#criminal minds fanfiction


oop 2 fics coming tonight and emojis to describe one of them is,


i apologize for being rarely active and not posting anything. reason being is 1. school is very stressful which caused 2. me trying to aliven’t. and because of that i was then diagnosed with anxiety and adhd. i hope to be posting more fics soon for you all though. love you guys, <3.

Fic Rec Friday!

These are some of my fic recs from June 3rd, 2022 to June 10th, 2022!

Extremes by flylikeajailbird, T, WIP, Spencer Reid & BAU Team, Autism, Autistic Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia Has ADHD, Stimming, Sensory Overload, Meltdowns, Hyperempathy, Hypoempathy, Ableism, BAU as Family

Autism comes with extremes.

❤️Home for more than oneby@glowingspence​, G, 1.7k, Aaron Hotchner/David Rossi, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Family Feels, Established Relationship, Autism, Autistic Spencer Reid, Parental David Rossi, Parental Aaron Hotchner

Jack and Spencer decide to adopt multiple bunnies. Hotch is not pleased and afraid how Rossi will react.

Prompt:“Bunnies EVERYWHERE!”

Meet Me Where They Stop Timeby@chaotic-librarian, E, WIP, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Spencer Reid/Sam Winchester, Supernatural (TV Show), Fake/Pretend Relationship, Case Fic, Supernatural Elements, Magic, Bottom Spencer Reid, Top Aaron Hotchner

Prentiss and Morgan decide that Reid is dating FAS Director Sam Winchester, and Reid decides not to dispute it. So what happens when a team of profilers believe in a lie?

❤️Tell Ourselves a Good Lieby@writer-in-theory, E, 4.6k, Spencer Reid/GN!reader, 17+ for suggestive scenes and heavy topics, heavy discussions of addiction recovery, past drug use, narcotics anonymous meetings (only mentions going to them), language, angst, forbidden love

Spencer falls for the one person who is untouchable to him: his sponsor. He knows it’s a bad idea, but is he willing to take the risk? 

the closer you are the less you’ll see by@panevanbuckley, G, 3.9k, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, 5+1 Things, POV Outsider, Secret Relationship, Secretly Married, Established Relationship, Fluff, Spencer Reid is Jack Hotchner’s Parent, i wanna say this is set post season 5, but honestly it can be whenever you want, this is purely self-indulgent, i just want my boys to be happy, no beta we die like every damn member of the bau’s hopes and dreams of a normal life

5 times the team completely miss the signs of Hotch and Reid’s relationship, plus 1 time they finally get it

❤️Consequencesby@justiceforralvez, T, WIP, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Fuck Or Die, Aftermath, Mutual Pining, Feelings, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, References to Depression, Shovel Talk, Sexuality Crisis, Miscommunication, But only a little because that’s annoying, Getting Together, Eventual Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Derek Morgan, Protective David Rossi, Domestic Fluff, Fluff

Hotch and Spencer deal with the aftermath of what happened. Both feeling guilty for different reasons, but mostly for enjoying what happened so much.

This is them trying to navigate potentially being more than just coworkers, despite the unorthodox beginning to their relationship.

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Taglist:@ssa-sarahsunshine,@justiceforralvez,@brillianthijinx,@morelikehoetchner,@lizzielovegood-blog,@merpancake,@sparklinspence,@spencersfunkysocks,@spencer-reids-adventures@castielryan,  @spencermyangel,@aestheticofanartist

❤️ Whump Spencer Reid Fic Recs ❤️

This Friday, instead of my normal fic recs of the week, I figured I would rec the Whump Spencer Fics from my May Challenge. Each participant was given a Bad Person, Bad Thing and an optional one line prompt to make a Spencer Whump focused fic. Some fics are still being worked on and will be added as they are finished. 


SFW Fics 

 burnt out, torn down (from the inside out)by@dr-charlie-eppes - Horreid, One of the unfortunate realities of Spencer Reid’s life is the fact that he has to prove himself wherever he goes. That’s probably how he ended up in this mess.

❤️ Although the cage is made of gold, it is still a prisonby@junaizumi-blog - Hotchreid, Spencer is spiraling after getting out of prison, a reunion with an old flame will make him question what he wants as an omega, and Aaron Hotchner is unwilling to let him go again.

 Spencer Reid Whump by ProfessorWorm - Hotchreid, Spencer is new to the BAU, has a panic attack and Hotch learns more about his newest agent.

❤️ i don’t want to be the one the battles always choosesby@spencer-reids-adventures - Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid, Five times Spencer Reid was afraid, and one time he wasn’t.

 Contrastby@spencermyangel - Derek Morgan & Spencer Reid, “I never wanted anyone to know,” Spencer whispered, and Morgan studied him carefully. Spencer took a deep breath and started rocking back and forth. Spencer tells Morgan a secret he thought he would never share with anyone.

❤️ Stop Talkingby@ssa-atlas-alvez - Gen, Turns out, not all local law enforcement officers are nice.

 Baby genius is lateby@sams-fluffadise​ - The BAU Team & Spencer Reid, Spencer/OMC, When the very punctual Spencer Reid is late for work, his friends get worried. He does not reassure them by showing up with a black eye and a split lip.

❤️ Running Toward Nothing @masterwords​ - Hotchgan, Hotch is injured in an explosion while on overseas assignment, putting Derek in a difficult position both with the team and with Spencer who has spent the last few months inadvertently falling in love with him.

NSFW/Explicit fics 

Hook, Line, Sinker (High on Misery)by@artdecodyke - Hotchreid, Moreid, Jemily  With the BAU all struggling with forms of addiction, Strauss comes up with the perfect plan: put them all on a bus home so they can arrive at Quantico detoxed and ready again

❤️ Not in a Way That Matters by always_in_pain - Moreid, Things may seem better at work but home life just keeps getting worse now that Spencer and Derek are dating. The scariest part is, Spencer can’t see a way out.

 is it just me?by@writer-in-theory-Hotchreid, Spencer and Aaron said goodbye once before when the Hotchner family had to enter witsec to hide from Mr. Scratch. Years later, Spencer is expecting a happy reunion but may find out they’re just too different.

❤️ He Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty by @artdecodyke - Moreid, The only time that Spencer is quiet is when he’s on heroin. The only time Derek’s voice breaks is when Spencer can’t quit. Spencer doesn’t want Derek to suffer as he does.

 Team Bondingby@brillianthijinx - Hotchreid, Spencer doesn’t know what he’s in for when he’s called into Hotch’s office out of the blue. Will any of the team be able to help him?

❤️ Don’t Trust the Reaper by goobzoop - Hotchreid, When Hotch doesn’t show up for work, Spencer knows something is wrong. But nothing could have prepared him for just how wrong it could be.

Already Got Your Heartby@andiebeaword - Cat/Spencer, Spencer’s fresh out of prison, lying to his team once again. Did Cat Adams manage to dig her claws all the way to his heart?

❤️ Who’s Afraid Of the Bogeyman?by@pandorasdreamings-Spencer Reid & BAU Team, When Spencer is kidnapped by Mr. Scratch, they must race against time to save him before his mind breaks. There’s only so much even a genius can take.

Silk Roadsby@highwayfiftyeight-Hotchreid, Spencer/OFCs, Spencer/OMCs, One moment is all it takes. One moment for his friends to look away. Then he’s gone. Spencer gets taken. Hotch and the team have to find him.

Link to collection - I will be keeping the collection open for at least another month to make sure the people that asked for more time get it. The questionnaire for a prompt will remain open until then as well for anyone else that might want a prompt, or another one. I listed the prompts that were given out but weren’t able to be finished on the collection profile for free use as well. 

Thank you everyone that participated in my first collection! These have all been so wonderful and I had a blast. I most likely won’t be doing another collection until after summer as I already have several projects planned but feel free to drop an ask for suggestions 

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Taglist:@ssa-sarahsunshine,@justiceforralvez,@brillianthijinx,@morelikehoetchner,@lizzielovegood-blog,@merpancake,@sparklinspence​,@spencersfunkysocks​,@spencer-reids-adventures@castielryan​,  @spencermyangel​,@aestheticofanartist


Summary: The BAU is accustomed to change – different cases every day, agents coming and going, roles changing – so the addition of a new member, an Administrative Liaison, should be no different. But the moment you arrive, everything changes for the better (Hotch just doesn’t realize it at first)…


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

…and more to come


Spencer Reid x Y/N

*Explicit Content Warning*


Y/N paced slowly along the living room floor biting along her lip in deep thought, a fantasy, actually. Fantasizing of something she had been wanting to ask Spencer all day. She didn’t know why she felt so hesitant to ask him, because Spencer never made her feel ashamed of her desires. In fact, Spencer, being more experienced loved to show her the depts he could take her. One thing Spencer did not expect, is taking her to those depts over the year of their relationship would awake a sleeping giant inside her. An insatiable hunger, that consumed her, turning his sweet innocent girlfriend into a fiend for his touch.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Spencer’s smooth voice brought her back from her fantasy, making her still, looking over to him sitting at his desk across the room. He still stared down at the book resting in his hand, which had kept his attention from her for the last hour. “What do you mean?” Y/N asked softly. “You only pace when you’re nervous.” He points out, turning the page in his book delicately. She feels the blush rising to her cheeks, building the courage to ask him.

“I’m…Do you know what edging is?” Y/N finally blurts, causing Spencer to finally look up from his novel. He wears a small smirk, an almost cocky glint to his honey eyes. “Yes, why do you ask?” He questions back, intrigued by her initial question. He watched her fiddle with the edge of her skirt, blushing adorably trying to keep her eyes on his. “I want to try it.” She proclaims clearly with impressive confidence.

She had Spencer’s full attention now, watching him slowly fold the book close, and lifting his eyebrow in surprise at his girlfriend. “Are you sure? It can be intense.” Spencer cautions, setting the book down on the desk. “Yes, I’m sure, please?” Y/N pleads, pouting her lips as she always did to draw Spencer in. A deep sigh left his chest, contemplating what Y/N wanted. His eyes narrowed at hers, trying to read her, looking for any hesitancy before he spoke. “Go take your clothes off and wait at the end of the bed for me.”

Spencer’s order made her core throb, imagining what he was about to do to her. She only nodded before hurrying to their bedroom to follow his instructions. He gave her a couple of minutes to get undressed, plus a couple more just to let her own anticipation tease her. Once he did walk to their bedroom, he found her just as he instructed, perched on the end of the mattress naked, all for him.

She looks up at him with big excited eyes, smiling seeing him lean against the doorframe. “Open your legs kitten” Spencer calmly speaks, making her swallow hard before slowly spreading herself for him. Even from the doorway, he would see the glistening mess already forming between her legs just at the thought of him, making him smile devilishly.

Y/N was beautiful, every curve and imperfection amazed Spencer. He didn’t think a person could be perfect before meeting Y/N, but she never failed to take his breath away. Feeling his own desire hardening in his shorts, he had to remind himself to stay focused on the task at hand.

“Perfect, now rub your pretty little clit until I say stop.” Her face frowns in confusion, she wanted Spencer to edge her, not herself. “But I thought you-” She begins to question his command, but Spencer’s eyes silence her. That look he gave her when she was misbehaving, begging to be punished. She knew better than to question him, so she did as told.

A small whine left Y/N’s lips when she touched between her folds, feeling her arousal coat her fingertips. She wedged her opposite arm behind her to keep balance, slowly circling her crest as Spencer said. Spencer followed her motions carefully with lust-filled eyes, making her feel embarrassed, desired, sexy, and vulnerable all at once. It was a thrill, one that she loved to chase.

“Eyes on me, Kitten.” Spencer coys as her head fell back, becoming lost in the rush. She looks back to him, breathing heavily now as her core fluttered for more. Her hips roll against her hand, chasing after release, craving Spencers touch. “Please, Spencer.” Y/N moans out, seeing the tent forming in his shorts. He stands straight, taking a few steps before reaching the bed, kneeling before her.

Spencer keeps his eyes on her as he reaches under each corner of the bed, retrieving restraints. “I just want you to remember you asked for this.” Spencer groans yanking her legs wider to secure the leather cuffs. Her eyes gleamed with excitement seeing what he had done, making her balance at the very edge of the mattress as he tightened the leg restraints.

“I want it, please Sir.” She begs still working her clit, feeling herself building close to climax. Spencer stands back in front of her, pulling his t-shirt over his head. Y/N eyes flutter trying to remain open as she looks over his soft-toned chest and torso. Gosh, he’s gorgeous is the last thing she thinks before her stomach coils, making her gasp.

