#daenerys targeryan

annieodair: High in the halls of the kings who are goneJenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones sheannieodair: High in the halls of the kings who are goneJenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones sheannieodair: High in the halls of the kings who are goneJenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones sheannieodair: High in the halls of the kings who are goneJenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones sheannieodair: High in the halls of the kings who are goneJenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones sheannieodair: High in the halls of the kings who are goneJenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones sheannieodair: High in the halls of the kings who are goneJenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones sheannieodair: High in the halls of the kings who are goneJenny would dance with her ghostsThe ones she


High in the halls of the kings who are gone
Jenny would dance with her ghosts
The ones she had lost and the ones she had found
And the ones who had loved her the most

The ones who’d been gone for so very long
She couldn’t remember their names
They spun her around on the damp old stones
Spun away all her sorrow and pain

And she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave
Never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave

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Queen Dany Targaryen of Seven Kingdoms

Of course since the books haven’t been completed yet Just how Dany get’s to the sticky note that D&D based season 8 on remains a mystery. But let’s have some fun and imagine for a moment that she does become Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. If you haven’t picked up on it yet I decided really early on to base Targaryen fashion very loosely of that of Imperial Russia (Anastasia is always on my mind and if you look at the first Dany all the way back in… November? September? There’s some Anastasia sleeves & crown going on)

So after she leaves her conquest of Slaver’s Bay/The Great Grass Sea she starts to use Targaryen fashion to reassert her claim for the Iron Throne. She has been wearing Kokoshnik-inspired crowns/tiara’s from the beginning, and hopefully the pattern of trailing sleeves and high decorative collars creates a nice through line as she redefines her identity as the Targaryen Heir.

I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram,Patreon

Dany goes to the North

Let’s assume that one day Winter will arrive in the ASOIAF Westeros and Dany will have to go North to assist with The Long Night (before or after taking care of Cersei/the scramble for the Iron Throne idk).

I had a lot of fun designing a Winter outfit for Dany. Incorporating furs, recognizable jewelry, a combination of the blinding whites and deep Targaryen red/purples. Especially because I knew I could layer up sooooo much fabric and fur XD. She must be so cold in this new extreme-opposite climate.

I am the artist!!! Don’t repost without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: Instagram,Patreon

I can’t help imagining her like:

yay … a sword … how neat … Now can someone please hold this inconvenience for me while I go and turn my enemies to ashes by the thousands with a single dragon flame (¬‿¬)

I am waiting for the moment when Daenerys tells those two guys that they can’t be both called ‘Aegon’

“From now on I name you 'Left’ and 'Right’” - Queen of Thorns style :D

So, after reading a bit into comments and theories about Young Griff/Aegon - which I certainly should not have done because many of those are really appalling – it seems that basically Dany is a total Queen for the same things for which Aegon gets mocked and abused. LOL!

And that’s when comparing them is completely nonsensical anyway.

It’s measuring up »Character A«, that we saw very little of and have no insight (POV) into, to »Character B«, that we have hundreds of pages on (both 3rd Person and POV) – and then judge »Character A« on the grounds of »Character B«.

From the tiny bits we saw of Aegon, it’s not even possible to create a reliable characterization – not if you’re not just trying to shove bias into the gaps as it suits you and execute some wishful condemnation.


For example, one of the accusations towards Aegon that I read quite commonly is that he is arrogant. Not that I would even see that between the lines – but that’s where I am as positively biased towards him as others are negatively biased towards him. Yet apart from that, Dany has a whole lot of scenes – every time she acts as a Khaleesi or Queen in particular – where she is arrogant or at least tries to be. Furthermore, she constantly goes on about all her titles, about being the blood of the dragon, and demands her people to cross the world with her to get her the throne she believes to be hers. That she is fearing and doubting and insecure, we only know from her POV – and the only reason why we do not know about Aegon’s inner monologue is that we did not see any yet. That, however, does not mean that he is a plain, empty caricature who is all that little bit of Tyrion- and JonCon-POV and nothing more. GRRM does not create plain caricature characters – so it’s very unlikely that there is not very much more to his character than the little we saw.

