#criminal minds smut



Pairing:Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary:After finally opening up to your therapist about why you haven’t had sex in so long, he suggests a few new exercises to help you face your fears.
Category:SMUT (18+)
Content:Themes and discussions of sexual trauma surrounding a painful sexual encounter, power dynamics, masturbation, dubious consent, voyeurism (unbeknownst to reader), Spencer is a perv.
Word Count: 3.1k


NOTE:I feel like I haven’t posted anything in ages and I was getting really anxious about it for some reason, so I decided to cut this oneshot into two parts so that I could get something out. Plus, I know a lot of you have been pretty excited about it, so it seemed like a win! I’m not sure when Part 2 will be out, but I’ve been working on it in bits and pieces, so I hope you’ll stick around for it!


Waiting for Doctor Reid to show up is like waiting for Christmas Day.

Only, rather than being nine years old and excited to spend the morning opening up gifts, you find yourself on the other side of things. It’s very much like you’re the parent who knows what’s going to happen, spending every second dreading the inevitable moment where your child wakes you up at the ass-crack of dawn, when really, you’d rather be sleeping.

Your hands twiddle nervously in your lap as you wait in his office, that fateful conversation from last week’s session replaying on a loop in your brain.

Keep reading


Pairing:Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary:After finally opening up to your therapist about why you haven’t had sex in so long, he suggests a few new exercises to help you face your fears.
Category:SMUT (18+)
Content:Themes and discussions of sexual trauma surrounding a painful sexual encounter, power dynamics, masturbation, dubious consent, voyeurism (unbeknownst to reader), Spencer is a perv.
Word Count: 3.1k


NOTE:I feel like I haven’t posted anything in ages and I was getting really anxious about it for some reason, so I decided to cut this oneshot into two parts so that I could get something out. Plus, I know a lot of you have been pretty excited about it, so it seemed like a win! I’m not sure when Part 2 will be out, but I’ve been working on it in bits and pieces, so I hope you’ll stick around for it!


Waiting for Doctor Reid to show up is like waiting for Christmas Day.

Only, rather than being nine years old and excited to spend the morning opening up gifts, you find yourself on the other side of things. It’s very much like you’re the parent who knows what’s going to happen, spending every second dreading the inevitable moment where your child wakes you up at the ass-crack of dawn, when really, you’d rather be sleeping.

Your hands twiddle nervously in your lap as you wait in his office, that fateful conversation from last week’s session replaying on a loop in your brain.

Keep reading

Pairing:Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Summary:After finally opening up to your therapist about why you haven’t had sex in so long, he suggests a few new exercises to help you face your fears.
Category:SMUT (18+)
Content:Themes and discussions of sexual trauma surrounding a painful sexual encounter, power dynamics, masturbation, dubious consent, voyeurism (unbeknownst to reader), Spencer is a perv.
Word Count: 3.1k


NOTE:I feel like I haven’t posted anything in ages and I was getting really anxious about it for some reason, so I decided to cut this oneshot into two parts so that I could get something out. Plus, I know a lot of you have been pretty excited about it, so it seemed like a win! I’m not sure when Part 2 will be out, but I’ve been working on it in bits and pieces, so I hope you’ll stick around for it!


Waiting for Doctor Reid to show up is like waiting for Christmas Day.

Only, rather than being nine years old and excited to spend the morning opening up gifts, you find yourself on the other side of things. It’s very much like you’re the parent who knows what’s going to happen, spending every second dreading the inevitable moment where your child wakes you up at the ass-crack of dawn, when really, you’d rather be sleeping.

Your hands twiddle nervously in your lap as you wait in his office, that fateful conversation from last week’s session replaying on a loop in your brain.

“And what about your sexual relationships?”

You froze like a deer in headlights, unwilling to budge no matter how loud his horn was. Even as he asked again, your name a gentle coax on the surface of his tongue, you remained perfectly still.

“Did I… strike a nerve?” he asked.

“U—Um… I…”

“It’s important that you’re up-front about these things with me, Y/N… Of course it’s fine if you don’t feel like telling me everything right away. But if there’s something wrong, I’d like to know. That way we can at least find somewhere to start. Does that sound okay?”

“Um… Y—Yeah, I guess so…”

He asked again, and you found it extremely difficult to look him in the eye.

Or… to look at him in general.

You knew eventually you’d have to talk about your sex life, but in all honesty it was shoved deep into the back of your mind during the other sessions— You know, when you were laser-focused on literally anything else while trying not to think about how attractive you found your therapist and how fucked up that was.

Doctor Reid always made sure to speak slow and concisely, which, when combined with its smooth tone and the way he looked at you with his pensive, hypnotizing eyes, was fucking deadly. And you weren’t even going to mention his hands— the way they glided beautifully across the notepad he wrote in, or how they flexed and tapped on his knee or on his chin.

He was distracting from the get-go, which was dangerous. But now, on the topic of your sex life?

You couldn’t dare to look in his general direction.

So, with your eyes glued on your lap, you mindlessly counted the number of tiny flowers printed on your skirt and answered the best you could.

“I don’t… I don’t have frequent sexual relationships.”

You wondered if he would ask you to speak up, but he didn’t. Instead, he asked, “How frequent would you say they are?”

“Um… Well… I only ha—ad sex once.”

“Are you… embarrassed about that?”


He paused. “That’s good. There’s no reason to be.” And after you didn’t say anything in response, he continued. “How long ago was the encounter?”

You hesitated a little longer, but he didn’t push it. Eventually, intimidated by the silence, you sighed and quickly blurted, “About a year ago.”

There was another pause, and you assumed he was writing something down. But then he asked, “And how did you find your experience?”

“I—I’m sorry?”

He cleared his throat. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“I… I don’t… Why is that relevant?”

“You’re coming to me once a week for counselling because you said you’ve found yourself shying away from other people, where a year ago you were a normal adult with normal interests in socializing and being around others. Correct?”


“Every session so far, we’ve gone through your upbringing, your family life, school, friends, your first jobs… All up until now. Everything is perfectly fine, and yet we still can’t seem to figure out why you’ve strayed from your habits. The only topic we haven’t discussed is your sexual and romantic relationships.”

You stayed silent, the flower pattern on your skirt suddenly becoming more like a dizzying optical illusion by the second.

Doctor Reid continued. “And judging your body language, I see that you haven’t looked me in the eye once since I brought up sex. My guess is that something happened during your first time that—”

“Look, honestly I don’t think that’s relevant to my situation, I haven’t had sex since then because I don’t want to, it has nothing to do with this.”

“It’s okay if it does,” Doctor Reid encouraged. He was gentle, and if you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he was amused. “That’s what I’m here for.”

You glanced up at him briefly, seeing a soft smile lighting the air between you. It filters some of the embarrassment you’re feeling, and with a sigh, you adjust in the chair and look off to the side.

“No. I didn’t enjoy myself.”

“Okay. We’re getting somewhere, that’s good. Do… you want to tell me why you didn’t enjoy yourself?”

You blinked, feeling your chest tighten and your stomach churn at the memory. “It’s stupid.”

“Y/N, I promise you it isn’t… We don’t have to discuss it now if you don’t want to, but it’s not stupid.”

Thankfully he let you mull it over in the silence for a while, giving you time to gather your emotions and thoughts. And still, without looking directly at him, you began to open up.

“He hurt me… I—It wasn’t… bad or anything, like he didn’t do anything I didn’t want to… I just… I—It hurt. Really bad. Like, I don’t think I’d ever felt that kind of pain before.”

“Did he, um… Go too hard? Do you think maybe that’s why it hurt you?”

You let out the loudest breath of air, embarrassment and exasperation filling your lungs with every breath you took. “Yeah, that was part of it, but like… He was also kinda big, and it didn’t feel good going in at all… And I know it’s supposed to not feel greatat first, and I thought it would get better, but… I—It just got worse, and worse, and I felt like I was getting torn apart from the inside out, I…”

Tears were steadily streaming down your face now, your throat incredibly tight and ears pounding as you tried to find the strength to say your words.

“I… I never want to do that again.”

A box of tissues was dropped into your lap after you’d gathered yourself a bit, and you mumbled a small ‘thank you’ as you wiped your face. Doctor Reid was more than glad to let you take your time, and you were thankful.

It was also great to know that it didn’t seem like he was embarrassed for you or ready to laugh. In fact, his tone was as smooth as ever, and incredibly warm as he spoke.

“Do you think that experience had an effect on the way you socialize somehow?”

“I… Maybe. Sure, I mean… I’m at that age where the people I hang out with all want to hook up, and if we’re not trying to go home with someone, then we’re not having a good time. It’s… It’s a lot of pressure, especially when I think about the fact that people like sex… I mean, like… That was awful, and people act like it’s the end-all-be-all to enjoyment, I… I don’t know…”

“Sure… You had a bad experience, and it’s normal to retreat after experiencing that kind of pain… But it wasonly one time. You never know, maybe your partner just wasn’t the right partner for you.”

You shook your head intently. “No. No, that’s not… No.”

There was a decent pause before Doctor Reid spoke again. “I want to ask you something… And this might be a bit personal, so I’m sorry if I push any boundaries…”

He waited for you to object, but you didn’t, silently giving him the go-ahead.

“Have you ever masturbated before?”

Dear God, you wanted to throw up. “What?”

“Well, before you had sex… Did you ever… Explore what you like on your own?”

“Um… Y—Yeah, I guess so…”

“You guess so?”

You sighed. “Yes.”

“Okay… In your exploration, did you ever try anything penetrative?”

“Do I actually have to answer that?”

“Of course you don’t. If you’re uncomfortable we can move on, but… I really do think this is going to help… Trust me.”

You sighed again, looking at his face once more to see him as he always was— sincere and pensive and understanding. And then you continued.

“No… I’ve… only ever done clitoral stimulation.”

“And what about after your sexual encounter? Have you masturbated since then?”

You paused. “No.”

And then he paused. And you were pretty sure you knew exactly what he was going to tell you.

Sure enough, he said, “Before I see you next week, I want you to try masturbating again. Maybe watch some porn or read some erotica… Whatever you think will get you more comfortable with your body and your sexuality… And we’ll see where you end up.”

“Do you reallythink this is going to help me get over my… fear of sex, or whatever this is?”

He smiled softly at you, and despite the bad relationship you’ve been having with sex, it brought a low simmer to the pit of your stomach. “It’s a good start.”

It’s a good start…

“It’s a good start,” you whispered when you got home that night, right before getting under the covers and turning to the collection of porn you’d had saved over a year ago.

It worked, too.

You’d expected it to take way longer than a week to get back any sliver of libido. And it was definitely hard at first, but by the time your next session with Doctor Reid came around, you’d been masturbating regularly every day.

Though, it seems his instruction may have worked a little toowell.

Once you were comfortable with your own body again, you couldn’t stop the images of his face as they danced in beautiful flashes behind your eyelids. Scenarios were acted out in your dreams, his presence melding with yours and replacing those you’d watched and read, and it created a new sense of nervousness once you realized that you’d have to see him again in a few days…

And now that you’re here, only seconds away from the moment he’d walk through the door, your stomach twists and your heart leaps.

You almost think maybe running out the door is a good option, but then he’s waltzing through it with that seasoned swiftness that only adds to his charm and makes you even more intimidated by him.

“Good afternoon, Y/N,” he greets with a warm smile, taking the seat in front of you.

“Hi, Doctor.”

“How was your week?”

After a pause, you clear your throat, obviously not very good at hiding anything. “Fine.”

“Just fine?”


He only waits for you to continue. You hate when he does that…

Because it works, getting you to talk every damn time. “Still not inclined to do anything out of my normal social routine, but I’m… better.”

“How so?”

Feeling his gaze on you makes your heart lurch. “Um… I’m more… comfortable… with my body, I guess…”

“So you took my suggestion, then?”

You can only muster a nod, words dying in the back of your throat and evaporating into nothing.

“You still seem… shy.”

“Well, I’m talking to my therapist about my masturbation habits…”

Thankfully he seems to understand, nodding with a small laugh that aims to lighten the mood and make you more comfortable around the whole situation. After all, it is only the start of your session this week, and a whole hour and a half of awkwardness wouldn’t suffice.

Even still, what he says next doesn’t ease your mind much at all.

“Do you mind elaborating a little?”

“I don’t know how much more elaboration you need,” you half-scoff, clearly defensive over your privacy— And with every right to be so, considering most of your thoughts had been about him.

“Well, let’s start with how frequent you’ve been with it.”

That you could do. “Um… about every day for the past week?” And right before I left the house…

“Good. How many times a day?”

“Once.”Twice, sometimes three…

“Okay…” He writes things down, and then pauses before asking his next question. “Have you tried any new techniques?”

“I’m sorry?”

“I mean other than clitoral stimulation.”

“No. I—I thought this was just supposed to be a start—”

“Oh! It was. I didn’t mean to frighten you, I’m sorry. I don’t expect you to be ready to have sex or anything right away— You should always be allowed to go at your own pace, I hope you understand that.”

“Right…” There’s an awkward pause, but you want things to keep moving, so just to keep him talking, you continue, “So, um… What’s the next step then?”

By the look in his eyes, you realize it was probably the wrong question—and way—to ask. Even after just explaining that you could go at your own pace, the way you spoke to him could have easily been interpreted as a newfound confidence to push forward. In your case, had it been real, it would have been falseconfidence.

But even still, a dim light bulb still shines.

“We’re going to make sure you’ve actually been doing your homework. Come with me.”


There’s just something about you that Spencer can’t seem to understand. It’s something beautiful and alluring, and more than anything it’s incredibly wrong. Because he surely shouldn’t be taking you to a separate room in the building where they interview mental patients while others watch from behind one-way glass and take notes.

But here he is anyway, leading you into the room and trying desperately not to kiss or touch you…

“W—What do you want me to do, exactly?” you ask in that timid way of yours. It’s almost innocent, like you truly don’t understand why he’s brought you here rather than confirming your suspicions, and somehow that only makes him want you more.

“I want you to masturbate. This room is soundproof, it’s camera-free… Whatever you do in here will be completely private.”

“Why? I—Isn’t this like… This… I…”

Spencer reaches out and touches your shoulder, and when you look at him like a lost animal, he nearly crumbles to dust. “Look… It’s more than okay if you don’t want to, I understand… But I really do think this will help you. You’re completely safe here, I want you to know that.”

He’s speaking to you in that slow, collected way that always gets you to open up to him, and when you finally nod and agree to do his little assignment, he smiles, though his stomach inside is doing flips and he’s shooting off celebratory fireworks in his brain.

“What do I do when I’m done?” you ask.

He reaches into his pocket and gives you a pager. “You can page me with this. I’ll be in my office, so by the time I get to you, you should have enough time to get yourself situated. Is that okay?”

“You’re… Leaving me alone?”

The question almost knocks the wind out of him. To play it off though, he laughs a little. “What, you want me to watch?”

“That’s not what I meant! I… I just mean… Anyone could…”

“Like I said, this room is completely safe and soundproof. I’ve booked it for your session today, so no one is coming in to use it. There is a room right next door if you’d prefer I stay closer though, just in case.”

“Y—Yes, please…”

Spencer smiles and sets the pager on the other side of the room, on a small table in the corner. “Okay. Page me when you’re done, and I’ll give you a few minutes to collect yourself. Okay?”

“Okay,” you give with a nod and a small smile. Your nerves have calmed, and maybe this helps Spencer feel better about what he’s about to do, but in spite of his ulterior motives, he’s truly glad you’re making progress.

He leaves and shuts the door, locking it and making quick work of sliding into the small door next to it. After locking that one as well, he switches on the light and settles in, seeing that you’ve only just sat down on the small couch in the middle of the room.

You both lean back at about the same time, you into the couch cushions and Spencer in the spinning desk chair. It doesn’t take but a single movement of your hand down to the button of your jeans to make him hard, and now he’s determined to make you feel the same way about him that he does you.

It’s set in stone the moment you slide the denim down your legs and spread them wide, right in front of him. He watches as you take a deep breath and rub yourself through your panties, little pieces of your hesitation crumbling away by the second, and he just knows he’s going to fuck you properly.

When, he doesn’t know. But it will happen, that much he’s sure of.

In the meantime, he settles for fantasy. Spencer opens up his own pants and just loosens them enough to get his dick out, and all the while his eyes are trained solely on you.

He doesn’t start moving his hand until you slide your panties down as well, fluttering your eyes closed the moment your finger makes contact with your bare clit. In that moment, Spencer is glad for the soundproofing, because if you’d actually heard the way he groaned out just then, he would have been doomed. He spits on his hand and starts to glide it softly over himself, matching the speed of your own as it languidly explores your body.

All he can think about is how beautiful you are… He should be thinking about how wrong this is, or how you probably don’t feel the same attraction to him that he so obviously feels about you, and doing this is only making his crush worse…

Butdamn it, you’re just so captivating, he can’t stop.

And he doesn’t.

No, Spencer doesn’t even give a second thought to sighing out your name and imagining you in front of him—closer than you are now—with your head tilted up and your pretty eyes batting up at him while he fucks your throat. He mindlessly whispers praises in between low whines as his speed and pressure increases, and he’s so close to coming.

He can hold out, though. He can wait for you. In fact, he wants to wait for you. He wants to watch you come undone before he even thinks about getting there himself.

But of course, as they say, you don’t always get what you want.

It’s not like it’s his fault, though. You’re the one who’s losing yourself in a fantasy, using his name on your lips as a plea to aid you in the most intimate form of pleasure…

“Doctor Reid,” he can hear you whine as you squirm and bring yourself closer to bliss.

He can’t help it, then. His name falling off your tongue sets off the explosion that ripples through his insides. His hand falters, and he releases the most pathetic sound he’s ever made at the mercy of a sexual partner, right as he comes all over his hand. You’re calling his name again, in broken chants getting higher and higher in pitch until you’re incoherent, and he’s just a sticky, flustered mess.

He sits there and watches you reach your climax, still gently stroking his cock with a lip between his teeth. Your eyes squeeze shut and your mouth hangs open, and your legs, while still wide, are wavering and tensing. His eyes travel down to your hand as it aids you in pleasure, and he wishes more than anything that it was his.

In fact, the thought gives him an idea for your next session…


PERMANENT TAGLIST (tags not working are struckout): @starrylang@xoxospencerreid@mrsobrien888@awesomebooklover17@yourmisosoup@gubswh0re@venomsvl@this-is-doctor-and-its-calm@umbreonwolfy@hotchandspenceraredilfs@spencerreidsmommy@abby2661@youabitchhhh@reidsbabe@shemarmooresfedora@donald4spiderman@moonlight-2-6@chaoticcatie@flipperpenguins@muffin-cup@centiaaa@foreveryoungxx3@happymangospot 

If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, feel free to message me or leave a comment and I’ll get on it right away!: 



Pairing:Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Rating:Mature (18+)
Content:Adults with an age gap, graphic depictions of sex (more detailed content listings are included in each chapter), and alcohol use.