“Stop” Spencer booms, making her jump from her skin. She retracts her hand reluctantly, wanting to close her legs to stop the burning ache, understanding now why he restrained her. “Fuck.” Y/N whines, closing her eyes to stop her legs from shaking. “Oh that’s just one baby, it gets much better trust me.” Spencer laughs watching her reaction. Once her eyes open again, she sees him walking back toward the bed, sliding the small corner chair across from her.

Spencer cupped her face, stroking over her cheek tenderly as she took another deep breath. Leaning into her, he ghosts his lips over hers shifting to her ear. “It’s going to get more intense each time, okay. You remember your safe word?” Spencer hums making sure she knows what to expect. “Yes” Y/N confirms, shifting anxiously. “Yes?” Spencer snaps, gripping her jaw tighter. “Yes, Sir” She corrects shuttering at his voice. “Good girl.” Spencer praises before attacking Y/N neck, sucking and licking at the sensitive skin.

Her body jolts as Spencer finally draped his skilled fingers against her pussy, hypersensitive from her fingers before. Y/N clutches his shoulders, staring at him with heavy eyelids as he rubbed her slick folds. He knew it wouldn’t be long until she was shaking again, on the verge of cumming.

“Is my little girl about to cum?” Spencer chuckled, rubbing faster making her speechless only able to nod. The warm rush filled her body, just short of reaching her core when Spencer slipped his hand away. Y/N fell against his shoulder, sounding a loud sigh of frustration.

Spencer held her for a minute until she could sit back straight, sweat starting to form on her brow. Y/N couldn’t decide if she regretted asking Spencer to edge her yet, as her legs burned and her pussy ached for release. She wasn’t given the time to decide due to Spencer sliding two fingers into her, causing her to cry out, him feeling her body clenching around his fingers desperately.

“Spence- I can’t.” Y/N coughed. Although; her body acted opposite of her words, grinding along Spencer’s fingers wildly. “Yes, you can kitten, look how you’re practically bouncing on my fingers.” He breathed, using his other hand to tilt her head down to watch his long fingers sink into her. “You see that? My perfect girl, your pretty little cunt dripping all over my hand. Fuck, you’re beautiful like this.” She moans loud at his praise, overflowing emotions causing tears to build in her eyes.

Spencer was feral, his eyes clouded over, becoming more lost in the game he loved so much. Only focused on her and how he made her body react, wanting to drain every drop of her essence.

Moving his hand to frame her jaw yanking her to look at him, while continuing to curl his fingers deeper, feeding off of her moans and whimpers. “Please Sir, I need- shit… I’m gonna cum.” Y/N eyes go wide stuck to Spencer’s, biting his lips watching her melt further into his hands. “Not until I say you are” Spencer growls abruptly removing both hands. Y/N head falls back, gasping air feeling the dull burning spread over her whole body. Her eyes flutter close, feeling drained from Spencer’s torture. Closing her eyes was a mistake because she didn’t see what Spencer was about to do.

“Ah fuck!” Y/N screams releasing all the air from her lungs, her whole body jerking against the restraint. She looks down to see a vibrator wand pressed firmly to her clit, her mouth gaping from the overload of pleasure. Then to Spencer’s face, a wicked smile taking over his features. Y/N vision goes blurry before her eyes roll into her head, unable to control how her body convulsed.

“Is this what my naughty little girl wants, huh? I didn’t even have to punish you, you greedy, greedy girl.” Spencer whispers, supporting her while keeping the vibrator in place. Y/N tried to speak, tried to beg for release as she felt the familiar wave hitting her again, but couldn’t get the words to form. Luckily, Spencer knew her better than she knew herself.

“Cum for me Y/N, show me how good I make you feel.” Spencer finally gives permission, but not without turning up the strength of the vibrator to make her scream. Y/N gushed onto the cover, experiencing one of the strongest orgasms of her life, crying Spencers name as she shook.

Spencer turned off the toy, watching the last of the orgasm wash from Y/N. Spencer loved seeing her like this, the way her body nearly glowed after he pleased her. Although, this time when he looked into her eyes, it was different.

“Y/N” Spencer calls, she doesn’t respond, only continues to stare, not at him but through him. Spencer jumps from his seak, making it flip from his urgent movement. He rushed to unclasp her legs, catching her as she slides from the bed. Panic filled Spencer as he carried her to the center of the bed, laying her down gently.

“I’m right here baby, just breathe.” Spencer talks softly, cuddling against her limp body. Guilt filled his mind looking at his love, fearing he pushed her too far.  Y/N took in shallow breaths staring at the ceiling, feeling like her body was floating. A silent tear streamed down her face, which Spencer immediately wiped, and then covered them in a warm blanket.

“I-I need…” Y/N tried to mutter but Spencer put a finger to her lips. “I know kitten I’m right here.” He whispered shifting her tighter into his chest spooning her body to his. She couldn’t stop more tears falling from her eyes, clouded with so many emotions. She didn’t know why, but she just needed him.

“Don’t cry, you were so good kitten. I’m so sorry, I went too far.” Spencer continues to comfort her, stroking her hair as she evened her breathing. “Closer.” Her weak voice whispers to Spencer. He paused in confusion because he already cuddled her as close as possible. “What do you want closer?” A faint whine left her as she wiggled her body against his.

“You… Need to feel you.” She manages to answer making Spencer understand. Spencer reaches between their bodies, taking his dick from his shorts and resting himself against her pussy, letting her move onto him at her pace. She moaned softly at the full feeling, gripping Spencer’s arms as her walls warmed him. Spencer groaned lowly, struggling not to move against her with how amazing she always felt, but he needed to take care of her right now.

“Is that better baby?” Spencer asks. Y/N nods closing her eyes, listening to Spencer’s heartbeat to calm herself. After a few minutes, Spencer feels her hips begin to rock slowly, her gasping silently at the feeling.  

“Kitten, what are you doing?” He groans, using his hand to stop her movement. “I want to make you feel good.” Y/N says still facing away from him. “You don’t need to do that, you always make me feel good. Okay?” Spencer tries to convince her, but her voice broke him. “Please?” It sounded so weak but angelic at the same time, he clenched his eyes for a moment knowing he would give into her.

He moved his arm to wrap around her waist, then slowly pushed into her pussy again, setting a slow pace so she didn’t have to move. Moans and whimpers began falling from both of them, letting the close feeling overtake them. Spencer never sped up but continued to love her body, massaging over her breast gently as he did.

It was as their bodies became one, shifting in sync until they were both panting softly from the pleasure. “I want you to cum too, Spencer.” Y/N announced, feeling Spencer pulsing inside her. “I don’t have to baby, I promise I’m okay.” Spencer countered. “Please.” She whimpers reaching back to touch his face.

“Fuck, you’re so perfect Kitten.” Spencer groans, gripping her a little tighter to shift deeper. Kissing along her neck, Spencer closed his eyes chasing his release. Letting the slow, deep strokes pull him to the edge, listening to her increasing moans.

“Are you going to cum with me, baby?” Spencer pants feeling her body tightening around him. She nods frantically scratching into the arm steadying her, as they both orgasm around each other.

“I love you, Spencer.” Y/N whispers smiling in bliss. “I love you more, Y/N.”

Use Me (Part 2)

Spencer Reid x Reader


*Mature Contet Warning*

Use Me Part 1!

Summary: After the proposal, Spencer and Reader finally get married. On their honeymoon night, Spencer wants to return the favor to Reader. In the end they both discover a new trait of each other.

When she finally peered around the corner the earth stopped. I became deaf to all the surrounding distractions, even the music faded away. She was the only person I saw, and the only person I wished to. I couldn’t recall a more beautiful sight in my life, the sun coating her skin as if it shined solely for her, casting an angelic glow.

She looked up approaching the beginning of the aisle, her eyes darting straight to mine, knocking the air from my lungs. She smiles so warmly causing me to match, pushing the building tears of joy down my face. She couldn’t be described as less than perfect. It became strenuous to breathe at her sight, even so, she was my purpose for breathing.

With each step she took descending the aisle toward me, toward our future, toward our forever, all doubts left my body. I knew with every ounce of me this was the best decision of my life. After all my heartache and loss, I honestly lost hope of love before she restored me. For that, I would always be in her debt.

Her white dress floated over the sand effortlessly, rolling over the thrown flower peddles. Even with our family and friends standing in rows, watching as she passed, my eyes never divert from her. I scanned over her, hoping to memorize every little detail of this moment.

How gorgeous she looks, how her hair is flowing back in the breeze, how her dress hugged her perfectly, but mostly how she looked at me. If there was a physical embodiment of love; the way she looked at me was it. She looks as if I am irreplaceable, like a precious stone she adores, like I’m valuable.


Finally reaching the bottom of the aisle, still in the trance of Spencer’s eyes. Your heart couldn’t be controlled as is swelled with emotions. It beat as frantic as the breaths you kept having to remind yourself to inhale. You had waited so long for this very moment, for him, for love.

Thankfully your bridesmaid reaches for your flower bouquet, reminding you to pass it off to her. You then turn back to Spencer, him taking both of your hands in his. He promised you he wouldn’t cry so you wouldn’t make a mess of yourself, but neither of you stood a fighting chance.

The ceremony begins, but you can barely focus on anything but him. He lifts one hand slowly wiping your tears, smiling bigger than you had ever seen. However; the simple yet sweet act seems to make more tears come. You just couldn’t believe you were marrying the perfect man.

When time for the vows you thank the heavens he insists on saying his first. His hand is slightly shaky as he reaches inside his jacket pocket, retrieving note cards. You giggle softly, of course, he would write his down even with his memory. You hear him try to clear his throat, looking back up to you.

You nod reassuringly, taking in a deep breath so he would copy. He looks back down to his note card, scanning it before clearing his throat again to speak. “From the day we met, I knew you were unlike anyone else to have walked this earth. I also knew a woman of your beauty would never be interested in me..” he coughs out a laugh, the nervous tone finally leaving his voice. “But on March second three years ago, I finally built the courage to ask you to accompany me to dinner. You gave me a chance and have made my life amazing ever since. I spent my life searching for a missing piece, the piece to bring me joy, love, and comfort. You are that missing piece, the piece that completes me. I promise to love all of you, even your flawed theories.” He looks back at you smiling, everyone laughing at his words. He pauses for a moment, eyes narrowing in thought. He swiftly shoves the cards to his pocket, returning his hands to yours.

He sighs deeply staring into your eyes. “Y/N… I love you, almost to the point of insanity. The smartest thing I ever did was ask you to marry me, and even standing here I’m still shocked you said yes. You are perfect to me, and no one else will ever hold your place. No one else could ever compare to your heart, your intelligence, or how you love me. I never want to spend a day without you in my life, and I promise to stay by your side as long as you’ll let me. To make you smile every day, to take care of you, to protect you with my last breath. I can promise I won’t be perfect, but I will spend the rest of my life trying my hardest to make you happy. You deserve the world, and I hope to give it to you. I love you, and will love you for the rest of our lives.” He finally breathes finishing his vows, leaving you sobbing from his incredible words.

A tissue is passed to you, you quickly try to dab your eyes. “I knew you would do this to me.” You admit to Spencer, he always had such an incredible way with words unlike you. “You’re still beautiful” he chuckles back, smiling down at you adoringly. The crowd was in unison causing you to blush. You take a deep breath nodding that you were ready, trying not to let your emotions take over.

“Spencer. I have never felt as loved and adored than the last years of my life with you. I’ve dreamed of this day for so long, but you made the wait worth every minute because being with you feels like home. You always say you’re the lucky one, but you make me the happiest girl in the world. I promise to always strive to be the wife you deserve and your peace from the outside world. I’m forever grateful for your love, and how you accept all of me, even the parts of me I cannot love myself. You are perfect for me in every way; selfless, caring, brilliant, and very sexy…” You pause laughing. Spencer shakes his head while blushing, tears still slowly streaming his beautiful face. “…and I want you to know how much I admire you. I promise to be faithful to you, and follow you wherever life takes us. To be your best friend and cherish you always. I can’t wait to live the rest of our lives as your wife, and I hope I can make you feel as loved as you make me.” You manage to say your vows without crying too much.

