

TOH Spoiler for 2x21 King’s Tide. An angsty Dad Darius and Son Hunter imagine.

The vice grip these two have on me.

Hunter shaking a weak and dying Darius, begging him to wake up while he himself has a sigil and was also in the process of dying had me aching.

But then I imagined if the group wasn’t with him. If he just… gave up then and there.

He doesn’t know how long he was shaking Darius for, calling his name and silently pleading in his head. But it’s useless. Darius isn’t going to wake up, and Hunter can feel himself getting weaker. He thinks about all the things he would tell Darius. How grateful he was that someone knew he was a good kid. Someone who recognizes he is a kid and that he shouldn’t have to deal with any of this.

A tear leaves his eye. He’s tired. So very tired.

He and Darius haven’t ever even hugged. But in that moment, Hunter lifts Darius’ arm and crawls under, places it over his chest as he lies down beside Darius and surrenders himself. He can hear Darius’ shallow breaths, as his own grow weaker.

He sleeps. Like a child abandoning his worries and entrusting himself to someone who will protect him.

Darius feels cold. It would be different had they hugged sooner. It would’ve been a warm embrace, had it happened sooner.

Maybe their hugs would be warm in the next life. In the next life, they would hug again and again.

Hunter couldn’t wait.

Yeah I made myself cry, what of it?

Toh headcanon

At some point after the series, Raine, Eda and Eberwolf get this shirt for Darius as a gag gift⬇

Jokes on them though because Darius secretly likes it

Darius: Hunter isn’t my son. He is a former coworker. That is ALL

Raine: Hunter just got a bag of Hot & Spicy Hex Mix

Darius: [frantically running to Hunter] NO, HUNTER! GIVE ME THAT! It will make your stomach hurt and then cause you to pass out!

Raine: Yep, definitely aren’t his dad

Eberwolf: [little gremlin snickering]


I wonder how Darius is going to react to Hunter revealing that Belos murdered his mentor, that all the golden guards were murdered, their all grimmwalkers, and that their all clones of Belos’ brother, that he murdered

Maybe Darius knew and knew the previous GG, and/or then even witnessed Belos destroy him. Then saw young, new blood Hunter come to being and knew where it was inevitably going to go for the poor kid. (do GWs start out as children or do they just get created at a certain age?)


OKAY BUT LETS IMAGINE CUTE STUFF! aka Dadrius, Hunter and Flying Derby matches HCS:

*flash forward to happy stuff and Dadrius adopting hunter, pours serotonin after The hollow mind experience she just had.*

  • Darius sewing an Emerald Entrails cape for before and after the matches.
  • Darius being told by Hunter that, even if he understand if he cant go, he would like for him to see him in a match.
  • Minutes before the match, the man arrives with his posh attire but instead of orchid colored is green because it ‘matches his eyes’ coughs he came to support his son coughs
  • “I still do not understand this sport quite we– HUNTER LOOK OUT!” Worried dad: on.
  • Random person:“sir please chill-” Darius: “you shut your face and don’t tell me what to do!” *Proceeds to be proud of his kid and his success.*
  • Angsty flavor: maybe he remembers how his mentor used to also support some of Darius interests.
  • Bonus: he maybe even met some of the E.E parent’s and they are staring at Darius because ‘Head Witch Darius is HUNTER’S DAD?!’
  • “He is Hunter’s dad?” “Well Hunter last name is (insert Darius last name here)”
  • “I’m proud of you, kid. You have really went far.” “…*meek but happy smile*”


Darius would totally go papa bear like “WHAT THAT WAS TOTALLY FOUL PLAY! REFEREE DO YOUR JOB!”


Can we talk about how Raine wanted to help Eda, but Darius held them back, but the moment Darius hears Hunter is stuck in the mindscape, he’s ready to bust a door down?

i didn’t know i was lost

Summery: Hunter can’t sleep but a chat with Darius might just change that

or, in which the secrets revealed in the emperor’s mind are still tormenting Hunter and Darius steps in to make sure he’s safe in more ways than one

Chapter: 1/1

He couldn’t sleep. No matter how hard he tried, Hunter couldn’t sleep. Not after everything…not after what he’d seen in his uc–Belos mind. He couldn’t sleep. Hell, he could barely breathe and it was driving him crazy.

Because- Because he should be better than this. He was trained to be better than this. He was the Golden Guard, he should be better than this! But the secondthat thought crossed his mind, Hunter flinched.

Trained…he was trained to be the Golden Guard. To serve his uncle. To do as told and obey. And now, now that he knew every little thing he’d been spoon fed for as long as he could remember were lies. That it was all lies. That his uncle had killed him. Killed…a version of him so many times. He didn’t–

Gasping softly, he curled into a tight ball, clenching his eyes shut and trying to breathe through the sudden stricken feeling that was making his chest hurt. “You’re okay,” he muttered to himself, desperately trying to shove the shivers of panic away. “You’re going to be okay. Just hang on.” His words were echo of Luz’s and when he noticed this, his breath hitched again and his eyes blurred.

