

I have had the worst day (other than the friends obvs!)

My Flare is AWFUL

I’ve been using medicated brownie for a while. I even used the best strain I have, it’s helping but not too much. It’s not even getting me all that high as the pain is keeping me sober.

I’m on as much medication as possible.

I’ve had to stop everything I was doing as. I can’t concentrate on anything.

I pulled away from my husbands and had a big cry. OG hubby came to look out for me and stayed with me while i cried.

It’s so traumatic. It’s triggered a lot of negative feelings of parental medical neglect so to have hubby be so nice and caring is making this hard as it’s a complete 180° of how I aways treated originally.

It’s also really hard my to-be sister-in-law has bought herself an power chair and I’m envious she can afford the freedom.

I can’t afford £120 on a rollator, let alone the £1,500-£6,000 for a power chair.

I know disability isn’t a competition, I’m really happy she can get around better! I just wish I could do it too. Spring has sprung and I want to be IN it, not just watching it pass by my window…