“Well, I believe that says it all, do we have the rings?” The officiant announces. Spencer turns to a smiling Derek waiting with your ring. He nods to Spencer and then looks to you. Spencer takes the ring, breathing deeply. You retrieve his ring from your bridesmaid, smiling brightly at you. This is it, the final step.

The officiant continues “May these rings symbolize the promises you made today, that your love lasts as long as you wear them. Y/N do you take Spencer to be your husband?” He asks you, your stomach erupting in butterflies. You look to Spencer, still staring at you like rare art.

“I…I do” You cry out, smiling back at him. You extend your shakey hand to spencer, he gently grasps it while sliding the stunning ring up your finger. He keeps your hand, staring down at the ring with pride.

“Do you Spencer take Y/N to be your wife?” He looks up to you, eyes overflowing with emotion. “Of course I do” He responds confidently, letting your hand release to place his ring. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride.”

Spencer takes both sides of your face, engulfing you in a mesmerizing kiss. Incredibly soft yet deliberate, making everyone else disappear, leaving only your shared passion. You finally separate to an eruption of cheers, now married your best friend.

The next hours are beautifully hectic, after your first dance, cake, the bouquet, and garter tosses, and thanking everyone for joining your perfect day; you are exhausted. Spencer and you escape to the waiting car, him carefully tucking your dress in behind you before shutting your door.

You lean into his shoulder enjoying the calmness and his warmth. “Did you have a good time love?” Spencer asks softly caressing your hair. “It was perfect.” You smile up at him, then gently kiss against his lips, still tasting the champagne from earlier. “I just didn’t think it would be so tiring.” You continue snuggling back into him. “Well, I hope you can stay awake for the rest of our celebration.” He whispers seductively in your ear, causing you to bite along the edge of your lip. “I think I can manage that.”

The ride to the hotel is only a few minutes thankfully because you were dying to get out of your dress. Spencer takes your hand as you enter the hotel, heading straight to the elevators. Once the elevator doors close he wraps you into his arms, tilting your chin up to him.

“You know I love you right?” He asks holding a serious expression. “Of course dear” You ensure him. He lowers his lips to yours, not pushing but kissing you sweetly, letting you feel his love. The chime of the door opening on your floor ends the kiss, he takes your hand again walking down the bright hall until you see a sign that says ‘congratulations’ above the door number.

“I’m guessing this is us” You gesture to the door, stopping so he can retrieve the key. He opens the door, allowing you to enter first. Your eyes have to adjust to the dim light of dozens of candles, making your breath catch in surprise.

You further discover a tray of fruits set at the end of the bed, accompanied by a bottle of body oil, and hand towels. Spencer steps closely behind you, wrapping his arms firmly around your waist. “Did you set all this up?” You ask him after taking it all in. “Mhmm” He hums, placing kisses down the slope of your neck, feeling your skin come to life with goosebumps. “You’re too sweet” you sigh loudly while exposing more of your neck to him.

“Only the best for you, Mrs. Reid” Your stomach couldn’t help but explode in more butterflies that he had kept fluttering all day. “Well thank you, Mr. Reid” You laugh softly, letting your shoulders fully relax. “Don’t thank me yet. I want tonight to be all about you. I was thinking we could start with me giving you a nice massage. Does that sound good?” He whispers against your skin, your breath becoming heavy. “That sounds amazing.”

“Mmm, then let me get you out of this dress.” He announces and gently pulls to the zipper of your dress. The dress begins to fall revealing your body slowly, letting the cool air coat your body. “You look so beautiful today. Well, you’re always beautiful, but today you’re finally all mine.” You could hear the smile in his voice, making you smile also. “Yeah, I still can’t believe it.” You admit, turning about in the pooled dress around your heels. “Me either” He smiles up to you holding the dress down for you to step out of.

You use his shoulder to balance yourself, stepping out of the dress, letting him see your white lingerie. You could see him swallow hard, his eyes shifting glossy with lust, slowly taking in your body. He quickly stood closing the space between your bodies. He captures your lips in his again, although this kiss was nothing of the one in the elevator.

You can feel his hunger grasping onto your hips like a lifeline, that only your body could save him. You had been waiting weeks for this night, both of you agreed not to have sex for a while to build the excitement of tonight, and now you want nothing more for him to take you.

“Please, Sir.” You pant against his lips, trying to draw out the inner him you so desired. He clenched his eyes harshly, pressing his forehead to yours as he released a strangled groan. “Baby don’t do that to me. I want this to be special” “This is special, you’re here.” You didn’t need anything special, you just needed him.

Even with your best plea he still doesn’t give into you. “Come on, lay on the bed.” He walks you over to the bed, you tease him slowly crawling up the cover twisting your ass in the air. The mattress is heavenly soft as you settle against the covers, feeling the bed shift as he joins behind you.

“Fuck, you’re so perfect” He groans kneading his fingers over your ass. You moan softly just at the touch, your body on pins and needles from being deprived so long. His hands travel up the bend of your spine, stopping at the clasp of your bra. He quickly unclasped it and then moving to remove your bottom set and garter.

“What do you have planned for tonight?” You ask curiosity as he finishes throwing your heels down to the ground, hitting the wood floor with a loud thud. “Well, I want to give you a massage…” His words pause as you feel a cool substance drizzled down your back making you shiver in reflex. His hands begin to spread the oil over your skin smoothly, running circles at the tight muscles.

“And then you get to choose whatever you want tonight, no rules.” He finishes his explanation, and your eyes open in surprise. “No rules?” You ask to clarify. “Mhmm” He hums now making his way to your shoulders. “What have you done with my Spencer?” You joke with him, knowing sexually he is usually very controlling.

He chuckles working back down your spine, making you moan as he worked the muscles magically. “Oh I’m still me, I just want tonight to be about you.” He whispers kissing over your shoulder sweetly. Your breath catches as his hands round your ass, gently squeezing. You couldn’t help arching for him, lifting your ass to him causing him to softly laugh again.

“Always so eager huh?” “Yes, for you” You answer through deep breaths, trying not to squirm from his touch. He groans at your words, but still passes where you want his touch most. You couldn’t decide which was more tormenting to you as he began massaging your legs.

“I think you’re trying to tease me.” “Would I do that?” He asks, sarcasm drenching his words. “I’d say you’re an expert.” You huff trying to control yourself as he slides a finger slowly down the underside of your foot. He knows how ticklish your feet are, and loves to use them against you.

“You know you love it. How you start crying because it’s too much.” He punctuates the sentence with kisses along the front of your foot, slowly moving toward your calf. “But then you still beg me for more.” He continues making your walls clench around nothing. You can tell by the raspiness in his voice he is losing his control.

“It always makes you so wet for me, my perfect little girl. Fuck.” He growls near your ear, now back hovering over your body. You whimper at his words, also reliving memories of him torturing you until you would cum. “Tell me, baby girl.” He starts, bringing his hand to rub over your ass again, dangerously close to your aching pussy.

“Are you wet for me now?” He whispers, surely enjoying the way he causes your body to shutter. Since he stated you had no rule, you could play along. “Why don’t you tell me.” His hand quickly shifts to your inner thigh, slowly tickling the soft skin as his finger slid up. A beautiful moan roars from his chest as he feels your folds, coating his fingers. “You better hurry up and tell me what you want before I fuck you into this mattress right now.”

You can barely think, let alone decide what he should do next. “I…I don’t know. You usually decide.” You breathe out honestly, hoping not to disappoint him. “Here turn over” He instructs moving beside your body. You turn to your side, noticing his still clothed state while his eyes lingered over your naked body.

“You still have on all your clothes.” You whine, apparently pulling Spencer from a sort of trance, eyes snatching back to yours. “I can fix that” he smiles sliding off the end of the bed. He turns back to watch you, starting with his tie. He removes it smoothly, then making quick work of the buttons of his shirt. His eyes never drop from yours, even as he peels off his last piece of cover, kicking the briefs to the side of the room.

Spencer strokes over his cock slowly, making his way back to the bed. You bite your lip, practically drooling over the sight. He lays back onto the bed one arm perched under his head, with an arrogant smirk as if challenging you. Putting all of himself on display to see what you would do with him.

“So we do what I want?” You ask moving slowly to close the distance between your bodies. He only nods to you in response. “But I always want whatever you want.” You pout, he honestly did always know what your body needs somehow. “No, you usually brat your way into what you want.” He chuckles and takes your hand guiding you to straddle his hips.

You gasp slightly once completely lowered, feeling his hard cock nestle against your dripping pussy. You were hardly ever on top unless as part of a punishment. “But now all you have to do is tell me, and your wish is my command.” You laugh fully this time, still not taking him seriously. He raises an eyebrow at you, seeming to come to a realization.

He moves the hand from under his head to grip your thigh, not roughly, just holding you in position. He uses the other to fold your body against him, causing your pussy to press hard against his member, bring your lips to his. You couldn’t stop how your hips rocked, the friction causes you to moan into the kiss.

“Am I going to have to force you to tell me your desires love?” He breathes into your ear, tauntingly swaying his hips, making you continue grinding on him. Your head falls into the crook of his neck, singing soft moans into his ear. The faster he moves, the wetter you become, coating his cock like sticky icing. “Come on baby girl. Or, we can just go to sleep if you don’t want anything” “No. No…Please. I wanna cum so bad.” You beg sitting up frantically. He grips your hips harder, making you grind faster over him. “Oh, you want to cum? Just tell me how you want to cum baby. You don’t have to ask permission, I’ll keep going as long as you want. You can use me tonight.”

You cry out at his words, staring down at him with doe eyes. He smiles at your surprised reaction, but he had never done this before. You think for a moment until you settle on something you had been wanting to ask for a while.

“I want your mouth” You finally give him an answer. He nods but has a disappointed look in his eyes. He gave you oral sex regularly. “Okay lay on your back for me.” “No, I want to sit on your face.” You bravely request, enjoying the pleasantly surprised look he gives you.

As if he was being timed, he rushes to lift your thighs, practically tossing you toward his face. He wiggles until nestled perfectly between your thighs, kissing along your inner thighs. He finally licks a slow strip up against your center, causing you to gasp gripping into his curls. “Move baby, make yourself feel good.” Spencer mutters between your legs.

You oblige swirling your hips rhythmically, becoming lost in the pleasure of his tongue. “Fuck. Right there!” You scream feeling your thighs squeeze around his head. It had been so long since you had any sort of pleasure, you knew you were going to cum quick. Especially with how Spencer rolled his tongue over your nerves, not changing his speed or technique, but constantly building to your climax.

You look down between your legs, finding his dark lust-filled eyes staring up your body just able to watch your face as he ruined you. Your mouth gapes, a silent scream catching in your throat, legs shaking around him. Spencer knew that face too well, pulling down on your legs so you couldn’t escape his pleasure.

“Oh my gosh. I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I… Fuck Spencer” You chant until your voice fades into a high pitch moan, now rocking wildly on your husband’s beautiful face, drawing out every ounce of pleasure you could. You manage to slow your breathing, as Spencer laps up the last of the wet mess he caused. He slides you back down to his lap sitting up to face you; his lips and chin glistening from your arousal. You smile weakly, pressing your foreheads together.

“That was amazing.” “Mmm, was it?” He brags, knowing how skilled he is with his mouth. “Oh shut up” You giggle but then freeze realizing what you said. His eyebrows lifted surprised as well, you swallow the lump that instantly formed on your throat. “I’m sorry, Sir.” You immediately apologize. “I said no rules right.” He replies, but you could see how he itched to punish you. “Oh okay.” You nod, sighing in relief.

“So what next?” He asks placing soft kisses across your collar bone. You whimper, tangling your hand through his soft locks trying to think. Then a perfect idea hits you. You smirk defiantly at him, biting at the corner of your lip. Him instantly reading you “What are you about to do?” He asks with caution. “Don’t worry baby nothing crazy…” You begin trailing your fingers down his chest until you reach the start of his neatly trimmed hair at his pelvis. “I just figure since I don’t have any rules, I’ll do a little teasing myself.”

His eyes grew large as you took his beautiful dick in your hand, spreading the drops of precum over his tip, making his breath hitch. He eagerly lunged to your lips, groaning against your lips as your hand began stroking him slowly. You relish in the rare moment, hardly ever are you allowed to pleasure him freely.

“Touch me” You huff dividing your lips, gazing into his eyes swimming with desire and need. His hand darts between your leg, instantly finding your clit, massaging in precise circles. Your previous orgasm left your body overly sensitive, taking no time for his fingers to start building you to crash again.