A special thank you to the lovely and talented @boldlyvoid​ for beta reading each chapter and making this moodboard for me! It’s perfect ❤❤❤

Your Favorite — When Y/N comes home from college for the summer to meet her mom’s new boyfriend, she finds herself in a rather tough spot when she can’t stop thinking about him… And it seems he feels the same.


My Forever — Seven years after Your Favorite,Y/N is back home for the week of her grandmother’s funeral. And now that she and Spencer have found their way to each other again, the two must contemplate their future and what it would mean for the people they love.


two alpha males

spencer reid smut!

warnings: this is my first smut?, i haven’t been able to write x reader smut so this is x my criminal minds oc chloe!, also a lot of smut like wow

wc: 1633


Reid was worn out- the case was more than tiring, it was more than exhausting, it was full out draining. Couples being killed in a romantic situation… One that he and Chloe had been through a few times. Rose petals, mood music, sexy lingerie. He’d done nothing but race to catch the guy- before he could get to Chloe. He’d do anything to make sure she didn’t get hurt. Especially since she’d traveled with the team this time.

The team had all gone out into the field, which by the way never got less terrifying for Chloe, knowing that the love of her life might die confronting a serial killer. Then again, of course, there was almost nothing sexier than Spencer Reid with a gun.

Chloe was still outside, and still thinking. He’d said two alpha males, like he wasn’t one of them. But Chloe knew he was quite the alpha male when he wanted to be. (Which was anytime he got turned on. It’s like there was a switch in the back of his brain that just flipped whenever certain things got hot).

They all had one more night before they could get the jet back to Quantico. It had to fuel up before the flight- which was probably a safe idea. So, Chloe and Spencer settled in for the night.

“Hey, Spence, can I ask you something?” Chloe said, as they laid in bed, Spencer reading, Chloe just watching him take in the words at a million miles a minute.

Spencer looked up from his book, “Well, we have been together for… A few years now, Clo. I hope that you’d know you can ask me anything.” He smiled goofily.

“Well, it’s just… Earlier, when you were talking to Hotch, you said that she’d react differently to you than to an alpha male. Are you not an alpha male, Spence?” She teased, raising her eyebrows at him, taunting him. She knew he’d hate this.

“What? No! I was just saying that I don’t tend to come off as one-“

“Baby, were you trying to tell everyone that you don’t wanna be alpha? Maybe that I’m the one who wears the pants in our relationship?” Chloe moved towards him, whispering huskily into his ear once she’d crawled close enough.

Spencer was basically a cartoon at this point- you could see the steam coming out of his ears but he wasn’t ready to explode yet. That’s when Chloe climbed on top of him.

“Were you telling them you need to be dominated by little girl like me? That you’re not man enough to take me roughly right here?” She whispered in his ear, starting to kiss down his neck slowly.

Spencer huffed, clenching his fists, but still not speaking, as Chloe unbutton his shirt. “Were you telling all your teammates that you couldn’t control me? That maybe you need to be dominated like the pretty boy they all think you are?”

Spencer had finally had enough, he flipped Chloe over with ease so that he was positioned on top of her. “You know damn well who’s gonna dominate who in this bed, princess.”

Chloe sighed, happy. This, of course, is what she’d been hoping for the entire time. “Why don’t you show me, Spence?”

And that’s all it took. Spencer was replaced with someone who looked like him, but had only one motivation: lust. Suddenly, with his shirt still all the way unbuttoned, he got off of Chloe.

“Shirt off, now. I can’t believe… You can’t just pull this shit, Clo!” Spencer ran a hand through his hair, practically boiling with rage. Chloe did as she was told, stripping off her tight shirt slowly, still not getting enough of Spencer like this.

“Oh but Dr. Reid, how could the gangly boy genius ever dominate a strong girl like me? You know they’d never believe it.” She taunted again, knowing the deep shit she’d just gotten herself into.

Spencer, at this point, was done with this bullshit. He got back onto the bed, slamming his hands on either side of Chloe’s face, getting as close as he could to her while being able to see her whole face.

“Oh, you know you’d be so frustrated without me, princess. I know how you feel about my hands, about my hair, about my lips.” His lips grazed her ear as he whispered angrily, “You know damn well no one else could make you feel like I make you feel, because no one else could ever dominate you like I do.”

And with that he pressed his lips to hers roughly, caring more about the actual contact of their flesh beneath them- their bare stomachs were touching, and he could feel how shallow her breathing was. He discarded the open fronted shirt and leaned down to whisper to her again, “You’re going to scream for me tonight, princess, and you’re not gonna hold back. Got it?” He asked, looking at Chloe for a response.

She was too eager to muster much of one, so all she could say was, “Oh, Dr. Reid, if you only knew how much of your name the people in this hotel will be hearing tonight.”

Their lips were connected once again, with Chloe’s hands in Spencer’s shorter hair cut, pulling and tugging at it every so often, making Spencer moan involuntary. Spencer however, had one hand on the bed to keep himself steady, and the other running up and down her side, not paying any specific attention to any place, just ghosting over the bare skin.

Chloe gasped, “Baby, please…” She whispered, forgetting about what Spencer had said earlier.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t quite hear that, princess. Speak up.”

She whimpered lightly, “Baby, I need you to do something, anything. Fuck, I’m desperate for you.” She said, louder this time.

Spencer laughed silently, “Same old Chloe, no patience.” He shook his head, “Good things come to those who wait.”

He brought his head down to kiss her neck, the valley between her breasts, and her stomach, before bringing his hands back up to pay attention to her still clothed chest. The cups were lightly padded, and she’d always been so sensitive. One firm grasp and she’d gasped.

When he started to kiss her again, entangling their tongues, without even a fight for dominance, Chloe knew the time for her teasing was over. He roughly massages her breasts as they kissed, the feelings of his girlfriends moans against his lips making him even harder than he previously was.

He pulled back from her completely, sitting up so that his hips were aligned with hers. “Princess, you made fun of me earlier. You know what you need to do to make up for it, right?” He asked, shifting his weight off of her and allowing her to climb on top of him again.

She nodded, “Of course, Dr. Reid.” She kissed his neck again, this time taking her time to suck and bite at it as he’d done to her- dear god this was going to be fun to cover up in the morning. Good thing she’d packed a turtleneck…

As she heard his moans from her assault on his neck she brought a hand down and started palming him through his jeans.

“Come on, now, princess.” He grunted, “No teasing.”

She batted her eyelashes at him and smiled innocently, much like she had earlier, “But Dr…. That’s what makes it fun.” She kissed down his stomach, his toned body still amazing her to this day. When she reached his belt buckle she skillfully undid it, tossing it to the side as she unbuttoned his jeans.

What she did next is something Spencer would never forget. She took the zipper in her mouth, and making eye contact with him, unzipped his pants. He practically felt himself cum at the sight. Once his pants were off she wasted no time ridding him of his boxers, leaving him fully vulnerable in front of her. She smiled at him, taking his length in her hand and slowly pumping. Agonizingly slow. She brought her thumb up to swipe the precum already gathering at his tip. She brought her face down, and while never looking away from Spencer, kissed the tip lightly. The kissed it again, this time stopping and licking up the remaining precum. Spencer moaned again, unable to hold it in. Even after all this time her skills amazed him.

She took her lips off of him and looked up at him, “When I’m done teasing… Are you gonna help me, Doctor?” He nodded, and she went back to her work. She pumped once more before removing her hand completely and licking a full stripe up his member. She then took the head in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. He moaned again, bucking his hips up to her slowly, and twisting a hand in her hair.

That was her cue to get going. She slowly took as much of him into her mouth as she could, and drew back at the same pace. She slowly quickened her pace, taking more and more of him and his hand helped her head bob up and down. He was a moaning mess, just hips still bucking up to meet her mouths motions.

She felt him twitch in her mouth and let out a little moan, the vibrations sending him completely over the edge. She looked him in the eyes again as she swallowed his load, licking her lips after removing her mouth from him. He caught her lips in a loving kiss.

He then pulled back, his eyes still full of lust, “Now it’s your turn to scream my name, princess.”

the end! i might write a part two if this is any good ;))

word count: 1674

warnings!: smut! 

I mean it. It is literally all smut. But the end is a little fluffy

Spencer’s lips dragging against your neck, his hands gripping your waist, the cold wooden door against your bare back. You weren’t sure which of these sensations were your favorite at the moment, but you were sure that you never wanted this to stop. He pressed you harder against the wall, keeping himself firmly between your legs. His teeth dug into the nape of your neck, pulling a whiny moan out of your lips at the pain. You both knew that it was a bad idea to leave marks on the other, but you didn’t care right now. Right now all you cared about was the feeling of his tongue soothing the newly bruised area. 

“Spencer,” you whined, your head leaning back as best as it could. He pulled back from your neck and looked into your eyes, a dark look in his usually soft eyes. 

“I love the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth,” he commented with a cheeky smile. You laughed at him, a bright blush taking over your cheeks. Spencer grinned proudly at your blush before speaking, “Sound it louder for me?” 

Without warning, Spencer turned the two of you around towards the bed. Suddenly the hard wall was replaced by your soft sheets. You watched Spencer as he ripped off his shirt and crawled over you, his fingertips grazing your stomach and the peak of your breast. A short whimper left your lips as he circled your nipple. Your mouth opened to moan as he pulled the perked area, but he covered your mouth with his. Something about the taste of his mouth mixing with the pain caused your back to back to arch in pleasure. He released your nipple and used his thumb to massage it, causing symphonies of moans to escape your lips. 

“I’ll never get tired of hearing that,” he chuckled to himself. Your hands reached across his back, your nails dragging desperately down his perfect skin. Spencer let out a sharp hiss at the feeling and repaid you by grinding his hips against yours. You could feel him behind his jeans which only made you more excited. Spencer could tell so, with a deep kiss, he let his fingertips drag down your stomach and teasingly rub the clothed area between your legs.

Spencer observed your face as you were overtaken by the beautiful sensations of your body giving up against him. Your whole body trembled in lust, crying out for Spencer to have all of you. He realized that, and he loved the power he was given. He slowly tugged your shorts and underwear off, dropping them off the edge of the bed. He sat up, admiring your body underneath him. Usually you would try to hide yourself, insecure of the burning gaze.. But Spencer’s was warm. He wasn’t scrutinizing your body. He wasn’t here just to take a piece of you and leave. His eyes showed it all. This was more than just sex to him. And it was more than that to you too.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, his eyes leaving your body and looking into your eyes. Your face reddened at the dark look in his eyes. You didn’t stay frozen long, though. You sat up and reached for him, your fingers lacing themselves in his hair. Spencer reacted immediately, his arms wrapping around your bare waist and pulling you into him. His lips met yours in fiery passion, firewords spreading throughout both of your bodies. You took this time to spin the two of you around, planting yourself firmly on his lap. Spencer guided your hips along as you grinded against him. One hand left your waist and instead began teasing your clit. You moaned loudly against his lips at the feeling. Instinctively, your spine snapped straight and your hips moved against his hand. Spencer watched you in awe as your head was thrown back in bliss. 

Incoherent words fumbled passed your lips as Spencer teased your entrance with his middle finger. His thumb stayed on your clit, sending you closer and closer towards your first orgasm. Right when he felt that you were on the very edge, Spencer began to pump his middle finger in and out of you. You clenched around his finger, feeling your orgasm finally hit. The intense feeling caused your body to lift off his hand, but Spencer wrapped his free arm around your waist to keep you in place. He pumped faster into you, helping you ride out your high. You cried out his name a million times, half of them completely incoherent. When you finally came down, Spencer pulled his finger out of you and placed it in his mouth with a smile. You watched in awe, never having seen that before. You definitely didn’t expect for you to find it so fucking hot either. 

“My turn,” Spencer grinned before turning you over and slamming your back against the mattress. Your hand shot out to your nightstand, opening it and showing him the package of condoms sitting inside. He didn’t say anything as he stood up and removed his clothing. You took in his body, a glazed look over your eyes. You had known he was attractive, but being able to see his entire body… moments before it would be pressed against yours… it was a whole different light. You wished you had his memory. 

Spencer finished sliding on the condom and repositioned himself over you. He looked you in the eyes as he slowly entered you. Your mouth opened into an ‘o’ position as your eyes rolled back into your skull. Spencer took hold of your legs and pulled them onto each of his shoulders, quickening his pace. He held onto your thighs as he thrusted into you, listening to the beautiful sounds you were making underneath him. Your hands reached beside you, grasping tightly onto the sheets of your bed. 

Spencer let out a low groan as you tightened around him. He let go of your legs, allowing them to fall back onto the bed beside him. He pulled out of you briefly, flipping you onto your stomach and pulling your hips up towards his. He entered you once more, a throaty moan leaving him. You moaned loudly into the pillow, holding it in a death grip. Spencer dug his fingernails into your hips, burrowing himself deeper into you. You screamed out in pleasure as he hit the perfect spot. 

“There!” you screamed needily, your head back in satisfaction. Spencer reached forward and took a handful of your hair into his hand, yanking you upwards. You sat up on your knees, feeling every bit of him inside of you. His name left your mouth like a prayer. 

His hold on you left your hair and instead gripped onto your breasts with one hand, greedily massaging them as he fucked you harder. His freehand rubbed circles around your clit, causing your body to tremble with pleasure. 

Spencer’s hand left your breast and moved up to your throat. It only took a small amount of pressure before you felt yourself coming undone around him. 

“Spencer!” you screamed as you came, your body shaking. The feeling was so much stronger before, causing your vision to abandon you momentarily. All you could see were stars and fireworks. Had he not been holding you so tightly against him, you would’ve fallen face first into the mattress. Spencer moaned against your ear at the feeling of you breaking a second time. It didn’t take long before he followed you. Both of you rode out your highs together, a chorus of sinful calls echoing off the walls of your bedroom.
When the two of you came down from your highs, Spencer pulled out of you and spun you around to face him. You were confused for a moment before his lips met your once more. Happily, you melted into his kiss. You could definitely get used to this. He rested his forehead against yours as the kiss ended, just peacefully looking into your eyes. 

“We need to shower,” Spencer laughed as he pulled away from you. 

“Want to save some water and shower together?” you laughed. Spencer didn’t answer, instead he just lifted you up and carried you off to the bathroom. 

“Spencer!” you laughed loudly, holding onto him, “You forgot clothes!” 

“We don’t need any!” 


The next morning the two of you were called into work for a case. Spencer had stayed over, not entirely willing to leave you just yet. Whenever the two of you walked in together, your friends watched suspiciously. Neither of you said anything, nor acted like a couple. You just resumed your normal routine. That means you both went to get coffee, said hello to a few people who weren’t on the team, and then made your way to the group. 

You and Spencer had decided not to tell them what happened, especially not before a case. So when they fired questions at the two of you, nothing was revealed. It was a normal movie night. Spencer went home around eleven. Nothing scandalous about it.
However. There was a small issue that neither of you addressed. 

During debriefing, Emily leaned towards you with a small smile, “I can teach you how to properly hide a hickey. Noob.” 

Your hand immediately shot to your neck, alerting the team. Spencer’s eyes widened, realizing exactly what you were hiding.
“Called it,” Garcia said happily. 

“We didn’t know until then,” Emily laughed, “You hid it fine. Just needed to surprise the truth out of you.” 

You glared at her for a moment, “Is this really the time to be mocking me. We have a case.” 

Hotch nodded, “Exactly. Thank you, Y/N.” 

Morgan rolled his eyes at the man, “You only say that because you lost the bet. I still want my twenty dollars, case or no case.” 

Spencer looked at you with bright red cheeks, but that was the only sign of embarrassment he had. Other than that, he looked really fucking proud of himself. 


A/n: Okay, so I’m not really sure how this idea came about, but I love starting new projects and I wanted to have everything in one list. Basically, the whole idea is I’m going to write a fic (some porn no plot and some porn with plot) involving one or more kinks/plots from the list below. This is going to be an on going project, but feel free to request ones you’d like to see first, fic ideas, or kinks that aren’t on this list ( there might be some that I reject but I’m open to writing some…darker things)

Mommy kink

Daddy kink

Breeding kink


Oral (M reviecing)

Hand jobs

Oral (F receiving)

Mile High Club

Praise kink

Impact play

Degrading kink

Virgin Spencer

Virgin Reader


Size kink





Exhibitionist kink



Sex toys


I’ve probably missed a million things off this list, but please request some other things !!

Remember Me- Something’s happening

When the love of your life suffers from a disease that affects their memory of their life with you, what do you do? Will you spend your last days with them, trying to get them to remember you? The life you had, or would you give up and let them forget you?

Summary- Dr. Spencer Reid felt his whole life change when Agent Y/n L/n joined the BAU. She came in like a cool summer breeze changing everything Spencer knew about love and his capacity to care for someone so much. Y/n came to the BAU with a tragic past, her only goal was to save lives and make the world a safer place for everyone. She meets a skinny shaggy haired doctor, which causes her whole life to change, much like Spencer, will she fall in love or will her tragic past or even her job prevent her?

Pairings- Dr. Spencer Reid x f!reader

A/N- This is a notebook inspired story, this story will be told and wrote like a chapter book. So some of the endings will not always make sense. Also I don’t claim go own Criminal Minds or the Notebook, this is solely for entertainment purposes and for enjoyment. Some of the lines are from the notebook movie, again I don’t claim to own either fandom/tv show/ movie. I try to make Y/n as vague as possible so shes more inclusive so if there is any descriptive things that don’t apply to you feel free to ignore them. Also just putting this out there as the story progresses Maeve is still alive and well, she is a good friend of Spencer and Y/n’s. There will be graphic content and sexual scenes in later chapters, warnings will be added as they go. Also if you want to be tagged send me an as or comment here, also send requests I’m down for making little fics.

PS- Please don’t post my fics anywhere without my documented consent, thanks -Karma (MoshyMosh)

Warnings!- This chapter with have some sexual content, talk of sexual assault, and descriptions of kidnapping. If these bother you please don’t read this chapter!

A/N 2.0- I am like half asleep, I will double check the spelling and any issues when I was up

Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist

Y/N laughed from her couch as she tossed some popcorn at Spencer, who sat on the other end of her couch.

“Y/N!” Spencer scolded as he looked over at her, with a smile, when he saw that she was pretending to be interested in the movie they were watching.

Y/N tried to hide her smirk, before she erupted in giggles as she looked back at him, tossing some more popcorn at him. Spencer groaned as he tried to swat away the onslaught of popcorn before he started laughing along with her. Soon Y/N had wiggled her way over to Spencer as she continued to rain popcorn at him before she straddled his hips. Y/N smiled down at him as she lifted the bowl of remaining popcorn above his head then tipped it, dumping the rest of the popcorn.

