#creeper vargas



Warnings: 18+ sexual content, yall already know what it is by the title lmao 

A/N: I read this HC for JJK the other day that I swore I saved so I could link it here for credit/inspo and i can’t find it  Once I read it, all I could think about was how the boys would be if they called you while they were indulging in some self love and you didn’t pick up for whatever reason…and here we are  Also it’s the first time getting to write for Mayan Manny and let me just say it’s the first of an eternity 

Keep reading

You had no right to make it that hot!!! Omggg pls

Warnings: 18+ sexual content, yall already know what it is by the title lmao 

A/N: I read this HC for JJK the other day that I swore I saved so I could link it here for credit/inspo and i can’t find it  Once I read it, all I could think about was how the boys would be if they called you while they were indulging in some self love and you didn’t pick up for whatever reason…and here we are  Also it’s the first time getting to write for Mayan Manny and let me just say it’s the first of an eternity 

  • He starts sweet about it 
  • He pauses his movements, trying his best to hold off until he hands up 
  • But hearing your voice on the messaging system 
  • It makes him throb 
  • “Hey babe. It’s me…uh,”
  • His hand is moving like it has a mind of it’s own, and he chuckles into the receiver, letting you in on the activity
  • “I miss you. A lot. I just keep thinking about you.” 
  • He’s quiet for a moment, his brain seemingly unable to focus on both the pleasure and putting together a sentence.  
  • “How beautiful you are. How good you smell. Fuck, I miss your smell. Especially your hair.” 
  • His fist is pumping faster, eyes fluttering closed as he imagines you, all beauty and smiles 
  • “I miss how you grip me. How you have to use both hands. How your eyes look when you watch me.”
  • His hips are moving too now as he pictures your body, bare and all his 
  • “I need you so fucking bad. I can’t wait to be back home with you. This ain’t cutting it.” 
  • He trails off for the most part then, just letting you hear him moan and hiss, saying you name until he spills over his hand, chest sweaty 
  • “Fuck, mama.” 
  • He catches his breath and tells you he loves you quickly before the time runs out, hanging up and chuckling at himself, only able to imagine what type of voicemails you will leave him next time he doesn’t answer 
  • He’s quiet for the first couple of seconds when he hears the beep 
  • Then he makes up his mind
  • He’s vulgar from the start, talking dirty with no prelude or warm up
  • Stroking himself harder so you can hear it over the phone
  • “Miss you so much, mi reina. I’m so fuckin’ hard for you. I can’t think about anything but that perfect pussy. I’m gonna fuckin’ rail you when I get back home.”
  • He stops talking for a little, bring the phone down by his hip so you can hear the obscene sound of his hand pumping 
  • He’s purposefully more vocal 
  • Knowing that if you can’t see him, he’s going to let your ears paint the picture for you 
  • “So hard and thick, baby. All for you. You got me fuckin’ throbbing and you ain’t even here.” 
  • He’s picturing you 
  • How he had you bent over the kitchen counter
  • Hands gripping the granite as he plowed into you from behind
  • “Wish you were here. I’d fuckin’ wreck you if you were here.”
  • He’s cursing and growling as he comes, his seed collected across his stomach 
  • And for a second, he can almost trick himself into thinking he feels your mouth on him cleaning it up 
  • But then he’s left alone with the silence again, his voice softer now. 
  • “Hope you sleep well, princesa. Talk to you tomorrow.” 
  • He’s playful
  • The first thing coming after the beep being a deep laugh 
  • “Why you not answering the phone, mama? What, you don’t wanna talk to me no more?”
  • He keeps stroking himself lazily, no match for how much better it feels when you do it 
  • And he lets you know that 
  • “I’m sitting here in bed, thinkin’ about you. Figured I’d make myself come before bed, but it wasn’t the same without you. Now you’re not even answering the phone.”
  • He laughed again, but he wasn’t mad
  • It was late, after all
  • He kept tugging at himself, rambling off as he did 
  • “Bet you look real cute, all curled up right now. You holding my pillow? Cuddling into it because you miss me? Bet you are.” 
  • He picks up the pace, squeezing himself gently just like you do every now and then 
  • “I wonder if you touched yourself before bed too. Maybe that’s why you’re asleep so deep you didn’t even hear my call.” 
  • He groans at the thought, picturing you in your bed, legs spread 
  • “Ain’t the same though, is it mama? Nah. It’s better when it’s me doing it. Just like it’s better when it’s you doing it.” 
  • He doesn’t say much from then on, just letting you get an earful as he comes, cursing and growling 
  • He’s laughing again then as he cleans up, looking forward to your call in the morning 
  • “I’ll talk to you later, mama. Maybe I won’t pick up either, let you have your turn.” 