“Make me cum again Spencer” You cry out pressing your forehead to his again, still stroking him. He nods, holding the intense stare between you, feeling his breath fan against your face. You try to hold it, but it was too intense. His gorgeous warm eyes, pleasuring each other simultaneously, all made you shutter cumming on his fingers, not taking your eyes off his as it washes over you.

“Fuck baby girl, I love you so much.” Spencer moans, with his hands now scratching against the skin across your spine, kissing you wildly. “I love you more” You counter tugging at his hair again, loving the little whimper you caught, unlike any sound you’ve ever drawn from Spencer.

“Something wrong, pretty boy?” You whisper in his ear, knowing it’s a name you’ve been forbidden to use. His nails push harder into your skin, causing you to moan. “Just remember tomorrow is my night love…and I always get even.” He warns. Well, you should at least make it worth it.

“I’ll take my chances.” You smirk at him, quickening the pace of your wrist. You feel him twitch in your hand as he groans out again. “You’re about to…Fuck Y/N. I’m gonna cum.” His eyes rolling back. You shock yourself and Spencer with your next word.

“No” His eyes lock instantly to yours, his expression was priceless. “Wh…What?” He pants heavy. You lift to your knees, tightening your grip in his hair and pulling to make him have to look up to you. Using all your confidence to keep the dominant demeanor, you repeat the phrase he had told you so many times directly into his ear.

“You do not cum until I allow you.” You weren’t the only one full of surprises tonight. “Please” He whispers staring up at you with blown eyes, sweat glistening across his skin. You slowed for a moment, never expecting this side of Spencer. He looked so beautiful with pleading eyes, at your mercy. “I don’t know. Should I let you?” You smile, watching all his muscles tighten trying to obey, panting heavily with pleading eyes.

“I…I please…Can’t hold it.” He whimpers loudly gripping onto you tighter. “Cum for me baby” You purr deciding he had endured enough. He sobs out as his warm liquid explodes, landing on your stomach as you gently work him down from the high.

You grab a hand towel from the table to wipe your stomach, then throw it to the floor returning your attention to Spencer. “Just wait until tomorrow.” He laughs still taking deep breaths. “Shut up. I’m not done with you.” You demand pushing him flat to his back to straddle him again. “Yeah?” He chuckled still finding you amusing, but frankly, it insulted you.

So much so that you decided to punish him, and you had learned from the best. Your hand slapped across his handsome face before you had time to second guess your action. Spencer sounded a small gasp as his head lashed to the left hitting the pillows, soft in contrast to your hand. You did manage to control the harshness of the slap, successfully leaving a light red mark, but not hurting him.

Spencer’s eyes grew wide not expecting the quick movement “Y/N, what are…” He started but you interrupt him with another slap. “I didn’t say you could speak.” He groans once again, but you made sure to note the way his hips rut up against your core. You decide to agonize him a little farther, grinding against his dick with sharp glides of your hips.

“I’m not so cute and laughable now huh?” You taunt, watching him begin to pant, trying to move his hips along with yours to receive any pleasure. “I…I’m sorry” He moans gripping into your hips as the meeting place of your bodies becomes slick from your arousal.

“I don’t think so, I want you to beg me. Tell me what you want, remember? Beg!” You bark with a tone you didn’t know you possessed, and spencer certainly did not by his body shivering at your words. “Baby please, I need to fuck you.” “You can do better than that sweet boy” You purr moving down his neck, lightly licking against his earlobe.

“Fuck, I need your tight little pussy baby girl, please. I need to feel you around my cock, it’s been so long. Fuck, just please.” Spencer whined loudly, begging you with his best pleading eyes.  You moan out also not being able to control yourself through much more of this. You sink onto him, gradually filling your wet entrance until you couldn’t take anymore.

“Shit you feel so amazing” Spencer praises watching you ride him, slowly building your pace. “Ugh, you’re so big, fill me so good.” You cry tugging at your hardened nipples, while Spencer supported your hips to help you go faster.

You were getting so close, but yet still felt far off. You groan out in frustration, staring down at spencer. He smirked silently, knowing exactly what you needed, he had seen that gaze in your eyes enough to know.

“What’s wrong baby? What do you want?” He asks not hiding the cockiness laced in his voice? You could never let him win without a fight, so you delivered your final blow.  "I want my husband to make me cum all over your cock.“ You weren’t sure if it was the pleading whine of your voice, the innocent batting of your eyes, or hearing you call him husband for the first time, but the growl you heard from deep in his chest let you know he snapped before you were thrown under him. He doesn’t even pull out as he pins you under him, pushing your legs back to fuck you deeper before thrashing into you with godly force.

"Spencer!” You scream enduring his full force, feeling tears burning in your eyes. You then felt a hard slap across your face, much like the ones you delivered minutes before Spencer finally spoke. “You know my fucking name. Spencer’s gone. This is what you wanted right? For me to fuck you like the whore you are, hum?” His words made you clench even tighter around his dick, only adding to his hand clamping around your neck firmly, pushing you so close to release you could taste it.

“Yes, sir.” You manage to answer despite his hand constricting your throat. “You know…” He starts, groaning through his jaw clenched, chest heaving, desperately wanting to give you release with him. “…I like to feel your pussy cumming when I fill you up. Be a good girl…give it to me Y/N. Cum for me baby.”

Your air caught as he threw you recklessly into bliss, feeling your muscles begin to contract around him. “Yes yes yes, fuck. Such a good fucking slut for me.” He praises in your ear nestling against your body as you milked him until your orgasm eventually calmed letting him slide out gently.

“You never told me you’re a switch.” You laugh after coming back to your senses, looking over to him still glaring up at the ceiling. Spencer smiled back over to you. “Neither did you.”

Not My Father

Aaron Hotchner x Reader

*Mature Content Warning*


Summary: Reader gets arrested at a bar. Her boss comes to save her, but after months of frustration she doesn’t get the response she expects. However, she receives much more than she can handle. 

“That pervert is lucky all I did was break his nose” You roll your eyes at officer idiot questioning you. Treating you as some sort of criminal, when in actuality you put the worst of criminals away. “Well we called your supervisor; you can take it up with him” The officer snickered, a lump instantly formed in your throat.

“You called who?” You yell at the dumbstruck officer in front of you, clearly not expecting your panicked response. Just after the words left your mouth, your boss crossed the barrier into the holding room. Your stomach instantly flipped, as if you had been caught by a parent as a child. Your eyes meeting his; he stared with the same scolding glare you were expecting. The same look you’d seen many times; it always gave you chills. However, you had never been the one sitting on this side of the table feeling its full force. He folded his arms tightly over his broad chest, eyes lingering at the cuffs connected to your wrist.

At that moment, you couldn’t find words to defend what he was seeing, you could only imagine his thoughts. Your barely appropriate dress, your makeup, unlike anything he had seen at work. He finally peeled his eyes off of you, somehow that making you feel even worse.

“Please remove the cuffs, I can handle it from here. Thank you again for the call.” Hotch finally spoke, but only to the officer, nodding to him. He returned the nod and quickly walked over removing your restraints.

“Thanks.” You gripped at the idiot who arrested you, rolling your eyes at him again. Hotch shot you a warning glare, causing you to sigh while massaging your wrists. This night was utter bullshit. The officer finally left the room, you stood expecting to follow.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His stern voice forcing your body to freeze, sending chills down your entire spine. “Um, I thought I was allowed to leave.” You replied without looking directly at him, you didn’t think you could handle it right now. “You have nothing to say for yourself?” Hotch scoffed.

“I’m sorry?” You questioned, failing to sound sincere. He doesn’t respond this time, after an uncomfortable moment of silence you finally looked to meet his stare. He let out a frustrated sigh “Let’s go. Before I change my mind.” He cautions before leading us through the police station, again thanking the captain and same officer.

“Where is my car?” You ask once outside after you were returned your phone and I.D. “I’m guessing still at the bar you were picked up at, or by now at a towing company. You can deal with that in the morning, get in.” He answers not stopping his strides toward the black SUV. You hurry to enter, afraid he might leave you here, the cool night air sending additional chills over your body, still buzzing from earlier.

The ride has an eerie silence, you had never made Hotch this mad at you, the feeling honestly made you want to hurl. You notice you aren’t familiar with the street signs you were passing. “Can I ask where we are going?” You break the silence. “My place.” He answers blankly, not removing his attention from the road. “Why?” You dare to question. “Because it is late, and you were picked up from a bar.” He shot back gripping the steering wheel tighter, not seeming to give you another option.

After ten more agonizing minutes, he finally pulls into a parking garage. You quickly jump out of the car, following Hotch through a few hallways. You felt a wave of awkwardness once he finally stopped at the door. He quickly unlocked it and opened the door for you. You look at the open door, feeling like it was a threshold you shouldn’t enter.

“Look I’m fine, I can call a cab to take me to my car.” You insist, still not crossing the threshold. “No. You shouldn’t be driving, you can stay here.” He replied like it was an order. “We aren’t at work.” You spat not believing him. “Lower your voice, your yelling will wake others.” He corrected you again, you noticing the clenching of his jaw. You groaned pushing past him into the apartment.

“Look I appreciate this but..” you start to continue your previous argument but his deep voice cuts you off. “You’re correct agent, we are not at work. Meaning, that I did not have to leave my home in the middle of the night, coming to save you from being thrown in jail. You’re lucky Jack is away or you would’ve been there until Monday.” He chastised you again, but this time he was right. Although; still being a dick to you of all people.

“I didn’t ask you to, I didn’t even tell them I was an agent so don’t try to make me feel guilty.” You plead your case as he began to walk away. “I’m not trying to make you feel anything, maybe if you had more control of your actions you wouldn’t be in this situation.” He argues turning back in your direction. You finally noticed his different appearance, no jacket or tie, but jeans with an athletic shirt, his hair not styled but falling casually onto his face.

“I don’t even want to be in this situation, I’ll just go to my car.” You huff turning back walking to the door. You just reached the handle, when a large hand came in your line of sight, pushing against the door.

“I’m not letting you leave like this. I don’t know your mental state.” You hear spoken close behind you. You spin on your heels, slightly taken back by how close your boss was to you. “I promise I’m fine. I wasn’t drunk, and it’s been hours.” You roll your eyes again. “Obviously not, I have never seen you act like this.” His voice was desperately trying to hide his frustration with you for the evening, you could see his chest rising against the fitted shirt.

“What? Not perfectly following your orders? Not everyone is perfect like you Hotch.” You were yelling at this point, and you didn’t care. You had never seen a person with more patience and composure than Hotch, but you finally broke him. “You allegedly assaulted someone at a bar drunk, get arrested, risk your career, the reputation of the BAU, and my credibility as Supervisor. You honestly think you should go back out right now?” He yelled back shocking you, feeling his minty breath fan across your face.

“You don’t even know my side of the story!” You gasp at his assumptions. “How am I supposed to when you wouldn’t tell me?” He hisses, still holding his same position, you had never seen such fire in his eyes.

“You are not my fucking father Hotch” You yell again, refusing to let him overpower you.

Your back hit the door with a thud, causing you to groan into his mouth. His hands gripping onto your hips roughly, pulling your bodies as close as possible. One of your hands latching his shoulder to steady yourself, while your other tugged at his soft hair.

“Then stop being a damn brat” He all out growls directly in your face, not missing a beat. Your not sure who moves first, you honestly think it was instantaneous, but before you blinked your mouths clash desperately, hands frantically grasping onto wherever you could reach first.

You purposely tugged harder, retrieving a groan from him, hearing it igniting a hunger in you. His lips slightly parted, so you took advantage sliding your tongue over his, still determined not to be overpowered.

Your control is short-lived, as he shifts his leg up, making you gasp at the contact, your head craning against the cold door. Even on your tiptoes, you couldn’t relieve the pressure, perching you upon his thick thigh, causing your dress to bunch leaving only your damp underwear as a barrier.

“Did you think after your little game, I’d let you control me, sweetheart?” He huffs against your ear, in an even deeper tone than he usually held. You had never been affected by a pet name, but just coming from him made your walls clench, further agonizing you. You finally open your eyes, batting up at his dark eyes innocently. “I don’t know what you mean” you smirk. You felt a low chuckle in his chest, and then you were swiftly moved, flipping you to face the door.

