#crystal roleplay


My wife is being induced TOMORROW (Wednesday June 16th), so obviously the previous date time no longer works, especially wrangling a toddler AND a newborn ;)

The original post was as follows, but we will be revising the event premise and planning in greater detail for showtime!

Following our “comeback tour” with the Battle of Paglth’an [1] [2], we are happy to announce our next big event for FFXIV’s Death Unto Dawn Part 2! Taking what we learned with our previous foray (which was our first large-scale event in over 2 years), we will be refining our system to offer an even smoother experience that brings your OCs close to the main story action!

Thismilitary-themedMSQ event will take place in a “stand-in set” for the Carteneau Flats. 5.5 Part 2 spoilers goes without saying. All Crystal RPers are welcome to this event on the Balmung server. Read on to learn more!

Link to our Discord server: https://discord.gg/rqnE2bjKRj

Link to our Carrd: https://4thcombinedbrigade.carrd.co/








Following our “comeback tour” with the Battle of Paglth’an [1] [2], we are happy to announce our next big event for FFXIV’s Death Unto Dawn Part 2! Taking what we learned with our previous foray (which was our first large-scale event in over 2 years), we will be refining our system to offer an even smoother experience that brings your OCs close to the main story action! 

Thismilitary-themedMSQ event will take place in a “stand-in set” for the Carteneau Flats. Due to developments in the main story of FFXIV, tempering of your characters may be possible (albeit temporary), as is RPvP as a consequence…

5.5 Part 2 spoilers goes without saying. All Crystal RPers are welcome to this event on the Balmung server. Read on to learn more!

Link to our Discord server: https://discord.gg/rqnE2bjKRj

Link to our Carrd: https://4thcombinedbrigade.carrd.co/ 

This event will have a fixed structure to accommodate the potentially large number of players in attendance (over 30 last time!). In addition, an event guide will be written for participants to have access to on the day.

  • Prelude: Up to an hour before the official start time is some unofficial RP for our characters to get to know each other, set at the Immortal Flames outpost in Carteneau.
  • Act 1 (“Trash mobs”): After an initial clash of our RP army with a large enemy force, our characters split up into pre-determined squadrons to fight the enemy in easier-to-GM “mini-events”.
  • Act 2 (“Boss fight”): A lunar primal will descend upon the battlefield, potentially tempering your character and resulting in an RPvP sequence following modified Grindstone rules (including the ability to gang up). Don’t worry! If the heroes are defeated, a “deus ex machina” is planned to save the day ;)
  • Act 3: Rather than have an unofficial denouement, an epilogue will be rolled into the official event time to allow our characters to properly process the battle. This would involve tending to the injured and tempered with porxies etc!

As can be found on our Carrd, please keep in mind our 3 guiding principles:

  1. We do NOT do DND-style tabletop events: Your characters are not arranged on a board with a defined number of enemies who have a set amount of hitpoints you have to whittle down. In most cases, there is a vaguely defined enemy force. This allows for a large-scale military conflict to be properly simulated.
  2. Roll first, THEN emote: Outside of RPvP, your characters will roll to meet a success/fail threshold, then emote accordingly. This is contextual, and depends on the specific GM post. 
  3. It’s on You, the Writer:  In order to alleviate as much stress as possible from the GMs, it is expected that event participants take the initiative in writing their character out in whatever happenings are taking place. We are here to provide a creative platform for your characters to be a part of something greater than themselves, rather than have RP spoon-fed directly to you. When something happens, take the initiative! Be bold and confident in writing your character in a structured but freeform story. That isn’t to say your characters will be ignored by the GMs, however, quite the contrary…

In addition, patienceandgracearerequiredfor these events. All 4 of the GMs are older adults with significant RL commitments, including a parent of a toddler and incoming newborn. It can feel stressful, especially RPvP, to be part of these large-scale events; but don’t worry! If you keep the above in mind, you WILL have fun being a Big Damn Hero of FFXIV’s Main Story Quest!

If you have any more questions, join our Discord server up above!






VICTORY AT PAGLTH’AN!There are too many damn good screenshots to include from yesterday’s Battle of


There are too many damn good screenshots to include from yesterday’s Battle of Paglth’an! Here is a personal favourite, which shows Lunar Bahamut dropping into Zolm’ak Citadel as a cameo to incinerate a force of Alliance troops before moving on elsewhere.

Huge shout-out to the 30+ players who attended and made the event a great comeback for the 4th! It’s the first time hosting these MSQ events in over 2 years.

There will be more to come in the run-up to Endwalker, using what we learned in managing a large group of RPers to formalize our GM systems. I’m honestly surprised it went as well as it did as a first foray for a new group!

If you’re interested in joining our CWLS/Discord-based community to catch further Death Unto Dawn and Endwalker military-themed events, do hop in here: https://discord.gg/rqnE2bjKRj

See you next time!

