#cricket writes things



Red Velvet: stitch 22

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Your time in Vegas comes to an end.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; driving without a license; 1.4k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: at the end.

When your alarm goes off the next morning, you are both already awake, your fingers trailing nonsensical patterns through the sparse hair on his chest. You’d seen the light filtering in through the gap in the curtains but you’d kept telling yourself you had more time.

The night had passed in a blur of body parts and waves of pleasure as you guys brought each other to the peak over and over again, trying to fit a lifetime of satisfaction into the few hours you had left together before you had to part, neither of you wanting to bring it up.

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Picturing the elevator opening and both clubs just standing there like:

I love the Tiggy content but I knew there was no way leaving the club or Bishop was an option.

Another absolute beauty of a fic. Tag me in the next one you write because I will obviously be there and don’t want to be a minute late


Red Velvet: stitch 21

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Angel finds out about you and Tig.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; sex; STD mention; 1.6k

AUTHOR’S NOTE: we love drama!

Angel is paused comically in the doorway, first raised to knock again. “Yo, what the fuck?” he shouts, looking between you and Tig. “Who the fuck is this?”

“Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you?” Tig spits back.

You stare in shock as Angel’s eyes fall to the kutte discarded on the floor. “A Reaper? You blow us off for a fucking Reaper?”

“Angel, no, it’s not…”

“Clearly, she had to go looking for someone to satisfy her elsewhere,” Tig says with a smirk.

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Angel with the STD joke when he doesn’t know what HPV is


Red Velvet: stitch 20

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Tig shows up with an unexpected surprise.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; masturbation; 2k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my ideal version of Tig and I will not be taking any critique.

Not even fifteen minutes later, a knock sounds on your bedroom door. “I’d ask if you’re decent, but I hope you’re not,” Tig says, twisting the knob and coming in without waiting for a response.

He’s barely through the door when you pounce on him, fully naked. The black bag he was holding falls to the ground with a thud, forgotten, as your lips meet his. You reach out blindly, pushing the door shut, his hands already busy exploring the expanse of skin available to him.

He pulls out of the kiss, blue eyes gazing down at you. “This is one hell of a ‘hello’.” You smile up at him, trailing your fingers up and down the back of his neck. “I got you something.”

“You did?” Not only had you known this man only a couple of days but he’d only been gone a couple hours. What could he have possibly gotten you?

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I nearly fell off my bed when it was revealed to be Angel at the door.

I haven’t even read it yet but I know the next chapter is gonna be so good


Red Velvet: stitch 19

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Tig sneaks out before the guys return. Taza gets a call about Bishop’s condition that drastically changes your plans for the night.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; food mention; 2.5k words.

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Another monster chapter, whoops!

Tig easily followed through on his promise, coaxing another two orgasms out of you before Nestor knocked on your door, saying the other guys were on their way back and Tig needed to go.

“Will I see you again?” You felt ridiculous asking, sounding like a love struck teenager, but you had to know. He hasn’t even left the room yet and your body yearned for him. The ache between your legs not satisfied unless he is buried inside it.

He pauses buttoning his pants to lean over, grabbing your chin between his fingers and pressing a hard kiss to your lips. “There’s no keeping me away now, doll.” He reaches into his pocket, pulling the burner phone out of this pocket, tossing it to you. “Put your number in there for me.”

You move through the screens, adding your contact information as he finishes getting dressed. You flip it shut, holding it out to him as he finishes buttoning up his shirt. “Consider this my glass slipper.”

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Angel being suspicious but also completely off the mark thinking it was Nestor

I like the Nestor friendship forming here, I hope in the next season he interacts with the club more


Red Velvet: stitch 18

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: You and Tig try again.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; fingering; orgasm; 1.7k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: After speaking to many female friends, I felt this needed shared.

He presses his lips to yours again, patiently waiting for you to kiss him back. Tentatively, you do, working your lips against his before slipping your tongue into his mouth, searching for his. It meets yours but doesn’t push, letting you explore his mouth, brushing against his tongue and teeth, then his lips, before reaching out to stroke his tongue again.

He takes your hands, putting them on his chest and you begin to explore the parts of him you can reach, making a map of the hills and valleys of his body, noting which places cause which sounds out of him when he finally pulls back. “Show me what you like.”

