#toh raine

I can’t wait to ship them <3

I can’t wait to ship them <3

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The owl lady

Just some Raine doodles… my beloved

Raine Whispers will be the character that finally drives me to write fanfiction for the Owl House, I just-



two of hearts

two hearts that beat as one

#star’s art    #toh fanart    #the owl house    #raedalyn    #toh raeda    #raine whispers    #eda clawthorne    #eda toh    #raine toh    #toh eda    #toh raine    

they’re so silly

#toh raeda    #raedalyn    #toh fanart    #the owl house    #toh eda    #toh raine    #raine whispers    #eda clawthorne    

toh theory: eda’s destruction/decay magic can be used to destroy coven sigils—and she destroyed darius and eberwolf’s sigils during eda’s requiem 

that’s why darius thinks that eda can be used to counteract the draining spell on the day of unity—he knows for a fact that she can get rid of the coven brands, which would ruin belos’s plan. 


darius was completely covered by eda’s magic, and we don’t see it clearly, but eberwolf’s hands/arms (where their coven brand would be) were likely also hit

meanwhile raine ended the spell before it could get to their arms, hence why their brand wasn’t destroyed and kikimora was able to use it against them later


Cool Aunt Lilith doesn’t seem to have a coven brand either, even though she was the head witch of the Emperor’s Coven, and I doubt he just like. removed her brand after she betrayed him. so her brand could have been destroyed when she took half the curse from Eda. 


and this might be an animation error, but guess who else had bare forearms in a recent ep?

#toh spoilers    #the owl house    #toh eda    #toh raine    #toh darius    #toh lilith    #eda toh    #darius toh    #raine toh    #lilith toh    
shout out to raine. gotta be one of my favorite genderscomission are open!buy me a coffee?

shout out to raine. gotta be one of my favorite genders

comission are open!

buy me a coffee?

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#raine whispers    #toh raine    #the owl house    #toh fanart    #raine toh    #doodle    #sketch    

I was watching Follies Day Coven Parade again and I noticed something

The music score that Eda and Raine use is in an alto clef. I know that this music score is just supposed to be random notes attach to make it look like something but it honestly kinda bothers me that Raine is playing what I’m assuming is a violin and reading alto clef. I mean I know it can happen but it just don’t make any sense to me. Usually alto clef is meant for violas. I’m a music nerd so of course I had to point this out. Also I tried playing the music and it’s weird. Let me know if you wanna hear what it sounds like. Or atleast what I’m assuming it sounds like because there isn’t even a proper time measure. It looks like its leaning more into ¾. Idk someone tell me different.

Imagine Raine is falling but Eda catches them but their too heavy

Eda: I can’t hold onto you, you’re too heavy

Raine: Pretend I’m your child Eda

Eda: *loosens grip*


Raine Whispers, my beloved

Raine Whispers, my beloved

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«I won’t be alone anymore»

#the owl house    #toh collector    #the collector    #toh raine    #toh alador    #toh amity    #toh hunter    #toh spoilers    #toh willow    

The Hollow Mind aftermath we need

Eda and Stan: looking like the person they care about to stop the bad guy’s evil plan

I’m posting this now since my friends and I are going to have a watch party for the finale the day after it’s released.

Anyways here are my personal predictions. I wish everyone luck, this season has hit me like a fucking bus.

When he’s an asshole with a soft spot for traumatized kids

Listen. Darius is my number one, always.

But the way Raine said their name in this scene, the way they introduced themself, the WINK??

Lord, that was the most attractive thing ever my heart melted and exploded in bisexual.


The way everyone guessed Raine and Darius’ teasing dynamic accurately in fanfics (specifically the fics where Darius adopts Hunter) and now it’s canon.

I have been fed.

Who is likely to take Hunter in + How is drives the story:

Chances are I’m going to edit this post along the way but these are my thought so far just after 2x17 events.

Starting with The Owl House:

Considering we already have 2x17, they seem less likely as of now. I would’ve assumed they chased Hunter down but with all of them wanted and so close to being arrested, it’s probably not the safest for Hunter to be there. But what about after the events of the story?

After, it definitely seems possible. They’re clearly making a sibling dynamic between Luz and Hunter (as if they don’t have that already). And it would be good for him to branch out and learn the ways of wild magic, especially away from Belos. This family, especially Luz, are so good at making others see another point of view and keeping an open mind. It would be nice to see them try to help Hunter and make him feel comfortable. Showing that just because he wasn’t born like other witches or even humans, he still gets to be his own person. And we all know Eda loves adding more people to the family. But at the same time, Hunter and Eda need time to build a connection. At the moment, it seems more like a “I’ll take him on weekends and holidays” kind of deal rather than a permanent situation but I definitely see them becoming family whether they live together or not.

In terms of where we are this the story right now, it would be a lot to focus on. With Luz going back home, King’s new identity, and everyone clearly keeping it hidden that they’re upset Luz will head home soon, the story would be pretty thick if Hunter were added on though I wouldn’t mind much. That being said, I’m sure they’ll meet again either planning a rebellion or somewhere within the rebellion.