“I’m having a hard time believing that y/n. You’ve spent months purposely teasing and frustrating me. This…” he pauses his sentence, using his foot to spread your ankles, gripping your wrist together. “Is exactly what you wanted correct?” He completes the question as a whisper against your ear, making you shutter against him. You weren’t giving in that easy.

“I honestly didn’t think you had it in you…old man.” You further push him, knowing your slight age difference being one of the things you regularly tease him about. He groans lowly at your words, pushing you harder against the door. “I still remember exactly how to handle a brat like you”

He punctuates the end of his sentence by effortlessly ripping your thin underwear from under your skirt, throwing the torn fabric to the floor. You shook at the cool air hitting your core, finally noticing how wet you were. His fingers brush over your center, gently spreading your arousal. You bite your lip to keep in the moans your body desperately want to release.

“Then why are you so wet for me sweetheart, hum?” Hotch hums in your ear, pushing his thick finger slowly into your pussy. You don’t bother trying to hold in your moans this time, overwhelmed by the feeling of your muscles clenching around this finger, attempting to take it as deep as possible.

As if a single finger wasn’t enough, he added a second stretching you delightfully. You scratch against his hand, as if some sort of plea, but the last thing you wanted was for him to stop as you could feel the pleasure building in your stomach. “Something wrong?” He coos arrogantly, watching your face morphing, as your pants of pleasure increase.

“Nothing” You manage to smart back without it sounding completely of a moan. By this point, you drenched his fingers, coating them entirely, letting him fuck his fingers into you as fast as he pleased. You hear a faint growl come deep from Hotch’s chest, almost sounding frustrated. “Don’t you lie to me; If you are not honest you don’t get what you want sweetheart” “And what do I want?” You laugh through a heavy breath.

He shifts an unoccupied finger up to graze your clit every time his fingers plunge into you, making you gasp against the cold door. He leans down to your neck, tickling your skin with his beard. “To be fucked like you wish those boys you entertain would fuck you.” Hearing your boss talk like that sends you spiraling, throwing your head back onto his chest to support you as your legs began to feel weak. Just as you clench around his fingers he retracts them, leaving you dripping down your thigh, craving satisfaction.

“What the fuck?” You yell spinning quickly to face him, he catches you by the neck placing you against the door again. Your breath caught, you felt like you didn’t have a voice with his large hand around your throat. The way he was staring at you, like his prey. It made your knees weak.

He lifts his other hand between your bodies, you could see his middle fingers glistening. He keeps his eyes nailed to yours, you still trying to calm your pathetic pants. Your mouth gapes as you watch him take the fingers in his mouth, he groans out twirling his tongue, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment savoring your taste. You were fucked.

He removes his fingers slowly, still watching you staring at him with big doe eyes. Then wiping the edge of his mouth with his hand. “Watch it, sweetheart. I’m not sure if you haven’t caught on… but I always give the orders. You will not cum until I allow.” You whimper loudly at his declaration, you had never had a man command you like this, but you couldn’t deny the effect it was having on your body.

“I’ll do what you say.” You whisper, barely audible, looking away from his eyes. Loosening his hand on your neck, using it to make you look back up to him. A faint smirk now played at the corner of his lips. “What was that?” He lightly chuckles. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes.

“I said I’ll do what you say. Happy?” You return the smirk. “Hmm, honestly I thought you’d be harder to break. I think you’re just trying to get what you want.” He informs you, moving his face closer to yours. You shrug your shoulders innocently. “Is it working?” You breathe against his lips before gripping onto his shirt pulling him flush against you.

His mouth explores yours again; it’s without a doubt the best kiss of your life. He was so skilled in his movements, and how he taunted you with his hands without actually pleasuring you. Maybe you had been dealing with boys before.

Hotch gripping into your hips, lifting you slightly before walking your bodies away from the door. You hardly notice he was moving you until your legs hit the back of a couch. He instantly spun you around making you a bit dizzy, folding you at the waist over the couch.

You couldn’t help the smirk that grew on your face hearing the chime of his belt buckle, you were getting exactly what you wanted. “I wouldn’t gloat so quickly y/n” Hotch warns. You try to look back to observe but cannot move from him keeping a hand on your neck, pushing your chest into the oversized cushion.

“And I shouldn’t because?” You entertain his warning. “Because this” is the only answer he provides, and you then feel the pressure. That of him forcing his cock in you with a single plunge, burying himself to your brim, ripping through any defiance left in you.

“Aaron!” You scream out his first name, gasping for the air he just knocked from your stomach. He was massive, stretching you uncomfortably, you didn’t have to see it to know you had never taken a cock this big. You were also sinfully a sucker for pain.

“Fuck” he groans above you, surly your tightness was affecting him also. You knew that he rammed into you purposely, not wanting you to be able to conform to his size before punishing you.

He made the single motion again, burying himself again and stopping, making you cry out again. “What’s wrong sweetheart? A brat like you can take it right?” His breathing is labored now, one hand still tightly holding you down, the other now roughly gripping your hip. He repeats the same hard single thrust, you can feel tears building at your lashes. The way he filled you was overwhelming.

“Please” you beg, squirming under him. You weren’t sure what you were begging for at this point, you just needed him. Every time he stills you could feel his cock pulsing deep in you, not delivering enough pleasure to relieve you, but only to further drive you mad.

“Oh, now you want to do what you’re told huh? Now you beg like a pathetic whore.” He responds with another snap of his hips. You couldn’t take much more, you felt as if you could combust at any second. “Aaron I can’t..please” you cry, feeling the tears stream over your face, he had finally broken you.

“Go ahead baby, call me what you really want. Go ahead.” He groans, pulling your head back by a fist full of your hair. He didn’t have to say it, you knew exactly what he meant, and he knew you wanted it. So you let everything out, all the months of frustration boiling over.

“Daddy, please…I’m yours…please” You wish you could’ve recorded the sound that escaped Aaron at that moment, a loud groan mixed with a needy whine. Matched by feeling his cock twitch inside you, struggling to stay composed hearing that name.

He throws his hips into you again, but this time it follows with another quick thrust, over and over, filling the room with a slapping noise and your moans. He keeps your hair pulled back, making your body hold the arch for him to angle deeper, brushing your g spot with each hard thrust.

“Yes yes yes, don’t stop” You scream, him finally giving you what you needed. “Can you take it, baby? You’re so damn tight” He grunts, you weren’t going to last with him calling you baby. “Yes, daddy, harder please” you plea, wanting him to ruin you. He grants your wish, fucking you harder, you gasping feeling it all the way in your stomach. You would certainly be bruised tomorrow, but the pain would be worth it.

“Fuck daddy. So good… so fucking deep.” You cry, feeling your body begin to tingle, your legs shaking against him. He groans feeling you tightening “Cum for daddy sweetheart.” He encourages through his heavy breaths, and that’s all it takes to make your body snap. He slows his motions slightly letting you ride out your orgasm, your walls still fluttering around his thick cock.

He releases your head, you not having the energy to stay upright you letting it hang down against the couch. “Shit that’s was amazing” You whisper, causing him to chuckle and slowly begin to move into you again. Your eyes flash open realizing he still hadn’t finished.

“Aaron I can’t” you whine, your body couldn’t possibly take more of this. “Oh I’m not finished, and neither are you” He growls in your ear, you couldn’t help but moan out at his tone. “I can’t take anymore” You whine again, only fueling him. He releases the hand that was holding you, now gripping onto both of your hips harshly, definitely leaving a mark. There was no reason to restrain you anymore, he knew you were his.

Hotch returns to the same pace he held previously, causing your eyes to roll back as you yelp, grasping onto the couch for dear life it felt. “Don’t forget your place sweetheart. You’re done when I say brat…” he pauses his sentence, repositioning one of his hands to your front. “And I think you can give me one more.” He states as he set fire to your body rubbing fiercely over your clit, steadily pushing himself deep, determined to make you unravel again.

“Daddy” You scream, feeling your body giving in to him, his thrust becoming frantic, his moans become beastly with each thrust. “Give it to me y/n. Ahh… fuck. I know you want to baby.” Is his final pleasuring cry to take you with him, as he made a final slap against your body to sheathe himself fully.

“Oh, Aaron” Is all you can cry as the air hitches in your throat. All at once, your body erupts again, feeling him filling you with his seed. Grasping onto him to anchor yourself to reality, uncertain this level if euphoria is real, or if you’ll ever get to relive it again.

Drained of any energy, your body collapses into his, feeling his arms catch you and lifting you sweetly into his embrace. Although; unable to open your eyes, you feel him carefully carrying you, and then the soft cushion of a bed. You weren’t sure how long he was gone, but your body slightly jumps at the feeling of a wet cloth between your thighs.

“Wha..what are you doing?” You mutter against a pillow and hear him softly laugh at you. “I’ve got you, sweetheart, just rest” He replies in a very tender voice. He softly wipes your leg, erasing the proof of your shared pleasure. Even half-conscious you had never felt so adored. Following; you feel him slide the heels off your feet, and then tug at the end of your dress to remove it. Your dress is finally off, and you feel it would be silly to care about after the deed you two just committed.

You are only naked for a couple of seconds before he wiggles a soft t-shirt over your body, oversized enough to be a nightgown. It smells strongly of him, which comforted you, but not as much as him pulling you into his bare chest, kissing your forehead just as you slip into an exhausted sleep.

Please let me know if this should be turned into a short series! Thanks loves!

I’m Fucked Up

(Spencer Reid x Reader)

*Mature Content Warning*

Summary: Reader notices new strange behavior of Spencer, who usually keeps their interactions very brief. She later finds he’s struggling to resist bringing her into his world of pain and pleasure.


“Merry Christmas doll!” Rossi smiles opening his front door. “Merry Christmas Rossi!” You giggle receiving his warm hug. You were nervous, this was your first annual team Christmas party. Following Rossi into the large living room, smiling and waving at everyone.

Emily walks up to you holding two drinks. “About time Y/N! Here you’ve got some catching up to do” She smiles handling you the glass. “No problem.” You laugh and quickly down the drink.

After making small talk for a while, you then went to make another drink. Entering the kitchen to see Spencer doing the same. “Hi, Spencer.” You greet softly, trying to not be awkward and he glances up at you. “Hi.” Is all he answers quietly after clearing his throat, you noticed he did that a lot when he spoke to you, which didn’t happen often. He quickly looks back down to his glass and then stepped away from the counter letting you get to the drinks.

Spencer was nice, but you always felt like he kept you at a distance since you joined the team. He wasn’t rude, but not friendly like he was with everyone else. You had only been on the team 5 months, so you figured he just took a while to warm up to new people.

You begin fixing your drink, and you could feel eyes on the backside of your body. You hear a deep strangled breath from behind you, it almost sounded like a growl. You froze, not sure what to do. Was that Spencer?

“Time for secret Santa!” You hear announced from the living room by Penelope. Turning around hesitantly on your heels to look, but there was no one else in the kitchen now. You walk to the next room, seeing Spencer now sitting on a couch with the group. Maybe that wasn’t him, strange.

“Looking good tonight Mama.” Derek exclaims glancing up and down at your fitted black skirt. You had dressed a little sexy tonight for the party. You roll your eyes back at him, knowing he was always like this. You didn’t think anyone else notices, but as soon as Derek said that Spencer’s eyes shot straight to him. His expression wasn’t pleasant, to say the least, his eyes were hooded, jaw clenched. You had never seen Spencer like that before, especially to his best friend. He may not feel well.

You quickly sit and try to shake off the situation. Hotch begins pulling the presents from under the tree and announced each person’s name.

“Y/N” he smiles and passes the medium-sized wrapped box. “Thank you” you smile back and then begin to unwrap the box. There was a beautiful red silk scarf sitting in the white box with a note. Time to find out who your secret Santa is, it had to one of the girls with such great taste.

I hope you can put this to good use . -Reid

You glance over to Spencer, he was already watching for your reaction. “Thank you, it’s very nice.” You offer a small smile but he only nods back. “You’re welcome, Y/N.” He said your name so smoothly, it gave you a shiver. Maybe you had enough alcohol you think to yourself.

The next day at the office walking in juggling your bag, coffee, and files. Saying your morning hellos, you walk near Spencer’s desk. “Good morning.” You announce admiring the man in front of you. He slowly looks up and his eyes linger around your neck. You decided to wear the scarf he gave you last night. He swallows hard and then came up to look into your eyes. “Good morning, Y/N.” there is was again. The second time he said your name, it made your insides contract. Trying to keep your composure you quickly make it to your desk, letting out the sigh you were holding.

