#crps warrior


It’s not just the pain ,it’s the fatigue ,it’s the feeling like there’s nothing left in the tank feeling drained ,no energy that rips the parts of you that want to fight to keep going . So over everything atm.

Chronic pain problems•

Time will always show you who your real friends are .

Chronic pain problems •

Mental health awareness

Do you ever ask yourself what the F**kkk is wrong with me ?

Chronic pain problems •

Living with #CRPS or any chronic pain or chronic illness changes your life dramatically. You are no longer totally in control of your own life . You miss out on so much living you become isolated from the outside world feeling like a prisoner in your own body. You’re a witness to everyone else living as we see or hear about everything that’s happening in the outside world no wonder most of us suffowith depression. While the world around us does everything we dream of doing we’re tied to our safe places ,our houses ,our pain ,our fatigue and our illnesses.Living With a Chronic Illness and Pain 24/7 definitely isn’t a bowl of cherries.

Chronic pain problems •

Almost 8 years in and I still struggle to find balance . Being bipolar doesn’t help I tell you having #CRPS and being #BIPOLAR are the worst combination ever , one will always loose there’s always a price to pay . Then throw #fatigue and #pain into the mix making it so hard for me to assess any of my limits and then it’s getting my bipolar side to accept my limits in the first place ! The struggle is real .

Chronic pain problems •

Restless leg syndrome is a biatch to top of all the pain I’m dealing with tonight RLS Just to join the party the pain is so debilitating and frustrating has anyone tried the following treatments or found something that works????? Thanks in advance

Chronic pain problems •

Empathy understanding for people with chronic illness.

“If a friend only sends an emoji as a response they are not being rude, they’re exhausted… Understand…if I’m not keeping in touch, or don’t always reply…it’s not because I don’t want to or don’t care. Sometimes I just can’t.”

Chronic pain problems •

Mental health matters ;

“There are hundreds of us struggling like this, and as a result, the best thing is our understanding of each other… Speak up—because the likelihood is that there is someone out there struggling just as much as you.”

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