“Y/N!” Spencer laughed, as he reached up to grab the bowl from her hands. She chuckled and dropped the bowl behind the couch, her arms dropped so that they were draped over his shoulders. Spencer’s hands dropped to rest on her hips, and let out a sigh of contentment when her fingers brushed against some of the hair at the base of his neck as she looked down at his face.

Spencer licked his lips as he nervously fiddled with her oversized sweater, his eyes looking between her eyes and her lips. “Screw it.” He said quietly before he crashed his lips to hers. Y/N let out a soft gasp against his lips before she eagerly kissed him back, threading her fingers into his hair.

Spencer’s hands slid under her sweater, his fingertips brushing against the band of her shorts she wore. Y/N pulled away from the kiss to pull off her sweater, leaving her top half bare. Spencer let out a breath and looked up from her chest, his hands coming up to card through her hair. He pulled her head down to crush his lips against hers again, his hips grinding up against hers slightly. The movie they had turned on, now forgotten behind her.

As they continued to kiss, Y/N let out a groan and pulled away from him as she heard her phone ringing on the coffee table. She slid off Spencer’s lap and stood, reaching for her phone. Spencer bit his lip, as his eyes raked over her topless figure, as she bent to pick up the ringing device.

“Penny, you need to have a really good reason for calling on our week off.” Y/N said when she answered the phone. “We have a case don’t we?” She looked at Spencer as she reached for her sweater when he handed it to her. Spencer watched her slide it on and chuckled softly when he heard her next words. “No need to call him, he’s right in front of me.” She smiled at him, with a wink.

Spencer smiled back and stood from the couch to gather his things after he pressed a kiss to Y/N’s forehead. “Was that a kiss I heard?!” He heard from Penelope’s end of the call, causing him to chuckle again.

“Goodbye, Penelope.” Y/N said before she hung up. “I’ll get dressed then we can go to the office.”

Spencer and Y/N rode to Quantico in a tension-filled silence after what happened before they were interrupted. Spencer looked over at Y/N as he replayed the kiss over and over again. He was pulled away from his thoughts as she pulled into her assigned parking spot in the lot. The pair got out and started walking to the elevator in the parking garage.

Y/N fiddled with one of the buttons on her blazer as they rode the elevator in silence. Spencer leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple with a smile, pulling away when the doors started opening on their floor. Y/N smiled softly and stepped out with Spencer, once they were inside the bullpen, she went over to her desk to drop off her bag.

“Miss Y/N…” Penelope sing-songed as she walked over to her, dragging Derek along with her. “You have some ‘splanin’ to do.” She said in the 'I love Lucy’ voice.

“I do not.” Y/N said feigning innocence. “Also we have a case so now’s not the time.” She said as she began to walk upstairs to the meeting room, taking her seat next to Spencer.

Soon, everyone arrived and sat down around the table pulling their files to him, opening them up to look at their contents. “Ok guys. We’re not traveling very far for this case. It’s in our own backyard.” Hotch said as he began clicking through some of the photos on the TV screen. Y/N listened to him in the background as she started looking through the pictures for the victimology.

“Every one of the women are Y/H/C and Y/E/C eyed, the only thing different is height and weights. Some of them were found to have Y/E/C contacts and a crude dye job if they did not have the correct look to the unsub. These things were noted in the autopsies.” Y/N said as she looked up at the screen as pictures of the victims came up.

“There was some DNA recovered from the sexual assaults and under the fingernails of the first victim, there were no matches in CODAS.” Derek said, reading the information from his file.

“DC capitol police think the first victim is Leah Ainsworth, 24, a tourist in DC on vacation.” Hotch said. “The period of which the victims were reported missing and then to when they were found is 3-5 days.”

Y/N nodded her head. “ The extreme amount of wounds seems like overkill. 10 of the wounds on Leah were done postmortem. A lot of rage behind these attacks.” She said as she closed her file and looked around at the rest of the team to gauge their reactions.

“There’s something else…” Derek said. “Every victim was found with a note that said 'For F/I M/I L/I’.”

“Could it be an activist group?” Spencer asked, sitting up in his seat.

“Could be initials.” Hotch said rubbing his chin in thought. “Garcia see if those are a match for anything like that.”

“Got it.” Penelope said, writing down a note for herself.

“Reid, Morgan, go to the latest crime scene. Y/L/N and Prentiss go to where this latest victim was abducted and see if you can get anything from there. JJ your with me, setting up the evidence boards.” Hotch directed.

“Let’s do this.” Emily said, getting up from her seat.

The team spent the day finding out new evidence and new possibilities. As they were about to go home for the night they sat in the meeting room going over the things they found out.

“Emily and I found out our latest victim was supposed to meet someone, like a date.” Y/N said as she fiddled with her pen. “But the person never showed.”

Emily nodded her head. “Customer parking is down an alley behind the building, the unsub could’ve blitz attacked and drugged the girls.”

“Garcia, anything on the search?” Hotch asked, turning towards the woman in question.

“All I got were two activist groups and millions of names.” She said, rubbing at her forehead.

“Alright. Guys go home, we’ll come back tomorrow and look at this with fresh eyes.” Hotch said before everyone got up and went to their desks to gather their things. Y/N smiled at Spencer as she held up her keys.

“Give you a ride home.” She said before she mimicked Derek’s voice. “Pretty boy.”

Spencer chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “Yes, I’ll take your offer, but don’t ever do that again.” He joked as he walked over to her.

Y/N drove Spencer home, dropping him off at his apartment building with a kiss. Soon she arrived home, parked in her normal spot, and gather things before she let herself into the courtyard with her keycard. She looked through her keyring for her house key as she walked up to her door.

She stopped what she was doing with a smile, as she spotted a glass vase full of yellow red-tipped roses sitting in front of her door. She chuckled as she fished out her phone out and dialed Spencer’s number as she reached to pull the notecard out with the hand holding her keyring, as she began reading it. She let out a squeal as she felt something press against her nose and mouth. She dropped everything she was holding to fight off her attacker.

“Y/N? Y/N?!” Spencer called over the phone hearing the struggle.

“I finally found you.” Y/N heard in her ear as she felt her body go limp in her attacker’s arms, succumbing to the drug. Her attacker lifted her body into his arms.

“Jason…” Y/N slurred out in the direction of her phone as her attacker pulled her badge and gun off her person. “Jason Dean… Spencie…” Y/N slurred again before she passed out.

“No one is going to save you, babe. I’ve got you now.”  her attacker said as he stepped on her phone in his walk to his vehicle.

Spencer took a shaky breath and called Hotch after the line when dead. “Hotch, Something has happened to Y/N.

Remember me: A Night To Remember (2)


When the love of your life suffers from a disease that affects their memory of their life with you, what do you do? Will you spend your last days with them, trying to get them to remember you? The life you had, or would you give up and let them forget you?

Summary- Dr. Spencer Reid felt his whole life change when Agent Y/n L/n joined the BAU. She came in like a cool summer breeze changing everything Spencer knew about love and his capacity to care for someone so much. Y/n came to the BAU with a tragic past, her only goal was to save lives and make the world a safer place for everyone. She meets a skinny shaggy haired doctor, which causes her whole life to change, much like Spencer, will she fall in love or will her tragic past or even her job prevent her?

Pairings- Dr. Spencer Reid x f!reader.

A/N- This is a notebook inspired story, this story will be told and wrote like a chapter book. So some of the endings will not always make sense. Also I don’t claim go own Criminal Minds or the Notebook, this is solely for entertainment purposes and for enjoyment. Some of the lines are from the notebook movie, again I don’t claim to own either fandom/tv show/ movie. I try to make Y/n as vague as possible so shes more inclusive so if there is any descriptive things that don’t apply to you feel free to ignore them. Also just putting this out there as the story progresses Maeve is still alive and well, she is a good friend of Spencer and Y/n’s. There will be graphic content and sexual scenes in later chapters, warnings will be added as they go. Also if you want to be tagged send me an as or comment here, also send requests I’m down for making little fics.

Here is the board I’ve been using for inspo here

PS- Please don’t post my fics anywhere without my documented consent, thanks -Karma (MoshyMosh)

Previous part|Next part|Masterlist


Spencer looked at his reflection in the mirror of the fitting room as he adjusted the sleeves of the suit jacket he was trying on, he sighed and stepped out of the small room into the sight of his coworkers.

“Do I look ok?” he asked his friends nervously

“Lose the gray shirt, go for white.” Derek said, looking up from his phone to Spencer. “Garcia just sent me a picture of the tie they got you that matches Y/n’s dress.” Derek said as he passed his phone to Rossi, sitting beside him.

“Yeah, white will look best.” The Italian agent said, looking up from the picture on Derek’s phone. “JJ has your tie, Spencer. She said she will bring it by later today, or in the morning it seems.” he said with a chuckle as he handed Derek his phone back.

“Looks like they’re breaking out the wine.” Derek said, chucking at the picture of Penelope holding up two bottles of wine in Y/n’s living room.

“Good Italian wine they’re having too.” Rossi remarked, smirking.

Derek looked back up at Spencer, “get the tux but with a white shirt.” he told him.

Spencer turned around to look at his reflection again and nodded his head in acceptance of the suit before he turned and told the employee nearby what he wanted. When the employee went to look for his shirt, Spencer went back inside the fitting room to change back.

Spencer handed the suit he neatly hung back on the hanger to the employee and followed his friends up to the registers to pay for his items. As he let Derek drive him back to his apartment he began to think about Y/n and if she really liked him or only saw him as a friend and coworker. Spencer then wondered if she was having fun with the girls.

“Why are you so quiet pretty boy?” Derek asked as he glanced from the road to Spencer then back to the road.

“Just thinking.” Spencer said looking from the window to Derek.

“About Y/n?” Derek asked softly, looking over to see Spencer nodding his head as he looked out the window again. Derek looked back to the road before he spoke. “Don’t overthink your feelings or hers, it won’t end well if you do.”

Spencer and Derek sat in silence the rest of the way to Spencer’s apartment, once Spencer began to climb out of the car Derek spoke again.

“Keep giving her those gifts, let it come naturally.” Derek said as he watched Spencer grab his tux from the back of the car. Spencer walking into his apartment building, heading for his home as he kept repeating what Derek told him in his mind.

Y/n giggled as she sipped on her wine before she grabbed the box Emily was holding out to her. “What’s this?” she asked in confusion.

“Just open it.” Penelope said as she applied a face mask, looking into Y/n’s makeup mirror she set in Y/n’s coffee table.

Y/n shook her head with a laugh before she set her wine glass down and began to open the lid to the box. She let out a small gasp when she saw the necklace Emily showed her in the shop. “Emily… You didn’t have to do this.”

“Consider it my welcome to the team gift, that is several months overdue.” Emily said as best she could with the drying face mask on her face.

“Thank you, so much.” Y/n said before their laughter was interrupted by Y/n’s buzzer going off. “That must be the food.” Y/n said as she got up to buzz the delivery guy in. Y/n paid and brought their food back to be passed out to the girls. The rest of the night the girls laughed and cried together, just spending some time being friends.

Y/n walked into the bullpen with a groan as she felt the bright lights of the room hit her eyes. She walked over to her desk and plopped down on her chair, dropping her bag from her shoulder to the floor beside the chair.

Y/n spotted the coffee cup in her desk and grinned, looking over to Spencer. “Spencie, you are truly a Godsend.” she said as she saw him walk over to her desk, she stood and gave him a hug causing him to stand stiff.

“Uh, thank you.” Spencer said once she let him go and grabbed the coffee he got for her. She took a sip and sighed happily after.

“What are you guys doing here?” Hotch asked, walking into the bullpen in plain clothes as he looked around at the team that was in the room.

“What do you mean Hotch?” Derek asked him in confusion.

“We have the day off, I’m only here because security called me.” Hotch said with a chuckle.

Y/n scoffed and shook her head, her hand reaching up to hold her head. “You’re telling me I could’ve been at home sleeping off the wine headache?” She asked sarcastically as she reached down to pick up her bag. “Though if I did know I wouldn’t have gotten my daily dose of Spencer coffee.” She said as she grinned at JJ after seeing Spencer scratch the back of his neck in nervousness.

“Guys go home we have a ball tomorrow.” Hotch said with a laugh, walking with everyone to the elevator. When they all began to load up in the elevator Y/n and Spencer slid to the back, standing behind everyone Y/n quietly switched the hand she was holding her coffee cup in and hooked her pinkie finger with Spencer’s once she freed up her hand.

Y/n looked up at Spencer to see him smile before she leaned her head on his shoulder as they rode like the rest of the way down, only separating when the doors open to the elevator and everyone began to step out.

“Guys, let’s have lunch at my place.” Rossi said looking at his team. “I’ll cook and from my profile of SSA L/n you seem like quite the cook.”

Y/n chuckled nervously and shrugged bashfully. “I dabble but I’m down for some famous David Rossi cooking.”

“Dabble? Bish please I’ve seen your kitchen.” Penelope said, her arm hooked with Derek’s as they stood around in the garage. “You’re like a regular old Rachel Ray.”

“That settles it. We’re doing it. Everyone go home, change into more comfortable clothes and meet at my house after.” Rossi called out as he walked to his car, his finger raised as he gestured to the team behind him.

Y/n watched everyone walk to their cars and begin to leave, she watched Spencer begin to walk to the exit of the garage to take public transportation back to his apartment. “Spencer!” Y/n called out to him causing him to stop and turn back around to look at her. “Let me give you a ride?” She asked him, holding her keys up.

“Uh-uh- yeah sure.” Spencer said walking back over to him. “You don’t have to stop at my apartment, all my clothes are like this.”

Y/n smiled and nodded her head in thought. “Ok, it won’t take me long to change.” Y/n said as she unlocked her car and began to walk around to the driver’s side door. “Come on, join me in my trusty steed.” Y/n joked with a chuckle as she slid into her seat. Spencer laughed at her joke and slid into her passenger seat.

Y/n started her car and began to pull out of her parking spot then out of the fluorescent-lit garage. She started driving to her apartment, Spencer would steal glances at her as they drove, the soft sounds of Y/n singing to whatever song was on the radio, every time he looked at her a small smile would grace his lips.

“We’re almost there, take a picture when you can.” Y/n said with a smile, as she turned into her assigned parking space in the parking lot of her apartment complex.

“I have an eidetic memory, I physically can not forget things.” Spencer said as he watched as she climbed out of her car.

Y/n laughed and leaned down to look at the man who was still sitting in the passenger seat of her car. “You coming smarty pants?” She stood up straight as she shut her door, moving to lean her hip again the hood as she waited for Spencer to get out. Y/n pressed the lock button on her key fob after he climbed out and began to walk up to her building complex.

Spencer looked around at the complex. “This is a very secure place.” He noted when he looked back to watch her scan her keycard to enter into the gate that surrounded the living complexes and courtyard.

Y/n held the gate open for him and nodded as they began to walk to the building her apartment was in. “Yeah, safest one I could find when I moved here.” She said softly as unlocked her door and stepped in letting him in behind.

“Why this place?” Spencer asked as he looked around at the organized chaos in her apartment. The chaos he knew from his own living space. Y/n sighed as she set her keys and bag down on the kitchen counter, Spencer looked into the kitchen and noted in his mind what Penelope was saying was true about Y/n’s culinary expertise.

“I’ll tell you someday.” She said gesturing to her living room. “Please make yourself comfortable, I’ll just be a minute.” Spencer walked further into the living room as he heard her footsteps receding down the hallway to what he assumed was her bedroom.

After she changed and gather her things they were back on the road. heading to Rossi’s house for the lunch he offered. The whole team had a great time at the Italian agent’s house. Rossi true to his word roped Y/n into cooking with him. The time spent at his house was spent in laughter and fun. Lunch turned into dinner with Y/n being the sole cook this time and soon they were all heading home.

Spencer laid in his bed thinking about what Y/n might look like at the ball. No matter what she wore she would still look beautiful in his eyes. The night faded into the early morning dawn of the day of the ball.

The girls decided to all go to Emily’s apartment to get ready for the ball. They did each other’s hair and helped with their makeup. Y/n smiled at the girls as they fussed with their dresses. She looked out the window and smiled again at the soled of the setting sun. she looked back down at the mirror in front of the window and continued applying her light red lip stain.

Y/n finished her lipstick and stood, walking over her dressed that was hanging on the back of the door. “JJ help me get into this?” She asked the girl in question who was the first one dressed. She stepped into the dress and pulled it up where it belonged before she turned to let the blonde zip her up. “Girls the guys will be here any minute.” She stated as she gathered her stuff.

Right as Y/n said that the doorbell to Emily’s apartment buzzed signaling the rest of the team’s arrival, causing Penelope and Emily to squeal in surprise. She rolled her eyes and laughed at the pair before she followed her female coworkers to the door to meet the guys downstairs to ride to the venue together.

Spencer stood outside one of the SUVs they were using for the night, watching each one of his coworkers exit the building. Spencer let out a quiet gasp when he saw Y/n, her being the last one to walk out. His eyes raked over her frame taking in every detail, knowing that it will be in his memory forever.

Y/n smiled as she stood in front of him. “Oh, I almost forgot.” She said softly before she pulled out a yellow red-tipped rose that she had made into a boutonniere. “I uh- I got this for you.” she said shyly as she gestured to the item in her hands.

“Thank you.” Spencer said as he stepped closer to her.

“May I?” She asked as she looked up at the agent through her mascara-coated lashes.

“Uh, Yes please.” Spencer said, feeling her skirt brush again his legs as she stepped closer to him. His hands instantly went to her hips, not knowing it was to keep her steady or for him to hide the shakiness of his hands. He committed the way the silky tule felt under his fingertips to his memory. Y/n focused on putting the flower in the buttonhole of his suit jacket and pinning it in place.

Spencer looked down at her hands as she straightened the accessory on his jacket. He had to suppress the whine when she stepped away, looking back to her face as it held a small smile directed at him, a blush coating her cheeks.

“Let’s go love birds.” Derek said with a chuckled as he and their teammates watched them. Soon everyone was loaded into the two SUVs and began driving to the location of the FBI ball.

Y/n and Spencer sat in the back seat of one of the vehicles, Spencer looked over at Y/n and watched the lights of the city flash across her face. Spencer’s eyes looked down to his hand that was resting on the seat between them, her pinky finger was hooked onto his pinky and ring fingers. He smiled at the gesture and almost pouted when she pulled away as they arrived at the location.

“Let me get the door.” Spencer told her as he got out of the car and rushed around to open her door. He helped her out of the car and smiled at her after he shut the door behind her. Y/n looked around before she linked her arm with his, as they began to walk up the walkway to the entrance.

The evening was spent in fun, dancing, and laughing after the awards were passed out and announcements of changes being made in the bureau were made. Soon the music slowed and Spencer asked Y/n to dance. She looked up and smiled, taking the hand he offered. He lead her to the dance floor and began to dance to the slow tune playing.

“Spencie?” Y/n asked softly, looking up from his shoulder that she was resting her head upon.