What the hell was happening? You just need to get through this day and get home so you can think. Around two o'clock, you could feel your energy depleting so you went to get coffee. Walking into the break room, your breath catching as you saw him. He looks up hearing someone enter.

His demeanor shifts seeing you, you awkwardly get your coffee as quickly as possible. “Shit” you mumble realizing you forgot the sugar, and coffee was disgusting without sugar.

You start walking back down the hallway toward the break room, and suddenly feel a hard grip on your arm. You were pulled into a closet, that had absolutely no light. Your heart feels as it was about to come through your chest. As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you make out the figure in front of you. It was him.

“What are you doing Spencer?” You whisper still trying to calm your heart. He places a hand on each side of your face against the wall behind you. “Is something wrong Y/N?” He sounds completely different, husky almost. Hearing it made your knees weak. He steps closer, you could feel his breath on your neck.

“I like you in this scarf.” He huffs and you felt him twirl the edge of it with his long fingers. “Wwwhy did you pull me in here?” You stutter confused, this wasn’t like him. “Did you not want me to?” He replies, pausing from your response. “You’re just kind of scaring me, Spencer.” You whisper back and he instantly put space between you and him.

“I’m so sorry y/n”. He apologizes and then ran out of the room. What the actual hell was that? You stay in the dark room for a few minutes trying to process what just happened. What came over him? He usually avoids being close to you. He can’t just walk away like that.

You cross your arms over your chest, and quickly walk to his desk to demand answers. Once at his desk you find that he and his bag were gone.

You finally get home, and just want to relax. After taking a shower you slipped into an underwear set and then hear a knock at the door. You rush to wrap yourself in a robe and to answer the door. “Who is it?” You question holding the handle. “Me” you hear a hesitant male voice say. Your stomach twirled.

You slowly open the door, seeing him standing there awkwardly. His head was low, looking much more casual than usual. No vest just a black button-down shirt and a loose tie.

“Hey, Spencer.” you say softly, still very confused about earlier. “Hey. Look I’m sorry about earlier okay. I just lost control and I shouldn’t have pulled you. I hope you don’t hate me.” He rambles out, with a deep breath looking away. “I don’t hate you, Spencer.” You offer a small smile to try to make him feel better. “I was just really confused, I still am actually.” You continue.

“I’m sure you were, I’m sorry. I would never usually do that. You just get to me Y/N, okay? I’m having trouble controlling myself around you. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” He finally admits why he acts so strange around you. He turns to leave the doorway, surely not wanting the have this conversation longer than necessary. What he didn’t know was that you had always been slightly interested in him, but he would never give you a chance to get close to him.

“Is that why you never look at me?” You ask with a glimmer of laughter in your voice, causing him to halt his escape. He slowly looks up to your eyes, staring, but not saying anything. Now that he was finally looking at you for more than three seconds you noticed how gorgeous his eyes are.

“What do you have trouble controlling wanting to do to me?” You question softly watching his body tense at your words, you wanted to push your luck. “If I tell you, you’ll hate me.” He whispers sounding strained. “Why?” You ask again still obviously flirting, it couldn’t be that bad. He huffs slightly. “I can’t tell you out here.” He replies lifting an eyebrow. As if asking are you going to let me in. Were you going to allow the opportunity for something to happen? Both of you knowing where it would lead.

You slide over in the doorway allowing him to enter, the smell of him coated you as he passes. You shut the door and turned to see him looking around kind of awkwardly. “I’m sorry, do you want a drink or something?” You offer and he nods yes.

You leave to get the drinks, trying to figure out what was about to happen next. “Thanks” he mumbles taking the beer after you return, chugging it. You both sit on the couch silently, you could cut the space between you two with a knife. Okay then. “Are you going to tell me?” You finally break the silence, looking down at your fingers, playing with the glass bottle. You heard a loud sigh.

“I’m fucked up y/n.” He blankly states causing your eyes to shoot up to him. “We all have our days.” You shrug, not breaking the hold he had on your eyes. “No, you don’t understand. You’re amazing and so sweet. The things I want to do to you.” He looks so serious. “Then why don’t you help me understand?” You whisper a smirk playing on the edge of your lips.

“Stop. Don’t do that.” He blurts, abruptly getting off the couch making you jump. “Don’t do what?” You yell back following him as he walked toward the door.

Suddenly he spins around slamming your back against the wall, holding you by the shoulders. “You don’t yell at me, do you understand?” He hisses. His usual caramel eyes were a burning dark brown, his demeanor was like a different person. His jaw clenched, chest heaving. You stood there shocked, trying to control your own breathing.

“Okay.” You whisper. He shook his head with a frustrated groan like it wasn’t the answer he wanted, but you were confused. “You’re sweet too Spencer, one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. So what the hell are you talking about?” You groan, getting frustrated with his game. You heard him chuckle at your words shaking his head slightly. You stared at him, waiting until he finally gave in.

“Fine, I’ll tell you. I want to control you, hurt you, make you scream, beg for me, completely dominate you.” He outright growls staring into your eyes.

You were shocked. Hurt you? What the hell. He could see your confusion and softened his grip on your shoulder. “Not so sweet now, huh?” He mumbled removing his hands from your shoulder. Now you understood. Why he didn’t want to tell you, why he said you would hate him. The look in his eyes now almost resembled regret, like he had messed up his shot with you. 

Although, you just wanted to understand him more than anything, and you were a pretty open-minded person. “Why would you do that?” You mumble looking down between your bodies. “To give you the most pleasure you’ve ever received.” He confidently replies. Wow.

“Hurt me?” “Yes, for both of our pleasure. I know it’s a lot and confusing. I promise it will never be more than you can handle.” He explains like he was trying to sell you something. Your mind trying to take it all in, were you actually considering this?

“How would you know what is too much for me? We’ve never slept together” You ask after a moment of contemplating. You could see a slight glimmer of hope shoot through him, like when he realized he’d solved a case.

“I have a word that would instantly stop me, commonly known as a safe word. I would never hurt you in any way you didn’t want, and I would always take care of you.” He spoke gently, giving you a very vague explanation. This was normal to him. You could feel the heat coming off of his body.

“What is the word?” You ask out of curiosity. “Walter, it’s my middle name and I hate it. You don’t have to do this though Y/N. I don’t know if you would want a relationship with me, but I promise it would be the best of your life.” He panted, staring down at your lips, biting on his own as he towered over you.

Spencer was not normally such a confident person, so his confidence in his sexual abilities intrigued you. “What happens if I say yes?” You answer with a nervous knot in your stomach, finding yourself staring at the lip he was biting.

“Do not tease me. It is taking every ounce of my control not to bend you over right now, and show you how to behave.” He challenges back, voice becoming more raspier, positioning himself closer to you.

“Then do it.” You reply back without skipping a beat, not sure where the new confidence came from. He looked surprised. “Are you sure? Do you know what you’re asking for babygirl? There is no going back once you take me there.” He huffs, the nickname making your shutter. You can see how hard he was having to restrain himself.

“Dominate me, Spencer.” You whisper, and without another second passing his hand roughly wrapped around your throat, he leaned his lips down to yours. You were taken back by his hand choking you, but his firm yet passionate kiss led you through it. Your fingers tangle through his soft messy hair, him groaning as you tug.

He separates your kiss, lowering slightly and lifting you from the bottom of your thighs. You wrap your legs around his waist, remembering you were only in underwear under the robe when you felt his warm body against your core. He attacked your neck with kisses and bites, definitely marking you. “Mmm Spencer” You moan out, and seconds later feel a hard slap on your right ass cheek. You wince at the pain, he did say he would hurt you, it wasn’t overbearing though. “You will call me Daddy or Sir, do you understand?” He requests with a stern tone in your ear, you nodded eagerly. “Answer when I ask you a fucking question.” He growls again with another slap to your ass. It was hard enough to make you yelp but soft enough to not make you cry. He was good.

“Yes, daddy.” You panted. “Good girl.” He chuckles, running his hand over the cheek he just hit, soothing the sting. “Are you okay?” He asks searching your eyes, not like he was just talking but genuinely, giving you one last chance to run. “Yes, I’m okay I promise.” “Just follow my instructions exactly and you’ll be rewarded, okay?” You nod, honestly, you were more than okay. You always wanted to experience something like this, that pushed you to the edge.

He nods back at you, and reattached his lips to your neck, his fingers gripping into your ass through the thin underwear. “Where’s.. bedroom?” He asks through muffled kisses. “First left.. in hallway. ” You manage to mutter, he began walking still holding you in his strong arms.

Once he made it to the bedroom he lowers you to your feet. “Trust me okay?” He whispers, you nod. He slid his fingers to the insides of your rode pushing it off your shoulders to the floor. “You’re so beautiful y/n” he compliments looking over your body just in underwear. You blush slightly, thinking that someone as gorgeous as him would think so.

“I bet you look gorgeous with that pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock.” He huffs in your ear, your eyes grew huge hearing him speak like that. Running his tongue over your earlobe, you moan at his words making him chuckle. “Get on your knees now.” He commands, you falling into a kneeling position instantly. He smiled down at you approving. You have never moved on command for anyone, what is he doing to you?

You watch as he rolls up each of his sleeves slowly then pulling loose his tie roughly, anticipation killing you. He slowly moves to his belt buckle, removing it and his pants, kicking them off. He looks down at you again, smiling seeing you were biting your lip. “You want daddy’s cock in your mouth don’t you?” He asks, catching you off guard. You had never talked so dirty before, but it was definitely turning you on.

You also wanted to impress him, you had a slight idea of how this kind of relationship worked from movies. “Yes sir, I want to suck your dick” You reply, playing his game, which judging by his eyes he loved. “Such a good girl.” He grunts and pulled his dick from the restrain of the boxers. You gulp at the size.

He steps closer to you, your mouth opening almost as a reflex for him. You took your hand and stroked over his length before taking him to your lips. He hisses as your warm mouth took him in, bobbing your head quickly.

“Fuck. You have no idea how much I have dreamed of that mouth around my cock. How many times you made me touch myself after seeing you at work. You wanted this didn’t you baby.” He groans, you couldn’t believe what he was saying. He masturbates thinking of you?

“Yes, I wanted it.” You reply between strokes. You swirl your tongue, wanting to please him as much as possible. “Now I’m going to fuck your mouth for making me wait so long.” He growls, you felt his hand wrap to the back of your head into your hair. He holds your head in place while he pumped himself into your mouth faster. You began to gag, but closed your eyes and make yourself relax.

You look up at his face as he went faster, tears starting to run down your face. You loved it. His hisses and moans were the sexiest sounds you’ve ever heard. “Oh fuck y/n” he yells out as his hips started to jolt out of his control. He met your eyes, his expression had softened, you loved seeing him in such a euphoric and vulnerable state. His eyes continue to roll back in his head, the sight completely soaked the panties between your legs.

“Swallow for me y/n” he groans but before you could answer you felt his warm liquid squirting down your throat. He cussed out slowly riding through his orgasm, you licking every drop from the tip of his dick.

His eyes reopened looking at you very pleased. “Stand up baby girl.” You slowly lift wiping the tears and liquids from your face. He kisses you sweetly holding the sides of your face, you take the opportunity to unbutton the rest of his shirt feeling down his toned body.

“I think that deserves a reward baby.” He whispers, your body stood on end with excitement. “Please.” You breathe out before you knew it. Shit, he had you wrapped around his finger, and he knew it. “Mmm knew you’d enjoy this.” He chuckles and then pushing you to the bed.

Your legs land slightly parted, giving him a clear view of your most intimate part. “Why are your panties so wet y/n?” He asks licking over his bottom lip. “Because you make me this wet.” You answer honestly. “Such a good fucking girl” he devilishly smirks. Next, you hear the cloth of your underwear rip making you gasp. “Sorry, they were in my way.” He shrugs while lowing himself closer to your glistening pussy.

His comment made you laugh, which turned into a loud moan as his tongue attacked your clit with precise movements. “Oh shit.” You cry out, you never had a man please you with his mouth this well. He groans in response to your cries. You tangle your hands in his hair again, rocking your hips against his face. You look down and watch his tongue engulf you, his eyes stay focused on you.

“Ugh feels so amazing” you sigh letting the feeling overtake you as his fingers dug into your thighs spreading you more for him. You couldn’t believe Spencer Reid was in between your legs right now.