Another accusation often read is that he is naive and inexperienced – and for this, he is compared to Dany, Jon or Robb. But they WERE exactly that: Naive and inexperienced. They grew from it, but they have been with us for a very long time. We saw them grow from being little more than a child to the characters they are today, or to their demise. But Aegon has been sheltered away until basically today. He studied the world, but he has no experience with people. He, just like the others, will either grow or find his demise. Robb was hugely naive throughout his whole campaign, he was just lucky for a while. He headed out to safe, then avenge his father, and it got turned into a wanna-be-king-megalomania. Dany was a scared, little mouse until she found the strength to grow. Jon was as entitled as a bastard could be and pretty arrogant at that until Donal Noye and the rest of the Night’s Watch set his head right. Or take Renly who proved to be stubborn and naive beyond anything when his entire justification for wanting to supplant his older brother was: “people like me more than Stannis“.

Aegon has no tale like that YET. He has been on a boat, hidden away, sheltered. He is just starting out into the world. So comparing him to where Jon and Dany are today, or where Renly and Robb were before they ended, is really absurd. No matter how far the rest of the story is advanced, he is still at the beginning.

Now, please don’t get me wrong: Dany is a wholesome, fascinating character. She has her flaws and strengths because she is not just a caricature. But exactly that is what makes the way Aegon is treated so unfair.


And regardless if he is Aegon or only Young Griff, he is a boy of ~16 who has not seen much of the world. Yes, Daenerys is younger, but she has also been through a lot of shit already – which is not Aegon’s fault, nor is it his fault, that he is inexperienced.

Yes, he assumes that Daenerys will marry him – but so does Daenerys! When she thinks about the son of her older brother at one time, she believes that, had the boy lived, she would have married him because it would have been natural. Targaryens did that sort of thing. Daenerys grew up with that knowledge, just as Aegon did. The idea, that Dany might have a different idea on the matter, makes Aegon react angrily, though it’s not clear whether he is angry that he has been treated like he is a stupid child by Tyrion, whether he feels offended by the idea that Dany might not accept his hand in marriage – or whether he is completely shocked by the idea that all the stuff he has been fed his whole life might not work out as smoothly. It is so easy to read »spoiled brat« into that, but this is only Tyrion’s POV – and Tyrion was in a very bleak mood at that time. We see Aegon being friendly and gentle, laughing and joking, smart and a good student, helping and even saving Tyrion – yet it is that one moment at the Cyvasse Board that people use to judge his character – though that moment was so much more soul wrenching to him that just him losing the game.

All in all, judging Aegon on the same grounds as judging Daenerys makes absolutely no sense. Nothing of this is his doing, either. He is a young boy who is still trying to find his bearings in a world that probably consists only of lies. He might be just a pawn in a play, or he might be the last dragon, and then he is the rightful heir – no matter if Daenerys likes that or not.

Holy shit. Reading into theories and the ASOIAF fandom makes me want to steer far from it.

Where does all this racism and fan&character-shaming come from?

Can I please just like Young Griff/Aegon and believe he is exactly what he claims to be, because I love authors bringing in a main player late? Can I enjoy him because him appearing now fucks up all the planning just for the lulz?

May I just hope for Daenerys trying to fry him and realise that he doesn’t burn, to which he retorts with: „Ok auntie. Now that we settled that, could we please just start burning down Westeros?“

A lil update on a portion my Dany piece, still so… so far from finished but we’re getting there, lads! I think posting my progress really keeps me motivated to finish my work, so expect a couple more dumb updates before the piece is finished :)

(And once again, Tumblr fucks up the resolution :) We love that.)

Just a lil’ WIP of ACOK chapter 48 (Daenerys IV) or, as I like to call it, the chapter that made me love ASoIaF. Posting this now bc it will probably be a loooong time before a finished product ever sees the light of day :\

daenerys stormborn targaryean

fyiceandfire: There are no more slaves. There are no more Masters. fyiceandfire: There are no more slaves. There are no more Masters.


There are no more slaves. There are no more Masters.

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