  • He’s a little huffy about it at first
  • He finally found a couple minutes to himself, stashed away in the bathroom, and now you don’t pick up 
  • “Hey, uh…I just wanted to see if I could talk to you. I needed to hear your voice.” 
  • He’s quiet for a few seconds more, wondering to himself if he should just hang up and try again later 
  • But things have been so busy and he’s so hard
  • He doesn’t know when he’ll get another chance so he sighs and keeps talking, knowing he’s already there 
  • “Was gonna see how you were doing, maybe get some phone sex going, but since you didn’t pick up, I guess it’s just me huh?”
  • He strokes himself firmly, not trying to make it feel like you since he knows he can’t 
  • “I fuckin’ miss you, chiquita. I wanna be with you. This shit is taking to long.”
  • He huffs, eyes closed as he strokes himself
  • “I wanna be inside you so bad. Can’t fuckin stand it. We still got a couple more days.” 
  • He decides to stop giving you the run down and instead just lets you listen, not doing a whole lot more talking 
  • He finishes with a strangled groan of your name, breathing deeply as he tries to slow his heart down, still not feeling satisfied 
  • “I’m gonna go, call me back when you get this. I’m gonna call again tomorrow night too, make sure you pick up this time.”
  • He’s not upset 
  • Disappointed sure, but he understands 
  • It’s late, and he’d be asleep too if it weren’t for the throbbing ache in his boxers 
  • That was the only reason he was calling at a time like this
  • And part of him wants to just leave it along
  • But the bigger part of him knows that he could still bring himself pleasure while making sure you know how much he missed you and relied on you for relief 
  • So he does 
  • “I miss you so much, beautiful. Wish I could have you here with me. Or be there with you. Either way.” 
  • He’s another that doesn’t even bother trying to make it feel like it’s your hand, lest he disappoint himself even more 
  • “I just want to feel you there. Laying on me, like you do. When you put your head on my chest and stick your hand in my boxers.” 
  • He groans, imagining the feel of your soft and warm fingers, how they wrap around him 
  • “Miss your voice too. You gotta make a longer voicemail greeting. Give me more to listen to.” 
  • He leaves it at that, letting the voicemail run in the background while he scrolls through his pictures of you 
  • Cursing as he stops on the one he had taken of you in the bath, skin wet and glistening, bubbles barely covering his favorite parts of you, that warm needy look in your eyes from both the massage and wine you’d had prior to the picture
  • His orgasm almost catches him by surprise when it comes, your name and ‘I love you’s” being chanted over the phone before he finally hangs up and drifts off 

  • He contemplates hanging up
  • But a little old fashioned phone sex never hurt anybody 
  • So he stays on the line 
  • He’s quiet for a good while, just thinking about you before he remembers it still recording 
  • “Hey, babygirl. Sorry i’m calling so late. You’re probably asleep already. I just can’t stop thinking about you.
  • Definitely tries to make it feel like it’s your hand
  • “I miss you so fuckin’ bad, pretty girl. Can’t wait until I’m home. 
  • Might even hang up and call back so he can hear your voice again 

  • He feels a little foolish at first 
  • Not used to having to resort to using his own hand 
  • He’s used to having you right there, never having to be separated from you if he doesn’t want to 
  • But he’s got business and you’ve got a family matter to attend to 
  • So finding himself hard and lonely in your shared master bedroom has him calling you for some relief 
  • He’s all huffs and eye rolls when he calls you twice and it goes to voicemail
  • He knows you’re safe 
  • He send two of his best with you on the trip 
  • But that doesn’t do anything to help the raging throb he feels as he thinks about you 
  • Your voice over the greeting enough to have him reaching into his briefs and finally let the voicemail start recording 
  • “I thought we talked about how I would let you go without me, but you needed to make sure to answer your phone? Remember when we agreed on that?”
  • He huffs quietly, not liking the feeling of being out of control
  • “I miss you. I want to hear your voice. And not over some stupid fucking device. I want you here with me.” 
  • “Wait until you get home. Wait until I get my hands on you.”
  • He just lets you listen for the rest, letting you hear him groan and curse until he finishes
  • “You better pick up next time.”

