#mayans mc fic


late afff, but it’s coming….

Will We Last the Night? — lover of mine p.6

an: randomly started editing this today. gonna have to reread the others before I post this full one

sum: Angel’s hand has been forced. it’s time for him to come clean. his biggest fear is it will be enough to make you leave.

“I keep waiting for the moment you can prove to everyone that I’m not stupid for believing in you, but it’s like you try your hardest to do the opposite every chance you get.”

The words came out faint. Neither of you was sure if they were meant to be spoken aloud.

Angel knew he’d overstayed his time with you. No one thought you’d two last past senior year—hell, not even Angel. He always expected you to blink and see him for what he truly was. A man who didn’t deserve a woman that could only see the good he had to offer the world. No matter how small that “good” was.

Every time he fucked up, a part of Angel wished you have the revelation. Finally, agree with your mother, and leave him alone. Make it easier for your ties to be cut. But he knew you couldn’t. No matter how much he fucked up, cutting ties with Angel seemed impossible.

He knows the reason you hold onto the hope that he’ll become the man you tell everyone he is has nothing to do with Angel himself. Angel knows it’s shitty because he came to this revelation years ago. Years before you. And he’s selfishly capitalized on it for years.

It’s the eight year old boy who is a spitting image of him.

Angel’s eyes, Angel’s smile, Angel’s mannerisms they come back to you every time you look at your son.

Taking Jeyson away from his father is something you could never bring yourself to do.

But the look he finds in your eyes is one Angel has never seen from you in all your years together. It’s the same look he gets from all the people in his life when they have reached their breaking point.

“I promise you I can fix it—“

“No, you can’t fix it, Angel. Because once again, I have to clean up your mess.”

His shoulders fall, a sigh falling from his lips. “I—“

“But the second I handle this, we’re done. I mean it, Angel. You’re letting me and Jeyson leave.That’sthe only promise I want you to give me. I’m not letting you poison my son.


Bishop Losa x AFAB!Bi!Reader (smut w/no pronouns)

Rating:Explicit AF (GET OUT MINORS)
Warning: SMUT - unprotected PIV, vaginal oral, reader is a switch, wlw strap-on sex, sex work ( WE RESPECT SEX WORKERS IN THIS HOUSE AND IF YOU DON’T GET OFF MY BLOG )
Word Count: 
A/N: i’ve FINALLY gotten around to writing for my beautiful @flightlessangelwings​’sPride Event! (on the last week but hey, we did it). 

you’ll see what prompt i used for it. And yes, there will be at least a second part to their story because i’m already in love with my new OC Valeria x Reader and I just… yeah. Please enjoy!

Your body moved in sync with Valeria’s. Dancing of the sinful kind that you always enjoyed with her. She was a lawyer and one of the best from the stories she would tell you in the aftermath. Stress was just part of her job description, and she admitted to you pretty early on that coming here wasn’t initially her plan, but she was glad she had found you because you knew her body better than she did herself.

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in honor of our mayans coming back to the screen, here is something i wrote almost a year ago about bishop with a sex worker.

i still want to explore more of this thruple and have had plans to but with my writing hiatus, i haven’t focused on them much. but if anyone would like to see more of them, please let me know.

can’t believe they removed groupchats on here because now idk who’s gc i joined lol


Red Velvet: stitch 12

Mayans x SOA


SUMMARY: After running into some other club members on your way back to the hotel, you manage to convince Hank to bend the rules a bit and a stranger catches your eye.

WARNINGS: 18+ only; gambling mention, migraine mention, 1.7k words

AUTHOR’S NOTE: As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I struggle with tagging warnings. If I need to tag something, please let me know. Also, want to thank @lovebarefootblonde again for the lovely banner.

You are walking back to the hotel, trying your best not to drag your feet too much when you run into Creeper and Riz in front on the sidewalk.

“Hey guys,” you say excitedly. “Where are you headed?”

“This fool can’t hang, so we are headed back up to the room,” Creeper says, throwing a thumb over his shoulder at Riz, who shakes his head.

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Your writing is amazing cricket ❤️