“Hmm?” He hummed out as he rested his head against hers.

“Those roses? The ones you gifted me, the coloring means friendships and or falling in love. You obviously knew that you know everything, mister four PhDs.” She joked causing Spencer to chuckle and sigh in contentment. “What is your meaning behind them?” She asked softly.

“Well, we’re already friends…” Spencer said softly. “Is it bad I meant them to be I am falling in love with you?”

Y/n smiled into his neck before she began to whisper. ‘The poems of the privacy of the night, and of men like me. This poem dropping shy and unseen that I always carry. And that all men carry.’ Y/n took a breath and pulled back to look at him.

'Love thoughts, love juice, love-odor, love yielding, love-climbers, and the climbing sap.’ She continued only stopping when he started speaking.

'Arms and hands of love, lips of love, phallic thumb of love, breasts of love, bellies pressed and glued together with love.’ Spencer recited from memory.

'Earth of chase love, life that is only life after love.’ She recited along with him. She stopped speaking thinking that they were going to stop, she let out a soft gasp when he continued.

'The body of my love, the body of the woman I love, the body of the man, the body of the earth.’ Spencer finished, as he looked into her eyes deeply. “Spontaneous me. Walt Whitman.” Spencer said as he smiled softly at her.

He began to lead Y/n to the open doors that lead out to a garden, as the song finished, the garden only held a handful of people that were talking and laughing softly amongst themselves. Y/n leaned against the railing of a small gazebo he brought her to.

“You read the book of poems I gave you.” She stated softly with a smile.

“I’ve read it and re-read it several times.” He said shyly, as he rubbed the back of his neck. “And that poem I’ve deduced is your favorite.”

“Why do you think that?” She asked, tilting her head as she looked at him, her arms coming up to rub her bare shoulders.

Spencer watched her before he took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders. “It was the fact the spine was worn and the edges of the pages were worn.” He stated as he reached up to rub her arms in an effort to warm her up.

“Hey, love birds.” Emily sing-songed, coming up to the pair, slightly tipsy. “Time to go or you’ll be riding in a yellow chariot.”

Spencer laughed and gestured for Y/n to lead the way, she smiled and began to follow the tipsy Emily to the SUVs. Y/n silently reached back for his hand, he saw this and reached for hers as well, smiling as she used one of her fingers to grip his. Spencer made a mental note to as her why she does this.

Spencer rode with her till she was dropped off at her apartment, even though it was in the opposite direction of his own. He walked her up to her door, making sure that she got home and inside safely before he let the driver take him back to his apartment. He saved the rose she gave him, much like she did with the ones he got her.

They both fell asleep in their beds, each of their thoughts thinking of the other as they drifted off.

Heyo, i will probably have the next part of Remember Me out tonight, please don’t hold me to it or hate me. But to give a little background about myself I work for a SNU (special needs unit) at a school and we’ve offically started spring break yesterday, and I got a little distracted by reading and spring cleaning. A big thank you to those of you who are being patient with me i really appreaciate it. love you guys lots <3

Hey guys so I know I said I get the next chapter of Remember me out, but I’m behind I’m so sorry I swear it will be out this week, everything’s got a little hectic in my life. Thanks so much for your patience

Hey guys, I won’t be getting the next part of Remember me out this week if I do it’ll be Friday night, Saturday at the latest. A lot has hit me all at once and I just need to focus on that. I swear it will be up tho


Spencer Reid x Y/N

*Explicit Content Warning*


Y/N paced slowly along the living room floor biting along her lip in deep thought, a fantasy, actually. Fantasizing of something she had been wanting to ask Spencer all day. She didn’t know why she felt so hesitant to ask him, because Spencer never made her feel ashamed of her desires. In fact, Spencer, being more experienced loved to show her the depts he could take her. One thing Spencer did not expect, is taking her to those depts over the year of their relationship would awake a sleeping giant inside her. An insatiable hunger, that consumed her, turning his sweet innocent girlfriend into a fiend for his touch.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” Spencer’s smooth voice brought her back from her fantasy, making her still, looking over to him sitting at his desk across the room. He still stared down at the book resting in his hand, which had kept his attention from her for the last hour. “What do you mean?” Y/N asked softly. “You only pace when you’re nervous.” He points out, turning the page in his book delicately. She feels the blush rising to her cheeks, building the courage to ask him.

“I’m…Do you know what edging is?” Y/N finally blurts, causing Spencer to finally look up from his novel. He wears a small smirk, an almost cocky glint to his honey eyes. “Yes, why do you ask?” He questions back, intrigued by her initial question. He watched her fiddle with the edge of her skirt, blushing adorably trying to keep her eyes on his. “I want to try it.” She proclaims clearly with impressive confidence.

She had Spencer’s full attention now, watching him slowly fold the book close, and lifting his eyebrow in surprise at his girlfriend. “Are you sure? It can be intense.” Spencer cautions, setting the book down on the desk. “Yes, I’m sure, please?” Y/N pleads, pouting her lips as she always did to draw Spencer in. A deep sigh left his chest, contemplating what Y/N wanted. His eyes narrowed at hers, trying to read her, looking for any hesitancy before he spoke. “Go take your clothes off and wait at the end of the bed for me.”

Spencer’s order made her core throb, imagining what he was about to do to her. She only nodded before hurrying to their bedroom to follow his instructions. He gave her a couple of minutes to get undressed, plus a couple more just to let her own anticipation tease her. Once he did walk to their bedroom, he found her just as he instructed, perched on the end of the mattress naked, all for him.

She looks up at him with big excited eyes, smiling seeing him lean against the doorframe. “Open your legs kitten” Spencer calmly speaks, making her swallow hard before slowly spreading herself for him. Even from the doorway, he would see the glistening mess already forming between her legs just at the thought of him, making him smile devilishly.

Y/N was beautiful, every curve and imperfection amazed Spencer. He didn’t think a person could be perfect before meeting Y/N, but she never failed to take his breath away. Feeling his own desire hardening in his shorts, he had to remind himself to stay focused on the task at hand.

“Perfect, now rub your pretty little clit until I say stop.” Her face frowns in confusion, she wanted Spencer to edge her, not herself. “But I thought you-” She begins to question his command, but Spencer’s eyes silence her. That look he gave her when she was misbehaving, begging to be punished. She knew better than to question him, so she did as told.

A small whine left Y/N’s lips when she touched between her folds, feeling her arousal coat her fingertips. She wedged her opposite arm behind her to keep balance, slowly circling her crest as Spencer said. Spencer followed her motions carefully with lust-filled eyes, making her feel embarrassed, desired, sexy, and vulnerable all at once. It was a thrill, one that she loved to chase.

“Eyes on me, Kitten.” Spencer coys as her head fell back, becoming lost in the rush. She looks back to him, breathing heavily now as her core fluttered for more. Her hips roll against her hand, chasing after release, craving Spencers touch. “Please, Spencer.” Y/N moans out, seeing the tent forming in his shorts. He stands straight, taking a few steps before reaching the bed, kneeling before her.

Spencer keeps his eyes on her as he reaches under each corner of the bed, retrieving restraints. “I just want you to remember you asked for this.” Spencer groans yanking her legs wider to secure the leather cuffs. Her eyes gleamed with excitement seeing what he had done, making her balance at the very edge of the mattress as he tightened the leg restraints.

“I want it, please Sir.” She begs still working her clit, feeling herself building close to climax. Spencer stands back in front of her, pulling his t-shirt over his head. Y/N eyes flutter trying to remain open as she looks over his soft-toned chest and torso. Gosh, he’s gorgeous is the last thing she thinks before her stomach coils, making her gasp.

“Stop” Spencer booms, making her jump from her skin. She retracts her hand reluctantly, wanting to close her legs to stop the burning ache, understanding now why he restrained her. “Fuck.” Y/N whines, closing her eyes to stop her legs from shaking. “Oh that’s just one baby, it gets much better trust me.” Spencer laughs watching her reaction. Once her eyes open again, she sees him walking back toward the bed, sliding the small corner chair across from her.

Spencer cupped her face, stroking over her cheek tenderly as she took another deep breath. Leaning into her, he ghosts his lips over hers shifting to her ear. “It’s going to get more intense each time, okay. You remember your safe word?” Spencer hums making sure she knows what to expect. “Yes” Y/N confirms, shifting anxiously. “Yes?” Spencer snaps, gripping her jaw tighter. “Yes, Sir” She corrects shuttering at his voice. “Good girl.” Spencer praises before attacking Y/N neck, sucking and licking at the sensitive skin.

Her body jolts as Spencer finally draped his skilled fingers against her pussy, hypersensitive from her fingers before. Y/N clutches his shoulders, staring at him with heavy eyelids as he rubbed her slick folds. He knew it wouldn’t be long until she was shaking again, on the verge of cumming.

“Is my little girl about to cum?” Spencer chuckled, rubbing faster making her speechless only able to nod. The warm rush filled her body, just short of reaching her core when Spencer slipped his hand away. Y/N fell against his shoulder, sounding a loud sigh of frustration.

Spencer held her for a minute until she could sit back straight, sweat starting to form on her brow. Y/N couldn’t decide if she regretted asking Spencer to edge her yet, as her legs burned and her pussy ached for release. She wasn’t given the time to decide due to Spencer sliding two fingers into her, causing her to cry out, him feeling her body clenching around his fingers desperately.

“Spence- I can’t.” Y/N coughed. Although; her body acted opposite of her words, grinding along Spencer’s fingers wildly. “Yes, you can kitten, look how you’re practically bouncing on my fingers.” He breathed, using his other hand to tilt her head down to watch his long fingers sink into her. “You see that? My perfect girl, your pretty little cunt dripping all over my hand. Fuck, you’re beautiful like this.” She moans loud at his praise, overflowing emotions causing tears to build in her eyes.

Spencer was feral, his eyes clouded over, becoming more lost in the game he loved so much. Only focused on her and how he made her body react, wanting to drain every drop of her essence.

Moving his hand to frame her jaw yanking her to look at him, while continuing to curl his fingers deeper, feeding off of her moans and whimpers. “Please Sir, I need- shit… I’m gonna cum.” Y/N eyes go wide stuck to Spencer’s, biting his lips watching her melt further into his hands. “Not until I say you are” Spencer growls abruptly removing both hands. Y/N head falls back, gasping air feeling the dull burning spread over her whole body. Her eyes flutter close, feeling drained from Spencer’s torture. Closing her eyes was a mistake because she didn’t see what Spencer was about to do.

“Ah fuck!” Y/N screams releasing all the air from her lungs, her whole body jerking against the restraint. She looks down to see a vibrator wand pressed firmly to her clit, her mouth gaping from the overload of pleasure. Then to Spencer’s face, a wicked smile taking over his features. Y/N vision goes blurry before her eyes roll into her head, unable to control how her body convulsed.

“Is this what my naughty little girl wants, huh? I didn’t even have to punish you, you greedy, greedy girl.” Spencer whispers, supporting her while keeping the vibrator in place. Y/N tried to speak, tried to beg for release as she felt the familiar wave hitting her again, but couldn’t get the words to form. Luckily, Spencer knew her better than she knew herself.

“Cum for me Y/N, show me how good I make you feel.” Spencer finally gives permission, but not without turning up the strength of the vibrator to make her scream. Y/N gushed onto the cover, experiencing one of the strongest orgasms of her life, crying Spencers name as she shook.

Spencer turned off the toy, watching the last of the orgasm wash from Y/N. Spencer loved seeing her like this, the way her body nearly glowed after he pleased her. Although, this time when he looked into her eyes, it was different.

“Y/N” Spencer calls, she doesn’t respond, only continues to stare, not at him but through him. Spencer jumps from his seak, making it flip from his urgent movement. He rushed to unclasp her legs, catching her as she slides from the bed. Panic filled Spencer as he carried her to the center of the bed, laying her down gently.

“I’m right here baby, just breathe.” Spencer talks softly, cuddling against her limp body. Guilt filled his mind looking at his love, fearing he pushed her too far.  Y/N took in shallow breaths staring at the ceiling, feeling like her body was floating. A silent tear streamed down her face, which Spencer immediately wiped, and then covered them in a warm blanket.

“I-I need…” Y/N tried to mutter but Spencer put a finger to her lips. “I know kitten I’m right here.” He whispered shifting her tighter into his chest spooning her body to his. She couldn’t stop more tears falling from her eyes, clouded with so many emotions. She didn’t know why, but she just needed him.

“Don’t cry, you were so good kitten. I’m so sorry, I went too far.” Spencer continues to comfort her, stroking her hair as she evened her breathing. “Closer.” Her weak voice whispers to Spencer. He paused in confusion because he already cuddled her as close as possible. “What do you want closer?” A faint whine left her as she wiggled her body against his.

“You… Need to feel you.” She manages to answer making Spencer understand. Spencer reaches between their bodies, taking his dick from his shorts and resting himself against her pussy, letting her move onto him at her pace. She moaned softly at the full feeling, gripping Spencer’s arms as her walls warmed him. Spencer groaned lowly, struggling not to move against her with how amazing she always felt, but he needed to take care of her right now.

“Is that better baby?” Spencer asks. Y/N nods closing her eyes, listening to Spencer’s heartbeat to calm herself. After a few minutes, Spencer feels her hips begin to rock slowly, her gasping silently at the feeling.  

“Kitten, what are you doing?” He groans, using his hand to stop her movement. “I want to make you feel good.” Y/N says still facing away from him. “You don’t need to do that, you always make me feel good. Okay?” Spencer tries to convince her, but her voice broke him. “Please?” It sounded so weak but angelic at the same time, he clenched his eyes for a moment knowing he would give into her.

He moved his arm to wrap around her waist, then slowly pushed into her pussy again, setting a slow pace so she didn’t have to move. Moans and whimpers began falling from both of them, letting the close feeling overtake them. Spencer never sped up but continued to love her body, massaging over her breast gently as he did.

It was as their bodies became one, shifting in sync until they were both panting softly from the pleasure. “I want you to cum too, Spencer.” Y/N announced, feeling Spencer pulsing inside her. “I don’t have to baby, I promise I’m okay.” Spencer countered. “Please.” She whimpers reaching back to touch his face.

“Fuck, you’re so perfect Kitten.” Spencer groans, gripping her a little tighter to shift deeper. Kissing along her neck, Spencer closed his eyes chasing his release. Letting the slow, deep strokes pull him to the edge, listening to her increasing moans.

“Are you going to cum with me, baby?” Spencer pants feeling her body tightening around him. She nods frantically scratching into the arm steadying her, as they both orgasm around each other.

“I love you, Spencer.” Y/N whispers smiling in bliss. “I love you more, Y/N.”


Drowning Ch.1

Matthew Simmons x Reader

Short Series

*Explicit content warning* Angst/Smut/Fluff


Summary: Reader helps Matthew work through getting divorced, but how much of herself can she give before breaking?

“Daddy!” The screams get louder the harder I sprint into the black hall. I can’t get to them. “I’m right here. I’m here.” I yell breathless, reaching out to the end of the hall. Just as my hand touches the wall, the hall stretches into further darkness. “Daddy, please!” They scream again and I feel my airway tightening. My babies. I can’t stop, I have to get to them.

You failed.

“Tell me where you are” I shout trying to listen for them over the constant overbearing dripping sound, wailing as a timer of my horror. “Why aren’t you here daddy?” I recognize my youngest daughter’s cry that time, stopping my feet from moving, buckling to my knees.

You can’t protect them.

“I’m here baby, I promise.” I cough crawling to her voice, becoming blinded by smoke. The dripping it’s faster. God, it won’t stop. I can’t breathe. I can’t make it to them.

Keep reading

Drowning Ch.1

Matthew Simmons x Reader

Short Series

*Explicit content warning* Angst/Smut/Fluff


Summary: Reader helps Matthew work through getting divorced, but how much of herself can she give before breaking?

“Daddy!” The screams get louder the harder I sprint into the black hall. I can’t get to them. “I’m right here. I’m here.” I yell breathless, reaching out to the end of the hall. Just as my hand touches the wall, the hall stretches into further darkness. “Daddy, please!” They scream again and I feel my airway tightening. My babies. I can’t stop, I have to get to them.

You failed.

“Tell me where you are” I shout trying to listen for them over the constant overbearing dripping sound, wailing as a timer of my horror. “Why aren’t you here daddy?” I recognize my youngest daughter’s cry that time, stopping my feet from moving, buckling to my knees.

You can’t protect them.

“I’m here baby, I promise.” I cough crawling to her voice, becoming blinded by smoke. The dripping it’s faster. God, it won’t stop. I can’t breathe. I can’t make it to them.


“We see you, daddy.” I squint up, still trying to drag my body across the burning floor. It’s them. I can only see small shadowing figures, but it has to be them. It has to. “Hey come here, it’s okay.” I smile, as the figures slowly float toward me.


You’re going to lose them.

The ground shakes, a large crack splintering in the floor traveling toward them. They scream scrambling to hold each other. “Daddy the ground is moving.”


“Hold on, I’m here.” Get up, Matt. Get up now.


“We’re falling daddy, save us.” My burning eyes freeze, watching the ground begin to crumble beneath my loves, my reason for living.






She half stepped backward to let me stand, towering over her frame once I was in front of her. She shyly dropped her eyes, scanning over the t-shirt and gym shorts I slept in to keep her comfortable. “Sorry to wake you, I’m going to grab a shower to relax” I announce causing her to look back up. She only nodded before clumsily whirling toward her bed.

“Matt you need to wake up.” I lunged up from the bed, looking at Y/N staring at me with worried eyes. “Are you okay?” She whispers gently touching my shoulder. My hand still clenching my chest, gasping for air to calm my body. I look over to her hand on my shoulder, causing her to withdraw it quickly, looking down to the ground sheepishly.

“I’m okay. Bad dream” I answered trying to convince myself also. Her eyes narrowed contemplating to push further, biting the corner of her lip pulling my eyes down to the plump flesh. “Okay. If you need to talk, I’m always here.” She smiled so sweetly it was almost annoying. Reverting my eyes to her own, I nodded weakly, before standing from the bed.

Once in the small bathroom, I turn on the water first to let it warm before undressing and stepping under the stream. The hot water only reminded me again of the awful dream I keep having, making my muscles tense. Realistically, tense had been my only state the past months. I’m going to snap if it gets any worse, but I don’t see any glimpse of hope. All I feel is lonely. And angry, so damn angry.

I haven’t even been able to relieve myself since I moved. With so much worry and pain always clouding my mind, I feel like an unstable bomb waiting to blow. Desperate to release some of this pressure I wrap my hand around my cock, using the warm water to gently stroke over myself.

I let my head fall back against the shower wall, clenching my eyes shut tight, biting onto my lip to keep in a deprived moan. Just think of anything but her.

“Fuck, come on.” I pump faster, feeling my chest starting to rise faster. My hips jerk toward as my thumb circles over my tip, a groan vibrating through my chest. Finally, I was getting close. I’d give anything to hear a pretty little voice crying my name.

