


I stan two queens

Honestly i enjoyed this episode a lot more than the first. 

We had a melancholy, sad, nostalgic medieval environment before the great battle. People might even say it was a fan service but it was a good heart felt episode. We will no more have episodes or moments like those because things are going to change dramatically and for worse (maybe).

There were meetings, conversations and moments that the fans deserved. 

  • I liked Dany and Sansa scene, because we saw 2 women that had different experiences that shaped them, the way both are today its because of their own past and hardships in life. They are just incompatible and thats ok. We do not need a war between the fandoms of Sansa and Dany lovers.
  • Arya is a woman not a child anymore. She´s free strong bold and she deserve a sexual life/encounter. 
  • I dont understand why the are hint us Theon and Sansa possible romance, Theon is probably going to die and if not, he does not have a cock. Sansa need to have kids for the Stark lineage.
  • Dany this season is passing trough a massive identity transformation, like Jon/Aegon, the world they both knew is over, the person they though they were does not match reality. Dany is seeing for the first time, that not everyone sees her dragons or her army or her speech and becomes her fan. She needed this. And i hope they dont transform her into a mad queen. I hope that is just a identity transformation for a better version of her.