Post link

Since the Telophoroi’s emergence, mysterious towers have appeared all across the Three Great Continents, with no doubt nefarious intent. As one of many measures taken in response, the Eorzean Alliance has commissioned a reserve regiment led by Flame Commander Khaleed Quartzwall, a veteran leader of both adventurers and soldiers alike, most famously during Operation Rhalgr’s Beacon. 

 Intermittent skirmishes against the Telophoroi at the frontier has seen little reason for the regiment’s activation and deployment…however, with a dark moon rising, the fates may have aught else in mind…

Thismilitary-themed MSQ event will take place in southern Thanalan as a “stand-in set” for Paglth’an’s Valley of No One and Zolm’ak Citadel. Uniformed soldiers and adventurers are heeded to answer the Alliance’s clarion call! 

5.5 Part 1 spoilers goes without saying. All Crystal RPers are welcome to this event on the Balmung server. Read on to learn more! 

Link to the temporary Discord server: https://discord.gg/mdmR5YyBE3 


The meeting point is the Immortal Flames encampment at X: 18.0 Y: 18.0 in southern Thanalan, just down from Little Ala Mhigo on Balmung. In-character, this locale is also an Immortal Flames encampment, located in Paglth’an and serving as a staging area for the event regiment.

I need…

  • Co-GMs - Experience necessary, particularly with events that focus on teamwork,inclusivity, and action set pieces!
  • Soldiers and sworn adventurers from the Alliance armies - As a military operation, uniforms will be required, though the uniform requirements will pull from the wardrobes of multiple expansions.
  • Possible antagonists - This can be in the form of “NPCs” riding dragon or magitek mounts; due to the MSQ story situation, it is unlikely to be “RPvP”, but bad guy stand-ins to take down are welcome!
  • Photographer(s) - A photographer does not necessarily have to be a participant!
  • DJ - Someone to run the BGM for the event.

If you’re interested, go ahead and join the temporary event Discord server here: https://discord.gg/rqnE2bjKRj


How can a large-scale combat event even work?
I have led and co-led similar events before in the 2017-18 timeframe, alongside some fantastic GMs. The key is to have multiple GMs in constant communication with one another, prioritizing funandheroics over anything else. Because an MSQ event already has a pre-determined outcome, the focus is on what is easiest for maximum enjoyment

Examples of previous large-scale combat events I have led or co-led:

What will the combat system be?
This is TBD, but will be a system that focuses on the above philosophy of “the most fun for the most amount of people”. For example, it may be a traditional roll vs roll when the event is split into smaller squadrons, but for the finale, all participants will be instructed to simply roll over a certain number then react accordingly. The latter system allows for grand scenes to take place, such as the heroes clashing with an indeterminately large number of enemies in a massive melee.

My character is super tough, a Warrior of Light, and has special permission from their Grand Company to wear what they want!
That’s great! But that’s not really how militaries work, where everyone must be uniform (geddit?). The focus of this event will very much be teamwork because it is a military operation, and not a series of lone wolves trying to pull off their ultimate attacks without regard to their compatriots. This allows for inclusivity,where everyone is given a role and purpose, and nobody is sidelined. Combat being directed by an IC leader enables this. Do not be put off by by the military theme or IC strictness; everyone is included and can be a hero with this style of event!

If you have any more questions, join the temporary event Discord server up above!






Hello again! It’s been a couple of months but I wanted to introduce #seaswolchallenge starting 1 Jan

Hello again! It’s been a couple of months but I wanted to introduce #seaswolchallenge starting 1 January 2021! The prompts this time around were a touch self-indulgent, but I hope you enjoy them all the same.

Here are the brief guidelines for engaging with these prompts, which you can also find here:

  • Your character does not need to be a WoL to participate in the challenge; however, the core blog caters to those people who have a WoL verse or strictly write their character that way. If you’re someone who believes in the concept of mary-sues, hates npc x oc shipping, etc., I’d encourage you not to participate and hide the tag for the challenge as needed. I will not tolerate anon hate and will block and blacklist people accordingly.
  • Currently there are no prizes for completion of the challenge(s). This is for fun!
  • There is no order to which you need to do the prompts. You can also sub in different words if one doesn’t vibe with you, as well as skip days.
  • Similarly, you can return to older prompts at a later date to complete them at your leisure. There is no punishment for people who finish the challenge late. Your work will still be reblogged and shared.
  • Length of a prompt doesn’t matter! Write twenty or two thousand words.
  • Use the tag #seaswolchallenge or @seaswolchallenge so I can see what you have written! All completed works will be reblogged onto this blog. If you do not see your prompt, please shoot me an ask/im with the link
  • WE NOW HAVE A GOOGLE FORM.You can submit your story links here! This also counts for older works that were missed in previous rounds – please let me share your stories.

All works will bequeued to avoid spamming peoples’ dashboards. If you do not see your prompt right away, or it takes a few days from the initial post, this is why!

This challenge will run from 1 JAN and ( technically ) conclude on 30 JAN for those who do one prompt a day. As always, please feel free to reblog this and tag your friends to write with you!

Post link