You’re losing them.

No, God, please. Not now. My throat instantly squeezes, the haunting burning feeling in my chest returning. I tried to stop the loud sob that bypassed my pride, folding my face over into my hands, letting the salty tears mix with the water running over. I can’t do this.

I flip the water off, taking one step out of the shower before catching a glimpse of the defeated man in the small mirror. Before I could stop myself; my fist collided with the wall. The full force of months of frustration shattering the mirror.


You were just about to drift back to sleep when you thought you heard a moan come from the shower. The shower Matt just entered. You freeze to listen more carefully, you then hear a faint profanity moaned again. You feel guilty that a shock tingled straight to your core, but it wasn’t meant for you to hear.

Even if you weren’t invading his privacy, Matt has a beautiful family. You shake the thought, turning to face the wall opposite the bathroom. Of course; with your damned luck, his next moan was louder, you couldn’t stop the mental image of Matt’s tall, muscular body flexing as he pleasured himself. Stop, this is wrong.

Matt and yourself had been friends a couple of years, ever since your start at the BAU. You adored his loyalty to his family and held a secret guilty pleasure of watching him be a badass in the field. That’s why when there was a shortage of rooms you agreed to room with him because it was never awkward, he always made you feel comfortable.

You clench your thighs trying to stop your thoughts, but it honestly didn’t help. Your thought is interrupted by a loud crashing sound from the shower. You jump up running to the shower, pushing through the door. “Matt are you okay?” You yell as the door swings open, but the sight in front of you silences you.

He slowly looks up to you, his chest still heaving, water dripping down his body that had nothing covering it. After looking for a second too long you turn your face to the side, feeling the blush taking over your skin. “I’m so sorry, I thought you were hurt.” You stutter, seeing him reach for a towel out of your peripheral vision.

“It’s okay.” He finally breathes, his voice doesn’t sound the same. It sounds empty. You turn back slowly, finding him still staring at you with the towel clinging lowly on his hips. There was undeniable pain in his eyes, it made your heart wrench. You wanted to ask him again, something was clearly bothering him the past months. You couldn’t even recall seeing him smile. Not wanting to pry, you turn from him to walk away from the embarrassment.

“Kristy and I separated.” It’s barely a whisper, but you caught it just as you exited the door. Your feet became heavy, not sure how to react to the information. You look back at his dark eyes, everything in you wanted to hug him, but after the recent events, you decided against it. Matt let out a long sigh, almost as to be relieved to say it.

You initially wonder why he would choose to tell you first, he was closer with some of the other team, like Luke. You always hated situations like these. How do you respond to that news? There is only so many time a person can hear “I’m sorry” before it’s as dreadful as the event itself.

“How long?” You ask softly. “6 months” He cringed slightly at his words. “I’m so sorry Matt.” You offer not knowing what else to say, by the way his jaw clenched signaled it was ill-timed. “Stop. Please. I don’t need sympathy right now, okay?” He snapped taking a step closer to you. You had sadly been through a heartbreak, so you understood how he feels.

“Well, what do you need?” You ask, purposefully not making it about yourself. His eyes drop slowly over your body, making you feel naked in your silk pajama set. He took another step forward, only leaving an arm’s length between your bodies, the air around you suddenly feeling thick.

“I need to forget.” His delayed answer making your air hitch. “Forget how?” You stare at him with doe eyes, asking if he was implying what you believed he was. “With you.” Is all he answered, and you never believed two such simple words could make you question your morals. “I just need to forget for a little while.” He continues, but now closing the space between you. Your heart pounded against your ribcage, trying to convince yourself not to sleep with your coworker.

“We work together.” You use your last bit of self-control to alter. “Yeah, and last week I remember you saying it had been a while for you because we work so much. We can help each other.” His reasoning sounding much more appealing than your own. Your eyes graze down his abs again, following the v-shaped lines that faded under the white towel, causing you to let out a defeated sigh.

“Stop biting that damn lip.” He groans boxing you in between his arms, but still refraining from touching you. A smirk played at your lips looking up at him. “I can’t help it.” You admit pushing yourself back flush to the door frame. “Then I can’t help this.”

Matt’s kiss was powerful and soft at the same time, cupping both hands to your waist. One of your hands hooked around his neck while leaving the other free to feel down his torso. You thought you could’ve been dreaming until you felt him lightly nip the lip he told you to stop biting, causing you to moan against his lips. He paused kissing you to pick you up pushing against the frame, as you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist.

“Stop me now.” He muffled into your neck kissing teasingly over your pulse point, holding you up by your hips. “Don’t you dare stop” You groan needing more. He smirks against your skin before carrying you to the closest bed, pushing your bodies into the mattress.

You pull him back down to you but passing his lips to attach wet kisses down his neck, running your fingers through his short hair. His cool hands send chills over your skin as he explored your curves, stopping eventually at the band of your silk shorts. He tugged them down slowly also hooking your underwear, sitting up to finish removing them.

After throwing the clothes to the ground, he ran a hand up each of your legs parting them enough to admire your bare center, your body squirming just from his stare. He settled back between your legs, using his hips to further spread you for him.

“Matt, please.” You whine growing impatient. He chuckles lightly at you before you finally caressing over your pussy with his fingertips. “God, you’re so ready for me.” Matt moans feeling you, making your hips buckle from the light touch.

Not wasting any more time, Matt tugs his towel away, letting you take in his naked body for a second time. Now bare, he wraps his arm around your waist sliding you down to better align with him. He left a few more kisses along your jaw before burying himself into you, his hands flung up to grip the headboard, crying out at the sensation of feeling you mold to him. His head hung between his arms hovering inches above yours, he kept his eyes on yours as he began to thrust slowly. Tears form in his eyes again, everything he was feeling swimming in them.

“I - I’m sorry…I haven’t” He starts trying to explain, but you didn’t need an explanation. “Shhh. You’re okay.” You whisper holding both sides of his face tenderly. He didn’t say any words, but his eyes thanked you for understanding. You sweetly smile and kiss him gently again, running your hands over the painfully tight muscles in his shoulders. After reassuring him, he gradually increased his pace until you couldn’t help sinking your nails into his back, rocking your hips to match his rhythm.

“Fuck” Matt grunts against your neck, as you wrap your legs tighter around him to go deeper. He fucked you harder causing you to gasp, you could have never imagined Matt making you feel like this. The headboard began making cracking sounds under the pressure of Matt’s hands, you looked up to see how hard he gripped it with both hands, causing his knuckles to become white. Unsure of his own strength at the moment, he let the frame take the force of him, gripping harder as you drove him mad with each thrust into your oasis.

“You feel so good Matt, I’m so close.” You cry feeling your climax building. He moans at your words, lifting himself to see your face. You reach for the pillow beside you to muffle the scream you felt building in your chest the closer he pushed you to finish, but Matt tore it away from your face just as you begin unraveling.

“I want to see you cum y/n” He demands, on cue it makes you scream his name falling apart under him, finally gripping onto you to steady your thrashing body. Matt groans out at you squeezing around his pulsing cock, drawing out the last of your orgasm before he rushed to his knees retreating from you. You watch breathlessly as Matt takes himself in his hand to finish all over your stomach, with a hard jerk of his hips, his eyes fluttering trying to stay on you.

“Shit, that was so hot.” You smile once you both could speak again. “Oh yeah?” He chuckles at you and then heads to the bathroom to get a washcloth. He returned handing you then warm cloth, awkwardness filling the air between you. The awkward tension that you feared would come from this.

“Uh, thanks” You mutter keeping your eyes down. Quickly wiping your stomach, and retreating to the restroom. Once the door was closed, you rested your head against it, taking in a deep breath as your body still tingled. You couldn’t stop the smile that formed thinking about what just happened.

After gathering yourself and using the restroom, you walked back into the hotel room to find Matt gone. What did you do wrong? You look to the alarm clock that blinked 5:12, far too early for work. He just left without a word. You pick up your phone, noticing a text message from Matt. 

Matt:Went to the gym

Is all he sent. 

Reader:Be safe

You reply throwing the phone on the bed with a sigh. Now you were the one feeling lonely.

Request open!

Mains: Criminal Minds, Teen Wolf, Vampire Diaries, Celebrities

Will also write others upon request.

Most all concepts/kinks allowed, no judgement zone!

Use Me (Part 2)

Spencer Reid x Reader


*Mature Contet Warning*

Use Me Part 1!

Summary: After the proposal, Spencer and Reader finally get married. On their honeymoon night, Spencer wants to return the favor to Reader. In the end they both discover a new trait of each other.

When she finally peered around the corner the earth stopped. I became deaf to all the surrounding distractions, even the music faded away. She was the only person I saw, and the only person I wished to. I couldn’t recall a more beautiful sight in my life, the sun coating her skin as if it shined solely for her, casting an angelic glow.

She looked up approaching the beginning of the aisle, her eyes darting straight to mine, knocking the air from my lungs. She smiles so warmly causing me to match, pushing the building tears of joy down my face. She couldn’t be described as less than perfect. It became strenuous to breathe at her sight, even so, she was my purpose for breathing.

With each step she took descending the aisle toward me, toward our future, toward our forever, all doubts left my body. I knew with every ounce of me this was the best decision of my life. After all my heartache and loss, I honestly lost hope of love before she restored me. For that, I would always be in her debt.

Her white dress floated over the sand effortlessly, rolling over the thrown flower peddles. Even with our family and friends standing in rows, watching as she passed, my eyes never divert from her. I scanned over her, hoping to memorize every little detail of this moment.

How gorgeous she looks, how her hair is flowing back in the breeze, how her dress hugged her perfectly, but mostly how she looked at me. If there was a physical embodiment of love; the way she looked at me was it. She looks as if I am irreplaceable, like a precious stone she adores, like I’m valuable.


Finally reaching the bottom of the aisle, still in the trance of Spencer’s eyes. Your heart couldn’t be controlled as is swelled with emotions. It beat as frantic as the breaths you kept having to remind yourself to inhale. You had waited so long for this very moment, for him, for love.

Thankfully your bridesmaid reaches for your flower bouquet, reminding you to pass it off to her. You then turn back to Spencer, him taking both of your hands in his. He promised you he wouldn’t cry so you wouldn’t make a mess of yourself, but neither of you stood a fighting chance.

The ceremony begins, but you can barely focus on anything but him. He lifts one hand slowly wiping your tears, smiling bigger than you had ever seen. However; the simple yet sweet act seems to make more tears come. You just couldn’t believe you were marrying the perfect man.

When time for the vows you thank the heavens he insists on saying his first. His hand is slightly shaky as he reaches inside his jacket pocket, retrieving note cards. You giggle softly, of course, he would write his down even with his memory. You hear him try to clear his throat, looking back up to you.

You nod reassuringly, taking in a deep breath so he would copy. He looks back down to his note card, scanning it before clearing his throat again to speak. “From the day we met, I knew you were unlike anyone else to have walked this earth. I also knew a woman of your beauty would never be interested in me..” he coughs out a laugh, the nervous tone finally leaving his voice. “But on March second three years ago, I finally built the courage to ask you to accompany me to dinner. You gave me a chance and have made my life amazing ever since. I spent my life searching for a missing piece, the piece to bring me joy, love, and comfort. You are that missing piece, the piece that completes me. I promise to love all of you, even your flawed theories.” He looks back at you smiling, everyone laughing at his words. He pauses for a moment, eyes narrowing in thought. He swiftly shoves the cards to his pocket, returning his hands to yours.

He sighs deeply staring into your eyes. “Y/N… I love you, almost to the point of insanity. The smartest thing I ever did was ask you to marry me, and even standing here I’m still shocked you said yes. You are perfect to me, and no one else will ever hold your place. No one else could ever compare to your heart, your intelligence, or how you love me. I never want to spend a day without you in my life, and I promise to stay by your side as long as you’ll let me. To make you smile every day, to take care of you, to protect you with my last breath. I can promise I won’t be perfect, but I will spend the rest of my life trying my hardest to make you happy. You deserve the world, and I hope to give it to you. I love you, and will love you for the rest of our lives.” He finally breathes finishing his vows, leaving you sobbing from his incredible words.

A tissue is passed to you, you quickly try to dab your eyes. “I knew you would do this to me.” You admit to Spencer, he always had such an incredible way with words unlike you. “You’re still beautiful” he chuckles back, smiling down at you adoringly. The crowd was in unison causing you to blush. You take a deep breath nodding that you were ready, trying not to let your emotions take over.

“Spencer. I have never felt as loved and adored than the last years of my life with you. I’ve dreamed of this day for so long, but you made the wait worth every minute because being with you feels like home. You always say you’re the lucky one, but you make me the happiest girl in the world. I promise to always strive to be the wife you deserve and your peace from the outside world. I’m forever grateful for your love, and how you accept all of me, even the parts of me I cannot love myself. You are perfect for me in every way; selfless, caring, brilliant, and very sexy…” You pause laughing. Spencer shakes his head while blushing, tears still slowly streaming his beautiful face. “…and I want you to know how much I admire you. I promise to be faithful to you, and follow you wherever life takes us. To be your best friend and cherish you always. I can’t wait to live the rest of our lives as your wife, and I hope I can make you feel as loved as you make me.” You manage to say your vows without crying too much.

“Well, I believe that says it all, do we have the rings?” The officiant announces. Spencer turns to a smiling Derek waiting with your ring. He nods to Spencer and then looks to you. Spencer takes the ring, breathing deeply. You retrieve his ring from your bridesmaid, smiling brightly at you. This is it, the final step.

The officiant continues “May these rings symbolize the promises you made today, that your love lasts as long as you wear them. Y/N do you take Spencer to be your husband?” He asks you, your stomach erupting in butterflies. You look to Spencer, still staring at you like rare art.

“I…I do” You cry out, smiling back at him. You extend your shakey hand to spencer, he gently grasps it while sliding the stunning ring up your finger. He keeps your hand, staring down at the ring with pride.

“Do you Spencer take Y/N to be your wife?” He looks up to you, eyes overflowing with emotion. “Of course I do” He responds confidently, letting your hand release to place his ring. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride.”

Spencer takes both sides of your face, engulfing you in a mesmerizing kiss. Incredibly soft yet deliberate, making everyone else disappear, leaving only your shared passion. You finally separate to an eruption of cheers, now married your best friend.

The next hours are beautifully hectic, after your first dance, cake, the bouquet, and garter tosses, and thanking everyone for joining your perfect day; you are exhausted. Spencer and you escape to the waiting car, him carefully tucking your dress in behind you before shutting your door.

You lean into his shoulder enjoying the calmness and his warmth. “Did you have a good time love?” Spencer asks softly caressing your hair. “It was perfect.” You smile up at him, then gently kiss against his lips, still tasting the champagne from earlier. “I just didn’t think it would be so tiring.” You continue snuggling back into him. “Well, I hope you can stay awake for the rest of our celebration.” He whispers seductively in your ear, causing you to bite along the edge of your lip. “I think I can manage that.”

The ride to the hotel is only a few minutes thankfully because you were dying to get out of your dress. Spencer takes your hand as you enter the hotel, heading straight to the elevators. Once the elevator doors close he wraps you into his arms, tilting your chin up to him.

“You know I love you right?” He asks holding a serious expression. “Of course dear” You ensure him. He lowers his lips to yours, not pushing but kissing you sweetly, letting you feel his love. The chime of the door opening on your floor ends the kiss, he takes your hand again walking down the bright hall until you see a sign that says ‘congratulations’ above the door number.

“I’m guessing this is us” You gesture to the door, stopping so he can retrieve the key. He opens the door, allowing you to enter first. Your eyes have to adjust to the dim light of dozens of candles, making your breath catch in surprise.

You further discover a tray of fruits set at the end of the bed, accompanied by a bottle of body oil, and hand towels. Spencer steps closely behind you, wrapping his arms firmly around your waist. “Did you set all this up?” You ask him after taking it all in. “Mhmm” He hums, placing kisses down the slope of your neck, feeling your skin come to life with goosebumps. “You’re too sweet” you sigh loudly while exposing more of your neck to him.

“Only the best for you, Mrs. Reid” Your stomach couldn’t help but explode in more butterflies that he had kept fluttering all day. “Well thank you, Mr. Reid” You laugh softly, letting your shoulders fully relax. “Don’t thank me yet. I want tonight to be all about you. I was thinking we could start with me giving you a nice massage. Does that sound good?” He whispers against your skin, your breath becoming heavy. “That sounds amazing.”

“Mmm, then let me get you out of this dress.” He announces and gently pulls to the zipper of your dress. The dress begins to fall revealing your body slowly, letting the cool air coat your body. “You look so beautiful today. Well, you’re always beautiful, but today you’re finally all mine.” You could hear the smile in his voice, making you smile also. “Yeah, I still can’t believe it.” You admit, turning about in the pooled dress around your heels. “Me either” He smiles up to you holding the dress down for you to step out of.

You use his shoulder to balance yourself, stepping out of the dress, letting him see your white lingerie. You could see him swallow hard, his eyes shifting glossy with lust, slowly taking in your body. He quickly stood closing the space between your bodies. He captures your lips in his again, although this kiss was nothing of the one in the elevator.

You can feel his hunger grasping onto your hips like a lifeline, that only your body could save him. You had been waiting weeks for this night, both of you agreed not to have sex for a while to build the excitement of tonight, and now you want nothing more for him to take you.

“Please, Sir.” You pant against his lips, trying to draw out the inner him you so desired. He clenched his eyes harshly, pressing his forehead to yours as he released a strangled groan. “Baby don’t do that to me. I want this to be special” “This is special, you’re here.” You didn’t need anything special, you just needed him.

Even with your best plea he still doesn’t give into you. “Come on, lay on the bed.” He walks you over to the bed, you tease him slowly crawling up the cover twisting your ass in the air. The mattress is heavenly soft as you settle against the covers, feeling the bed shift as he joins behind you.

“Fuck, you’re so perfect” He groans kneading his fingers over your ass. You moan softly just at the touch, your body on pins and needles from being deprived so long. His hands travel up the bend of your spine, stopping at the clasp of your bra. He quickly unclasped it and then moving to remove your bottom set and garter.

“What do you have planned for tonight?” You ask curiosity as he finishes throwing your heels down to the ground, hitting the wood floor with a loud thud. “Well, I want to give you a massage…” His words pause as you feel a cool substance drizzled down your back making you shiver in reflex. His hands begin to spread the oil over your skin smoothly, running circles at the tight muscles.

“And then you get to choose whatever you want tonight, no rules.” He finishes his explanation, and your eyes open in surprise. “No rules?” You ask to clarify. “Mhmm” He hums now making his way to your shoulders. “What have you done with my Spencer?” You joke with him, knowing sexually he is usually very controlling.