General taglist

@piccasoe@ateliefloresdaprimavera@gemini0410@woahitslucyylu@my-rosegold-soul@that-chick212@everyhowlmarksthedead@glimmerglittergirl@elcococruz@fanaticfangurl21@encounterthepast@iambabyharry@svintsandghosts@starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa@sadeyesgf@queenbeered@iamthegraham@emoengelfurleben@all-the-boys-to-the-yard@otomefromtheheart@rosieposie0624@papa-geralt-of-cirilla@beeroses@weirdosandhopelessromantics@kola95@black-repunzel99@xonickibaby@cruzwalters@myakai13@mrsstevenbuchananstark@lyly00@kaystacks17@cole-winchester @alexxavicry@kaykaysuh@savagemickey03

Mayans MC taglist

@dazzledamazon@abunnykisses@briana-mishell24@angelreyesgirl@wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes@krysiewithak@darklingveracruz@appropriate-writers-name@cind-in-real-life@blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog@emoengelfurleben@blowmymbackout@abby-splace@kola95@black-repunzel99@redpoodlern@xonickibaby@myakai13@cruzwalters@yosoynicolexo@mrsstevenbuchananstark@danimals1096@po3ticb3auty@lyly00 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl@kaykaysuh@angel-121

Angel taglist


EZ taglist 


Coco taglist 


Miguel taglist 


Bishop taglist

@maciiiofficial​ @x-goddess-of-nature-x​ @jatriciaaa @redpoodlern@black-repunzel99@xonickibaby​ @yosoynicolexo @cruzwalters@myakai13@lyly00​ @kaykaysuh

Creeper taglist 



Summary: Creeper convinces you to join him at the clubhouse for the first time and despite your shyness, you oblige.

Request:Creeper with a short \ small girl who is shy and he wants too introduce her too the Mayans

Pairing: Creeper Vargas x short female reader

Warnings: None really. It mentions the reader being shorter than the guys and others but no focus on body size.

Word count: 758

A/N: Admittedly this is…not my best work. But I found some time and I wanted to get a little something out for y'all.

Reminder that you can add/remove yourself to my taglists as well as update your url if you’ve changed it so you can still get tagged here 


“Maybe you should come with me.”

You were slow to turn your head, heart rate picking up as you anticipated it. It wasn’t uncommon for Creeper to let you know that he was going to be leaving your place to head over to the clubhouse. Sometimes for work, other times to simply spend time with his brothers. Either way, you were fine with it, being none the wiser to whatever went on between those wooden walls.

It was uncommon however for him to invite you with him. And by uncommon, it was actually the first time. You had yet to go with him to see the place that took up all of his time that he wasn’t with you or the people he spent that time with either. You knew names, ones he mentioned when telling you about his day. He spared you the gory details, of course, your relationship not exactly there yet. Except now it would seem there was a new step being taken.

“Go with you there? To meet them?”

Creeper nodded as he looked at you from the other side of the kitchen counter. His face was neutral but his smile warm as he shrugged.

“Why not? They ask about you, you ask about them. It’s nothing crazy, no party or anything. Just the usual drinks and coffee that we do at the end of the week.”

You nodded despite the nervousness you felt, your own smile coming through.

“Yeah, ok. I’ll tag along.”

Creeper smiled as he pushed off of the counter and made his way over to you, eyes glancing quickly over at the clock before landing back on you. Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before nodding over toward your room.

“Go. Get ready.”


You clung to Creeper’s arm tightly as you made your way up the steps to the clubhouse, the Mayan looking over at you. He grinned wide, elated to think that he would now be able to have all of his favorite people together in one room for the first time. No more leaving you behind to have to head to the clubhouse, now he could simply bring you along with him. He leaned over and nudged his nose against your cheek, hoping to soothe the nerves he was sure you were feeling.

