: exorcise and protect against evil entities such as demons and unfriendly ghosts, and to attract fidelity, love, good luck, sympathy, and wealth. This is also an excellent incense to use when performing love divinations.  Also burn for concentration, assertiveness, decisiveness, trust, integrity, enthusiasm, mental clarity, cheerfulness, confidence and courage
  • Bay: Facilitate the psychic powers, and to induce prophetic dream-visions.
  • Bayberry: Attract money and also burned for protection, happiness and control
  • Benzoin: Purification, astral projection, clears negative energy, emotional balance, eases sadness, depression, weariness, grief, anger, anxiety and to attract prosperity
  • Bergamot: Money, prosperity, uplifting of spirits, joy, protection, concentration, alertness, confidence, balance, strength, courage, motivation and assertiveness
  • Bistort: Burned often with frankincense as a powerful incense to aid divination.
  • Bracken: Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain.
  • Cardamom: Mental clarity, concentration, confidence, courage, enthusiasm and motivation
  • Carnation: protection, strength, healing, love and lust
  • Cedar: Purification, to stimulate or strengthen the psychic powers, attract love, prevent nightmares, and heal various ailments, including head colds.
  • Cedarwood: Healing, purification, protection, money, balance, grounding, clarity, insight and wisdom
  • Chamomile: Harmony, peace, calm, spiritual and inner peace
  • Cinnamon: Protection and to attract money, wealth, prosperity, business success, stimulate or strengthen the psychic
    powers, and aid in healing.  Also burned for stimulation, strength and lust
  • Citron: Burned in rituals to aid healing and also to strengthen the psychic powers.
  • Citronella: Cleansing, warding off, healing and exorcism
  • Clove: Dispel negativity, purify sacred and magickal spaces, attract money, and stop or prevent the spread of gossip. Also burn for pain relief, intellectual stimulation, business success, wealth, prosperity, divination, exorcism, protection, eases fears, improves memory and focus
  • Coconut: Protection
  • Copal: Purification, uplifting spirits, protection, exorcism, spirituality and to attract love.
  • Cypress: Strength, comfort, healing, eases anxiety, stress, self-assurance, confidence, physical vitality, willpower and concentration
  • Damiana: Facilitate psychic visions.
  • Dittany of Crete: Conjure spirits and to aid in divination, astral projection, especially when mixed with equal parts of benzoin, sandalwood, and vanilla.
  • Dragon’s Blood: Dispel negativity, exorcise evil supernatural entities, courage, purification, attract love, and restore male potency. Many Witches also burn dragon’s blood for protection when spell casting and invoking. When added to other incenses, dragon’s blood makes their magickal powers all the stronger.
  • Elecampane: Strengthen the clairvoyant powers and scrying abilities-divination by gazing.
  • Eucalyptus: Healing, purification and protection
  • Fern: Burned in outdoor fires to magickally produce rain. Also used to exorcise evil supernatural entities.
  • Frankincense: Dispel negativity, spirituality, purify magickal spaces, consecration, protect against evil, exorcism, aid meditation, astral strength, induce psychic visions, courage, protection, attract good luck, and honor Pagan deities.
  • Fumitory: Exorcise demons, poltergeists, and evil supernatural entities.
  • Galangal: Break the curses cast by sorcerers.
  • Gardenia: Peace, love and healing
  • Ginger: Wealth, lust, love and magical power
  • Ginseng root: keep wicked spirits at bay, and for protection against all forms of evil.
  • Gotu Kola: Burned to aid meditation.
  • Heather: Conjure beneficial spirits, and to magickally produce rain.
  • Hibiscus Flowers: Attract love, lust and also for divination.
  • Honey Suckle: Attract money, happiness, friendship and healing
  • Horehound: Burned as an offertory incense to the ancient Egyptian god Horus.
  • Hyacinth: Happiness and protection
  • Jasmine: Attract love and money, and also to induce dreams of a prophectic nature, purification, wisdom and astral projection
  • Juniper: stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and also to break curses, exorcism and hexes cast by evil sorcerers. It is also burned for calming, protection and healing.
  • Lavender: Induce rest and sleep, and to attract love-especially of a man. Also burned for cleansing, healing, happiness and relaxation
  • Lemon: Healing, love and purification
  • Lemongrass: Mental clarity
  • Lilac: Stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and to attract harmony into ones life.
  • Lotus: Elevate mood, protection, spirituality, healing and meditation
  • Mace: Stimulate or increase the psychic powers.
  • Mastic: Conjure beneficial spirits, stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and intensify sexual desires. The magickal powers of other incenses are greatly increased when a bit of mastic is added.
  • Mesquite: Magickal powers of all healing incenses are greatly increased when mesquite is added
  • Mint: Increase sexual desire, exorcise evil supernatural entities, conjure beneficial spirits, and attract money. Mint incense also possesses strong healing vibrations and protective powers.
  • Musk: Aphrodisiac, prosperity, courage
  • Myrrh: Burned (often with frankincense) for purification, consecration, healing, exorcism, and banishing evil. Myrrh is also aids meditation rituals, and was commonly burned on alters in ancient Egypt as an offering to deities Isis and Ra.
  • Nutmeg: Aid meditation, stimulate or increase the psychic powers, and to attract prosperity.
  • Oakmoss: Money and attraction
  • Orange: Divination, love, luck and money
  • Patchouli: Attract money, love, growth, mastery, sensuality and also to promote fertility.
  • Peppermint: Energy, mental stimulant, exorcism and healing
  • Pine: Purification, and to banish negative energies, exorcise evil supernatural entities, and attract money, as well as to break hexes and return them to their senders. Also burned for grounding, strength, cleansing and healing
  • Poppy seeds: Promote female fertility, and to attract love, good luck, and money.
  • Rose: Increase courage, induce prophetic dreams, house blessing, fertility, healing and attract love. Rose incense is used in all forms of love enchantment and possesses the strongest love vibration of any magickal incense.
  • Rose Geranium: Courage and protection
  • Rosemary: Purify, aid in healing, prevent nightmares, preserve youthfulness, dispel depression, attract fairy folk, and promote restful sleep and pleasant dreams.
  • Rue: Help restore health.
  • Sage: Protection against all forms of evil. It is also burned to purify sacred spaces and ritual tools. Plus it is great for promoting wisdom, clarity, attract money, and aid in the healing the body, mind, and soul.
  • Sage Brush: Aid healing, and to banish negative energies and evil supernatural entities.
  • Sandalwood: Exorcise demons and evil ghosts, conjure beneficial spirits, and promote spiritual awareness. Sandalwood incense is also used by many Witches for protection, astral projection, healing rituals and in wish-magick.
  • Solomon’s Seal: Mainly as an offertory incense to ancient Pagan deities
  • Star Anise Seeds: Stimulate or increase the psychic powers
  • Strawberry: Attract love and for luck.
  • Sweetgrass: Conjure beneficial spirits prior to spell casting.
  • Sweet pea: Friendship, love and courage
  • Thyme: Purification of magickal spaces prior to rituals, to aid in healing, and to attract good health.
  • Vanilla: Attract love, increase sexual desire, and improve the powers of the mind.
  • Vervain: Exorcise evil supernatural entities.
  • Vetivert: Break curses, exorcism, for protection against black magick and thieves, money, peace and love.
  • Violet: Break curses, exorcism, for protection against black magick and thieves, money, peace and love.
  • Willow: Avert evil, attract love, and promote healing. It is also used by many Witches as an offertory incense for Pagan lunar deities.
  • Wisteria: Protection against all forms of evil.
  • Wormwood: Protection against all forms of evil.
  • Yarrow: Courage, exorcism
  • Ylang Ylang: Love, harmony and euphoria