He chuckles working back down your spine, making you moan as he worked the muscles magically. “Oh I’m still me, I just want tonight to be about you.” He whispers kissing over your shoulder sweetly. Your breath catches as his hands round your ass, gently squeezing. You couldn’t help arching for him, lifting your ass to him causing him to softly laugh again.

“Always so eager huh?” “Yes, for you” You answer through deep breaths, trying not to squirm from his touch. He groans at your words, but still passes where you want his touch most. You couldn’t decide which was more tormenting to you as he began massaging your legs.

“I think you’re trying to tease me.” “Would I do that?” He asks, sarcasm drenching his words. “I’d say you’re an expert.” You huff trying to control yourself as he slides a finger slowly down the underside of your foot. He knows how ticklish your feet are, and loves to use them against you.

“You know you love it. How you start crying because it’s too much.” He punctuates the sentence with kisses along the front of your foot, slowly moving toward your calf. “But then you still beg me for more.” He continues making your walls clench around nothing. You can tell by the raspiness in his voice he is losing his control.

“It always makes you so wet for me, my perfect little girl. Fuck.” He growls near your ear, now back hovering over your body. You whimper at his words, also reliving memories of him torturing you until you would cum. “Tell me, baby girl.” He starts, bringing his hand to rub over your ass again, dangerously close to your aching pussy.

“Are you wet for me now?” He whispers, surely enjoying the way he causes your body to shutter. Since he stated you had no rule, you could play along. “Why don’t you tell me.” His hand quickly shifts to your inner thigh, slowly tickling the soft skin as his finger slid up. A beautiful moan roars from his chest as he feels your folds, coating his fingers. “You better hurry up and tell me what you want before I fuck you into this mattress right now.”

You can barely think, let alone decide what he should do next. “I…I don’t know. You usually decide.” You breathe out honestly, hoping not to disappoint him. “Here turn over” He instructs moving beside your body. You turn to your side, noticing his still clothed state while his eyes lingered over your naked body.

“You still have on all your clothes.” You whine, apparently pulling Spencer from a sort of trance, eyes snatching back to yours. “I can fix that” he smiles sliding off the end of the bed. He turns back to watch you, starting with his tie. He removes it smoothly, then making quick work of the buttons of his shirt. His eyes never drop from yours, even as he peels off his last piece of cover, kicking the briefs to the side of the room.

Spencer strokes over his cock slowly, making his way back to the bed. You bite your lip, practically drooling over the sight. He lays back onto the bed one arm perched under his head, with an arrogant smirk as if challenging you. Putting all of himself on display to see what you would do with him.

“So we do what I want?” You ask moving slowly to close the distance between your bodies. He only nods to you in response. “But I always want whatever you want.” You pout, he honestly did always know what your body needs somehow. “No, you usually brat your way into what you want.” He chuckles and takes your hand guiding you to straddle his hips.

You gasp slightly once completely lowered, feeling his hard cock nestle against your dripping pussy. You were hardly ever on top unless as part of a punishment. “But now all you have to do is tell me, and your wish is my command.” You laugh fully this time, still not taking him seriously. He raises an eyebrow at you, seeming to come to a realization.

He moves the hand from under his head to grip your thigh, not roughly, just holding you in position. He uses the other to fold your body against him, causing your pussy to press hard against his member, bring your lips to his. You couldn’t stop how your hips rocked, the friction causes you to moan into the kiss.

“Am I going to have to force you to tell me your desires love?” He breathes into your ear, tauntingly swaying his hips, making you continue grinding on him. Your head falls into the crook of his neck, singing soft moans into his ear. The faster he moves, the wetter you become, coating his cock like sticky icing. “Come on baby girl. Or, we can just go to sleep if you don’t want anything” “No. No…Please. I wanna cum so bad.” You beg sitting up frantically. He grips your hips harder, making you grind faster over him. “Oh, you want to cum? Just tell me how you want to cum baby. You don’t have to ask permission, I’ll keep going as long as you want. You can use me tonight.”

You cry out at his words, staring down at him with doe eyes. He smiles at your surprised reaction, but he had never done this before. You think for a moment until you settle on something you had been wanting to ask for a while.

“I want your mouth” You finally give him an answer. He nods but has a disappointed look in his eyes. He gave you oral sex regularly. “Okay lay on your back for me.” “No, I want to sit on your face.” You bravely request, enjoying the pleasantly surprised look he gives you.

As if he was being timed, he rushes to lift your thighs, practically tossing you toward his face. He wiggles until nestled perfectly between your thighs, kissing along your inner thighs. He finally licks a slow strip up against your center, causing you to gasp gripping into his curls. “Move baby, make yourself feel good.” Spencer mutters between your legs.

You oblige swirling your hips rhythmically, becoming lost in the pleasure of his tongue. “Fuck. Right there!” You scream feeling your thighs squeeze around his head. It had been so long since you had any sort of pleasure, you knew you were going to cum quick. Especially with how Spencer rolled his tongue over your nerves, not changing his speed or technique, but constantly building to your climax.

You look down between your legs, finding his dark lust-filled eyes staring up your body just able to watch your face as he ruined you. Your mouth gapes, a silent scream catching in your throat, legs shaking around him. Spencer knew that face too well, pulling down on your legs so you couldn’t escape his pleasure.

“Oh my gosh. I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I… Fuck Spencer” You chant until your voice fades into a high pitch moan, now rocking wildly on your husband’s beautiful face, drawing out every ounce of pleasure you could. You manage to slow your breathing, as Spencer laps up the last of the wet mess he caused. He slides you back down to his lap sitting up to face you; his lips and chin glistening from your arousal. You smile weakly, pressing your foreheads together.

“That was amazing.” “Mmm, was it?” He brags, knowing how skilled he is with his mouth. “Oh shut up” You giggle but then freeze realizing what you said. His eyebrows lifted surprised as well, you swallow the lump that instantly formed on your throat. “I’m sorry, Sir.” You immediately apologize. “I said no rules right.” He replies, but you could see how he itched to punish you. “Oh okay.” You nod, sighing in relief.

“So what next?” He asks placing soft kisses across your collar bone. You whimper, tangling your hand through his soft locks trying to think. Then a perfect idea hits you. You smirk defiantly at him, biting at the corner of your lip. Him instantly reading you “What are you about to do?” He asks with caution. “Don’t worry baby nothing crazy…” You begin trailing your fingers down his chest until you reach the start of his neatly trimmed hair at his pelvis. “I just figure since I don’t have any rules, I’ll do a little teasing myself.”

His eyes grew large as you took his beautiful dick in your hand, spreading the drops of precum over his tip, making his breath hitch. He eagerly lunged to your lips, groaning against your lips as your hand began stroking him slowly. You relish in the rare moment, hardly ever are you allowed to pleasure him freely.

“Touch me” You huff dividing your lips, gazing into his eyes swimming with desire and need. His hand darts between your leg, instantly finding your clit, massaging in precise circles. Your previous orgasm left your body overly sensitive, taking no time for his fingers to start building you to crash again.

“Make me cum again Spencer” You cry out pressing your forehead to his again, still stroking him. He nods, holding the intense stare between you, feeling his breath fan against your face. You try to hold it, but it was too intense. His gorgeous warm eyes, pleasuring each other simultaneously, all made you shutter cumming on his fingers, not taking your eyes off his as it washes over you.

“Fuck baby girl, I love you so much.” Spencer moans, with his hands now scratching against the skin across your spine, kissing you wildly. “I love you more” You counter tugging at his hair again, loving the little whimper you caught, unlike any sound you’ve ever drawn from Spencer.

“Something wrong, pretty boy?” You whisper in his ear, knowing it’s a name you’ve been forbidden to use. His nails push harder into your skin, causing you to moan. “Just remember tomorrow is my night love…and I always get even.” He warns. Well, you should at least make it worth it.

“I’ll take my chances.” You smirk at him, quickening the pace of your wrist. You feel him twitch in your hand as he groans out again. “You’re about to…Fuck Y/N. I’m gonna cum.” His eyes rolling back. You shock yourself and Spencer with your next word.

“No” His eyes lock instantly to yours, his expression was priceless. “Wh…What?” He pants heavy. You lift to your knees, tightening your grip in his hair and pulling to make him have to look up to you. Using all your confidence to keep the dominant demeanor, you repeat the phrase he had told you so many times directly into his ear.

“You do not cum until I allow you.” You weren’t the only one full of surprises tonight. “Please” He whispers staring up at you with blown eyes, sweat glistening across his skin. You slowed for a moment, never expecting this side of Spencer. He looked so beautiful with pleading eyes, at your mercy. “I don’t know. Should I let you?” You smile, watching all his muscles tighten trying to obey, panting heavily with pleading eyes.

“I…I please…Can’t hold it.” He whimpers loudly gripping onto you tighter. “Cum for me baby” You purr deciding he had endured enough. He sobs out as his warm liquid explodes, landing on your stomach as you gently work him down from the high.

You grab a hand towel from the table to wipe your stomach, then throw it to the floor returning your attention to Spencer. “Just wait until tomorrow.” He laughs still taking deep breaths. “Shut up. I’m not done with you.” You demand pushing him flat to his back to straddle him again. “Yeah?” He chuckled still finding you amusing, but frankly, it insulted you.

So much so that you decided to punish him, and you had learned from the best. Your hand slapped across his handsome face before you had time to second guess your action. Spencer sounded a small gasp as his head lashed to the left hitting the pillows, soft in contrast to your hand. You did manage to control the harshness of the slap, successfully leaving a light red mark, but not hurting him.

Spencer’s eyes grew wide not expecting the quick movement “Y/N, what are…” He started but you interrupt him with another slap. “I didn’t say you could speak.” He groans once again, but you made sure to note the way his hips rut up against your core. You decide to agonize him a little farther, grinding against his dick with sharp glides of your hips.

“I’m not so cute and laughable now huh?” You taunt, watching him begin to pant, trying to move his hips along with yours to receive any pleasure. “I…I’m sorry” He moans gripping into your hips as the meeting place of your bodies becomes slick from your arousal.

“I don’t think so, I want you to beg me. Tell me what you want, remember? Beg!” You bark with a tone you didn’t know you possessed, and spencer certainly did not by his body shivering at your words. “Baby please, I need to fuck you.” “You can do better than that sweet boy” You purr moving down his neck, lightly licking against his earlobe.

“Fuck, I need your tight little pussy baby girl, please. I need to feel you around my cock, it’s been so long. Fuck, just please.” Spencer whined loudly, begging you with his best pleading eyes.  You moan out also not being able to control yourself through much more of this. You sink onto him, gradually filling your wet entrance until you couldn’t take anymore.

“Shit you feel so amazing” Spencer praises watching you ride him, slowly building your pace. “Ugh, you’re so big, fill me so good.” You cry tugging at your hardened nipples, while Spencer supported your hips to help you go faster.

You were getting so close, but yet still felt far off. You groan out in frustration, staring down at spencer. He smirked silently, knowing exactly what you needed, he had seen that gaze in your eyes enough to know.

“What’s wrong baby? What do you want?” He asks not hiding the cockiness laced in his voice? You could never let him win without a fight, so you delivered your final blow.  "I want my husband to make me cum all over your cock.“ You weren’t sure if it was the pleading whine of your voice, the innocent batting of your eyes, or hearing you call him husband for the first time, but the growl you heard from deep in his chest let you know he snapped before you were thrown under him. He doesn’t even pull out as he pins you under him, pushing your legs back to fuck you deeper before thrashing into you with godly force.

"Spencer!” You scream enduring his full force, feeling tears burning in your eyes. You then felt a hard slap across your face, much like the ones you delivered minutes before Spencer finally spoke. “You know my fucking name. Spencer’s gone. This is what you wanted right? For me to fuck you like the whore you are, hum?” His words made you clench even tighter around his dick, only adding to his hand clamping around your neck firmly, pushing you so close to release you could taste it.

“Yes, sir.” You manage to answer despite his hand constricting your throat. “You know…” He starts, groaning through his jaw clenched, chest heaving, desperately wanting to give you release with him. “…I like to feel your pussy cumming when I fill you up. Be a good girl…give it to me Y/N. Cum for me baby.”

Your air caught as he threw you recklessly into bliss, feeling your muscles begin to contract around him. “Yes yes yes, fuck. Such a good fucking slut for me.” He praises in your ear nestling against your body as you milked him until your orgasm eventually calmed letting him slide out gently.

“You never told me you’re a switch.” You laugh after coming back to your senses, looking over to him still glaring up at the ceiling. Spencer smiled back over to you. “Neither did you.”

Not My Father

Aaron Hotchner x Reader

*Mature Content Warning*


Summary: Reader gets arrested at a bar. Her boss comes to save her, but after months of frustration she doesn’t get the response she expects. However, she receives much more than she can handle. 

“That pervert is lucky all I did was break his nose” You roll your eyes at officer idiot questioning you. Treating you as some sort of criminal, when in actuality you put the worst of criminals away. “Well we called your supervisor; you can take it up with him” The officer snickered, a lump instantly formed in your throat.

“You called who?” You yell at the dumbstruck officer in front of you, clearly not expecting your panicked response. Just after the words left your mouth, your boss crossed the barrier into the holding room. Your stomach instantly flipped, as if you had been caught by a parent as a child. Your eyes meeting his; he stared with the same scolding glare you were expecting. The same look you’d seen many times; it always gave you chills. However, you had never been the one sitting on this side of the table feeling its full force. He folded his arms tightly over his broad chest, eyes lingering at the cuffs connected to your wrist.

At that moment, you couldn’t find words to defend what he was seeing, you could only imagine his thoughts. Your barely appropriate dress, your makeup, unlike anything he had seen at work. He finally peeled his eyes off of you, somehow that making you feel even worse.

“Please remove the cuffs, I can handle it from here. Thank you again for the call.” Hotch finally spoke, but only to the officer, nodding to him. He returned the nod and quickly walked over removing your restraints.

“Thanks.” You gripped at the idiot who arrested you, rolling your eyes at him again. Hotch shot you a warning glare, causing you to sigh while massaging your wrists. This night was utter bullshit. The officer finally left the room, you stood expecting to follow.

“Where do you think you’re going?” His stern voice forcing your body to freeze, sending chills down your entire spine. “Um, I thought I was allowed to leave.” You replied without looking directly at him, you didn’t think you could handle it right now. “You have nothing to say for yourself?” Hotch scoffed.

“I’m sorry?” You questioned, failing to sound sincere. He doesn’t respond this time, after an uncomfortable moment of silence you finally looked to meet his stare. He let out a frustrated sigh “Let’s go. Before I change my mind.” He cautions before leading us through the police station, again thanking the captain and same officer.

“Where is my car?” You ask once outside after you were returned your phone and I.D. “I’m guessing still at the bar you were picked up at, or by now at a towing company. You can deal with that in the morning, get in.” He answers not stopping his strides toward the black SUV. You hurry to enter, afraid he might leave you here, the cool night air sending additional chills over your body, still buzzing from earlier.

The ride has an eerie silence, you had never made Hotch this mad at you, the feeling honestly made you want to hurl. You notice you aren’t familiar with the street signs you were passing. “Can I ask where we are going?” You break the silence. “My place.” He answers blankly, not removing his attention from the road. “Why?” You dare to question. “Because it is late, and you were picked up from a bar.” He shot back gripping the steering wheel tighter, not seeming to give you another option.

After ten more agonizing minutes, he finally pulls into a parking garage. You quickly jump out of the car, following Hotch through a few hallways. You felt a wave of awkwardness once he finally stopped at the door. He quickly unlocked it and opened the door for you. You look at the open door, feeling like it was a threshold you shouldn’t enter.

“Look I’m fine, I can call a cab to take me to my car.” You insist, still not crossing the threshold. “No. You shouldn’t be driving, you can stay here.” He replied like it was an order. “We aren’t at work.” You spat not believing him. “Lower your voice, your yelling will wake others.” He corrected you again, you noticing the clenching of his jaw. You groaned pushing past him into the apartment.

“Look I appreciate this but..” you start to continue your previous argument but his deep voice cuts you off. “You’re correct agent, we are not at work. Meaning, that I did not have to leave my home in the middle of the night, coming to save you from being thrown in jail. You’re lucky Jack is away or you would’ve been there until Monday.” He chastised you again, but this time he was right. Although; still being a dick to you of all people.

“I didn’t ask you to, I didn’t even tell them I was an agent so don’t try to make me feel guilty.” You plead your case as he began to walk away. “I’m not trying to make you feel anything, maybe if you had more control of your actions you wouldn’t be in this situation.” He argues turning back in your direction. You finally noticed his different appearance, no jacket or tie, but jeans with an athletic shirt, his hair not styled but falling casually onto his face.

“I don’t even want to be in this situation, I’ll just go to my car.” You huff turning back walking to the door. You just reached the handle, when a large hand came in your line of sight, pushing against the door.

“I’m not letting you leave like this. I don’t know your mental state.” You hear spoken close behind you. You spin on your heels, slightly taken back by how close your boss was to you. “I promise I’m fine. I wasn’t drunk, and it’s been hours.” You roll your eyes again. “Obviously not, I have never seen you act like this.” His voice was desperately trying to hide his frustration with you for the evening, you could see his chest rising against the fitted shirt.

“What? Not perfectly following your orders? Not everyone is perfect like you Hotch.” You were yelling at this point, and you didn’t care. You had never seen a person with more patience and composure than Hotch, but you finally broke him. “You allegedly assaulted someone at a bar drunk, get arrested, risk your career, the reputation of the BAU, and my credibility as Supervisor. You honestly think you should go back out right now?” He yelled back shocking you, feeling his minty breath fan across your face.

“You don’t even know my side of the story!” You gasp at his assumptions. “How am I supposed to when you wouldn’t tell me?” He hisses, still holding his same position, you had never seen such fire in his eyes.

“You are not my fucking father Hotch” You yell again, refusing to let him overpower you.

Your back hit the door with a thud, causing you to groan into his mouth. His hands gripping onto your hips roughly, pulling your bodies as close as possible. One of your hands latching his shoulder to steady yourself, while your other tugged at his soft hair.

“Then stop being a damn brat” He all out growls directly in your face, not missing a beat. Your not sure who moves first, you honestly think it was instantaneous, but before you blinked your mouths clash desperately, hands frantically grasping onto wherever you could reach first.

You purposely tugged harder, retrieving a groan from him, hearing it igniting a hunger in you. His lips slightly parted, so you took advantage sliding your tongue over his, still determined not to be overpowered.

Your control is short-lived, as he shifts his leg up, making you gasp at the contact, your head craning against the cold door. Even on your tiptoes, you couldn’t relieve the pressure, perching you upon his thick thigh, causing your dress to bunch leaving only your damp underwear as a barrier.

“Did you think after your little game, I’d let you control me, sweetheart?” He huffs against your ear, in an even deeper tone than he usually held. You had never been affected by a pet name, but just coming from him made your walls clench, further agonizing you. You finally open your eyes, batting up at his dark eyes innocently. “I don’t know what you mean” you smirk. You felt a low chuckle in his chest, and then you were swiftly moved, flipping you to face the door.