The human had been nothing but kind to him and all he’d ever done was hurt her. Hurt her and Amity and Willow and Gus and everyone and he’d been so cruel and for what? The human had saved him and Hunter was so so angry and scared and he didn’t know why. He didn’t understand. It didn’t make sense!

A soft mumble from his left made him stiffen. But after a momentary tense nothingness, Luz just shifted in place and went back into deep slumber and Hunter breathed out in relief; not having noticed he’d stopped doing that for a second.

He’d promised the human he wouldn’t leave her side after the coven heads had brought him back.

‘The traitors,’ his inner voice hissed. An inner voice that sounded suspiciously like his un– Belos and he had to shake his head to get rid of the sudden anger he was feeling on behalf of the Emperor.

Darius, Raine and Eberwolf might be traitors but so was he now, so who was he to judge them?

Besides, they’d found him running around the forest at night, out of his mind like a stupid stupid child and Darius he… Hunter didn’t know why. He didn’t even think the man liked him half the time and yet the abomination coven head had spoken to him softly and concerned and if Hunter was being honest with himself, the shock of that bizarre out of character moment might have been the first step in grounding him. Raine’s bard music helped too of course but Darius being well un-Darius and being so patient and kind to him had been what had finally managed to calm Hunter down. And after he realized what they were doing, that it was them that were on their way to breaking into the Emperor’s mind, Hunter was just too exhausted to even muster up the anger to lash out. So instead he slumped in place. Face flushed red and clammy from tears and sweat and he’d looked up at Darius and begged him not to let him go back to the castle.

Darius has brought him back to the Owl House instead.

And the human… Luz, she’d lashed onto him the second Darius brought him out from behind him where he’d hid like a child. The Owl Lady had looked so relieved and it was all Hunter could do not to burst into tears right than and there.

The human hadn’t let him out of her site ever since. Clutching at his arm and dragging him along everywhere. Joking around lightly, eyes so very haunted yet lips pulled up into the gentlest of smiles. She nearly died in there, Hunter reminded himself over and over again as the Owl Lady finally manages to pull her attention away from Raine to dig up overnight clothes for him. The human nearly died at the hands of his uncle and here she was trying to make him feel better. Him, the boy who’d caused her and her loved ones nothing but trouble…

It was why he’d agreed to stay with her for the night. To stick by her side and make sure she was safe. It was the least he could do, after everything.

And now here he was. Luz clutching his hand, sleeping soundly and him wide awake trying to not lose to his own mind every time it drifted towards what he’d seen in the Emperor’s mind. Wondering if he would come for him. When he would come for him. Wondering if the owl lady would turn him out the second she realized how much danger he would bring down on her family.

He couldn’t sleep.

Damn it, he couldn’t sleep.

Wiggling his hand lose from the human girl’s grip, he stealthily got to his feet and tip-toed out of her bedroom. He wasn’t planning on running away or anything but maybe fresh air would do him some good and then he could think up a plan? Something he could do with his life now that he was essentially a nobody and maybe figure out a way to keep the residents of this house safe so they didn’t suffer from the backlash of housing him; even if it was only for a day.

Making his way down the stairs, shushing Flapjack when his Palisman found him and started chirping away in worry; likely waking up the second he did. Hunter managed to reach the front door without disturbing the two occupants of the living room; Raine and Eberwolf. And finally made his way outside. Sighed softly and taking a deep gulp of fresh air and–

“What are you doing out here?”

And yelping as he spun around to come face to face with Darius sitting crossed legged on the grass just a couple of feat away from the sleeping door owl thingy.


A lifted eyebrow. “Last time I checked yeah.”

Hunter scowled. “Whatever,” he said. “I only came out here for some air.” His words were no louder than a whisper; for fear of waking the weird owl tube door creature and Darius seemed to recognize this fact for he chuckled softly and beckoned him closer.

“You shouldn’t be out and about kid, there are unknown dangers lurking at every corner you know.”

Now Hunter’s scowl was transforming into a glare. “I’m the Golden Gua–” then he froze and from the way Darius face transformed from smug to a sympathetic frown in an instant, Hunter could only image how stricken he must have looked at his slip up. “I’m still capable,” he tacked on, stuttering and floundering but refusing to be looked at like that. He wasn't….he didn’t have to be the Golden Guard to be… he was fully capable of defending himself!

“Oh I know,” Darius hummed, examining him with a heavy gaze and making Hunter squirm. “Doesn’t mean you should wander around at night knowing what you know.”

