#hank loza



Hank Loza x F!Reader

Request by Anon: would like to request prompt “drawing circles on your lover’s chest/listening to their heartbeat” from cuddling prompts list for Hank Loza (Prompts are from This List)

Warnings:all the fluff in the whole wide world

Word Count: 1.4k

A/N: Tumblr says that this request came in a month ago but I don’t remember seeing in my inbox at all. Hank deserves all the love so here we are! Also, the two fics aren’t actually related at all in terms of plot, but in my head this takes place in the same universe as Come Through. Fun fact! Haha. Hope you enjoy! xo

General Mayans Taglist: @thesandbeneathmytoes​​​@buckybarneshairpullingkink​​@paintballkid711​​@tomhardydallasstarsgirl​​@queenbeered​​@kelpies-shed​​@sesamepancakes​​@yourwonkywriter​​@chibsytelford​​@gemini0410​​@louisianalady​​@behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​@plentyoffandoms​​@georgiaaintnopeach​​@twistnet​​@garbinge​​@themoonandthewicked​​@bucky-iss-bae​​@encounterthepast​​@bport76​​@rosieposie0624​​@mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​​@masterlistforimagines​​​@xladymacbethx​​​@blessedboo​​​@holl2712​​​@lakamaa12​​​@mijop​​​@lilah1903​​​@toni9​​​@shadow-of-wonder​​​@crowfootwrites​​​@redpoodlern​​​@punkgoddess-98​​​@black-repunzel99​​​@lexondeck​​​@fanfic-n-tabulous​​​@amorestevens​​​@angelreyesisdaddy04​​​@mijagif​​​@frattsparty​​​@winchestershiresauce​​​@bellisperennis0​​​@beardburnsupersoldiers​​​@mveggieburger​​​@thanossexual​​​@xeniarocks​​​@choochoo284​​​@littlekittymeow​​​@beardsanddetectives​​​@bruxasolta​​​@i-love-scott-mccall​​​@slut-bitch-brat​​@withmyteeth​​@flacalatke​​@passionatewrites​​@iamthegraham​​(If you want to be added to any of my taglists, let me know!)


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Red Velvet: stitch 11

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: When the walls of your room start closing in, you make a selfish request that reveals a secret that breaks your heart.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; infertility mention; food mention; 2.9k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Whoops. This chapter got away from me.

You are going to lose your mind. You’ve been in Vegas over thirty six hours now and haven’t left your room and no one’s even come to visit. The only interaction you’ve had was calling down for room service then getting it from the room next door. At first, you’d enjoyed the quiet, knowing that your time to explore the strip would come. You’d woken up refreshed and relaxed, excitedly knocking on the door separating the rooms to let them know you were up and ready to hit the town, only for Bishop to say that you’d be spending the night in and to order whatever you wanted.

You’d pouted only slightly, but when you saw the bags under his eyes, you knew he’d probably not even been to sleep yet. Glancing around the room you noticed Hank and Taza looked just as tired, so you nodded in acceptance and slipped back into your room. After checking the menu and placing your order to the room next door, you knocked lightly and let them know you had food coming before slipping into the bathroom.

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Cricket I honestly wanted to cry along with that ending because it’s such a heartbreaking thought


Red Velvet: stitch 10

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Getting settled in, you find out how far Bishop will go to keep you safe.

WARNINGS: 18+ only, 1.6k

AUTHOR’S NOTE: does something like this exist? Idk. May have had made it up just for this story? It’s more likely than you think.

You slip the key into the door, swinging it open and standing back so Hank can walk in the room with your bags. He manages to flick the light switch with his elbow, walking down the narrow hallway, you right behind him.

“Uh,” he says, stopping short.

You can’t see around him, between the actual broadness of the man, plus the bulk of the bags he’s carrying. “What’s wrong?”

He steps further into the room and you finally see what has stopped him.

There’s only one bed.

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I always forget that Hank is the enforcer because he is such a sweetheart

I have no idea what’s next for this story but I’m very excited to find out


Red Velvet: stitch 9

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: You stop for breakfast with the club and Coco bites off more than he can chew.

WARNINGS: 18+ only, cussing, food mention, 1.8k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I have no idea how any of this works, I’m literally making it up as I go ‍♀️

Las Vegas City Limits 20

To say you are excited is an understatement. If Vegas is half as fun as breakfast, you are going to have a blast.

The little truck stop-slash-diner you stopped at for breakfast barely had enough room for everyone. There was a small four top bar, two tables and two booths. The older lady behind the counter didn’t bat an eye as you walked in, surrounded by the men in kuttes.

“Have a seat, I’ll be with you shortly,” she’d said, standing up and tying her apron back on.

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Eggs Benedict and a Santa Fe Omelette will be on my mind for days now. I’ve never really been a breakfast person but there is nothing more I have craved since developing an intolerance to eggs

Oop good luck to Hank

In the Mayans trailer I think I’m going crazy again but not only did Bishop not have his patch but also Taza and Hank didn’t have theirs which scares me slightly


Red Velvet: stitch 12

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: After running into some other club members on your way back to the hotel, you manage to convince Hank to bend the rules a bit and a stranger catches your eye.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; gambling mention, migraine mention, 1.7k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I struggle with tagging warnings. If I need to tag something, please let me know. Also, want to thank @lovebarefootblonde again for the lovely banner.

You are walking back to the hotel, trying your best not to drag your feet too much when you run into Creeper and Riz in front on the sidewalk.

“Hey guys,” you say excitedly. “Where are you headed?”

“This fool can’t hang, so we are headed back up to the room,” Creeper says, throwing a thumb over his shoulder at Riz, who shakes his head.

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Your writing is amazing cricket ❤️