“I’m having a hard time believing that y/n. You’ve spent months purposely teasing and frustrating me. This…” he pauses his sentence, using his foot to spread your ankles, gripping your wrist together. “Is exactly what you wanted correct?” He completes the question as a whisper against your ear, making you shutter against him. You weren’t giving in that easy.

“I honestly didn’t think you had it in you…old man.” You further push him, knowing your slight age difference being one of the things you regularly tease him about. He groans lowly at your words, pushing you harder against the door. “I still remember exactly how to handle a brat like you”

He punctuates the end of his sentence by effortlessly ripping your thin underwear from under your skirt, throwing the torn fabric to the floor. You shook at the cool air hitting your core, finally noticing how wet you were. His fingers brush over your center, gently spreading your arousal. You bite your lip to keep in the moans your body desperately want to release.

“Then why are you so wet for me sweetheart, hum?” Hotch hums in your ear, pushing his thick finger slowly into your pussy. You don’t bother trying to hold in your moans this time, overwhelmed by the feeling of your muscles clenching around this finger, attempting to take it as deep as possible.

As if a single finger wasn’t enough, he added a second stretching you delightfully. You scratch against his hand, as if some sort of plea, but the last thing you wanted was for him to stop as you could feel the pleasure building in your stomach. “Something wrong?” He coos arrogantly, watching your face morphing, as your pants of pleasure increase.

“Nothing” You manage to smart back without it sounding completely of a moan. By this point, you drenched his fingers, coating them entirely, letting him fuck his fingers into you as fast as he pleased. You hear a faint growl come deep from Hotch’s chest, almost sounding frustrated. “Don’t you lie to me; If you are not honest you don’t get what you want sweetheart” “And what do I want?” You laugh through a heavy breath.

He shifts an unoccupied finger up to graze your clit every time his fingers plunge into you, making you gasp against the cold door. He leans down to your neck, tickling your skin with his beard. “To be fucked like you wish those boys you entertain would fuck you.” Hearing your boss talk like that sends you spiraling, throwing your head back onto his chest to support you as your legs began to feel weak. Just as you clench around his fingers he retracts them, leaving you dripping down your thigh, craving satisfaction.

“What the fuck?” You yell spinning quickly to face him, he catches you by the neck placing you against the door again. Your breath caught, you felt like you didn’t have a voice with his large hand around your throat. The way he was staring at you, like his prey. It made your knees weak.

He lifts his other hand between your bodies, you could see his middle fingers glistening. He keeps his eyes nailed to yours, you still trying to calm your pathetic pants. Your mouth gapes as you watch him take the fingers in his mouth, he groans out twirling his tongue, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment savoring your taste. You were fucked.

He removes his fingers slowly, still watching you staring at him with big doe eyes. Then wiping the edge of his mouth with his hand. “Watch it, sweetheart. I’m not sure if you haven’t caught on… but I always give the orders. You will not cum until I allow.” You whimper loudly at his declaration, you had never had a man command you like this, but you couldn’t deny the effect it was having on your body.

“I’ll do what you say.” You whisper, barely audible, looking away from his eyes. Loosening his hand on your neck, using it to make you look back up to him. A faint smirk now played at the corner of his lips. “What was that?” He lightly chuckles. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes.

“I said I’ll do what you say. Happy?” You return the smirk. “Hmm, honestly I thought you’d be harder to break. I think you’re just trying to get what you want.” He informs you, moving his face closer to yours. You shrug your shoulders innocently. “Is it working?” You breathe against his lips before gripping onto his shirt pulling him flush against you.

His mouth explores yours again; it’s without a doubt the best kiss of your life. He was so skilled in his movements, and how he taunted you with his hands without actually pleasuring you. Maybe you had been dealing with boys before.

Hotch gripping into your hips, lifting you slightly before walking your bodies away from the door. You hardly notice he was moving you until your legs hit the back of a couch. He instantly spun you around making you a bit dizzy, folding you at the waist over the couch.

You couldn’t help the smirk that grew on your face hearing the chime of his belt buckle, you were getting exactly what you wanted. “I wouldn’t gloat so quickly y/n” Hotch warns. You try to look back to observe but cannot move from him keeping a hand on your neck, pushing your chest into the oversized cushion.

“And I shouldn’t because?” You entertain his warning. “Because this” is the only answer he provides, and you then feel the pressure. That of him forcing his cock in you with a single plunge, burying himself to your brim, ripping through any defiance left in you.

“Aaron!” You scream out his first name, gasping for the air he just knocked from your stomach. He was massive, stretching you uncomfortably, you didn’t have to see it to know you had never taken a cock this big. You were also sinfully a sucker for pain.

“Fuck” he groans above you, surly your tightness was affecting him also. You knew that he rammed into you purposely, not wanting you to be able to conform to his size before punishing you.

He made the single motion again, burying himself again and stopping, making you cry out again. “What’s wrong sweetheart? A brat like you can take it right?” His breathing is labored now, one hand still tightly holding you down, the other now roughly gripping your hip. He repeats the same hard single thrust, you can feel tears building at your lashes. The way he filled you was overwhelming.

“Please” you beg, squirming under him. You weren’t sure what you were begging for at this point, you just needed him. Every time he stills you could feel his cock pulsing deep in you, not delivering enough pleasure to relieve you, but only to further drive you mad.

“Oh, now you want to do what you’re told huh? Now you beg like a pathetic whore.” He responds with another snap of his hips. You couldn’t take much more, you felt as if you could combust at any second. “Aaron I can’t..please” you cry, feeling the tears stream over your face, he had finally broken you.

“Go ahead baby, call me what you really want. Go ahead.” He groans, pulling your head back by a fist full of your hair. He didn’t have to say it, you knew exactly what he meant, and he knew you wanted it. So you let everything out, all the months of frustration boiling over.

“Daddy, please…I’m yours…please” You wish you could’ve recorded the sound that escaped Aaron at that moment, a loud groan mixed with a needy whine. Matched by feeling his cock twitch inside you, struggling to stay composed hearing that name.

He throws his hips into you again, but this time it follows with another quick thrust, over and over, filling the room with a slapping noise and your moans. He keeps your hair pulled back, making your body hold the arch for him to angle deeper, brushing your g spot with each hard thrust.

“Yes yes yes, don’t stop” You scream, him finally giving you what you needed. “Can you take it, baby? You’re so damn tight” He grunts, you weren’t going to last with him calling you baby. “Yes, daddy, harder please” you plea, wanting him to ruin you. He grants your wish, fucking you harder, you gasping feeling it all the way in your stomach. You would certainly be bruised tomorrow, but the pain would be worth it.

“Fuck daddy. So good… so fucking deep.” You cry, feeling your body begin to tingle, your legs shaking against him. He groans feeling you tightening “Cum for daddy sweetheart.” He encourages through his heavy breaths, and that’s all it takes to make your body snap. He slows his motions slightly letting you ride out your orgasm, your walls still fluttering around his thick cock.

He releases your head, you not having the energy to stay upright you letting it hang down against the couch. “Shit that’s was amazing” You whisper, causing him to chuckle and slowly begin to move into you again. Your eyes flash open realizing he still hadn’t finished.

“Aaron I can’t” you whine, your body couldn’t possibly take more of this. “Oh I’m not finished, and neither are you” He growls in your ear, you couldn’t help but moan out at his tone. “I can’t take anymore” You whine again, only fueling him. He releases the hand that was holding you, now gripping onto both of your hips harshly, definitely leaving a mark. There was no reason to restrain you anymore, he knew you were his.

Hotch returns to the same pace he held previously, causing your eyes to roll back as you yelp, grasping onto the couch for dear life it felt. “Don’t forget your place sweetheart. You’re done when I say brat…” he pauses his sentence, repositioning one of his hands to your front. “And I think you can give me one more.” He states as he set fire to your body rubbing fiercely over your clit, steadily pushing himself deep, determined to make you unravel again.

“Daddy” You scream, feeling your body giving in to him, his thrust becoming frantic, his moans become beastly with each thrust. “Give it to me y/n. Ahh… fuck. I know you want to baby.” Is his final pleasuring cry to take you with him, as he made a final slap against your body to sheathe himself fully.

“Oh, Aaron” Is all you can cry as the air hitches in your throat. All at once, your body erupts again, feeling him filling you with his seed. Grasping onto him to anchor yourself to reality, uncertain this level if euphoria is real, or if you’ll ever get to relive it again.

Drained of any energy, your body collapses into his, feeling his arms catch you and lifting you sweetly into his embrace. Although; unable to open your eyes, you feel him carefully carrying you, and then the soft cushion of a bed. You weren’t sure how long he was gone, but your body slightly jumps at the feeling of a wet cloth between your thighs.

“Wha..what are you doing?” You mutter against a pillow and hear him softly laugh at you. “I’ve got you, sweetheart, just rest” He replies in a very tender voice. He softly wipes your leg, erasing the proof of your shared pleasure. Even half-conscious you had never felt so adored. Following; you feel him slide the heels off your feet, and then tug at the end of your dress to remove it. Your dress is finally off, and you feel it would be silly to care about after the deed you two just committed.

You are only naked for a couple of seconds before he wiggles a soft t-shirt over your body, oversized enough to be a nightgown. It smells strongly of him, which comforted you, but not as much as him pulling you into his bare chest, kissing your forehead just as you slip into an exhausted sleep.

Please let me know if this should be turned into a short series! Thanks loves!

Three’s a Crowd

(Spencer Reid x Female x Reader)

*Mature content warning*

“Babe are you ready to go?” You hear from downstairs. “Yes coming down!” You responded checking the mirror one last time, satisfied with your work. You had perfectly styled your hair, applied simple makeup, and finished it with a tight little black dress and black heels.

“Wow” Spencer huffed seeing you coming down the stairs. “Thank you.” You giggle flipping your hair over your shoulder dramatically. “You’re trying to drive me crazy tonight, huh?” He joked looking closer at your outfit. “Well, you look pretty handsome yourself.” You replied dragging a finger down his black button-down shirt. He leaned down placing a soft kiss on your lips intending it to be quick, but you wrapped your hand around his neck pushing harder.

“Slow down babydoll.” He laughed against your lips. You pouted at him removing his plush lips, and using that name didn’t help. “Tonight’s gonna be interesting huh?” He grinned, you finally convinced him to go back to the bar. “Definitely” you smiled back and you both left for the car.

Ten minutes later you pulled into the bar, he hurried around to open your door. “Always such a gentleman.” You teased him, although he really did treat you great. “Hmm, I wouldn’t say always.” He winked at you. You playfully hit his arm, and he took your hand leading you to the door.

When you first started dating Spencer hasn’t crazy about going clubbing with you, but after a couple times of you begging him to go he grew into it. A couple of drinks in and you desperately needed to go to the restroom. “I’ll be right back.” You yelled over the music to him, he nodded. You successfully used the restroom and participated in some usual drunk girl bathroom talk. Then making your way back across the dance floor to the bar where Spencer was waiting for you, you felt a cold hand grab at your wrist. You looked over to see a guy that wasn’t your fiance.

“Don’t touch me!” You scoffed snatching away. The man laughed at you, surely he had a few too many. “Don’t be like that baby, dance with me.” He responded and then stepped closer trying to hold your waist again. “I said don’t fucking touch me, and I’m not your baby.” You try to push him back, but he didn’t move much.

“You’ll be whatever I say.” He spat gripping you tightly now, his hands feeling like poison against your skin. “Let me go!” You screamed beginning to slightly panic until you heard a voice behind you. “Let her go.” He boomed, the dominance in his voice even scaring you.

The guy jumped staring up at Spencer, you took the opportunity to quickly shove his hands away and went to Spencer’s side. “What the hell is your problem man, she’s just some whore.” The idiot yelled pointing to you, it did slightly hurt even though you cared less what he thought.

Spencer stepped closer, you watched his jaw clenched tightly. “I think you need to apologize to her” Spencer barked now in the asshole’s face, he laughed but you could tell it was hiding his nervousness.

“Come on he’s not worth it.” You pleaded to your fiancé, hoping he would drop it. It wasn’t likely, Spencer was a sweetheart but also very possessive over you. He shocked the team when they first saw his dominate side around you. Although, they had no idea how dominate he really was.

“No, I’m not going anywhere without a apology” he replied causing you to groan loudly, damn his possessiveness. “Or what? Are you gonna beat my ass” He snickered, looking up and down at Spencer. “Fighting isn’t really my style, however you might’ve just pissed me off enough to track down your wife and let her know you are here looking to cheat on her, again.” Spencer whipped back with a confidence that made you bite down on your lip.

The dick looked completely shocked, letting you know Spencer was correct, but he was always right. “My bad man.” He sighed waving his hands to show retreat. “That’s what I thought.” Spencer snickered wrapping his arm around you. You watched the coward that moments ago tried to force himself on you run away like a child. Spencer wasn’t physically very intimidating to some, but he was tall, lean, and had the whit to make himself as intimidating as he wanted to be.

“Are you okay?” he asked tilting your chin up to look into his eyes, he looked so soft and concerned compared to seconds ago. “I’m fine, he was just a creep.” You faked laughed trying to convince him, you weren’t letting that dick ruin your night.

“How did you know that?” You asked still awe of him. “Well he had a tan line on his ring finger, so he wore a ring most days. Statistically he would cheat multiple times so I got a little lucky with that one.” He shrugged like it was nothing. “You’re amazing” You admit, pulling tighter on his arm wearing a girlish smike.

“If you say so, but now I need another drink.” That was all he responded and grabbed your hand tightly moving through the crowd again. After a couple more drinks he began to relax and have fun again.

“Will you dance with me?” You asked sweetly, he grinned at you knowing it meant you would dance and he would stand behind you in awe. He stood leaving the glass on the bar and let you lead him onto the floor. Once you found a spot that wasn’t too crowded to move he grabbed around your waist, positioning you close to him.

Your hips moved almost automatically to the music, with the strobing lights feeding the energetic crowd. Spencer turned you around pressing his body to your backside, resting his hands on your hips while you moved. You ground your body against his with the beat of the music, arms stretched up in the air latching around his neck. The faster you moved the harder he gripped into your hips, feeling his warm pants against your neck.

“Y/N” he moaned as a whisper in your ear, giving you chills. You could feel his stiffened groin against your ass, making you giggle. You turned yourself around reattaching your arms around his neck. He roughly kissed you, grasping your ass over the short dress. He usually wasn’t a fan of public affection, but in this scene he let himself have fun.

“Something wrong?” You asked stopping to breathe, smirking up to his lust filled eyes. “Not at all.” He smirked back, you still swaying in his arms.

You were in a daydream singing to the music as you danced when Spencer spoke. “Look” you heard in your ear, and you followed his eyes across the dance floor to a gorgeous blonde in a red dress dancing. “Mmm” was your only response and you nodded at him approving.

You released him and slowly walked toward the woman, she was more gorgeous the closer you got. “Hey I’m Y/N” you smiled dancing next to her. “I’m Amber” she smiled back, good she seemed nice. “Are you from around here?” you asked. “No, just here for the weekend.” She shouted back over the music.

“You’re really pretty.” You complimented, glancing up and down her body quickly. “Thanks so are you, that dress is amazing ” she returned the compliment. “Are you here alone?” You asked genuinely concerned. “Yeah, my friend left with some dude.” She rolled her eyes. “Well, we can definitely dance.” You giggled, and she seemed to agree lifting her hands.

After a few minutes you saw Spencer approaching from behind her, smirking at you, you returned the look. He stepped behind her, a little closer than a person normally would, to get her attention but still not touching. She sensed his presence, looking over her shoulder.

“He’s with me.” You chimed, she looked back to you with a slightly confused look. “Is that okay with you?” He spoke smoothly making her look back to him, turning some so that she stood straight between the two of you. You watched as she began to get the idea.

“That’s fine with me” she smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear nervously. “My name is Spencer” He charmed, it was almost frustrating how different he became in this dominate persona of himself. Most of the time he would be to shy to woo a woman like this. He didn’t bring out this side of himself often, mostly when you angered him, but you loved to see it.

“Amber” she replied nodding. “Her friend left her to hook up with somebody so I told her I didn’t want her to have to dance alone.” You told him to make conversation. “Well then let’s dance shall we?” He winked at Amber, lightly touching her waist, turning her to face you.

Amber looked slightly surprised but was smiling. “Just relax.” I giggled at her stepping closer to her and took one of her soft hands, and began dancing to the music again. After a few minutes, she gave in to the feeling, moving between our bodies to the music.

Amber’s head fell back against Spencer’s shoulder, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation of two sets of hands caressing her body. She reopened her eyes with a devious smile and slid her fingers around the small of your neck. You smiled back seeing what she wanted, and quickly also wrapped your fingers around her neck, your fingers tangling in her soft hair.

She met you in the middle, you could feel her overflowing with lust and desire through her lips. You heard a low groan come from Spencer, you didn’t have to check to know he was definitely watching. You would taste her strawberry lip gloss as your tongue slipped over hers.

Amber moaned into your mouth when Spencer started leaving teasing kisses down her neck, you watched his hands gripping her body eagerly. Most of the time that would probably make you jealous, but now it did just the opposite.

“Let’s get out of here.” You announced getting their attention, they both nodded agreeing. The car ride was tense, you sitting in the middle of Spencer and Amber. Luckily the ride was short, and the radio filled the silence.

“Make yourself comfortable” You offered to Amber as you all walked into your and Spencer’s house. “Thanks, this is really nice.” She replied looking around your home. “Thanks.” You smiled and walked to the fridge to get drinks.

“Here you go.” You said sitting the waters on the table in front of them. She thanked you, laughing nervously. “You know we can take you home if you’re uncomfortable. It won’t hurt our feelings.” You told her sitting a caring hand on her thigh. “I’m not uncomfortable, I just haven’t done anything like..um..like this.” She whispered the end tucking her hair again. You couldn’t get enough of how cute she was.

“Well, what do you think this is?” You asked and began lightly rubbing your hands over her thigh. You could feel the muscle tighten as a reflex. “Whatever you two want.” She responded quickly and confidently. “Don’t ask for more than you can handle.” Spencer chuckled, she had no idea what she’s asking.

Now turning her attention to him. “You’d be surprised.” The air in the room suddenly tensed, like you could feel the breaths we were taking. “Well, then how about we move this to the bedroom.” He challenged back to her. She slowly stood waiting to be led, Spencer walking in front.

You grabbed Amber’s arm softly halting her “If you really want to get him riled up, call him Daddy.” You whispered to keep Spencer from hearing. You wanted to see if that would freak her out, but she just smiled and nodded. Wow.

Once up the stairs and in the bedroom things started moving quickly, Spencer instantly backing her into a wall. You sat on the bed deciding to watch for a moment. He attached his lips to her neck, you watched her head fall and nails grip into his shoulders tightly.

