



c!sapnap who was left alone and his plan to hunt c!dream down vs c!punz still loyal to c!dream, believing in their plan, wanting server to ‘go back to normal’. c!punz is the last person c!sapnap trust and he is lying to him from the beginning. I can’t wait for their confrontation and it better go down with fire, sweat and blood


come n get it

dont imagine c!sapnap walking in to see if c!george is awake yet, but he just see’s him in absolute terror in his sleep because of the nightmares he’s having because of c!dream killing him.



 Sapnap is exactly who Tommy needs right now, in more ways than one.

While it’s nice he knows there are people in Tommy’s corner (like Quackity and to a certain extent, Phil and Sam) it’s even better for him to have someone at his side and matching his pace. He needs someone who sees how strong he is without forcing everything onto his shoulders. Sapnap is the perfect person for this role.

It’s said multiple times, they teamed up and won against Dream before. They’ve been on opposite sides before and each view the other as a strong opponent and acknowledge each other’s individual PVP skills. This is good for their longterm goal, but there’s something even more important than just the fight. It’s how much Sapnap cares for Tommy as a person, and understands who he is beyond the battles.

The reason Sapnap checked on Tommy in the first place was because Tommy had been talking to himself in the house rather loudly and Sapnap was concerned. {32:28 - SAPNAP: “Dude I was just walking around and I heard you freaking out in here. What’s up with you?} This line partnered with his protectiveness of Tommy during the actual breakout really pushes the fact that he’s well aware of how much danger Tommy is currently in, even if he doesn’t know everything Dream did during exile.

When asked to take off his armor to prove Tommy could trust him, Sapnap didn’t hesitate. He took his armor off and kept his weapons away and stayed level-headed as tommy panicked and shouted. He listened to Tommy’s rambling story and assured him he wasn’t crazy and opened up about his own interaction with Dream in Snowchester.

SAPNAP: Tommy, Tommy chill. I believe you dude, okay? I saw Dream also, after he got out. I took his armor.

TOMMY: What happened? What- you did?

SAPNAP: I took his armor, you know his old armor he used to wear? I took em- I took his armor… he came to me.. he just tried to act like we were just friends again.
TOMMY: What did you do?

SAPNAP: I didn’t give it to him! I refused, Tommy. And you know what he did? He started threatening me.

Sapnap didn’t trust Dream’s “I’m gonna run off and hide away and not bother anyone” idea, and in the end he got to see Dream’s true intentions. He’s well aware of the threat Dream poses now, not just to Tommy but to the entire server.

Sapnap, still remaining under control and keeping Tommy relaxed, once again makes it clear he believes what Tommy is saying about Dream and that they’re on the same page.

Tommy recognizes he has a solid ally and uses plural terms when talking about Tubbo’s old house. Saying “our safehouse” and immediately opening up and entrusting someone else after realizing theyre on the same page. He even thanks Sapnap for believing him.

Sapnap sets a goal, telling Tommy about the vow he made to kill Dream. But he doesn’t push to include Tommy in that right away, he makes sure Tommy is up to the task before anything.

TOMMY: …all this exile stuff I’m so nearly done with. I’ve got my hotel, it’s going great- *snaps* just like that. I’m fucking- it’s all gone.

SAPNAP: Look Tommy, even if you’re not up to it-

TOMMY: No Sapnap this isn’t just your- this is us alright? This is our mission.

SAPNAP: Alright, okay. I’m just making sure you’re up for it.

He’s assuring that he’ll go through with the plan no matter what but continues to make sure that mentally Tommy is prepared for what they’re going to be doing. They find their footing and Tommy’s in a clearer mindset to actually start planning things rather than just panic hiding in obsidian.

At this point Tommy is genuinely smiling, he feels safe and is gleefully reminiscing over the past. His demeanor has totally shifted from when he first went into the house.

Tommy doesn’t need people cheering for him from the sidelines or promising to be there when he asks, he needs someone who is going to be right at his side with no hesitation. At the end of the day, Sapnap is the best fit for that roll.

Sapnap already had his mind set on killing Dream. He’s not joining Tommy just because he feels obligated, but because they have a shared goal and strongly understand each other’s reasonings.

Sapnap grounds Tommy, and Tommy gives Sapnap a purpose. If Tommy is going to run head-first into danger he needs someone who won’t hold him back but will still check on him and make sure the plan is finished even if he has to step out. He needs as an ally like Sapnap now more than he ever has.

He’s Fire Born your honor UwUThis was possibly one of my favorite drawings I’ve done in a while, He’

He’s Fire Born your honor UwU

This was possibly one of my favorite drawings I’ve done in a while, He’s legit so fun to draw y’all

Post link


Oh when are you gonna stop being so naive?

Sapnap angst 2/2

(RBs are sexy)


c!Sapnap with the tats + I headcanon they glow in his demon panda form.You guys uh, certainly responc!Sapnap with the tats + I headcanon they glow in his demon panda form.You guys uh, certainly respon

c!Sapnap with the tats + I headcanon they glow in his demon panda form.

You guys uh, certainly responded to the last post in a way I didn’t expect.
So, be fed I guess. :]

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I think some of the most fun I’ve ever had writing fanfiction was trying to imagine dialogue between

I think some of the most fun I’ve ever had writing fanfiction was trying to imagine dialogue between these two and not giving any mercy to the fact that they speak so differently.


Edit: To people asking for the fic link, I don’t release my fics anywhere publicly. My whole running gag right now is to keep posting art of my works that are available to none of you.

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they went to mcdonalds together

they went to mcdonalds together

Post link

which ones the smart fella and which ones the fart smella

it’s him!!!! it’s the birthday boy ❤

21 ear pulls for this one wooo :D

reblogs and likes are soooo appreciated ❤ (open for better quality)

some angst based on the fic “in-jokes with the dead and dying” by @chrysalizzm