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Not only waking up to this soft smut but also to the rest of the chapters being released? You’re an angel


Red Velvet: stitch 17

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: After going toe to toe with Nestor, you get intel from an unexpected source.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; oral sex; 2.3k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: buckle up, folks.

You crawl out of bed, not bothering to change, and creep out of your room to see who is around. Somehow, you are not surprised to see Nestor sitting on the couch with a paper, sipping a coffee.

“Any of that left?”

He raises his eyebrows. “I thought you didn’t drink coffee?”

You wave your hand. “Desperate times and all that.” You grab a mug off the hanger, emptying the rest of the pot into your mug before refilling it and starting a new one. You only have about half a mug but you take a deep breath, tipping it back as you swallow the bitter liquid as it scalds your throat.

“You can try creamer and sugar, maybe you won’t hate it as much.”

You rinse out the mug, face turned up in a grimace, already regretting your choice, knowing everything you eat today will be tainted by the taste. “I’ve tried it all before, just can’t do it.”

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Red Velvet: stitch 16

Mayans MC x SOA


SUMMARY: Still waiting to hear about Bishop’s fate, you take comfort in your club.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; food mention; 1.5k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Is this one of the most self indulgent things I’ve ever written? Maybe. Tay - I’ll be waiting for you in my DMs.

Eight hours.

Eight hours and you still haven’t heard anything. You move about the room restlessly, throwing yourself from one chair to another, your body refusing to relax enough to get comfortable. You eye your phone on the bed, still in the same spot Tig left it, fighting the urge to reach out to literally anyone because you know everyone will be busy and on edge. Once anyone has information to share, they will reach out to you or Nestor and you will know it.

At some points, you drift off, body falling into exhaustion only to jerk back to consciousness when you feel yourself slipping to sleep. Suddenly the door bursts open and you and Nestor jump to attention, him jerking a pistol from under his jacket, moving to stand in front of you.

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The softness


Red Velvet: stitch 15

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Bishop puts himself between you and danger.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; blood mention, panic attack mention; trauma mention; car accident; 1.9k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Y’all remember that post floating around about whether you’d read MCD?

Squealing tires catch your attention as Bishop spins, looking for the cause of the noise. A small SVU comes barreling across the garage, engine roaring as it gains speed.

“That your guy?” Bishop growls, gun already in his hand.

“Don’t think so,” Chibs answers, pulling his own firearm. “Close it!”

The door starts to close, but it’s too slow. You hear a couple pops and some whistling and the glass on the guard booth cracks, but doesn’t break. Bullets, your brain supplies and suddenly, everything is moving in slow motion.

Bishop is yelling, tugging on your arm, but you are frozen in place, a literal deer in the headlights. Bishop lets go of your arm, raising his hands and taking aim at the car, firing off a few shots. It reacts the same way as the guard booth, the glass cracking but not breaking and you frown, tilting your head, wondering why as it gets closer and closer. The headlights are too bright to see who is driving and you know you should move, but you are still glued to your spot on the floor.

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Cricket, I-


Red Velvet: stitch 14

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Bishop gets a late night visit from a man you never thought you’d see again.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; drugs mention; 1.5k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Tay, please remember to take deep breaths and that I love you.

It’s dark when you wake up again, the clock telling you it’s well past midnight. Ez is gone, having slipped out sometime after the meeting was over. By the time you get back to Santo Padre, your sleep schedule is going to be fucked. As it is, having nothing to do, you find yourself sleeping more just to make the time pass.

Opening your door to the common area, you see Bishop sitting alone, the TV on but muted as he watches the colors move on the screen. “Hey, sweetheart. I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“Nah,” you wave your hand at him. “I’m good. How are you doing?”

“Never been better.” You can see the lie in the bags under his eyes, the tired hunch of his shoulders.

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I have to say that I was kinda expecting it to be Jax (idk why cuz I know he’s af) but I’m so very pleasantly surprised that it’s Tig!!


Red Velvet: stitch 13

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Bishop gives you a surprise that lets you reconnect with the rest of the club.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; 1.7k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I love prospect!EZ

The next morning, you wake up alone in bed, the TV turned off and the blankets pulled over you. You must have fallen asleep and Hank either went next door or called some of the guys and met them back out on the strip. You stretch, joints popping back into place as you throw the covers back.

Crawling out of bed, you walk to the windows, throwing open the curtains, letting the mid morning sun fill the room. The sidewalks below you are still full of people. New York City might be known as the city that never sleeps, but you haven’t seen as many people in your life as you have since you’ve been here.