“You taste so good baby girl” he moans between your legs. You felt the tingling sensation start to cover your body, and the familiar warming in the base of your stomach. “Oh fuck.” You scream as he pushes you over your edge, making your whole body shake in the best way possible.

You finally come down from the high with a smile on your face and look down at Spencer. His lips were still wet with your liquids, but the pissed expression on his face scared you.

He crawls up the bed until he is right above you staring down at your face. “Did you enjoy that?” He coos but not in an amusing matter. “Yes, it was amazing.” You whisper reaching for his face, but he roughly grabs your hand and pins it to the bed.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it because you’re about to pay for it” he spat and then pulled you off the bed with him. He rests on the edge of the bed, yanking you face down across his lap. “You’re a greedy little girl y/n” he informs with an unsettling calmness. You couldn’t even respond not knowing what he was talking about. He began rubbing a hand over your bare ass, you had an eerie gut feeling of what was coming next.

“So now…I have to give you a punishment. Okay?” He continues, the ending sounds more like a question. He was asking if you were okay with him punishing you. Did you want him to seriously hit you? There was only one way to find out.

“Yes” is all you say, and brace yourself for what was next. “You do not cum unless I tell you to.” He hisses and you felt the same smack across your ass, but this time harder, more intense now that he had permission. Then again and again. After the sixth slap, you could feel tears forming in your eyes, but moans also tried escaping your lips.

“Are you going to cum again without permission?” He asks with a glimmer of amusement in his voice, delivering the seventh slap. “No,I won’t.” You said with a shaky voice. Eight. “I know you won’t babygirl, but your ass is so pretty. Nice and pink with my handprint.” He huffs, giving a ninth spank, you are so close to having use the safe word. “Please, sir.” You plea for his mercy as his hand came down again. “I think you’ve learned your lesson.” He finally stopped and massaged over the ass cheek he was just abusing, making it feel better. It still stung, but you almost liked the feeling. You were proud of your self for taking ten hits.

“You did so good baby.” He praises while shifting you up and into his lap, laying your head on his chest. He brushed his fingers through your hair softly, letting your breathing even out. You look up, finding him staring down at you with such adoring eyes. In that moment, you had never before felt so loved and safe. The way he commands you, but he still sweetly made sure you were okay with everything he did.

The feeling he gave you made your head spin, it was like nothing else. Was this the kind of relationship you craved? All you knew was that you’re now entrapped in Spencer Reid, and you didn’t ever want to let go.

After a few minutes, he laid you back onto the bed. He then got up and walked out of your bedroom door. He isn’t leaving, is he? For some reason, you couldn’t imagine not being with him right now. He can’t leave after that. You start to panic until you saw him coming back through the door.

He was holding up in his hand the red scarf that he had bought you, he must have seen it before on your coat rack. You giggle seeing him. “I am going to restrain you, okay, if you try to get loose I will punish you. Understand?” He asks waiting for your response. You nod eagerly “I understand.” He begins tying both of your hands above your head to the headboard, you wondering what he has in store for you. “And yes, this is exactly what I meant by good use.” He answers what you were wondering with a smirk on his face. Gosh, this boy.

After he was happy with the restraints, he walks to the side of the bed laying beside you. Running his fingers over your stomach, making you squirm. He quickly removes your bra, greedily looking over your breast. “You know since you just took your orgasm last time without asking, you do not get to cum this time while I finger your pussy. Understood?” He informs causing you to groan not knowing how you would be able to do it. You wouldn’t want another punishment, right?

“Yes, daddy.” You answer softly, and he smirks knowing it would be torture. Lowering his fingers slowly between your legs, to what belongs to him now and he knew it. Your body jolts as his finger sunk in, your wet entrance accepted it eagerly.

“Fuck your so wet for me baby.” He groans adding another finger. “I only get wet for you daddy.” You moan, maybe you could persuade him to let you finish. “That’s right babygirl. ONLY MINE.” He growls and pumped his fingers faster making your back arched off the bed, while your head flung back into the pillow. “Oh shit daddy.” You whimper every time the palm of his hand would bump your clit.

You then felt warm wetness around your nipple, looking down to see Spencer’s perfect lips around one of your breasts as he still worked you with his long fingers. He tugged at your nipple and curled his fingers at just the right spot making your body shake with the need for release.

“Please please I want to cum daddy” you cry out scratching into your bedsheets. You pull at the scarf, wanting so bad to orgasm. “Why should I let you?” He taunts speeding up his fingers as fast as he could. “Because I will be a good girl, please.” You whine, not knowing how much longer you would last. You felt his fingers retract, and you heard a whimper of disappointment escape your mouth.

“Don’t look so sad baby.” He laughs at you and pulled the hand restraints loose and then continued “I promise you’re about to cum harder than you ever have.” He smirks and then he positioned himself between your legs, you bit your tongue trying to contain your excitement.

One hard thrust filled you completely, making you take all of him. You yell out at the pain and pleasure all at once. He pauses for a second letting your muscles become molded to him. “Shit your so tight y/n” he growls with hooded eyes watching you take him. He then lifted one of your legs over his shoulder and began pounding into you roughly, the position hitting your sweet spot over and over. You clawed into his back hard, surely drawing blood but he didn’t seem to care. You felt a hand grasp around your neck once again, and the sensation made your eyes roll back.

“You like being choked don’t you, dirty girl ” he hisses, slightly tightening the grip on your neck. “Yes I love when you choke me daddy” You groan out barely able to speak, not just trying to please him anymore, but you honestly liked it. He was right when he said it was the most pleasure you have ever received.

He moans at your words, feeling he wasn’t going to last much longer. “Rub your pretty clit for me, baby.” He commands through clenched teeth, sounding so rugged and sexy. You did as instructed, rubbing fiercely making your legs start to shake.

“Daddy I want.. I need to cum please” you beg, feeling the knot in your stomach. “You want to cum all over daddy’s cock babygirl?” He groans watching you beg was something he would never forget. “Yes please let me cum on your cock.” You plea, trying desperately to hold it.

“You want me to cum in your tight pussy y/n?” He asks as his hips began to thrust wildly. Your eyes flash open in shock, looking up to Spencer biting his lip looking at you with such passion. You had never let a man finish inside before, but you wanted all of Spencer.

“Yes, cum in your pussy sir.” You cry out, determined to pull him over with you. “Yes my fucking pussy.” He moans out loudly, fucking you as fast as he could now.

His stroke hit just the right spot as your fingers moved faster and faster, your breath hitched and you became light-headed from the amount of pleasure. “Cum for me babygirl.” You could barely hear over your cries of pleasure but as soon as you heard him your body responds. Your insides contract around his cock as he groans out your name letting his head fall back, his climax spilling over into you.

He slowly rolled through both of your orgasms, both of you panting despite for air. He gently removed himself from you, falling in the bed next to you. He guides you into his arms and softly snuggling into his chest.

“Are you okay baby?” He asks once his breathing evened out. You smile at him calling you baby even though you weren’t having sex still. “I’m okay.” You answer, still feeling your body tingling trying to process everything that just happened.

“Do you need anything? Ice, lotion, water?” He questions again making you giggle. You just shook your head no. He sat up looking at you with a serious expression. “Look, part of this is me taking care of you after. I’ll always take care of you. Please talk to me, did I scare you?” He sighs.

“No Spencer you didn’t I promise, I liked it a lot.” You assured him, he let out a breath of relief. “I didn’t hurt you too badly?” He asks rubbing the side of your face. “You hurt me just right” you giggle. “Well that’s just the beginning sweetheart” he teases kissing the back of your hand.

“I actually might need something.” You announce after thinking for a few minutes. “Anything.” He answers looking concerned. “I think I need help taking a shower.” You shyly admit. He chuckles at you. “Can someone not feel her legs.” Teasing you more. “No, you made them go numb daddy.” You tease back.

He moans lightly “Don’t get me started again, I don’t think you could handle that yet.” He warns helping you up. “Maybe I will” you wink stepping into the shower pulling him with you.

Returning to work was awkward, to say the least, having to keep your relationship a secret. Spencer making sly remarks that only you would understand just to watch you squirm. Teasing you around every hidden corner didn’t help either.

The team had just been assigned a new case and everyone was at the circle table going over the different files. “Y/n give me that file.” Spencer said from across the table, concentrating on the papers so his voice sounded stern.

“Yes daa…” You freeze catching yourself and his eyes going wide looking at you. You try to play it off. “Dr. Reid ” you stated with a couple of fake coughs, trying to make it sound like a mix of words. The redness of your face would surely give it away. You hand over the file keeping your eyes down.

“Oh hell no, we are not about to act like that didn’t just happen.” Derek pries with that smile, looking between you and Spencer. Spencer just smirks shrugging his shoulders and returned his attention to the paper in his hand. The whole team gasped at his subtle confirmation, you instantly hid in your hands. How were you going to survive being Spender Reid’s woman.

(Spencer Reid x Reader)

Mature Content Warning


Summary: Y/N offers herself to Spencer desperate to relieve his stress from work and family. In return, Spencer reveals his fear in their relationship.


You heard the front door open, and then the shuffle of his keys and satchel being sat down. You could tell just by his voice on the phone earlier that day he was on a rough case. Hearing him like that, and having to call him with bad news felt awful. The center his mother is receiving treatment at called and wanted to talk to him about issues with her new treatment.

“Hey handsome” you smiled walking toward him, hoping somehow it would help. “Hey” he replied with a flat tone, his voice slightly scratchy. A long sigh followed from him. He gave you a very brief hug barely touching you, and then began loosening his tie.

You knew it wasn’t because he didn’t want to see you, he just didn’t have anything left. He gave so much of himself to others, some days there wasn’t anything left for you. You didn’t mind, you loved him through it all because you knew he loved you more than anything.

“Are you hungry, I made dinner.” You asked softly, watching him begin to unbutton his shirt. He just shook his head no, not looking up. You expected that, but it was worth a shot.

You cupped your hand softly against his jaw, the beautiful face you had admired so many times. Lifting his face slightly to look in his eyes, the pain you saw made your stomach clench.

“Do you want to talk about it?” You whispered, his eyes instantly clenched shut. “I… I can’t tonight.” He huffed and reopened his eyes, giving you a knowing look that meant please don’t do this. You knew you had to though. “You have to talk about it babe, please.”

“Damn it, I said not tonight.” Spencer yelled removing your hand, retreating toward your shared bedroom. You quickly followed him, desperately trying to think of a way to help his pain. “You cannot keep bottling it all in Spencer. It’s eating you alive.” You stated once in the bedroom with him, his back was to you but he turned swiftly hearing your words.

You jumped at his voice booming suddenly “Talking about this now isn’t going to fix anything. It is not going to make me feel better. It is not going to help my mom get better. It is not going to bring those little girls back to their parents.” His chest heaved against the half opened shirt, you could feel the anger and frustration radiating from him. You finally understood why he was so upset, elementary aged girls were killed during this case.

“Then take it out on me.” You whispered, your voice much smaller than his. His eyes slightly narrowed, surly trying to figure exactly what you were saying. Your voice was more certain this time “Take it out on me please, I hate seeing you like this.”

You stepped closer to him, watching the eternal battle he was having with himself. “No. I hurt you last time.” He replied shaking his head. You slid your hand into his, holding tightly. “That was different, I asked you to do that.” Spencer still looked unsure, he was such a stubborn person.

“I don’t even know if I would be able to control mys…” he started but you cut him off. “I trust you Spencer. With everything.” You whispered, staring into his eyes. He knew you meant it. His chest started raising at an increasing rate, his eyes darkening.

“What if I hurt you?” Spencer asked worry lacing his now soft deep voice, sending tingles down your spine. “I can take it, trust me okay? I want you to take what you need.” You assured him, biting your bottom lip. Judging by how his grip slightly tightened when he glanced down to your lip, you knew you had him hooked.

“Are you sure?” He asked now mere inches from your face, taking in the smell of sweet coffee on his breath. “Use me. Please… Sir” Like the snap of a bow, as soon as the name left your mouth he flipped. He shut it all out, all of his attention now on you.

“Strip now.” He ordered calmly, rolling up his sleeves to the bend of his elbow. You watched as his long fingers folded the fabric, biting your bottom lips at the sight of his now exposed veins up his forearm.

You started with your top quickly tossing it behind you, the same with your shorts. His intense stare made your knees shake, as you fidget with the clasp of the bra. His eyes briefly dropped to your breast as the bra fell. He closed the space between yourselves, roughly taking your chin in his grip.

