

Confederate flags, Trump flags, etc., are not a rare sight around here. Do not believe for a second that violent racism only exists in the south.

As a fellow Upstate NY resident, my heart goes out to Buffalo, and especially their black community. If you would like to help, please see https://www.buffalocommunityfridges.com/

If you are in the area, you can bring food donations to one of their locations. If not, they also have a Target registry linked as well.

honestly it was really shitty and stupid for people to make jokes like “tumblr will lose your bank details because they are stupid and incompetent” because it made people genuinely fear that when it was never a risk. tumblr never sees any of your card or bank information in the first place, it’s handled through stripe.

What I’m about to say might sound harsh but if you are considering blazing your fanwork or otherwise niche content I need you to understand that a lot of people will not care and don’t want to see it. Throwing it in front of random people isn’t going to do much besides bring negative attention toward you, especially depending on what it is you make. Understand that the problem is not merely getting eyes on your work, but getting the right eyes on it. And that is not going to be achieved well with tumblr blaze.

gave into the societal pressure to shave my legs today but i used FOR MEN shaving cream so i guess it evens out

turning 21 soon and I can’t fathom the idea that I can walk into a convenience store and pretty much buy anything I want in there. that’s my takeaway from it.

whenever I lose something and can’t find it i get the impulse to google it. i appreciate my brain trying to problem solve but buddy it’s not gonna work

fuck astrology. whats your favorite Jet Set Radio track

who will win: my aversion to learning 3D game dev because the process scares me


how much I love the way 2d sprites look in a 3d environment