You were shy, not used to larger crowds nor new people, and Creeper knew it was going to take some time to relax considering you would be dealing with both any moment now.

Squeezing his arm around yours just a little tighter, he opened the door to the clubhouse and ushered you inside, EZ and Angel being the first to notice you as they were sitting closest to the front. The brothers smiled, standing as you and Creeper drew nearer. EZ stuck his hand out first, a comforting smile on his lips as he looked down at you.

“Hi, I’m Ezekiel. You can call me EZ.”

You returned his smile shyly and shook his hand, introducing yourself as well before looking over at the more burly and tattooed of the brothers. He was more intimidating than EZ and he knew it, leaning himself down slightly so as to not stand over you so much. He was a good bit taller than you and even the others, his stature and frame not helping to make him seem any more comforting. His smile was friendly and genuine though and it helped to calm you as you shook his hand as well.

“I’m Angel.”

You went through the motions in the same fashion, introducing and being introduced to the people Creeper called his brothers. You were thankful that the attention wasn’t entirely on you, simply smiles and waves here and there as you settled in. Creep had told them beforehand that you were shy, the crew taking care to try their best not to intimidate nor stress you.

The night went on peacefully, your nerves simmering the longer the night went on. The Mayans and girls were nice, drinks being offered every now and then. They were all polite and friendly, making you feel at home. You could see now why Creeper loved them so much.

It wasn’t enough to get you up and dancing along with the others, but slowly you laughed and joked more, Creeper’s smile permanent as he soaked it all in. It was something he had longed for since he had gotten serious about the two of you and he was overjoyed now that it had become a reality.


General taglist

@piccasoe@ateliefloresdaprimavera@gemini0410@woahitslucyylu@my-rosegold-soul@that-chick212@everyhowlmarksthedead@glimmerglittergirl​ @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21@encounterthepast@iambabyharry@svintsandghosts@starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa@sadeyesgf@queenbeered@iamthegraham@emoengelfurleben@all-the-boys-to-the-yard@otomefromtheheart@rosieposie0624@papa-geralt-of-cirilla@beeroses@weirdosandhopelessromantics@kola95@black-repunzel99@xonickibaby


Mayans MC taglist

@dazzledamazon@abunnykisses@briana-mishell24@angelreyesgirl@wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes@krysiewithak@darklingveracruz@appropriate-writers-name@cind-in-real-life@blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog@emoengelfurleben@blowmymbackout@abby-splace@kola95@black-repunzel99@redpoodlern@xonickibaby@myakai13


Creeper taglist



Red Velvet: stitch 10

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Getting settled in, you find out how far Bishop will go to keep you safe.

WARNINGS: 18+ only, 1.6k

AUTHOR’S NOTE: does something like this exist? Idk. May have had made it up just for this story? It’s more likely than you think.

You slip the key into the door, swinging it open and standing back so Hank can walk in the room with your bags. He manages to flick the light switch with his elbow, walking down the narrow hallway, you right behind him.

“Uh,” he says, stopping short.

You can’t see around him, between the actual broadness of the man, plus the bulk of the bags he’s carrying. “What’s wrong?”

He steps further into the room and you finally see what has stopped him.

There’s only one bed.

Keep reading

I always forget that Hank is the enforcer because he is such a sweetheart

I have no idea what’s next for this story but I’m very excited to find out


Red Velvet: stitch 12

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: After running into some other club members on your way back to the hotel, you manage to convince Hank to bend the rules a bit and a stranger catches your eye.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; gambling mention, migraine mention, 1.7k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I struggle with tagging warnings. If I need to tag something, please let me know. Also, want to thank @lovebarefootblonde again for the lovely banner.

You are walking back to the hotel, trying your best not to drag your feet too much when you run into Creeper and Riz in front on the sidewalk.

“Hey guys,” you say excitedly. “Where are you headed?”

“This fool can’t hang, so we are headed back up to the room,” Creeper says, throwing a thumb over his shoulder at Riz, who shakes his head.

Keep reading

Your writing is amazing cricket ❤️
