#canon typical violence


Track Two: friends don’t look at friends that way

Rating:E 18+ (scenes of a sexual nature ~ canon typical violence ~ rated E for latter chapters)

Pairings:Simon Lewis x Jace (insert chosen last name here) / minor Alex Lightwood x Magnus Bane

Chapter summary: Jace doesn’t regret his actions but he does feel a little guilty and he definitely isn’t sulking because Simon ditched him for his nerdy band practice yet again.

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Izzy was right, Jace was an idiot.

The meeting had lasted just over an hour, everyone going over reports and sharing information from the last week. It had been boring but Jace had forced himself to pay attention, taking everything in and forcing Simon from his mind. Concentrating on work had helped, Simon the last thing on his mind as he gave his own reports but as soon as the meeting was over and there was nothing to keep him occupied his mind had instantly gone back to Simon and before he knew what he was doing Jace had his phone in his hands, having already sent a text to Simon demanding to know if he had finished with his nerd thing as Jace was bored and wanted entertaining.

Simon had been quick to reply, shooting Jace down and informing him that he would probably be busy all night but promising to swing by the next day with lunch and a mango smoothie to make it up to him. Jace had only been slightly mollified with the gesture, sulking off to his room to go wash the hours of sweat off and ignoring Izzy’s knowing smirk and teasing comment about being abandoned by his not boyfriend. That had left a sour taste in Jace’s mouth and he couldn’t understand why. Simon wasn’t his boyfriend, nor had he been abandoned like some sort of unwanted animal. Simon was allowed to have plans outside of Jace. They weren’t exclusive or anything, they had other friends, Simon apparently more so than Jace.

He tried not to think about it as he headed to the shower, trying to ignore the bitter taste and swirling in his gut as he pulled off his workout clothes and leaving a trail behind him into the bathroom. Almost as soon as he’s under the hot spray though his mind begins to wander once more. Jace knew that he and Simon spent a lot of time together, more than was probably strictly necessary but it wasn’t Jace’s fault they got along so well now that they were actively not hating on each other. Things were easy with Simon, simple even. Jace knew where he stood with the vampire and Simon never expected anything from Jace other than for him to just be himself, flaws and all. So yeah, Jace liked to spend time with Simon because he enjoyed the vampires company and the fact he was pretty to look at made it even less of a hardship to be around him.

With his thoughts already occupied with Simon it didn’t take long for Jace to go back to that day’s training, remembering vividly how Simon had looked and felt under his hands. Having Simon on top of him seemed to be the thing his mind stuck on the most, Jace almost perfectly able to imagine what he would look like bouncing up and down with his head thrown back and eyes closed, his mouth hanging open on a moan and his razor sharp fangs almost glinting in the light.

Simon was always so loud in his fantasy’s, Jace unable to imagine him not making some form of noise even if it was a loud moan or a desperate cry of Jace’s name. Everything he knew of Simon fed into it, including all the times he had seen him shirtless and hair tussled, how cold he would be under his hands as Jace gripped at his waist and pulled him down against him. Reality overlapped with fantasy, Simon all bright eyes and wide smiles as he looked down at Jace like he was heaven incarnate even as his nails dug into Jace’s chest and drew blood. It was enough for Jace, finding his release embarrassingly quickly and having to bite down on his lip to keep from moaning Simon’s name. He had stood under the shower, breathing heavily and letting the hot water run over his neck and shoulders, the last faint echo of Simon calling his name taunting Jace with what he couldn’t have.

He felt guilty afterwards, always did but just like every other time before he stomped down on the feeling, knowing full well that it wouldn’t be enough to stop him from doing it again. It was a vicious circle of want and guilt that he just couldn’t seem to get out off but he wasn’t sure he wanted to, not really. He deserved to feel that heavy feeling in his chest, like something was pressing down on him, almost suffocating him. He deserves to feel ashamed every time his eyes drop to Simon’s ass or he spent to long trying to imagine what Simon’s skin would taste like on his lips. They were supposed to be friends and Jace was treating Simon like some sort of sex object and that was something he never would have imagined liking Simon to, especially considering how much of a walking disaster the other man had been when they first met.

Feeling sufficiently guilty and a little disgusted with himself Jace had flopped back onto his bed, naked and wet and just staring up at the ceiling as he wondered what to do with his free evening. It was stupid that he had just automatically assumed he would have been spending it with Simon, not even taking it into consideration that he would have had plans of his own. That assumption had left him alone with nothing with his own mind for company and that never ended well, the silence making it to easy for Jace to get lost in his memories to the point he felt like he was drowning.