Chances are Hunter is in a group chat with the Emerald Entrails after the events of 2x13 ASIAS. Out of everyone on the team, Hunter would most likely ask for Willow’s help as he clearly respects her as captain. It would be a nice place for him to stay away from Castle grounds and have somewhere cozy. Plus Willow seems to have no ill will towards Hunter as she’s awaiting “Caleb’s next day off.”

These two are clearly made to be parallels of each other via being “half witches.” I’d even make the argument that they’re foils of one another.

When we first meet Willow in S1, she’s bullied, has one friend, and is lacking self-confidence. It isn’t until she’s thrown into the plant track where we see her blossoming (hehe). With Hunter, we saw him at the top of his game as the Golden Guard and Emperor’s right hand man. Now he’s lost all of that and is disgusted at the thought of being the G.G successor. If Hunter is with Willow, we would get more Willow and Gus (I’m assuming) content. Willow would help Hunter the same way Luz and Gus helped her. She would help him find his confidence and sense of meaning in this world.

Now the problems: 1. Did Hunter have his scroll with him when he chased down Team RED (Raine, Eber, Darius) into the Night Market or did he leave it at the castle? I guess Flapjack (DAMN YOU PANCAKES) would be able to get it by flying up to his window but something tells me he wouldn’t leave Hunter alone like that even for a couple minutes in case something happens.

2. How would Willow’s dads react to having a 16 year old boy who’s literally the G.G and on the run in their house? But that could be easily fixed by having them be chill with it or making up a cover story and lying to them. Which would lead to conflict later but oh well chaotic route for the win.

Even if Hunter isn’t with Willow, I definitely think they’ll have room to grow together in the future and I’m excited to see how that happens.

Darius (Raine and Eber?):

I shall admit my bias here. I want Darius to take Hunter in. But I also think that’s the route we’re heading towards and he’s the most plausible guardian for Hunter.

Let’s start by saying Darius isn’t the kindest. He’s definitely not perfect taking into consideration “you don’t deserve to wear that patch,” and “Darius ignored me as per usual” in Hunter’s palisman observations (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s on YouTube. Dana did a stream).

That being said, it’s clearly depicted that Darius is not what he seems. He’s actively rebelling against Belos and was kind enough to give Hunter a scroll to contact his friends outside of the castle and pat him on the head. Bare minimum, I know, but that kindness has been foreign to Hunter for the past 16 years. Not only that but he shows genuine concern and panic over Hunter being trapped in Belos’ mind. I like the idea that they can make and grow their own family together. It would be nice to see them mourn and heal together.

It seems set up perfectly anyways. The fact that Hunter starts acting on his own accord the same time we find out that Darius was the previous G.G’s protege? Darius didn’t like that Hunter was Belos’ little lap dog. And that we know all of the previous G.G’s rebelled against Belos at some point and now Darius is as well and Hunter is on his way to doing so? He could help Hunter stand his ground. They could learn about Grimwalkers together as Darius knows Hunter’s predecessor, he knows the most about the previous G.G and he definitely knows something isn’t right over the fact that his mentor disappeared and this kid looks so similar. Darius has something to fight for with his connection to the G.G but now it has purpose and meaning cause he’s looking after Hunter.

Their stories align so perfectly.

Not only would we be able to focus on Hunter’s story cleanly about finding his own sense of dignity and self-worth, we get to see Darius humbled and step up, ready to fill in the role of a mentor and even a positive father figure in Hunter’s life. He gets to give back to his mentor by taking care of Hunter. It’s also worth noting, it would push Team RED’s objective and tie it to the main plot too. We’d get to see more of their story and how they started working together after Eda’s Requiem. It would be the smartest writing move with what we have so far.

Not to mention, chances are they found him already. You can’t tell me after such a strong reaction from Darius, plus Raine clearly wanting to help Eda get her kid (and their future stepdaughter) back, they just gave Eda the teleportation potion and dipped. I figured they would’ve stayed hidden to ensure Luz and Hunter made it out safely which means they could’ve seen the direction Hunter ran and followed him.

Only problem is: Would Hunter trust the three coven heads? After everything he went through, it would most likely take him a while to trust an adult in power, especially ones so close to Belos. And I feel like the only safe place they would hide him in where he can have access to basic needs are either if they have their own individual homes away from the castle, or maybe the BATS hideout that we saw in Eda’s Requiem.

Honestly, knowing this show and it’s creator, I wouldn’t be surprised if they went with none of those and surprise us somehow.

Regardless, I feel like all three of these are good choices and it’s nice to realize how many people care for Hunter and at the end of this hopefully he’ll have the biggest found family that ever found familied. Fingers crossed he isn’t just camping in the woods alone and cold.

They just make me really happy.

They just make me really happy.

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#edaraine    #raine whispers    #eda clawthorne    #the owl house    #toh season 2    #toh eda    #toh raine    #my art    


I got to do young raine today for a tiny con my friend hosted! It was so fun!

Why is Raine wearing that uniform?

They were transferred to hexid but still wears their old uniform!

Everyone stop saying that Raine is a traitor

They are not!! Look at them! Is that a face of a traitor??

I know that face Raine, please don’t

Raine’s experessions doesn’t seem good
