#cw torture mention

This is a scene from Sunlight by @kitepiper, which I did illustrations for in this year’s SW Big Ban

This is a scene from Sunlightby@kitepiper, which I did illustrations for in this year’s SW Big Bang. The scene didn’t go exactlylike this in the actual fic, but it was pretty close. Luke was considerably more tactful and considerate about what he actually said, but the thought was there and I figured it’d be funny to illustrate.

The fic is an AU where Ezra worked for the Inquisitorius for a while when he was younger, but eventually managed to escape. Now many years later with a history as a merc, he’s trying to make up for his past by helping Luke find new students to rebuild the Jedi order. He’s not excited about Luke figuring out his past, but it’s an inevitably that at some point it will come up. Sunlightis a Skybridger fic that is as flirty and cute as it is angsty, so if that’s your thing you would probably have a great time with it!

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