He could try Alec, it had been a few weeks since he had seen his parabatai but he was loathe to disturb his and Magnus’ wedded bliss and he really didn’t want to play the third wheel yet again. Izzy wouldn’t allow him anywhere near her, not tonight anyway considering she was on duty and had been the one to force this night off on Jace so if he so much as tried to slip back into the ops room she would kick his ass all the way back out again. With Simon off at his band practice that left Jace with very few options and he really didn’t want to spend the night alone.

Sighing he turned his head to the side, staring at his abandoned phone and trying to will it to do something that would make the choice for him. Even if it was just to cover a patrol or something equally as routine Jace would take it, just for something to do. He hated nights off, never really knowing what to do with himself unless he had someone to spend the time with. That was normally Simon, Jace having spent every day off he had had in the last two months with the vampire doing everything from going out for drinks to shopping or even just crashing at Simon’s and playing video games and watching those mundane movies that the nerd was so obsessed with.

He wasn’t sure when it had become a thing, Jace practically demanding Simon’s attention even when he was working as well as when he wasn’t but it had and Simon was always so accommodating, allowing Jace into his space and his life without so much as batting an eyelid. It had never been a problem, until now that was because now it just felt weird to have free time and Simon not being there, Jace not knowing what to do with himself without the other mans presence. The whole situation was tragic, just highlighting how pathetic he had become.

Feeling frustrated and annoyed with his own stupidity Jace shoved up off the bed and started to angrily pull on his clothes. So what if Simon wasn’t around? Jace didn’t need the vampire there constantly to function. He had survived before the idiot came stumbling into his life, all nervous chatter with an uncanny knack for getting into trouble and Jace would be fine now. He could handle one night on his own, he just needed something to do.

It shouldn’t be that hard to keep himself occupied. He could head down to the library and read, he still had a book on modern mundane history to finish that Simon had given him when he found out how much of a history buff Jace was. He could go play for a while, though he wasn’t feeling it right now he was sure once he was sat down in front of the piano something would come to him and he would be able to lose a few hours to the gentle melodies. Failing that he was sure he would be able to find someone to spar with. Sure it may be overkill considering how long he had already spent training with Simon but at least it would keep his mind occupied and he wouldn’t be distracted by his chosen victim like he always seemed to be with Simon.

There were plenty of things for him to do that didn’t include Simon. They weren’t attached at the hip, they could do things on their own, should do more things without the other hanging around. Maybe if they spent some time apart Jace would be able to look at the brunette without thinking about him naked and his family would stop badgering him to ask Simon out when he really didn’t want to.

Mind made up Jace shoved his boots on. He would start spending less time with Simon and now was a good as time as any to start. So what if it was because Simon had other plans? It was still time apart. Jace was a fully functioning adult as well as a highly capable shadowhunter. He had fought monsters that legends were made off and gone through horrors that would leave a lesser man insane. Putting some distance between him and Simon should be easy, all things considered. They would spend less time together, Jace would get his own life back and he would be able to look at Simon for longer than two minutes without thinking about him naked. It was simple really, easy even and he would start tonight by proving he didn’t need the vampire around to have a good time.

Now he just needed to decide what the actual hell he was going to do.

This is a scene from Sunlight by @kitepiper, which I did illustrations for in this year’s SW Big Ban

This is a scene from Sunlightby@kitepiper, which I did illustrations for in this year’s SW Big Bang. The scene didn’t go exactlylike this in the actual fic, but it was pretty close. Luke was considerably more tactful and considerate about what he actually said, but the thought was there and I figured it’d be funny to illustrate.

The fic is an AU where Ezra worked for the Inquisitorius for a while when he was younger, but eventually managed to escape. Now many years later with a history as a merc, he’s trying to make up for his past by helping Luke find new students to rebuild the Jedi order. He’s not excited about Luke figuring out his past, but it’s an inevitably that at some point it will come up. Sunlightis a Skybridger fic that is as flirty and cute as it is angsty, so if that’s your thing you would probably have a great time with it!

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Take Me To Church ||Alex/Michael/Maria


Fandom: Roswell, New Mexico (2019)

Characters:Alex Manes, Michael Guerin, Maria DeLuca

Content notes: Malexa vid, featuring footage from the 2x06 Airstream Scene

Music:Take Me To Church by Hozier


I rank Redwall Villains’ Ends

Note: this is all my own opinion!! Totally cool if you don’t agree :3

Also, this isn’t criticism! Redwall is my favourite series and I love all the books.

((Some of these have secondary villains included as well))

(Spoilers below cut)

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