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Ready for tea like:


Red Velvet: stitch 11

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: When the walls of your room start closing in, you make a selfish request that reveals a secret that breaks your heart.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; infertility mention; food mention; 2.9k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Whoops. This chapter got away from me.

You are going to lose your mind. You’ve been in Vegas over thirty six hours now and haven’t left your room and no one’s even come to visit. The only interaction you’ve had was calling down for room service then getting it from the room next door. At first, you’d enjoyed the quiet, knowing that your time to explore the strip would come. You’d woken up refreshed and relaxed, excitedly knocking on the door separating the rooms to let them know you were up and ready to hit the town, only for Bishop to say that you’d be spending the night in and to order whatever you wanted.

You’d pouted only slightly, but when you saw the bags under his eyes, you knew he’d probably not even been to sleep yet. Glancing around the room you noticed Hank and Taza looked just as tired, so you nodded in acceptance and slipped back into your room. After checking the menu and placing your order to the room next door, you knocked lightly and let them know you had food coming before slipping into the bathroom.

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Cricket I honestly wanted to cry along with that ending because it’s such a heartbreaking thought


Red Velvet: stitch 10

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: Getting settled in, you find out how far Bishop will go to keep you safe.

WARNINGS: 18+ only, 1.6k

AUTHOR’S NOTE: does something like this exist? Idk. May have had made it up just for this story? It’s more likely than you think.

You slip the key into the door, swinging it open and standing back so Hank can walk in the room with your bags. He manages to flick the light switch with his elbow, walking down the narrow hallway, you right behind him.

“Uh,” he says, stopping short.

You can’t see around him, between the actual broadness of the man, plus the bulk of the bags he’s carrying. “What’s wrong?”

He steps further into the room and you finally see what has stopped him.

There’s only one bed.

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I always forget that Hank is the enforcer because he is such a sweetheart

I have no idea what’s next for this story but I’m very excited to find out


Red Velvet: stitch 9

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: You stop for breakfast with the club and Coco bites off more than he can chew.

WARNINGS: 18+ only, cussing, food mention, 1.8k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I have no idea how any of this works, I’m literally making it up as I go ‍♀️

Las Vegas City Limits 20

To say you are excited is an understatement. If Vegas is half as fun as breakfast, you are going to have a blast.

The little truck stop-slash-diner you stopped at for breakfast barely had enough room for everyone. There was a small four top bar, two tables and two booths. The older lady behind the counter didn’t bat an eye as you walked in, surrounded by the men in kuttes.

“Have a seat, I’ll be with you shortly,” she’d said, standing up and tying her apron back on.

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Eggs Benedict and a Santa Fe Omelette will be on my mind for days now. I’ve never really been a breakfast person but there is nothing more I have craved since developing an intolerance to eggs

Oop good luck to Hank


Red Velvet: stitch 8

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: You get a firsthand look at life on the road with the guys and figure out where you’re headed.

WARNINGS: 18+ only, cussing, mockery, 1.6k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I had so much fun writing this chapter, I don’t even care if any of it is accurate.

“Well, this is going to get annoying.” You’d only been on the road about an hour and a half when you had to pull over for gas. You’d watched everyone circle around to the tank before you left the scrapyard, so when you set out, you knew everyone had a full tank.

Creeper just chuckles. “You see how small the gas tanks are, baby girl? Can’t get the same kind of distance as a cage.”

It’s not that the ‘cage’ got any better mileage, it’s that the van had the capability to hold ten times as much fuel. “Well, I guess that means we’ll never run out of snacks.” You grab the door handle, getting ready to exit the van.

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Creeper immediately after inspiring a terrible idea:


Red Velvet: stitch 12

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: After running into some other club members on your way back to the hotel, you manage to convince Hank to bend the rules a bit and a stranger catches your eye.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; gambling mention, migraine mention, 1.7k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I struggle with tagging warnings. If I need to tag something, please let me know. Also, want to thank @lovebarefootblonde again for the lovely banner.

You are walking back to the hotel, trying your best not to drag your feet too much when you run into Creeper and Riz in front on the sidewalk.

“Hey guys,” you say excitedly. “Where are you headed?”

“This fool can’t hang, so we are headed back up to the room,” Creeper says, throwing a thumb over his shoulder at Riz, who shakes his head.

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Your writing is amazing cricket ❤️