You felt your underwear becoming damp, watching him lift her, pushing harder against her. She wrapping her legs around his waist, tugging his hair as he kissed her roughly.

“You aren’t as innocent as you seem are you Amber?” Spencer questioned releasing her lips for air. “You tell me..Daddy.” She purred glancing back at me with a knowing smirk. He groaned at her words, quickly placing her on her feet gripping her throat. He towered over her, you could see the slight surprise in her eyes but not necessarily fear.

Spencer glanced over his shoulder shaking his head at you, but you knew he wasn’t mad. He just hated you knew exactly how to get a reaction out of him. He turned his attention back to the beautiful woman he had pinned against the bedroom wall.

You watched him bend down to her ear, and you could barely hear his words. “Since you think it’s so amusing to call me that, I hope it’s still funny when you can’t stop screaming it.” She swallowed hard unable to find any words, but not daring to take her eyes off his. He softly chuckled at her, removing his hand, and ushered her to sit on the bed next to you.

“Hmm but before I do that, how about you get her ready for me, doll?” Spencer asked now looking at you, you nodded eagerly already having in mind what you wanted to do. “My pleasure” you smiled at Amber, she glanced back down to your lips. You leaned in slowly taking her soft lips again, she eagerly pushed harder against you.

You heard soft background music start to play, Spencer was always one to set the mood. When you finally opened your eyes the room was now dark, except for a lamp providing the perfect dim light. After taking in the surroundings you turn back to Amber, placing tender kisses down her neck.

You could hear her start to breathe heavy, her hands running all over your body teasingly. After being sure you left a mark on her collarbone, you went back to her lips, but it was much more hungry this time. She gasped into your mouth as you roughly pinched at her nipples through the thin dress.

“I think you beautiful ladies have on too many clothes” Spencer announces drawing your attention to him. He had removed everything but his briefs and was sitting at the top of the bed watching you two. “I think you’re right sir.” You responded and stood quickly sliding the dress off your body.

You then helped Amber finish sliding her dress off her legs, both of you settling on the middle of the bed. “Your body is so sexy Amber.” You whispered taking her in, only covered in lace underwear. “So are you” she smiled and laid on her back. You understood the signal and straddled her hips.

You leaned down to kiss her again, her fingers rested on your hips. Your hands found her bare breast causing you both to moan. She returned the favor and began also kneading your breast, her hands to soft and attentive.

You couldn’t help to grind against her, making you feel the wetness that had accumulated between your legs. “Shit” Amber murmured against your lips. “You like that baby? Hmm?” you asked smiling down at her, grinding harder. “Hell yes!” she smiled back. “Well wait until you feel this.” You taunted and quickly removed the last little pieces of fabric from your bodies.

You glided back on top of her, but this time bringing one of her legs on top of yours so you could move between them. She bit down on her lip staring at you, knowing what was about to happen. The air caught in both of your throats when your pussies finally touched.

You heard a loud groan from Spencer above you. You looked up seeing he had also removed the rest of his clothes and was stroking his cock slowly watching you. He stared like a hawk, with so much intensity, it made you want to put on a show for him, and that is just what you were going to do.

You rolled your hips into her, moaning out at how wet both of your folds already were. “Fuck such a perfect pussy, you’re gonna love it daddy.” You moaned, his eyes darkened at your words, hand working faster on his shaft. “Mmm, grind your little pussy faster baby, get her nice and wet for me.” He groaned.

You obey, scissoring her roughly. “Fuck fuck fuck.” She cried throwing her head back into the pillow, moving her hips with yours. You couldn’t keep your eyes open as you moved against her, moans and curses falling from both of you.

Her hands came up and pinched at your nipples adding the perfect pain to your pleasure. “Oh my God Amber. That’s so good. Fuck.” You cried, grasping onto her leg tightly. “Don’t fucking stop. Fuck your gonna make me cum so hard.” She moaned staring directly up at you.

“Are you gonna cum all over my pussy baby?” You smiled at her feeling your own orgasm coming. “Yes please, I want to cum so bad.” She replied and leaned up taking one of your breasts in her mouth. You grabbed the back of her head, holding her mouth against your breast while you began to grind more wildly. You could hear Spencer groaning loudly above you.

“Shit baby, yes right there.” You gasped, feeling your muscles tightening. “Fuck” she also gasped feeling her own climax coming and pulled you down to her lips. You both started shaking holding each other tightly, letting the high roll through your bodies releasing it into the kiss.

You fell back onto the bed, both of you panting with smiles. After your breathing leveled, you sat up to see Spencer now standing beside the bed near your two bodies both perched up on your elbows.

“Did you like that daddy?” You asked innocently pursing your lips. “Yes, very much” he answered smirking at you and then to Amber. He leaned down to her face, sliding a piece of her hair behind her ear gently. Then roughly taking her lips to his, holding her neck firmly.

“I want this pretty mouth of yours.” He groaned after pulling back from her lips. “But first.. y/n” he continued and looked to you. You instantly held your breath, body shaking with anticipation. “I think you forgot to clean your mess doll” his eyes glanced down to Amber’s core.

Your eyes meet Amber’s, she swallowed nervously. “Don’t be nervous baby, we’re gonna take good care of you” Spencer assured her seeing her reaction. You gave her a reassuring smile, she nodded slowly. You quickly shifted to your knees between her legs, pausing when you saw how gorgeous and wet she was from you.

You quickly began kissing at the top of her crest. Moving down slowly, taking in the soft feeling on your lips. You finally reached her clit, you heard a soft moan escape her as your tongue flicked over it. “Shit that’s so hot.” Her moans were like a drug to you, making your own arousal drip to your thigh.

You looked up to see her staring down at you with lust filled eyes, biting her lip as her hips began rolling against your mouth wanting more. You had no problem giving more, dipping your tongue into her opening, taking in her taste. Her head fell back as she moans out again, Spencer took advantage and began sucking at her neck.

You could hear the words Spencer hummed in her ear. “That feels good doesn’t it beautiful?” She only nodded still overwhelmed by the pleasure you were giving her. You knew that answer would not satisfy him. He grabbed around the sides of her neck, applying just enough pressure to get her attention. You moan into her body at the sight.

“I expect an answer sweetheart.” He stated calmly staring into Amber’s eyes. “Yes sir..feels so good.” She stuttered out, catching on quickly, he smiled in response. “There you go” he chuckled, removing his hand, moving it to her breast as he kissed her again.

“Let me make you feel good.” You heard her whispered, shocked at her confidence. You were falling in love with this girl. Spencer groans at her words “Mmm you want me to use that pretty mouth don’t you baby?” “Please” she breathed out.

Spencer quickly stood, making his hips level with her face. Amber eagerly took the tip of his cock in her mouth, causing him to hiss in pleasure. Her legs starting shaking around your head, making you want even more to make her cum again.

“Fuck just like that.” Spencer groaned, you looked up, not slowing your mission on her. He had gathered her hair into a messy ponytail, guiding her further down his dick as she could. The mix of her moans and gagging around him filled the dark room.

Amber’s hips bucked wildly, letting you know she was seconds from exploding. She released Spencer, not able to focus, eyes rolling into her head. “Cum on her mouth baby, just like that.” Spencer moaned kissing along her body while her body gave into your pleasure, spilling onto your tongue.

“That was so amazing” she sighed pulling you up to her, tasting her arousal on your tongue. “Wait until you feel his cock, it’s quite nice.” You laughed looking over to Spencer’s hard member pulsing with need. She moaned looking over him also.

“Well then bend over for me, I’ll show you”. He smirked, and she quickly flipped to her hands and knees. Spencer settled on the bed behind her, rubbing his hands over her ass. His hand came up and back down firmly, she cried out not expecting it. “You like it rough don’t you Amber” he groaned, spanking against her ass again.

“Yes daddy” she cried. It was like getting to watch porn in real life, as he guided his tip into her tight opening, both of them spewing curses at the feeling. He finally completely filled her, her fist balled into the covers tightly. “Fuck your so good and tight” Spencer growled now beginning to move against her quickly.

Spencer moved faster, making his skin slap against hers. “Yes yes yes. Fuck me harder please.” She begged, realizing you were telling the truth about him. She looked over to you, mouth hanging open, her eyes half-lidded. “I want to taste you while he fucks me.” She whispered, just her words made you feel like you could unravel again right then and there. You were again pleasantly surprised at her words.

“I like the way you think.” You smile at her and began to position yourself at the top of the bed. “Fuck yes, get up there baby. Let daddy watch you get your pussy ate.” Spencer added looking to you, still fucking Amber steadily.

Once you finally got spread in front of Amber, she wasted no time teasing you. Her tongue darting straight to your nerves, making you scream out her name. “You taste so fucking good Y/n” she hummed between your legs. “Feels so good Amber” you managed to praise back letting your head fall against the headboard.

You lift your head back up, eyes meeting Spencer’s. You stared, a smile spread to both of your lips as you shared the sexy woman between your bodies. His sweaty body glistened slightly in the light of the lamp, chest heaving as he continued to pound into Amber.

“Shit I’m close” Amber cried out loudly, but still worked you with her tongue. She added a finger, wanting to pull you over with her. Your eyes rolled back, gripping into her hair tightly. “You want daddy’s cum inside you baby?” Spencer groaned now moving fiercely feeling his own end coming, needing to know where to finish.

She groaned loudly, giving her approval. “Fuck” you cussed out shaking from pleasure. You managed to open your eyes to see Spencer making the face you knew all too well. He quickly reached down to Amber’s clit rubbing hard, her muscles squeezed down around his cock. His assault caused her to latch down on your clit, sending you spiraling. Like domino’s, you came after another, filling the room with loud cries.

You all laid back staring up at the ceiling, while your bodies came down. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had” Amber spoke first, still breathing heavily. “Glad we didn’t disappoint” you giggled sitting up looking over to her and your fiance. “Amber you can stay the night if you want, you ladies can take a shower and I’ll grab one after” Spencer announced standing from the bed, and sliding on his briefs.

You looked over to her waiting for an answer. “Sounds good to me” she smiled. You took her hand and started leading her to your bathroom. “Hey, but no fun without me” Spencer yelled pointing his finger to you. “No promises, sir” you winked.

<Request Open>

Office Affair

(Spencer Reid x Reader)

*Mature content warning*

Summary: Frustrated with your sex life at home, your ex-boyfriend Spencer is willing to offer guilty, sweet relief.


“Mrs. Y/N” A male voice announces a mispronounced version of your name behind you.“It’s Y/N” You huff, turning around to see your ass of a boss. “Yeah. I need you to work late today.” “I can’t. I have plans, and I worked late on Monday.” You argue. “And you will stay again until those files are complete. Do we have a problem?” He hisses back. This is so unfair.

“No, I’ll get it done.” You fake a smile. If you hadn’t worked so hard to get a job at the Bureau, you would give him a piece of your mind. An hour later most of the other employees slowly gathered their belongings and headed home. Including your boss.

After what seemed like years of paperwork, you heard footsteps coming closer. You glanced above your desk and there was Spencer, winking at you as he passed. You wonder what he was doing here so late and on this floor. He is your ex, you two dated when you worked on the BAU floor. He was almost the perfect boyfriend, you just couldn’t deal with the unpredictable schedule and lifestyle. He understood, and there weren’t any hard feelings between the two of you. 

You watch him walk until he is out of sight, gosh he always looked so delicious. You started going through papers again, and then almost jumped out of your skin feeling a touch upon bow of your back. You looked back over your shoulder to see no other than Spencer. “Can I help you?” You ask after catching your breath. He leaned down near your neck. “Why so tense Y/N?” His husky voice sending a shock straight to your insides.

“I’m not tense, you frightened me.” You answered his double-edged question. “If you say so dear.” He whispered into your ear, you had to bite your tongue making sure not to show any reaction. He then started walking away, you made sure he was far away enough before letting out a sigh of frustration. Focus on your work so you can leave you mumbled to yourself.

Everyone else knew him as sweet Spencer, but there was another side to him. In his romantic relationships, he was very confident, apposed to his more shy work demeanor. You still had regular flashbacks of your times with him, which made you feel terrible being married now. Even worse, you still hadn’t been able to cut your physical ties to Spencer, he just knew exactly what you needed.

You tried your hardest, clenching your thighs together, determined to keep yourself together. But all you could think about was him, you caught yourself biting your lip. It was no use. You quickly stand and walk towards the elevators, heels clicking loudly. You caught the door just before closing and step in. Spencer was standing in the corner of the elevator with his devilish smirk, you look away acting as if you didn’t see him.

“Where are you headed?” He chuckles, always so cocky. Although, he knows you get to him also. You bend over and adjusted your heel strap slowly, making sure your skirt hugged your ass tightly. You then stood and glanced over to see his eyes studying you fiercely, his amazing jawline clinched. “I’m going to the third floor.” You answered softly and pushed the button.

You got off of the elevator not looking back at him, but knowing he was watching. Once you heard the elevator doors close you hurried to the abandoned office to get ready. You position yourselfagainst the desk, removing your hairpin letting it fall. You knew he would come, he always did.

Just as you thought a few minutes later the door opens, he shut and locked the door all while not taking his sight off of you. He slowly started walking forward, rolling up the sleeves of his collared shirt. You could feel your panties becoming damp, just from his stare.

Spencer stopped inches from you, then leaned forward resting his hands on the desk, boxing you in. He leaned in, barely letting his lip brush your ear. “Was that you’re way of being amusing?” He asks sharply, your body tenses, eyes clamping shut at his tone. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. ” “Hmm…is that so.” He whispers sending more chills down your spine.

You then felt his hand firmly grip your thigh through your skirt causing you to jump. “Don’t act like you didn’t bend over in this little tight skirt on purpose, you wanted me to come down here.” “You followed me.” You smarted back “We both know why you came down here. Why you’re so tense. I bet you’re already wet just from me barely touching you” He tightened the grip on your thigh with every word, him talking like that always made your body tremble. You hated that he was right, and he knew it.

“And what if I did.” You challenge back, magically you were still somewhat keeping your composure. “Well, then you know what you have to do.” You couldn’t believe he was so full of himself, actually, he was always like this in these tense situations. You had seen this side of him a few times while dating, but it still always took your breath away, because it was so different from his sweet and shy personality. You loved both sides. 

 "No" You spat quickly, enjoying the game you two always played. “Then I’ll just make you beg.” He growls and burrowed his lips into your neck, causing you to let out a moan instantly. He lifts, sitting you on the desk, pushing your legs apart roughly causing your skirt to rise. You pull him closer to you meeting his lips, his kisses were so dominant. Everything about him was dominant when he got you alone. You needed a man like that.

Still kissing you he slowly unbuttoned your top, exposing your body to him. He parted from you to glance down at your body, licking his lips like a starved animal. “Did you wear this for me, baby?” He asked admiring your very thin lace bra. “Maybe. Maybe I wore it for someone else” you shrug. He stared into your eyes.

“Stand up now.” He demanded, backing off of you. Gosh yes, you loved when he told you what to do. You stand, pulling your skirt back down. “I’ll handle that.” He said and then keeled before you, yanking the skirt down to the floor. You gasp from the slight pain of the tight skirt pulling against your skin, but honestly, you didn’t mind the pain. He stared up at you now just in underwear, never taking his eyes off yours, and slowly ran his fingers up your knees, up between your thighs, and finally reaching your core. He guides his finger over the fabric. 

“Why are these soaked?” He asks smirking, you grip onto the desk trying not to give in. He pulled down your wet panties and pulled them over your heels. “Mmm, I love you standing in front of me naked, all soaked for me.” He huffed, staring at your most private parts. Damn it, he made you feel so wrong but so right at the same time.

“What do you want Y/N.” He asks still kneeling below you. "I didn’t say I wanted anything.“ "I think you do, why else would you come to the 3rd floor?” He said softly and began kissing the inside of your thigh. “Oh my gosh.” You moaned out involuntarily. He inched up closer to your core, biting just to tease you. You couldn’t take much more, you needed him and he knew it. “Please.” You screamed. Without another second passing, he began devouring you, licking up all your juices. You couldn’t help but moaning his name.

“Spencer” you cried out too loud, but the way he worked your clit with his tongue was unbelievable. “That’s right, you know who’s name to scream don’t you baby.” He taunts, barely audible between your legs. You cried out as he spread your legs wider to give him more access. Your legs became weak from his pleasure, and you knew it was close. “Spencer I’m gonna cum.” You yelled, so close you didn’t care if anyone heard. Then the pleasure suddenly stopped. 

“Not yet. I’m not done with you.” He stated standing and bring his lips back to yours. You could taste yourself on his mouth, it was so hot. “Please, Spencer.” You breathed heavy. “Not good enough, please what?” Ugh, he is always like this. “Please make me cum, I need it.” You swallowed your pride. “Why do you need me to make you cum, does your husband not make you cum?”

You hesitate to answer so he plunged two fingers into you. “Ah, shit” you moaned out, letting your head fall back. “Tell me now.” He growled pumping his fingers faster than you knew possible into your soaked folds. You gripped onto his shoulders, crying out in pleasure. “Fuck yes” you scream, you were right there again. He suddenly removes his fingers and you look to see him smiling at you.

“Come on dear, just say it and I’ll make you cum just how you like.” He whispers in your ear and then trailed kisses down to your breast. He took one of your nipples in his mouth. You couldn’t help but groan at how sensitive they are now. How does he do this to you? He sucked and tugged on your nipples, making your wetness drip down to your thigh.

“Please!” You cried out, about to explode with need. He came up from your nipples. Suddenly he grabbed your hand pressing it hard against his dick. You gripped him feeling how long and so hard it was pulsing. You gulp, him still staring at you with dark eyes. You finally gave in.

“He doesn’t make me feel like you, nobody fucks me like you.” You need the release and didn’t care at this point. “That’s all you had to say, baby.” He chuckled removing his hand and then bent you over the desk. “You ready for this?” He asks still being cocky. “Yes, please fuck my pussy.” You were beyond desperate at this point. He growled in approval and roughly pounds his dick into you. You cry out feeling your insides stretched around his large size.

You grab for the desk needing something to hold from the hard pounding he was giving you. “Ah you take my dick so well Y/N” Spencer groaned. He kept a steady hard pace, killing you. “Shit, don’t stop.” You pleaded.

“Say my name.” He groans. You moaned out his name softly.  “No louder, who fucks you like this?” He grows this time fucking you even harder. You could feel your climax coming. He never lets you forget that he fucks you better than anyone else ever has.

“Spencer” you scream as he took you over the edge making your body shake from the rush. He began moaning loudly himself and then found his own release before he collapsed on top of you. After catching his breath he removed himself, you both stood feeling the tension fill the room. Neither of you liked this, but he was like a drug to you.  

“We weren’t supposed to do this anymore.” You huff after returning your clothes. “It’s not my fault your husband can’t do what I can.” He winked and you rolled your eyes before quickly leaving the room.