“I’m going to tie you down and do exactly what I want, and I don’t want to hear a fucking sound unless I give you permission. Understood?” He asked smoothly, you would usually give a verbal response but with the instructions you just quickly nodded.

He took your hand and walked you over to the large bed. After placing you on your back in the center, he reached under the bed to retrieve the cuffs connected to each corner. Once he was satisfied with the restraints he walked over to your shared closet, and you knew he was getting toys.

You watched as he walked back to you, holding his hands behind his back. Gosh, just looking at him caused a pool between your thighs. His wild eyes, shirt hanging loosely on his lean body. “Close your eyes.” He instructed and you complied. You felt his presence next to you, and then a warm finger trace up your side. Your back arched up at his touch, you had to bite your tongue to keep from moaning already.

“I barely touched you.” He chuckled more to himself. Your breathing became heavy waiting for whatever was coming next. You soon found your answer, in the shock of a vibration shooting through one of your nipples. The shock caused you to jolt against the chains you were cuffed to, and a silent gasp escaped your lips.

Your eyes shot open to see the devilish smirk on Spencer’s face, and the wand he held against your breast. He teasingly moved the wand up and down all the sensitive spots of your body that he knew all too well. Everywhere except where you wanted most.

“Awe look at you panting like a little slut.” He snickered while pressing the vibrator directly onto your clit. You couldn’t stop the cry that came from your mouth that time, he quickly removed the wand.

“Tsk tsk. See I was just going to say you could not cum, but now since you can’t be a good girl…you are going to cum…until I say stop.” He growled and roughly pushed the head of the wand to your peak again. Your head shot back against the pillow, toes curling into the covers. You felt him moving around your thigh, you glanced down. Your eyed grew wide at the site.

He used rope to tie the wand against your inner thigh, leaving the head pressed firmly against your now soaked folds. Shit he really was trying to torture you. “Please Sir, I won’t do it again.” You begged, your legs starting to shake from the pleasure. He lifted his head up slowly now finished securing the vibrator. His hand quickly snapped against the left side of your face, you gasped as your head snatched back to look at him.

His dark eyes showed absolutely no emotion, you could feel a tear building in the corner of your eye from the slap. “You do not argue with me, are you going to be a good little slut or do you want me to leave you here like this.” Deep down you think he would maybe do it, and the thought somehow made you want him even more.

You answered shaking your head no, trying to keep your eyes from shutting. “Maybe since you can’t figure out how to keep your mouth shut, I'll fill it for you.” He informed you and then removed his pants and boxers.

He gently straddled across your stomach, you couldn’t help but to stare at his gorgeous dick resting between your breast. He added another pillow under your head, tilting it further up to him. Your whole body stated to shake, you felt the sensation pulling in the pit of your stomach.

“Is my little girl about to cum?” He laughed watching your eyes roll back. Your mouth gaped open as the high hit your body, which he took advantage of by inserting his dick into. Causing you to choke at the surprise, not having a chance to catch your breath from your orgasm. “Fucking take it.” He growled gripping your hair tight, and began literally fucking your face.

The clanking from the chains rang from his rugged thrust, almost drowning out your muffled cries. Your body couldn’t focus on a single thing, between the wand strapped to you not giving you a break from the relenting pleasure. Spencer towering above you, moving his dick in and out of your mouth as he pleased. Your body squirming under him, unable to keep your eyes open from the pleasure you were being forced to receive.

He barely removed himself long enough for you to catch your breath, and along with trying to fight another orgasm from ripping through your limp body it was becoming too much. You almost cried out your safe word, but looking up through your lashes to see his face you stopped.

He looked so beautiful, a small smile finally grew to his face, a thin layer of sweat glistening over his body, his eyes hung heavy with pleasure. He looked like he was finally at peace, even if it was only for a short while you couldn’t take that from him. You trust him completely, and you knew what he needed. You honestly could not say that you didn’t like when he played with you, is satisfied a deep twisted want you always had.

His groans become loud, and you felt him twitch in your throat. He quickly removed himself from your mouth, not wanting to finish there. You drew in a large breath once he removed him self from above you. Relief was only short-lived when you felt your body about to betray you again.

“Please Sir.” You coughed out with a shaky voice from how vigorously your legs were now shaking. “Aw what’s wrong?” He smirked with a wicked smile. “I can’t take it.” You muttered weakly. He leaned in close to your neck “You’re going to be a good girl and take your punishment aren’t you?” He whispered sending a shock down your spine, and just like that you knew you would do whatever he said.

“Yes, I want my punishment” You felt him smirk against your neck. “Good girl…” he started praising sweetly, you weren’t expecting his next words. “Now cum” he growled, your body instantly arched, your eyes rolling back into your head. He watched your body with a satisfied glare, pleased with your orgasm on command. You screamed out his name until your body came back to earth.

You finally calmed down enough to open your eyes, and looked down to find him removing the wand. You let a sigh of relief blow from your lips, causing him to bring his eyes to yours. “Don’t get too excited sweetheart, you’re not done. I’m just going to make you cum myself.“ he corrected my short sense of relief.

“Fuck baby” he huffed once the toy was removed and his sight was focused between your legs. You became slightly nervous until he spoke again. “I wish you could see how you’re dripping all over the bed, my little pussy is all swollen and wet.” He continued, you could tell he had become lost in his thoughts as his facial expression softened.

It quickly changed as he climbed up beside you, and dipped his finger between your folds. You started whimpering again just at his slightest touch. Your body was so sensitive every light touch felt like fire, you couldn’t deny that only he could do this to you.

“Who made you this wet?” He asked as he began to work his long finger inside you. “You did.” You whispered barely audible from you focusing on his finger starting to drive you insane. He wasn’t pleased with your answer judging by how he roughly slammed another finger into your soaked opening, pushing as far as he could. “Louder! Who makes you this wet? Who's fucking slut are you?”

Your air hitched in your throat, at his sudden outburst. His face just inches from yours, the rage in his eyes made you speechless. You had never seen him so angry. You were so taken aback by his behavior you forgot to answer him, which just added fuel to the fire.

“Fine.” He states simply, and quickly removed his fingers. He abruptly went to remove the cuffs at your ankles and then wrist. “I’m sorry…” you sat up and started to apologize afraid he was stopping because of you, but you were quickly cut off by his hand wrapping around your throat, throwing you against the mattress.

“Don’t bother answering, everyone is about to know whose slut you are. I promise.” He purred while situating himself between your legs. He roughly slammed into you, not removing the hand from around your neck.

“Fuckkk” you screamed out digging your nails into his back, your body never gets used to his size. “Shit.” You heard his groan as he started stretching your walls, pounding fiercely not letting you adjust. His grip tightened around your neck, you couldn’t help the devious smirk that grew on your face. He moved the hand on your neck, and landed a sharp slap against the side of your face. You couldn’t help but to moan at that too, not caring if there would be a mark tomorrow.

“There’s my dirty girl.” He moaned out through his clenched jaw. He leaned back onto his knees, watching you falling apart under him. “Please don’t make me again” you begged feeling your muscles starting to tighten around his cock deep inside you. It only made him want to push you further. He reached behind his body retrieving the vibrator again pressing it hard against your clit, not slowing his thrust. “Spencer!” You screamed loud enough for the whole building to hear, clenching into his arms for dear life. 

“Fucking take it. You asked for this.” He growled. You clenched your eyes shut, feeling your climax coming for the fourth or fifth time you had lost track at this point. He began bucking wildly as the toy was also pleasing him as he sunk into your wanting hole over and over. The sight of him pleasing himself while he pleased you was all you could take. “Shit Spencer. Baby I’m gonna… fuck.. Spencer” You couldn’t complete a sentence through your yelled sobs.

“Cum for daddy while I fill your tight pussy.” He moaned out and both of your bodies shook coercing your releases from each other. He fell over onto you, letting the toy roll off the bed. You both gasped in gulps of air, clinging to each other. Once you could finally hear over your own breaths, you heard a sniffle from Spencer. Then a drop of liquid ran down your shoulder and his chest started shaking against yours. Is he crying?

Shit. Spencer was crying, he never cried. At least not in front of you, it had only ever happened once before in your relationship. You cupped the back of his head tenderly, shifting your body, so he could lay on you more comfortably. You didn’t say anything, you just let him cry into the base of your neck. He started sobbing loudly, so you pulled him against you harder and dragged the blanket over your bodies, trying to let him know you were here for him.

“Please don’t leave me.” He stuttered out through tears. “Why wo…” you started to ask why he would say that, but he kept going. “Please. You’re the only thing keeping me together. Please don’t ever leave me.” He was breaking your heart.

“Hey look at me” you stated seriously, taking his face in your hands forcing him to look at you. Tears began pooling in your eyes seeing him look so defeated, with tears still running down his face. He didn’t deserve this.

“I love you more than anything Spencer. Don’t you ever worry about that okay? You are the most amazing man I have ever met, why would I leave?” “Because I don’t give you what you deserve. I’m always too busy or too tired. I’m sorry.”

You couldn’t believe him. “Stop it. Now. I am very happy being with you okay? I promise I will tell you if I’m not, please don’t worry about that too. Deal?” You asked, he nodded finally starting to calm himself. You gently wiped the tears from his face, and softly kissed his lips.

“I love you so much y/n.” He whispered laying back on your shoulder, taking your hand in his. “I know baby” you giggled lightly. “Thank you for that, you did amazing. I know I was probably too rough.” “I’m okay, I just wanted to try to help you.” You heard him laugh “I don’t think there is anyone else that would do something like that for me.” “Well I sure hope not” you joked laughing with him.

“I just don’t know how to deal with all of this.” He sighed, you began playing with his hair knowing it relaxed him. “You don’t have to deal with it alone. I’m here. Always.” “I can’t ask you to do that. “ He huffed against your neck. “You didn’t ask me, I want to. And you’re stuck with me now love.” You giggled he lifted on his arms and looked into your eyes with a serious expression.

“Are you sure?” He asked searching your eyes. “Yes” you answered without hesitation. “Really sure?” He asked again causing you to roll your eyes. “Yes. Stop asking me silly.”

“Fine” he responded and quickly stood from the bed. He walked towards your closet again, you could hear him moving things around. “What are you doing?” You ask stepping out of bed, the cool air reminding you of your naked state. You started to walk toward the closet wanting to make sure Spencer wasn’t leaving, but your legs were still weak causing you to pause.

Spencer walked back into your bedroom, giving you a nervous smile. “What were you doing?” You asked curiously. He walked close to you gently grasping one side of your face, pulling you into a short but breathtaking kiss. “You’re positive? He asked again after releasing your lips, swallowed hard like when he was anxious. You sighed over dramatically “Yes!”

“Then marry me.” He spat out so quickly you almost didn’t catch it. Your entire body froze like a deer in headlights. “Huh?” Was all you could respond initially, he watched intently as you processed his words. You blinked rapidly finally understanding “Are you serious?” You asked finally breathing, he caught you completely off guard.

“I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life.” He replied and then held a beautiful ring up in front of your eyes. You gasped, your shaking hand coming to cover your mouth. “I’ve had this for a while, trying to find the right time but I just realized I couldn’t wait any longer.” He smiled still sounding nervous. You felt tears coming to your eyes again, but for a completely different reasons than before. He then slowly dropped to one knee before you, pushing his wild hair away from his face.

“Y/n will you marry me?” He breathed out smiling up at you. You could help but to burst out laughing, he jumped slightly at your reaction. “Umm…does that mean no?” You shook your head trying to pull yourself together “Its just that I never thought you would propose to me naked, or with us all gross covered in sex.” He looked at the situation and also started laughing with you. “I’m sorry you’re right. I can ask you again and make it more romantic.” He replied rising from his knee.

“No it’s perfect.” You smiled linking your hands around his neck. “Of course I’ll marry you Spencer.” He smiled the biggest you had seen in a long time and then picked you up in his arms hugged tightly as he spun you around. He stopped spinning and placed you back on the ground. You took your left hand and extended it to him, he gently slid the ring up your finger. Of course, it fit perfectly, you were so in love with it.

“Its so beautiful” you stared still in awe, tears starting to fall from your eyes.” I’m glad you like it.” Spencer smiled, pulling you in kissing his now fiancé sweetly. “I love it, I love you!” You told him, still pecking at his lips not wanting to stop ever. He laughed into your kisses “I love you more baby girl”