Hunter bit back a flinch and hurried to shrug casually instead. “I couldn’t sleep.”


He nodded. “Yeah.”

“I’m not surprised kid.” Darius paused. “Want to talk about it?”

Hunter was shaking his head before the older man had finished his sentence. “No. I can figure it out on my own. I don’t need to talk about anything.”

“Then prey tell how do you plan to get some rest?”

“I don’t need rest,” Hunter hissed. “I have gone days without rest before. This is fine. I can stay awake for three days without losing efficiency!”

Darius face went carefully blank and Hunter found himself suddenly on edge now that he couldn’t read the other man’s facial features anymore. “What?” he asked.

“I’ve always known your circumstances at the castle wasn’t easy but,” Darius trailed off then shook his head as if he’d decided to voice what had him suddenly look so troubled. “Never mind. Come here,” he said, patting the empty grass next to him. “Sit down.”

“I’m fine,” Hunter said but for some odd reason, he found himself shuffling closer to the man anyway.

Maybe deep down in his stupid traitorous mind, he’d substituted the sense of safety he felt with Luz around for the one Darius was giving off the minute he was too far away from the human.

It was honestly quite pathetic how much he needed company when he’d grown up his entire life not having had any. One mental breakdown and somehow he had transformed himself into a needy crybaby.

His uncle would have been disgusted/

Sitting down next to the coven head, too lost in thought to notice his surroundings, Hunter flinched violently as a purple material was suddenly draped over him. “Sorry about that,” Darius muttered; sounding sincere as he wrapped his arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer. “You looked cold. I didn’t think.”

“It’s fine. I’m fine. I should have been more aware–,” Hunter’s words died in his throat as he finally looked down at whatever Darius had thrown over him and–

Eyes widening, Hunter stared up at Darius with a gaping mouth. Did the man… had the abomination coven head just given him a side hug and used his beloved cape to keep him warm?!

Was Hunter seeing things?! What was even happening?! Sharing his amazement with Flapjack; the little bird twittering in happiness where it rested on his leg, he looked back at the coven head again. Not quite believing his eyes.

Sure Darius had been really understanding and nice when he’d found him shivering and crying and being an utter mess (not one of his finest moments Hunter would like admit) but now? Now that he was safe and the Owl Lady had agreed to house him for a while, there was no need for Darius to be this nice. He could just wash his hands off him and go on his marry way, free to overthrow his uncle now that Hunter no longer was trying to bust his secret group of traitorous rebels and yet…

“Don’t look at me like that,” the coven head huffed, pulling him even closer and securing the surprisingly warm material tighter round his chest. “I said I was sorry.”

“Yeah, of course…I…yeah,” Hunter stuttered, eyes still wide but mouth thankfully now closed. “I… thanks.”

“No problem kid.”

They stayed like that for a while. Comfortable silence surrounding them like an old friend but Hunter’s mind was racing and finally he couldn’t help but ask the one question that had been lurking in his head. “Why don’t you call me that anymore?”

Darius shifted, his hand that had been rubbing soothing circles on Hunter’s forearm temporarily stilling. Hunter instantly regretted asking, for whether Darius had realized it or not, he’d quite liked being soothed but then the motion was back and the young teen found himself relaxing again. “What do you mean?”

“You don’t call me little prince anymore,” Hunter muttered; turning away to pat Flapjack. “I don’t understand why.”

A heavy sigh and then- “I called you that to annoy you kid. You clearly didn’t like it and now that we know what Belos has been doing to you,” he sighed again. “It would make me a right asshole if I continued to call you that.”


“Yeah,” Darius huffed.

Hunter remained still for a moment just letting the warmth of the cape engulf him and the tiny little circles Darius was painting on his forearm sooth away his worries. “Does that mean you’ll start calling me by my name from now on?”

Darius snorted. “Not on your life kid.”

“Yeah,” Hunter huffed; carefully oh so carefully leaning onto Darius’s shoulder and nearly sagging in relief when the older man didn’t immediately shove him away and closed his eyes. “I figured as much.”

Darius chuckles; hand coming up to ruffle his hair and remain there. Hunter’s lips quirk up ever so slightly.

“I’m tired,” he muttered.

“Then sleep.”

And Hunter did just that.

The next morning when Eda and Raine are forced outside by an eager Hooty to witness a tiny ball of Hunter curled up against the sleeping frame of one abomination coven head; little flapjack nestled in the kid’s hair, it’s all Eda and Raine can do not to wake the three peaceful sleepers with their loud cooing and picture takings.

“I’m going to go wake up Luz,” Eda whisper-yelled, shaking Raine. “She is so going to love this!

And of course Luz did. It was adorable as hell.

The End
