#cute model


Phone sex operator ramble


Hey, just wanted to announce, that I am making a TalkToMe.com account tonight!♡*°:⋆☎️ Oh my gosh! I’m so excited!♡ but also really nervous lol. Working as a phone sex operator is something I’ve been thinking about doing for quite some time now. I just kept putting it off, and I just finally decided that tonight’s the night to start! My social anxiety/ social awkwardness and introversion are what were holding me back. I kept worrying about so many different things, like stuttering, messing up my words, losing my train of thought, or not knowing what to say. The last thing I want is to mess up, and ruin the callers experience. I did all the research I could possibly do, I always do a bunch of research before starting anything. What kinda helped me finally decide to start was watching Ellie Bou’s live call videos on YouTube, where she actually films a full call night, so you get to hear everything they’re saying, including the ✨ juicy details ✨. This helped a whole lot. It shows great examples on how to start the conversation, and it also gave me reassurance about messing up, because she would sometimes mess up her words a bit too! Phone sex operators are technically actresses, but they are also just regular people, and people make mistakes, it’s part of being human! I’m still really scared lol, but I’m also excited!✨ I just need to remind myself that if I start it, and decide that it’s not for me, that’s ok! Not everything is for everyone, and there’s nothing wrong with trying something new, and deciding you don’t like it. Then again, I am going to give it at least a month or two. That should be long enough to determine whether or not it’s for me. I really do hope though that this works out for me, I’ve added up how much I could make if I work the days and hours I’m planning to work, and it could be really good income! My goal is to be an adult content creater full time, and finally quit my job! Anyway, that’s my rant lol. I’ll probably post updates about how things are going!☺️