Crystals: Tourmalinated Quartz, Peridot, Green Aventurine, Tiger’s Eye Moldavite, Citrine, Amazonite, Malachite, Labradorite, Rose Quartz, and Rhodonite 

Herbs/Plants:Cinnamon, Oranges, Bayberry, Ivy, Chamomile, Lavender, Ferns, Poppy Seeds, Basil, Citronella, Seaweed, Pineapples, Frankincense, Rosemary, Buckeyes, Acorns, Clover, and Allspice. 

Essential oils: Lavender, Cedar, Rose,  Spikenard, Ginger, Lemon, Sandalwood, Grapefruit, Cinnamon, Myrrh, and Spruce. 

Incense:Apple Blossom, Myrrh, Sage, Lavender, Frankincense, Aloe, Benzoin, Thyme, Strawberry, and Honeysuckle. 

Colors: Yellow, Green, and White. 

Occasionally I find myself out of the house - say, hypothetically, lurking in graveyards at 3am during the dark of the moon - in need of some aromatics, and a little burnt herb and tobacco don’t feel quite sufficient.

…And sometimes I want to burn incense in my work area, and I’m just extra as hell. A converted mint tin with a holder made out of a magnet, a bottle cap, and a bead; trimmed incense sticks partially wrapped in parchment paper to keep them neat, and a mini bic decorated with washi tape.

I also painted a little design on the lid because I wanted it to look nice, and to distinguish it at a glance from my other weird little boxes.

New Year New Skills – Scrying with Black Mirror

New Year New Skills – Scrying with Black Mirror

The universe spent the latter part of 2021 bombarding me with information about black mirror scrying from any number of directions but particularly in the form of a private course from Jason Augustus Newcomb. Historically I’ve not got on well with the practice and have largely passed over it for other practices and a focus on dream interpretation because of the insistence that burnt incense is a…

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 Magickal Protection Aids Simple Magick for the Busy WitchProtecting yourself, like all magick, need

Magickal Protection Aids
Simple Magick for the Busy Witch

Protecting yourself, like all magick, needn’t always be a lengthy or complicated spell or ritual - it can be as simple as lighting a black candle with intent, sewing a pentacle on the inside of your jacket, or keeping a black tourmaline to hand. ✨

Magick can be as complex or as basic as you make it, so if ever you find yourself with not enough time or energy to practice your Craft in a grandiose way, don’t feel guilty, or that you should be doing more - keep it simple, and know that your own energy, intent and belief are where much of the power lies.

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 Here’s a spell jar for emotional healing. Hope this can help. Just a reminder that you’re all wonde

Here’s a spell jar for emotional healing. Hope this can help. Just a reminder that you’re all wonderful and worthy of love.

We have some elements you can switch up if you don’t have the items listed! ✨

Substitutes for herbs: lavender, rose, or chamomile
Substitutes for crystals: amethyst, or rose quartz
Substitute wax colour: white

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