


be safe out there today everyone remember to watch out for any vanpires or draculas out there tonight. It’s world goth day you know

Paws yer scrollin'  and help support the Dracula and Son plushie HERE

Ravone and the Love Machine

Is insomnia intruding in your life? Why not stay up late, embrace the agony, and do something useful like drawing hungry vampires?

There; isn’t that better?

yeah i dont really know, but once before i thought i was and then i grew out of it but now it may just be a longing for the past but damn, my teeth? legit at least three times i got asked if i was wearing my scarecrow fangs and i wasnt cause my k9 teeth are fucking sharp lol, and yeah i might be vampkin, migghhhtt ask my pendulum but who knows fr sure(o′┏▽┓`o)


Paws yer scrollin'  and help support the Dracula and Son plushie HERE
